HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-12-14, Page 13Christmas Shopping IS From My Window pULL. SIZE CRIB SIZE 4.75 « TOYS Wool and Lwther Specialists Since 1894 100 Years awful Shirley Keller Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 9 Suerfe father cqat$ 49.95 Leather >ats & JACKETS ,r mW*'.1* *’ u ' In our K„ui.n, on. f Heard just the other day about a couple ‘in Russia who have been married for 1OQ years, My gosh. How awful, My husband and 1 have been ’married for almost 14 years and already we have nothing 10 talk about except' the neighbors and the latest government goof. In fact, just recently when one gentleman suggested to my spouse that we had undoubtedly married too young, my marvel’ Ions man-about-the-hoqse retal­ iated with, "You're right, can’t remember a time was single and without tai mess." , In our neighborhood couple has been married for 25 years, all their friends and rel­ atives gather round to wish them with that next years polishing candeisticks) the cou­ ple receives the gold medal, a kind oT good marriage-keeping seal of approval. At 60 years, diamonds are bestowed upon the celebrants who by this time need little more than a pair of rocking chairs and little' peace and I when I a ni ar i- when a well and present them stacks of useless silver will tarnish before the anniversary, ’After 50 of bliss (and 25 years of MrsF oulds Glen Lain blankets ChriXm mo’rninB- 9»c to U.95 | r»" , '<: •:% ’ 4’ to zi5 sheepskin RUGS A MOST POPULAR GIFT Th«. .r. Otnuln. .h«p.Mn ru.. in whh*, honey, pink/ r*d or Wue’ CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PRICE 9.45 ach OUR REGULAR LINE IO 7 *5 ALL COLOURS ‘ LAMB SKINS OTHER GIFT IDEAS: SHEARLING VESTS — SHEARLING SLIPPERS LEATHER MOCCASINS — SHEEPSKIN and LEATHER HATS — CASHMERE SCARVES — SKI MlTTS — GENU­ INE Hairseal snowboots — shearling wash- MITTS. ____________________________________ Devaluation of the British pound sterling is expected to ' lower the world price of woo! and leather goods. To give our customers the "immediate" benefit of this decrease BAINTON LTD. is Continuing their FACTORY OUTLET SALE PRICES TILL YEAR'S END. BAINTON LIMITED BLYTH, ONT. TEL.: 523-9373 OPEN SATURDAYS AND EVERY WEEKDAY FROM 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. En te rt a i n s The Mary and Martha Unit UCW of Wesley-Willis Church met at the home of Mrs. B. Sutter for their November meet­ ing with 17 members and one guest present. Mrs, A, Mowatt in charge of devotions took as her theme “Am X my Brother's Keeper." Mrs. Foulds, a guest delighted the members with two folk songs accompanying her­ self on guitar. Mrs. Steepe, as president conducted the business hearing various reports. The supply convener Mrs., Nelson asked the members to please bring the quilt blocks to next meeting. Each member is to provide a gift for Huronview. The ladies are responsible for gift items for several Christmas stock­ ings for Ontario Hospital, God. erich and a layette item is to be brought to January meeting for Victor Home Mission, The Nominating Committee convener Mrs. G. Nediger read the new slate of officers: Presi­ dent, Mrs. T. Davies;Secretary Mrs. Beattie; Treasurer, Mrs. B. Sutter; Supply, Mrs. C. Nel- son; Visiting, Mrs. Steepe; Flo­ wers, Mrs. W. Jervis, Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. A. Mowatt, Mrs. G. McGee and Mrs. W. Holland. A very informal Tupperware demonstration by Mrs. D. Jef­ ferson closed the evening. Mrs.JR<>bprt Morgan; Flow er Fund, Miss Beatrice Gibson and Miss Gladys Hoggarth; Pro* gram Committee, Miss Mabel Harvey, Mrs. Lloyd Carter, Mrs, Clarence Nellans and Mrs. Gordon ShortreedfSocial Com-' mittee, Mrs. James Edwards, Mrs. Howard Cowan, Mrs. Le* • rpy Oesch andi Mrs. RoyceMac- Way, Decorating Committee, Mrs. Charles Fee, Mrs, R. Rudd and Mrs. R, u. Maclean. were exchanged and carols sung. The new slate ot officers fox* the coming year is as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. R. U. Maclean, President, Mrs. Robert Homuth; Vice—presi- dent, Mrs, William Cookj Sec­ Treasurer, Mrs, Frank Mutch; Press Secretary,«Mrs. Allan Graham; Pulpit Reporter t Mrs,. R. u» Maclean; Talent Money, pa On Wednesday evejng, Dec­ ember 6, 18 members of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrews’ Presbyterian Churph assembled at the church for their December meeting and WHM Christmas party. The ladles present thoroughly en- joyed a delicious pot-luck sup* per pf tempting dishes amidst the cheery festive atmosphere created by flickering candles and brightly decorated giftsand » decorations. After the supper a short meet­ ing was- conducted by the presi* dent, Mrs. James Edwards, Mrs. William Cook read the scripture lesson anti Mrs. Fra^k Mutch led in prayer. Mrs. Ronald MfeCann gave a Christmas topic entitled “Babe in the Lettuce Patch.’* The pre* sident thanked the group for the co-operation she had received in the past year and trusted that they would give the same encouraging support to the new president, Mrs. Robert Homuth. At the close of the meeting gifts ji.1 Christmas dinners, Aller years, ihe couple should be pre- , shnted. with an ironclad guar­ antee. that furl her visits from . their relatives will exclude chjh dren unless specifically invited. . At one hundred years, 4bo pair should have their names inscribed in a marble hall of fame above a tribute reading;. "In recognition of five score years of /faithful service* one to the olb/r. May their misery soon come to an end." Any subsequent anniversaries should be ignored, ... As my husband declares, "If Scientists ever learn to take two sickly individuals -and make them into one healthy being, t hope I’m the unlucky one of fho pair unless they promise me I’ll awake a bachelor, I couldn't take, more than the’ normal maximum of married years,” quiet, Since most people are expected to pack it up before ton Ions anyway, lhe parly gets a little sentimental-'-likca 'fare­ well ha-f-h for a dear friend suf­ fering from a terminal disease. So, as far as T know, 4 he sparkling diamond jubilee is the last official .stop on the long, long road leading -to dis­ solution of a partnership which begins preacher, punishment But this won’t quit passed 40 additional’milestones of marriage (hat are no.t chart­ ed on the course. H’s an inter­ esting thought to imagine what special gifts could be presented to mark those extra years. After 80 years, I’d suggest • the 'family of the celebrants could relieve them from fur­ ther duties as host and hostess M- s Midd I eton concludes pres. and ends before ?i And that's enough for most folks. pair in Russia just Already they've (I I fUl presidency, Mrs. Donald Middleton thanked the ladies for their most loyal support and co-operation “you have been a most co-operative group, which helps make life worthwhile/' . she stated. Mrs. Stewart Middleton was hostess for the annual meeting of the ACW (WA) of St. James Anglican Church, on Wednesday December 6. This meeting was well- attended with 17 present which included five former members The Rector, the Rev. E. J. B. a , HarriSonj Who is always wel­ come at the meetings, also voic- --------- . . ed his appreciation of the Mrs. Don Middleton presided .group’s efforts'and urged all members to be faithful and pro. ductive so our little church will not be closed." Mr. Harrison then brought in the slate of officers, as pre­ sented by the nominating com« • mittee, Mrs. A. Dutot and Mrs. J. Smith. These reports were accepted unanimously as fol­ lows: Officers for 1968, Honorary president, Mrs. Fred Middle­ ton; past president, Mrs. Don Middleton; president, Mrs. Ed­ ward Wise; first vice-president Mrs. Jack Smith; second vice- president, Mrs. Stewart Middle- ■ ton; secretary, Mrs. Ray Wise, treasurer, Mrs. Keith Miller; dorcas-convenor, Mrs. Alvin Du tot; dorcas assistants, Mrs. Deeves and Mrs. Jack Cole, Birthday box, Mrs. Deeves; pro­ gram committee, Mrs, Don Mid­ dleton and Mrs. John Grigg; from Clinton, one visitor and the Rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison. and the worship service was in charge of M rs. Jack Cole. Mrs. Ray Wise gave the secretary’s report. The roll call was a Christmas thought. Mrs. Keith Miller gave the financial state­ ment showing another very suc­ cessful year. Mrs. Joseph Storey favored with instrumentals, which in­ cluded “Star of the East" and a medley of Christmas songs. Mrs. Edward Wise reported good sales of Christmas cards and some cards still available. Mrs. Deeves gave the special monies report. Following the annual reports, various monies were noted, which included$250 to the Church Wardens, $5 to Robert Legg, honarariems to the organists, Mrs. Joseph Storey and Mrs. Edward Wise and a special thanks to Fred Middleton the church fireman. ____ ____ _____ ___ ____oor Also $25 to the Sunday Schooled sprayer partner, Mrs. Joseph for supplies. . Mrs., Don Middleton reported t oh a special'executive Deanery meeting held in Clinton to in­ troduce the new convenor of the Deaneries, Mrs. Colloghan. It is unfortunate that the church sign was so badly dam­ aged at Hallowe’en as to neces- • sitat'e costly repairs. Mrs. Keith Miller favored with two timely readings, “What is Christmas?" and “The New Year." In concluding a most success- ? Storey; social .service secre- taryf •1 Mrs, ~’Fi? ed " Middleton; pres’s secretai’y, ’Wrs. ‘Stewart Middleton. s‘“ MrV Harrison closed the .meeting with prayer, after "Vvhich a- delicious lunch was served. & AT THE CLINTON-BAYFIELD GOLF COURSE EVERYTHING TO MAKE CHRISTMAS GIVING A PLEASURE. FEATURING — GOLF BAGS - CLUBS - CARTS SPECIAL, PRICES ON THE 1968 WILSON LINE MAY WE SUGGEST A MEMBERSHIP ’ FOR 1968 Phone 482-3261 at the. Club FOR YOUR IM ip IF YOU SEE A STREET LIGHT IS OUT, DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR NEIGHBOUR TO REPORT IT, DON'T WAIT! NEIGHBOUR... The Christmas meeting the Summerhill Ladles Club was held at the home of Mrs. Nor­ man Wright December 6 with a good attendance. Mrs, Jim Snell opened the meeting with a poem. “What Are You Giv­ ing." The business of the meeting was then conducted and $15 was sent to the Children’s Aid. Thank-you notes were read from Mrs. John McGuire, Mrs. Garnet Wright, Mrs. Robert Gibbings and the families of the late Mrs. Norman Bali and Neville Forbes. The card parties will start in January. Mrs. Ross Lovett then con­ ducted a Snow Contest won by Mrs. George Colclough. Mrs. Edith Lovett gave a reading. “Old fashioned Christmas", and Mrs. Jack Murch had a reading, “Centennial Mem- ories." Carol singing was then con. ducted by Mrs, Keith Tyndall. The raffle was won by Mrs. Perc Gibbings. The January meeting will be at the home of Mrs, Clark Ball. The roll call “Something We Got For Christmas." Those on the program will be Mrs. Mike Salverda, Mrs. Jim ;Snell and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. Lunch' Mrs. Neville Forbes, Mrs. Robert Gibbings and Mrs. Perc Gibbings. At the close of the meeting there was an exchange of Christ­ mas gifts. tW PHONE 482-9601 AND LET THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION KNOW, SO THAT IT MAY BE REPLACED. THE' S PUC IS ANXIOUS TO KEEP STREET LIGHTING 'j AT MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY AND CAN ONLY DO THIS WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF THE PUBLIC. 50, 51, 52 j ■t ■■a< Last minute gift with more interest Sa hl?If 11 1’WEEKEND SPECIALS MEATS < GRADE A TURKEYS 20-LB. & OVER FRESH Ground Beef LB. LB. 38c 49c PHILADELPHIA PLAIN Cream Cheese 2 FOR 79ci LEE BRAND — 19-OZ. CRUSHED, SLICED OR TID BITS PINEAPPLE BAXTER — 19-OZ. TINS 8-OZ, PKG. 4 for. 99c a Bank of Montreal 6%six-year . sRing Bologna PORK LIVER SMOKED SIDE BACON CUBED f STEWING BEEF FRESH HAM STEAKS PRODUCE PRODUCT OF USA —: 14-OZ. TUBE 2 LB. LB. LB. LB. LB. 49< BEANS WITH PORK 5 FOR 99cf STAFFORD — 19-OZ. CHERRY OR BLUEBERRY ffi PIE FILLINGS 2 -« 89c| CLARK'S — 48-OZ. TIN ® Tomato Juice 3 FOR 99ct TANG — DEAL PACK—2 • 6% OZ. PKGS. IN>OLY BAG 25c 55c 65c 69c in Merry Christmas gift crackers You pay only $7*35 for a $10.00 certificate, maturing in 1973. Simple rate Is 6% for a total return of more than onP-third in six years. Make someone a happy investor this Christmas. Give Bank of Montreal Savings Certificates in merry Christmas wrappers from feank of Montreal. Wrappers available free in all branches. Hd Bank of Montreal Clinton Branch: Cahada’s First Bank K, & FXJS1T Manager NO. 1 TOMATOES NO. 1 — PRODUCT OF HONDURAS BANANAS FOR 39c LB. IOC GROCERIES SHERIFF'S — 11OZ. BAG — REG. 49c | Potato Chips > MAXWELL HOUSE — 10-01. JAR (DEAL PACK) 1 Instant Coffee 1 SPECIAL 59c A JI tw i'i J; Ta Orange Crystals CLOVER LEAF Red cohoe Salmon MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT -oz. SALAD BOWL — 32-OZ. JAR Salad Dressing FROZEN FOOD 12-OZ. TINSAWAKE Orange Drink 3 FOR 95c BIRDSEYE — 15-OZ. PKG. Strawberries 2 for 89c Lt: Mr*’ ■to/®RSLtd'll 3