Clinton News-Record, 1967-12-21, Page 3DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR NEIGHBOUR IF YOU SEE A STREET LIGHT IS OUT, DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR NEIGHBOUR TO REPORT IT, $ extended a welcome to the large Clinton News-Record, Thursday, .bee. 1967J - 3- number of. mothers present, and —--------------------------------------------- Tawny Owl, Mrs, Rodger Vepier, assisted with the cer­ emony, and also read a Christ­ mas poem. Snowy Owl, Mrs. Bapry Jackson, presented Gold- en Hands to the four Brownies flying up, and also presented the following interest badges: Jennifer Cook, Joan Alexander and Betty Begr received their House Orderly badges, Daneen Ward and Joan Alexander their Collectors badge, and Eileen* Klungel, her toymakers badge. Debbie Smith also earned the right to her Golden Hand and her Wings, but was absent for the Fly-up Ceremony. Following the ceremony the Brownies and Guides sang songs around the Camp Fire, two of the songs to the accompaniment of the Brownie Rhythm Band. Centennial Slides and a movie of the Hensall Frontier’s Day Parade were shown by Mr. H. Klungel and Mr, B. Jackson. Lunch was served by the sev­ eral Guides who acted as Host­ esses for the evening, and who received their Hostess badges at the Guide presentations. Sunday afternoon, and present­ ed with gift? and treats. Mrs, Wm Smale was convenor of the project. * * * Hockey-Hensall Midgets Last Wednesday’s night 'hockey games at Hensall, Hen* sail 5- Brussels 3; Goals scored by Allan Sararas 2-S Ingles by Brad Pryde, Fred Elder, and Robert Parsons,. Saturday night at Hensall, Zurich 5—Hensall 4, goals scor­ ed by Brad Pryde with two, Brian Campbell and Robert Par­ sons with singles. -" * * *, Mrjs, Florence Joynt who has been a. patient in South Huron hospital for three weeks return­ ed home over the weekend. 4 Truck Saturday afternoon Dec­ ember 16 and welcomed hund. reds of children from Hensall and district at the annual Christ­ mas party held in Hensall, Over four hundred children were treated to chocolate bars, potato , chips, and bottles of chocolate milk, latter donated by Huron* dale Dairy. Cartoon films were shown in the Town Hall in charge of Q.G, Williams. Treats were distributed by Santa, E. R. Davis, Earl Campbell, and members of the Hensall Senior Citizens Club,* ♦ ♦ Members of the Womens Missionary Society and Ladies Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Earl Campbell last Thursday afternoon and packed Christmas boxes for shut-ins of the church at Queensway Nursing Home, South Huron Hospital, Blue Water Rest Home, and Huronview, Clinton, and Hensall.*• * * Lovely Christmas decor­ ations on Main street and homes in Hensall are being very much admired, some of the resid­ ences are a work of art with col­ ored lights and Christmas motif which adds so much to the festive season. * * * Children of members of Hen­ sall Legion Auxiliary were treated to their annual Christ­ mas party at the Legion hall. Hensall Kinsmen played hosts to the Senior Citizens by treat­ ing them to a bus trip Wednes­ day 13th to view the lovely Christmas decoration in Hen* sail and Exeter, Thirty took the trip. Following the tour the ••• W citizens enjoyed a program at ■8 Hensall Public School which in- g eluded selections by the school S Glee Club of students from g . grades 7 and 8 under direction' g of Lawrence Wein music sup- g eryisor, Reading- Mrs. Dave g. Kyle, piano selections Mrs. g Robt Pryde, selections by Don S McCurdy on the banjo, Bill g . Clement on guitar, and Frank g Forrest on violin, Tap dancing g . number by Linda Beer, Pre* sident Bob Caldwell chaired the program, Santa was present. Lunch was served by the Kin-’ ette Club. Ron Wareing was in charge of the project, a very worth while one and thoroughly enjoyed by the citizens. ’* ♦ * In the recent Western Ontario Conservatory of music exams Elizabeth Flom passed grade 3 piano with honors* She is a pupil of Mrs. F. L. Forrest.