HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-12-14, Page 8MRS* WES 8RADNOCK—Corr«»p©nrf»nt—Phonq 528-7595 /"f>EXPLORERS INITIATE pey, Jayne Arthur, and Nancy Swan. The Gold Star winners .were presented with their Gold Stars by Mrs, Norman McClinchey, They were Marie Empey, Wanda Plaetzer, .Noreen Armstrong, Trudy Machan, Gail Johnston and Lynn Turner, Mrs. Bean asked Rev, M, R. Roberts for his message. He told the girls and* their guests about the lives of some mis* sionaries and hoped that all the Explorers would tje mJ salon* aries for Chyist in their lives. The service closed with tht benediction and a dainty lunch was served by the Explorers. PERSONALS Earl Plowman of Mono Mills visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. ThomasJolmstonandMiss Laura Phillips. * * * Peter McDonald and Allan Craig of Guelph spent the week­ end at their homes here, * * * Murray Rollinson of Goderich spent the weekend with his par. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Rol* linson, * * * Mr, and Mrs. RonLivermore of Gorrie spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald Haines and Edward, * I1* Six girls were initiated to the Auburn Explorer group in anim- pressive initiation service held last week in the Sunday school room of Knox United Church. The leader, Lorraine Cham- ney welcomed all to the service after Mrs. Norman McClinchey had played several Christmas carols while the guests were arriving, Noreen Armstrong gave the Call to Worship and tfie scripture lesson from John 15; 12~15 verses was read by Wanda Plaetzer. Marie Empey led in prayer. The chief counsellor, Mrs. Maurice Bean welcomed all and spoke of the expeditions that the girls had been taking. The offering was received by Trudy Machan and Carol Gross. Mrs. William Stiles initiated tee six new Explorers and spoke of tee work they had cov­ ered.. They repeated their pur* pose and hymn, which they had learned, to earn their first red star. The new Explorers were Cathy McClinchey, Faye Seers, Doris Naylor, Yvonne Bean, Maureen Longhurst, and Joyce Chamney. Mrs. Cliff Branton explained the explorations of the first Blue Star winners and she pre. sented them to Lorraine Cham- ney, Carol Gross, Barbara Em* Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt were Ken Haggitt of Milton and Mr. and Mr s, George Haggitt and family of Zurich. AUBURN CGIT GIFTS FOR HER Lcv*ly n-cklets at $1,50 and $4.95 Beautiful new watches from $9.95 Simulated pearl necklets—$1.00 to $12.50 Cultured pearl necklets—single or 2 strand from $42.50 Lady Remington shavers-—$19.95 Purses and billfolds—$2.95 up Sterling bracelets—$12.75 up Silverware and stainless sets Empty silverware chests Corn Flower crystal pieces Black Alaska rings from $12.95 Lovely pin and earning sets from $5,50 Birthstone rings—$2.95 up FOR HIM Smart new stock of Black Alaska rings — Ruby —- Signets Wedding, etc. — $5.95 up Billfolds—$2.95 to $10.00 Lighters—$3.95 to $12.95 Cuff links and tie tac sets—$3.50 up Barometers s— Thermometers — Key Cases — Steak WKnives — Carving Sets Wine — Cocktail — Liqueur and Pilsner glasses Large selection of watches from $8.95 Electric and .No Cord Shavers from $14.95 Clocks for every room in the home Lodge Emblem rings — Cuff Links, etc The Auburn CGIT Interden. omlnational group held their am nual Vesper service in Knox Presbyterian Church with tee president, Shelley Grange lead, ing the service. The organist was Jennifer Grange who also accompanied the soloist Mar. garet Roberts. The girls entered the church each carrying a lighted candle and Miss Brenda Ball assist* ant leader, lit the tall white candle on the Communion table smybolizing Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. She received their candles before they took their places. Scripture lessons were read by Sherry Plaetzer and Doreen McClinchey. The spoken parts were taken by Marie Plunkett, Nancy Lapp, Cathy Schneider, Margaret Youngblut, Donna Baechler and Joyce Leatherland. Arva Ball and Sheron Collins played the parts of Mary and Joseph. The speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. M. R. Roberts, one of the assistant leaders who gave an inspiring message on Light, basing her talk on Jesus tee Light of the World, Rev. R. U. MacLean gave the announcements