HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-02-07, Page 7She stands before her bedroommirror, a dainty child, who practisespliés, and dreams only of growing up to be a ballerina. Unfortunately, it’s a dream that will probably never be realized. Many families live in poverty and with money going to day-to-day expenses, finding any to fund activities is impossible. It’s an anguish for parents who want to provide opportunities for their children, and a waste for the children who deserve every opportunity they can to discover their full potential. Physical and cultural activities enrich the lives of children and are important to their social and emotional development. Thanks to the Kids Booster Club and JumpStart Lake Huron, finances need no longer be the stumbling block to making a difference in a child’s life. Joan Van den Broeck of Huron- Perth Children’s Aid Society said the idea for the Kids Booster Club was formed 10 years ago. “A man who worked at Bluewater (youth dentention centre) came to see me and said that a lot of the kids there wouldn’t be if they’d had the opportunities to be involved in other activities. He felt recreation was the key to keep kids out of trouble and said he would help to raise money to see that every child had the advantage.” From this discussion a framework was built. “We knew the money would have to come from donations. At the time the government didn’t see a need really. Recreation and fitness was not on top of many minds at all.” They started slowly, she said, developing a plan and asking for sponsors. “If they donated $500 a year, they became a member and would have a say on how this operated.” Finding this sponsorship is a big issue. “We always need money. We fundraise all the time. But while the donations of any amount are very welcome, we also count on those $500 sponsorships. It’s nice to know you have that sustainable amount.” The sponsors work with Van den Broeck to fundraise as well, then she reports back on how the monies are distributed. Last year, the Kids Booster Club became part of the Canadian Tire JumpStart South Lake Huron chapter. “This is providing us with access to more money,” said Van den Broeck. JumpStart is a community-based charitable program that offers financial assistance to children for participation in activities as well. Launched in 2005 there are 240 chapters across the country. The average number of children in Huron who benefitted yearly is 100 said Van den Broeck. “Though there has been some grant money sometimes, we always spend what we have. Whatever we get goes out the door.” From Jan. 1 to Oct. 17, 2007 the Kids Booster Club benefitted 65 children to the tune of $12,835.44. Participants were from every part of the county and involvement was in athletic endevours, guiding and the arts. “We do a lot of winter sports. Theparent has to be a partner. Forexample if their child wants to playhockey they have to be able to takethem to games and be able to affordall the other extras that don’t show up in the registration fee.” It’s something that’s not usually a problem, however. “Parents will go to great lengths to make sure their child gets what they need.” The door is open for any family, said Van den Broeck. “All a parent has to do is call me. We discuss their situation; people are pretty up front about their resources; and it’s easy to evaluate where the money should go.” Before calling, Van den Broeck said it’s important that the parent find out the total cost of the program and where the cheque goes. “Then I take care of the rest.” Van den Broeck admits that the biggest obstacle for a parent to overcome in approaching her is pride. “Anyone who thinks their child could benefit will hopefully feel comfortable enough to call me. I know it’s hard to ask for help, but for the kids’ sake sometimes that’s whatyou have to do.”Confidentiality is important saidVan den Broeck and every attempt ismade to ensure it. “The only personwho should know where that cheque comes from is the organization’s treasurer and myself.” She admits that in a small community that third party knowledge may be a deterrent. “But in all fairness, we obviously can’t send the cheque to the parent. However, if there’s a situation when it becomes a problem I ask the parent to let me know.” Acknowledging that there are probably other families who don’t take advantage of the club because they are fearful of how they will be perceived if others find out is unfortunate. “Sometimes you can’t do it yourself. To suggest that there’s something wrong with someone who needs us is a miserable attitude. We are all only one paycheque away from a bad situation.” “The only thing that matters is that we put the best interest of the child ahead of all else.” THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2008. PAGE 7. Thanks to a helping hand Recreational and social activities are not always available to children if their family’s financial situation is already burdened with the cost of life’s necessities. The Kids Booster Club is there to provide opportunities, like soccer, Scouts and Guides, or music lessons, with financial support. (MS photo) Kids Booster Club there when money isn’t The Brussels Ministerial Association is sponsoring a concert by Bryan Moyer Suderman on Feb. 29 at 7 p.m. at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship. Suderman, a Canadian composer and performer, will be performing many of his own compositions, particularly from his latest CD My Money Talks. This CD was commissioned by the Mennonite Foundation of Canada who realized that, for many people talking, let alone singing about money in the context of worship does not fit. Yet Jesus’ parables and much of the Bible are filled with stories about the challenges and threats that material things can pose in our relationship with God. These issues and questions are dramatically under-represented in the life of the church and in the songs that we sing in worship. Suderman will present a collection of songs in a variety of musical styles. There will be refreshments served and a freewill offering will be taken. Brussels Ministerial hosts special concert BBLLYYTTHH PPRRIINNTTIINNGG IINNCC.. BLYTH 523-9211 PRINTING IS OUR BUSINESS • Colour • Business Printing Forms • Posters • Brochures • Letterheads • Flyers • Envelopes • Carbonless • Business Forms Cards • Labels WE CAN DO IT ALL! By Bonnie GroppThe Citizen CCllaassssiiffiieedd aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn TThhee CCiittiizzeenn aarree nnooww aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee aatt wwwwww..nnoorrtthhhhuurroonn..oonn..ccaa