HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-12-21, Page 5IN MEMOIMAM COLCLQUGH —- In loving me­ mory of George Colclough Sr., who passed away December 25, 1964. “Loving memories never die As years roll on and days, pass _ by’ In our hearts a memory is kept Of one we love and will never forget.” r-rEver , remembered by his wife, Charlotte, son David and grandchildren. 51p LANSING—In loving memory of a dear husband, Sidney Lan­ sing, who passed away sud­ denly, 2 years ago, December 20, 1965. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Beth. 51b PEARSON—In loving memory of-a dear father and grand­ father, John Pearson of Bay- field, Ont., who passed awav one year ago, Dec. 20, 1966. “Through all our troubles . he helped us along If we live like him w> will never go wrong, On earth he was loved, in Heaven he rests God bless you dad, you were one of the best.” —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Stella, John, and Douglas. 51b REAL ESTATE Income Property Located on Bayfield Road in Clinton — 6 acres with 814 ft. frontage; 2-storey brick horn a, full basement. First floor has large apart­ ment which could be made into 2 units,; second floor, two self-contained apart- ments> presently rented. Included in the list price is building lots which are serviced, and a lovely home and modern kitchen, 3-piece bath and bedroom, which rents for $65 monthly. There are plenty pf other extras. You need Only $8,500 down, and this could be your home -and investment property. Phone Jack Cummings .v 1 Tnii.; Goderich, 524-8951 ‘ Representing DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTt>. REALTOR "Rural Ontario Specialists" Ruth Van Der Meer 55 Montreal St.—Goderich 524-7875 FARMS 127 acres, close to Highway 21, 100 acres workable, 7-room house, barn with cement stabling, drilled well. 150 acres, large barn, new silo, frame house with 3-piece bath, drilled well. DAIRY FARM—Only one mile off 21 Highway, 350 acres with over 300 workable level to gently rolling clay loam, bal­ ance rough pasture with spring fed stream and some bush. Two sets of buildings, consist of 4-bedroom red brick house, 4 and 2-piece baths, moderp kitchen, furnace, 4- bedroom frame house with bath and electric heat. One barn with 46 tie ups, stable cleaner, milk house with bulk tank. Second barn for young cattle. New 80-foot steel cov­ ered implement shed complete with work shop. You will travel many a weary mile trying to find a modern dairy farm like this for? $55,000, with 5% mortgage. Representing WILFRED MdNTEE & CO., LIMITED BIRTHS DYKSTRA—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Decem­ ber 14, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dykstra, RK. 2, Clinton, a. daughted. LEPATOUREL—In Clinton Pub- lie Hospital, , on Sunday, December 17, 1967, to AC2 and Mrs. Dave LePatourel, Clinton, a son. ROBINSON—In Grace Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, Decem­ ber 18, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Robinson, a daughter, a sister for Lorrie and Kathy and a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont, Varna? VAN NINHUYS — In Clinton Public Hospital, on. Monday, December 18,1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Ninhuys, R.R. 2, Bayfield, a son. REAL ESTATE SEVEN APARTMENT building, formerly known as Commercial Hotel, for sjile. Cash $35,000. This being less than six years’ rent. Five of the apartments are furnished., hot water- system, baseboard heating, furnace good as new; cost over $5,000. All storm windows, one-car, garage; centrally /located. Apply to C. Van Damme, 108 Ontario St., Clinton. 48tfb C. BURUMA R. R. 2, Clinton •" 482-3287 FLORE VAN EYL LucknoW — 528-3618 SoltEman for John Bosvcld London, Ont. Sold from tha 15th day of May to the lot.i day of December, 1967. ’ ' Mr. Harold Good, 9-acre farm,. Colborne Tuwnship. Mrs. Charlotte Colclough, 20- acre farm; Hullett Township. Mrs. Wilson, 150-acre farm, Goderich Township. Mr. Clifford Grozier, 200-acfle farm, Ashfield Township. Mr. Clark Ball, 200-acre farm, Hullett Township. Mr. Lois Neves, 100-acre farm, West Wawanosh. Mr. Jackson Reovie, 225-acre farm, West Wawanosh. Mr. Jacksan Reovie, 100-acre farm, West Wawanosh. Mr. E. Zesh, 100-acre farm, Kinloss Township. Mrs. A. Bakker, 100-acre farm, Huron Township. Mr. Donald Donaldson, 100- acre farm, Kinloss Township. Mr, Herb van Dyk, 100-acre farm, Kinloss Township. Mr. Pieter Claus, 127-acre farm,, Hullett Township. Mr. John W. Smith, 80 acres of land, Goderich Township. Mr. Henry Bouma, 80-acre farm, Goderich Township. Mr. Albertus Stryker, 100- acre farm, Tuckersmith Town­ ship. Mr. Leo Idzinga, 150-acre farm, Goderich Township. Mr. B. Hariris, 300-acre farm, Kinloss Township. Mr.. Pieter Hummel, 104-acre farm, Tuckersmith Township. Mr. Gordon Elliott. 105-acre farm, Tuckersmith Township. Mr. Joe Scott, 100-acre farm, Huron Township. Mr. Henk. Boven, 115-acre farm, Hullett Township. Mr, Joe Scott, 100-acre farm, Huron Township. Mr. Albert Bongertman, 113- acre farm, McKillop Town­ ship. Mr. Jacob Rhorer, 100 acres, Huron Township. Mr. M. ■ Camble, 200 acres. Kinloss Township. v,Mr. ~Gerrie .Valad, 100 acres. x-jCTHuron.«cTxjw.n'Ship»-.r.^rf.>K«.sta:,”g | u. Mr. John De Ruyter, 10-hcre farm, Goderich Township. Mr. L. Henderson, 150-acre farm, Huron Township. . Mr. T. W. McDonald, 100-acre' farm, Huron Township. For Sale 160 acres, 8-room house, with bath, furnace; barn 40 x 80; 45 x 45; 40 x 45; 40 x 60; 2 silos, automatic feeding, milkhouse, bulk cooler; Ashfield Township. 285 acres, 8-r6om house, with bath and oil furnace;, barn 110 x 40; 45 x 50; Huron Township. 3—100-acre farms in Huron Township. 150-acre farm, 10-room brick house; barn 78 x 50; 2 silos; 16 X 60; silo un­ loader; Kinloss Township. 2 miles from Winthrop; 150 acres, 10,-room house, with bath and oil furnace; level land, all tiled; 2 barns. The right farm for cash erbp. Benmiller — 100 acres, brick house. The right farm for cash crop. Hullett Township — 210 acres, 8-room house with bath. Barns 36 x 70, 32 x 72; plenty water, 39 milk cows, bulk cooler, milk contract. Colborne Township — 200 acres, 9-room house, bath; 2 barns.. Colborne Township —J00 acres; 10 - room house, bath and furnace. Tuckersmith Township — 10-room house, bath and furnace. Barn 40 x 60,. silo. 150 acres; Stanley Town­ ship; 9-room house. Bams 30 x 120; 30 x 30/ Hullett Township; 200 acres, 8-room house. Barn 40 x 60; 50 acres planted y/ith Christmas trees. CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to every­ one who sent cards, floweis, treats and gifts; special thanks to those who came to visit me while I was a patient in {St. Joseph’s Hospital. — BOB TURNER. 51b We wish to thank our many friends for all kindnesses shown us during pur stay in Clinton Public Hospital; special thanks to Dr. Addison and the nursing staff.—MR. AND MRS. MOR­ GAN AGNEW. 51b I wish to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, visits and treats while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London and since my return home. All was greatly appreci­ ated.—MRS. LOUIS FOREST. 51b I wish to express my sincere thanks to the staff at Clinton hospital and Victoria hospital while I was a patient; also to Dr. Oakes, the Whitney Am­ bulance, Rev. DrJ. Mowatt and to all who sent flowers or cards and visited me. — RAY CANTELON. 51p I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for cards and treats and those who visited me while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, Dr. Addison, Rev. Morrison and the Varna U.C.W., also nurses on first floor. Your kindness was deeply appreciat­ ed.—ALBERT CRAIG. __________ ________ 51b I wish to express my apprecia­ tion to the many friends who i^membered me with cards, treats and visits during my stay in hospital; many thanks to the nurses, UCW of Londesboro and Rev. Tschanz. — MRS. ALEX WELLS. 51b DEATHS COULTES—Passed away sud­ denly, in Philadelphia, P.A., on Monday, December 18, 1967, Dr. John F. Coultes, in his 84th year. Born in Blue­ vale, Dr. Coultes is survived by a brother, Charles and a niece, Mrs. George German, both of Clinton. Interment will be in Wingham Cemetery. ALLAN—Passed away in Clin­ ton Public Hospital, on Mon­ day, December 18, 1967, Mrs. Robert Allan, Brucefield, in her 81st year. Funeral service from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, on Wednesday, De­ cember 20 with interment in . Baird’s Cemetery, Stanley Township. FEAR—Passed away in Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, December 15, 1967, G. Ray­ mond Fearl Clinton,, in his 82nd year. Funeral services.; ’ 1 from Beattie Funeral Hom^., on Monday, December 18 with.. interment in Brussels Ceme­ tery. TWYFORD—Passed away at her home in Scarboro, on Thurs­ day, December 14, 1967, Mrs. George Twyford, formerly Doifothy E. Walters, in her 52nd year. Funeral service from Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, on Saturday, Decem­ ber 16 with interment in Turner’s Church Cemetery, Tuckersmith Township. Milford arid Ina Mae Durst • bountiful year and wish all of our friends and patrons a special Christmas blessing. May Christ be with you always. Joy and Bill FINK Plumbing, Heating and Electric Limited CLINTON FARM CENTRE Goderich, Ontario ___— Clinton Representative — George Cutler PORTER'S HILL The United Church Women pf Grace Church met on Friday evening December 15 at the manse in Bayfield. The presi. dent, Mrs. Elgin Cox gave the cadi to worship. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Donald Beck and Mr. Beck led in prayer. The secretary’s report and a surpmary of the year’s acti­ vities was given by Mrs. Wil­ liam Townshend. The treasur­ er’s report was given by Mrs. Tom Sowerby. It was decided to donate $225 to the Board of Stewards and $100 to the Church Improvement Fund. Mrs. Chester Sturdy moved a note of thanks to the presi­ dent, Mrs. Elgin Cox for her untiring efforts during the past year. Mr, Beck conducted the elec­ tion of officers for 1968 which resulted as follows-president, Mrs. Elgin Cox; first vice- president, Mrs. Alvin Bettles; second vice-president, Mrs. Wilmer Riddell; secretary, Mrs. William Townshend; as­ sistant, Mrs. Joe Ma.thers; treasurer, Mrs. Tom Sowerby; assistant, Mrs. A. Lockhart; organist, Mrs. William Cox; •visiting committee, Mrs. Chester Sturdy and Mrs. Wil­ mer Riddell; buying committee, Mrs. Tom Sowerby and Mrs. Art Bell. Mr. Beck conducted a short installation service and lunch was served, by the hostess. * * * Laurie Cox returned home on Friday last from Clinton Public Hospital. We all join in wishing him a speedy recovery. * * * A combined service was held Sunday at Grace Church when White Gifts were presented. Kinsmen install members Kinsmen Club of Clinton held an initiation of new members meeting Dec. 5th with president Bob Mann in the chair. Initiated members were: Russ Archer, manager of Beatty Farm Service Centre; John Jor­ dan, of CFB Clinton; Doug Ma- cauley, of Ball and Macauley Ltd., and Rich Kish, teacher at Central Huron Secondary School. Taking part in the initiation were: Past .presidents Dave Beattie, Clarence Denomme, Andy Peterson, and vice-pre­ sident Larry Jones. President Bob Mann present- i /'/‘ed” initiates” 'with n.ew-memb’er'i * kits.’, p ...... Steve Brown, chairman of the' ways and means committee re­ ported a profit of over $500 on the recent peanut drive. It was decided to hold a dance at the Community Centre March 9, 1968 with the Chris Black Combo as orchestra. Members'were reminded of carol singing Sunday, Dec. 17, at Clinton Public Hospital and Huronview. Next meeting will be Dec­ ember 19, a Christmas party. Miss Clare McGowan, director of ‘the Huron County Children’s Aid Society was guest speaker. . She was A most interesting speaker and displayed many articles she had received during her stay in the Holy L^nd. Miss Jody Cox, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. William Cox was soloist, tyliss Marie Bettles and Miss Jane Harris read the Scripture lesson,* * * The Grace United Church Women will meet Friday, Dec-.. May all our friends in the community enjoy the best... they deserve it, always! "WES" HOLLAND'S SUNOCO STATION 192 HURON 432-6661 r.t ember 15 at 8:30 p.m, at the manse in Bayfield.* * * The annual Sunday school phrijstmas party was heldSatur- day afternoon December 9, A program of games was enjoyed and lunch was served. Santa arrived and distributed the gifts and bags pf candy to the children. be bright with the glow of friendship! OPEN BOWLING OVER THE HOLIDAY SEASON BILL'S BILLIARDS AND BOWLING Isaac St., Clinton r,U- would like to wish my many friends in CLINTON AND AREA a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS And A SS HAPPY NEW YEAR $ BILL CRAWFORD Agent for Metropolitan Life Insurance 191 Isaac'St.' j 482-9093 .. | bloom with happiness! KINGSWELL WELDING AND STAFF SHOP CLOSED MONDAY, DEC. 26, TUESDAY, DEC. 27, MONDAY, JAN. 2 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Dec. 21, 1967 your wonderful patronage I BILL'S TAXI 482-3436 CLINTON for Christmas See our window display of all n?w Diamond and Wedding Rings from $50.00 up. Save 10% for cash on all Diamonds in stock Counters' Jewellery Clinton Ontario Good wishes from our entire staff. HURON LAUNDRY Maurice, Jean and Steve Maguire family, from Grandpa right on down to Rover, has a wonderful holiday season! Santa in wishing you good cheer! MR. and MRS. R. N. IRWIN MRS. EDITH REID MRS. NORMA DRAPER MRS. MARY GRIGG may we join with It’s been a oy to serve you and we sincerely thank you for the opportunity