and thanked the leader, Mrs. Wes Bradnock and the speaker, Mrs. Roberts and the girls for their service of worship. Wa I k er b urn Variety Nite asuc c e s s T’h© December meeting of tee Walkerburn Club was held at the home of Mrs. Joe Bunking With a good attendance. The meeting was opened by singing ‘0, Canada” followed by prayer by Mrs, Roy Daer. The president, Mrs, Ted Bun­ king took charge of the meet* ing and the minutes were no cepted as read by the secretary Mrs. Elliott Lapp. Roll call was answered by each member paying one cent per inch for hand measurement. The president reported that tee Variety night was a sue. cess. Op motion ofMrs. George Schneider and Mrs, Lome Bun­ king it was decided 'to pur­ chase a gift for the new daugh* ter of Mr, and Mr?. Walter Cunningham,- Mrs, Tom Gun* ningham and Mrs. Garth Mc­ Clinchey were appointed to pur­ chase the gift. It was decided to send a dona* tion of $10 to the Huron County Children’s Aid Society. A Christmas party was plan* ped which will be held at the home of Mrs. Tom Cunningham. Everyone will bring sandwiches cookies and Christmas cake. The program is to be in charge of Mrs. Stanley Ball and Mrs. Ted Hunking, The lunch committee will be Mrs, Lloyd „ , _ •McClinchey and Mrs. Elliott charles s”eJIInSiYho ^ere cel* w Arriba TT Ft a* rnGif zlftrrY tvLapp. A Dutch auction was held on a runner with Mrs. Worthy Young the winner. Mrs. Garth McClinchey conducted a Christ, mas Scramble contest. Mrs. John Hallam was the winner. COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Mrs, Roy Daer read an inter* esting true story entitled ^Christmas in Kindergarten,’* The meeting was closed and lunch was.served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Worthy Young and Mrs, Lome Bunking. Ice causes Damage Ice conditions caused exten­ sive damage to. a small panel van truck, operated by Andy Kuperus a Goderich contractor early Monday morning when it left the road, leaving the front end of the truck in the mill­ race. The driver jumped to safety when tee truck left the road. He was on his way to Gerritus Klaas? where he is building another turkey barn, When the wrecker arrived from Bannister's garage in God­ erich, the windshield wipers were still in operation, God­ erich detachement, OPP inves- tigaged, BRUCEFIELD A surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oakley on December 7, 1967 in honour of Mr. and Mrs. . . _ .1* ebrating their 40th wedding an­ niversary, A social hour was enjoyed by neighbours Mr. and Mrs, Snelling received a potted ruby mum and many cards of congratulations. Lunch was ser­ ved by the hostess and assist­ ants. Larry Kain, of Clinton, sales representative for Shur-Gain Fertilizer in Huron County for ’.7 1/2 years, has been promoted ‘fo sales supervisor, With the promotion, Mr. Kain will move • from Clinton to elthei' Orange. Ville or Alliston, HOLMESVILLE; Constable Paul Cudmore of tee R.C.M.P. Vancouver is spending two. weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs.’Wm. Norman, Robert and Shirley and Mr, and Mrs. Doug Norman and Jac* quelyn visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Tre­ wartha and family and Rev. and Mrs. Peter Addison of London. The annual White Giftservice will be observed at Holmesville United Church next Sunday at 1 p.m, with the Sunday School taking part in the service. Gifts will be given to the Children^ Aid Society. Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Dec. 14, ]?67 7 L & a:« til (« 0^1 tv. tn tJI m. our Santa Claus Parade the success that it was, R a big Thank You, It is co-operation of all people win a venture like this that makes it a success and a pleasure, tn Clinton Retail Merchants1 Committee $ /R. B. Campbell, Chairman B rt- None Priced Higher at A&P None Priced Higher at A&P Value-Priced! 8 43/4-fl-oz jars 99< Produce! Reg, Price roll 73c — SAVE 4c 18" wide 25-ft roll 69< Reg. Price tin 35c — SAVE 4c 14-fl-oz tin *| C Reg. Price box 85c — SAVE AN EXTRA 6c AT A&P! "TOgiant size box jg jpC Reg, Price pkg 47c — SAVE 4c »,43< a Cape Cod, Late Howe Variety, Buy Them Early, No. 1 Grade SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY - COOKED, READY TO SERVE Bakery Buys! Jone Porker lemon or JELLY ROLL Jane Parker PUMPKIN PI I FULL 8-INCH PIE Reg. