HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-03-27, Page 2The regular meeting of Morning
Star Rebekah Lodge held March 11
at Brussels Lodge Hall had guests
visiting from Ruth Lodge #2
President of the Rebekah
Assembly, Sister Dorothy Lawrence,
and District Deputy President, Sister
Marjorie Gibson of Huron Perth
District #23, were special guests.
They brought greetings from the
Assembly. During the meeting they
had the honour of presenting Sister
Sarah Stephenson with a certificate.
Her veteran’s jewel was updated for
50 years as Rebekah Sister of
Morning Star Lodge #315.
A successful casserole supper and
euchre party was held March 17.
The door prize was won by Joan
Jacobs. Eleanor Stevenson and
Lawrence Plaetzer won share the
Eight tables of euchre followed.
Winners were: high lady, Thelma
Wilson; low lady, Linda Minielly;
high man, Lloyd Smith; low man,
John Brown; ladies’ lone hands,
Beryl Smith; men’s lone hands, Mr.
Tally draws were held and
everyone went home with a prize.
Prizes left over are being given to
the food bank.
Contrary to a report in the March
13 issue of The Citizen, Huron East
council moved to table a motion that
would accept the quotation from
Somers Electric to install a fan and
limit switch in the Brussels Fire Hall
at a cost of $2,734.93 to the
Council tabled the motion until
further quotations are obtained.
The Citizen apologizes for any
confusion this may have caused.
Hallelujah the time of Easter is
here! No matter the weather, Easter
brings the spring back to your step.
Even with the temperature below
zero and Eater so early, it still brings
joy. Even the snow didn’t seem so
bad with Easter weekend in full
Area churches celebrated the high
point of the Christian year on
Sunday. Symbols of Easter
decorated the space and music filled
the rooms. This is the time to
celebrate. Easter Sunday is the time
to let the world know that in the
sadness of life, we are not alone and
a loving Presence, many of us call
God will guide us.
The flowers, the butterflies, the
eggs are all real things that remind us
that even though something appears
dead and gone, with time and faith
and patience, new life bursts forth.
Hallelujah Easter is here.
With celebrations at the ready and
a long weekend to spend, many
visitors were in Brussels to join with
family and friends for a time of
renewal, celebration and of course
good food.
Each family has their own
traditions and some foods are just
part of the celebration in that house.
So I hope you had a chance to join
with others to celebrate the hint that
spring may be coming.
The Gowing clan decided that
March 8 was their time to celebrate
this year, because so many of them
just wouldn’t be here, if Mother
Betty hadn’t been born. The
offspring – Thelma, Rosemary,
Dave, Neil, Nancy, Ken and Paul are
scattered throughout Ontario as well
as Grand Village, Nova Scotia so it
takes a little preparation to gather
together. Nasty weather didn’t stop
the party that started on Saturday
and didn’t wind down until Monday,
as neighbours old and recent joinedthe celebration of 85 birthdays.Poppa Carl was looking down fromheaven shaking his head admiringthe good kids he and Betty gave theworld.March 22 was water day – if youdidn’t stop and think about the wateryou take for granted on Saturday, doit now. We are blessed in Canada to
have clean water. Our governments
sees it as a priority to insure safe
water comes from our taps. Many
nations are not so fortunate.
Our reality now, is that we have
one world and all the water comes
from the same sources. Plastic
bottles leaching in a landfill,
chemicals and hormones we use will
get to the water table. We share the
water and all the good and bad that’s
in it. We need to cherish this
precious commodity and pass only
good water on to our descendants.
Enjoy the sunshine, it’s melting
the snow very nicely.
Betty G.W.
Oops! Our mistake
Brussels Curling Club’s third
draw results are: first, 48.5 points,
skip Jo-Ann McDonald, vice Tom
Warwick, second Jeff Cardiff and
lead Mary Bernard; second, 47.5
points, skip Mike Alexander, vice
Catherine Thomet, second Debbie
Campbell and lead Murray Pepper;
third, 46 points, skip Murray
Hoover, vice Annette Lewington,
second John Dorsch and lead Don
rink wins
Stratford guests
visit Morning Star
Helping hands
The Sunday school children were busy in the kitchen of
Melville Presbyterian Church Easter morning serving up
breakfast for the congregants. Jasmine Vader did a fine job
on toast duty. (Vicky Bremner photo)
By BettyGraberWatsonCall 887-6236887-9231A NOTE FROM BETTY
401 Turnberry St., Brussels 519-887-8011
More than just a great sandwich!
Friday, March 28 9 pm - 12 midnight
Live Music in the Upper Deck
at Cinnamon Jim’s with Blues Guitarist
Shawn Kellerman
5 pm - 7 pm
Friday Night
March 28 ~ Prime Rib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95
~ Lasagna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.95
April 4 ~ Stuffed Baked Salmon . . . . $12.95
~ Pat’s Cabbage Rolls . . . . . . . $9.95
April 11 ~ Chicken Cordon Bleu . . . . . $13.95
~ Lasagna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.95
Tickets $10 advance; $12 at the door
Available at Cinnamon Jim’s or Ernie King Music in Wingham & Goderich
TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE (Age of majority required)
Ask about catering for your get-togethers ~ seating for 50 ~ available in our upper deck room.
Brussels Optimist Club
Annual Dinner
& Auction
On Saturday, April 5
The Brussels Optimists will be holding their
Annual Dinner & Auction
at the B.M. & G. Community Centre
To donate items contact any Optimist Member.
Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.
Tickets available from any Optimist Member
or call 519-887-6502 or 519-887-6836.
Proceeds to Make A Wish Foundation
Susan Jared vanVliet, John vanVliet,
Thea Harding, Jacquie Waechter
or Kathy Nichol
Brussels ~ 519-887-6951
is no longer licensed
under L.L.B.O.
Effective immediately
Huron community Family Health Team
- Brussels Clinic
If you are already a patient of Dr. Dan Rooyakkers, Dr. Dan Eickmeier,
Dr. Jason Datema, Dr. Heather Percival, or Dr. Carolin Shepherd, the
Huron community Family Health Team will start Tuesday, April 1, 2008
booking appointments at the Brussels Clinic with our Nurse Practitioner,
Cate Verberne.
To book an appointment call 519-887-8886 between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm on
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 and each following Tuesday.
Please note the Brussels Clinic will only be open on Tuesdays.
The clinic will be available for medical appointments and blood drawing.
All patients coming for an appointment are asked to bring all medications in
the original bottles.
Patients without a family physician may inquire about being added to an
Orphan Patient list. We continue to be proactive in recruiting more
physicians to address this issue.
evening of
dinner and
entertainment at
United Church
Friday, April 4
at 6:00 pm
Roast Beef Dinner
by the U.C.W.
With entertainment
to follow by
“Music and Madness”
Tickets $20.(in advance only)
available by calling
519-887-8267 or 519-887-9881.
439 Turnberry St., Brussels
Live Well.
❀ Manicure with Paraffin
❀ Pedicure with Paraffin
❀ Body Booster/Scrub
Reg. $170
only $149.00
Book by March 31/08
and enjoy your treatment
before April 30/08.
IInndduullggee YYoouurrsseellff......
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SSpprriinngg SSppaa SSppeecciiaall