♦ * * jvir. and Mrs. Laird Mickle attended the concert presented by the U.W,O, choir last Sun­ day evening in the Alumni Hall, Miss Ann Mickle is a member of the choir.♦ * ♦ Santa arrived in a blaze of glory in the Hensall Fire |55 tW; J! phone 48 2 - 9601 | AND LET THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION KNOW, SO THAT IT MAY BE REPLACED. THE J PUC IS ANXIOUS TO KEEP STREET LIGHTING j AT MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY AND CAN ONLY DO j THIS WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF THE PUBLIC, 50, 51, 52 tw tn I NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE No Admittance After 11:00 Dance To The Music Of The MANNEQUIN — Price $2.00 Each — Tickets available from members of the Teen Town Council HOTEL CLINTON ! J8HM ASHLEY £5! ?EHREAH CONNIE SMITH W 1 Show at 8 p.m. each evening ' GODERICH On The Square First With The Finest FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY December 21-22-23 WILD ADVENTURE ..INTERNATIONAL . INTRIGUE! PLUS thehtiohisGO WUN MARTY ROBBINS SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE tn Sponsored by Clinton Teen Town 11:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE Serving Up... to our FRIENDS BROWNIE FLY-UP . Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree formed the set* ‘ting for last Tuesday’s Fly-up . ceremony when four Hensall ‘ Brownies received their wings arid flew up to Guides. They were Eileen Klungel, Patti Rowcliff e, Joan Alexander andKarenKyle, Brown Owl, Mrs. Robert Cook tn LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS ' ‘ Jf Jenny Lind Chqcolates A Variety of Assortments $1.65 to $3.30 ELECTRIC SHAVERS Schick, Sunbeam, Philishave Electric Tooth Brushes $10.95 to $22,95 Cigarettes — Cigars — Tobaccos — Colognes — Soaps — Perfumes — Dust­ ing Powders — Bath Salts — Men's Shaving Sets’ — Many other items to choose from. Cameras and Photo Supplies Flash Bulbs — Batteries — s£| Film Albums — Slide View- ers-— Carrying. Cases r--M Movie Screens — Lighf wj Meters — Polaroid Cameras wd and Films — Film Splicers St and Tapes. Our photo finishing includes wx a Free Film. in black and St white or color — Our service ^4 is fast. W KtKt PRESCRIPTIONS’” Phone 482-9511 ■ Clinton. Ontario PLEASE NOTE Our store will be OPEN SUNDAY, DEC. 24th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The monthly meeting of the Holmesville UCW was held Tuesday, December 12, with Mrs. Carman Tibbutt and Mrs. Jim Lobb in charge of the pro­ gram, The worship took the form of a Canadian friendship carol and candle lighting service. Those taking part were Mrs. K. Har­ ris, Mrs. D. Gliddon, Mrs. O. Blake, Mrs. G. Ginn, Mrs. E. Grigg and Mrs. B. Walter. Dr. A. J. Mowatt showed slides of Palestine and com­ mented on the scenery, build- irigs and customs there, and the places associated with the birth and life of Jesus. Mrs. Edward Grigg presided for the business session. The roll call was answered with a Christmas thought. It was mov­ ed to aim for a $400 Self De­ termination offering for 1968. The UCW officers for 1968 are; president, Mrs. Edward Grigg; vice-president, Mrs. D. Gliddon; treasurer, Mrs. Les Jervis; recording secretary, Mrs. Muriel Grigg; pianist, Mrs. Lobb; assistant pianist, Mrs. W. Norman; program com­ mittee, Mrs. L. Bond, Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt, Mrs. W. Porter, Mrs. W. Norman. Social committee, Mrs. C. Tebbutt, Mrs. B. Walter, Mrs. Ben Whitely, Mrs. H. Cudmore; finance, Mrs. G. Ginn, , Mrs. E’.