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The Citizen, 2008-03-27, Page 10
PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2008. Well done Grades 1-3 students from Brussels and Grey Central Public School had their chance to speak off at the Brussels Legion on March 19. Back row, from left: youth education chairman, John Lowe; Emily Terpstra, Grey; Connor DenDekker, Brussels, who took second place; Harmoni Main, Grey; Daniel Fritz, Brussels; assistant youth education chair, Nanci Ducharme. Front: Heather Hastings, Brussels, Delayna Smith, Grey, who took first place and moves on to the District competition in Seaforth this weekend. (Bonnie Gropp photo) Top talkers The winning public speakers from Brussels and Grey Central Public School competed in the Legion speakoff in Brussels March 19. Back row, from left: youth education chair John Lowe; Mackenzie McGavin, Brussels, who took second place; Matthew Terpstra, Grey; Chelsey Terpstra, Grey; assistant youth education chair Nanci Ducharme. Front: Heidi Bachert, Grey, who claimed first place; Austin Johnson, Brussels and Brianne Oldridge, Brussels. The first-place winner moves on to District competition in Seaforth this weekend. (Bonnie Gropp photo) By Jo-Ann McDonaldThe Brussels Legion weekstarted with an executivemeeting. There were sixexecutive members present and the important issues were addressed. A request came from Tracy (Bosman) McLelland about donating two wreaths of remembrance to be laid at the war memorials in France this summer. She is leading a tour group to France and Vimy and to many of the cemeteries and war memorials. They will take part in remembrance services and lay wreaths on behalf of the people of Huron County. The Branch granted this request with pleasure and deep appreciation that Tracy included the Brussels Branch in her plans. The Branch was the venue for the funeral luncheon for the family and friends of the late Rollie Marks. The Brussels Public School fundraising committee for the Grade 8 graduation held its first euchre party at the Branch on Wednesday afternoon. There were six tables of players having a fun afternoon. Prizes were won for high scores, Charlie Shaw and Neil Hatt; low scores, Betty Hulley and Barbara Dunbar and lone hands, Helen Dobson and Earl McNaughton. The school is going to have the euchres every two weeks and hopes more folks will come out and enjoy the afternoon. Start time is 1 p.m. A most exciting event in the Legion year is the annualpublic speaking contest.Youth education chairmanJohn Lowe organized theevent for students from Brussels and Grey Central Public Schools. President Jo- Ann McDonald welcomed those in attendance. The first group of six speakers were Grades 1-3: Harmoni Main (Grey) who spoke on Patrick’s Dinosaurs; Emily Terpstra (Grey), Animal Baby; Connor DenDekker (Brussels), Sooo Noisy; Daniel Fritz (Brussels), Mrs. Mitchell in the Library and She Won’t Come Out; Heather Hastings (Brussels), Heather Be Quiet and the winner Delayna Smith (Grey), Trials/Tribulations of the Smith farm. Grades 4-6 speakers were: MacKenzie McGavin (Brussels), Positive Thinking; Brianne Oldridge (Brussels), What I Want To Be When I Get Older; Chelsea Terpstra (Grey), Getting Old; Austin Johnson (Brussels), Bull/Rodeo; Matthew Terpstra (Grey), My Dog Compared to Scooby Doo; and the winner Heidi Bachert (Grey), Sharing a Room. The senior division Grades 7-9 had five speakers take part: Brandon Stolz (Grey), Animal Abuse and Fur Coats; Colleen Egger (Grey), How Dreaded Speeches Are; Hailey Bachert (Brussels), Nicaraguan Vacation; Heather Bone (Brussels), Poverty and the winner Jacob McGavin (Brussels), Making a Difference.Congratulations to all of thespeakers for doing anexcellent job on theirspeeches and best of luck to the winners who advance to the District public speaking in Seaforth on March 29. The Thursday night darts had 10 taking aim at the boards. The first-place team was Marlene Little and Gord Jacklin. The second place team was Sharon Robbins, Roger McHardy and John Harrison. The high shots were by John Vye 120 and Marlene with 105. The Saturday afternoon euchre had 9 1/2 tables of players. The first-place team was Ed and Marie Stewart with 81 points. The second- place team was Marjorie Mogk and Doreen Skinner with 75 points. Georgina and Edythe Roney placed third with 71 points. The low team of the day was Mabel Willis and Helen Dobson with 42 points. Lucky lone-hand winners were Millie Johnston and Lloyd Appleby. Saturday, the Branch also hosted the Huron County men’s dart league team playoffs. They had a great day with lots of players on hand. There were four players off to participate in District euchre in Belmore on Saturday. The team of Eric Ross, Lloyd Glanville, Sandra Josling and replacement player Jo-Ann McDonald had a good day but the luck of the cards wasn’t with them. Al w a y s r e a d a n d f o l l o w l a b e l d i r e c t i o n s . F o r f u ll tr i al r e s u l t s , v i s i t w w w .a g s o l u t i o n s .c a /p l a n t h e a l t h *A v e r a g e y i e l d i n c r e a s e b a s e d o n s i d e -b y -s i d e t r i a l s o f h i g h -y i e l d i n g hy b r i d s in On t a r io an d Qu e b e c in 20 07 . Ag S o l u t i o n s an d HE A D L I N E ar e r e g is t e r ed tr a d e m a r k s of B A S F . © 20 0 8 BA S F Ca n a d a In c . 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