‘ Yeo .'Mrs.'Grigg, Iftrs.' GTijL don, Mrs. Jervis; supplyfaripr welfare, Mrs. W. Bender' hflrs. S„ Farquhar, Mrs. Muriel Grigg Mrs. F. Cantelon; community friendship and visiting secre­ tary, Mrs. D. Gliddon; Flowers and cards, Mrs. O. Blake, Mrs. H. Williams, Mrs. W. Yeo, Mrs. D. Norman, nominating com­ mittee, Mrs. L. Jervis, Mrs. • Harold Yeo, Mrs. E. Potter; buying committee, Mrs. K. Har­ ris, Mrs. H. Yeo, Mrs. R. Miller; representative to manse, Mrs.R. Miller; auditors MrS'. E. Potter and Mrs. R. Pot­ ter. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. W. Norman Mrs. L, Bond and Miss Florence Saun­ ders. The Sunday School held its Christmas program on Satur. day evening December 16 with superintendent Jim Lobb as chairman. The first number was a wel. come recitation by Patricia Harris followed by a carol by the children. Glenda and Linda Blake con­ tributed a piano' duet and Mar­ lene Yeo and Wendy Miller sang a Christmas carol. Billy Rap- son favoured with a couple of accordian selections. Dr. A. J. Mowatt showed pictures of the Christmas story and the character parts were spoken behind the scene by John Ginn, Leonard Lobb, Nancy Ginn and Lucille Bond. Santa Claus arrived at the close 'of the program and dis­ tributed candy and-gifts in tributed candy and gifts in his usual jovial manner.* The new - homemaking club project for the New Year will be “The Club. Girl Entertains”. Anyone willing to give of her time to be a leader in this work is asked to contact Mrs. Eldon Yeo or Mrs. Frank Yeo. *4* Brucefield Mr.- Wesley Ham spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Alice Ham and with Mrs. M. Swan. Mrs'?~irvin Sillery is ap^tiqnt . in, Seaforthi Comriiuni.ty;JJos-b - nfilitii bnuodi'Jt'ifce 'iuo Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. friends H. Berry visited with in Wingham on Monday. and Mrs. Mac Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mr. visited Neale, London, on Tuesday. Ed Falconer is spending the Christmas holidays at his home here. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen extend sympathy to them in the loss of a mother, Mrs. R. Allen, Sr. I r r r v \ ?avn at-. taemoni’risvrD vn6| i6 '' ""•X 1 Ji r Admission 50c NOW FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE We Are Now Accepting Reservations for NLONDM, JANUARY 1 iAi ;X Shows at 7.30 and 9.20 p.rp. Show Time: 2.30 p.m. “A.•£<Sa Show Time: 2.30 p.m. Featuring: ENTERTAINMENT CHARLIE FARR AT THI: PIANO CLOUD "9" ROOM ANNOUNCES SING-A-LONG At Christmastime! December 23 THEATRE CLOSED on CHRISTMAS DAY Season's Greetings From The Staff and Management TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY December 26-27-28 Meet Mordacal Jc net* Master of Back-Stabbing, Cork-Screwing, and x Double-Dealing! M 20th CENTURY-FOX mstwri l“" •««« «» Burt WjS Hou Children 35c Coming Hext: “Further Perils of Laurel & Hardy We appreciate your patronage. CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY Two Sittings — VICTORIA STREET 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. 482-3421 Let Peace Ring Out for You Merrill TV Service Color TV Black & White TV - Radios - nrr ntnrr tip* ttu'^uagr nt lilrarr aith 3lxiy munutuH amw tip' laiih, Iptralbhiij tljat fttni mlpni tip' Imutiifitl dtlpistmaii- ntnry man ln'ijttn. GDixr Bittrm minlp'n in all far a< Arty (Ulirinintan. AGENT BP CANADA LTD. RON SCOTCHMER - BERT ROWDEN - MORRIS TAYLOR 379 VICTORIA STREET 482-9653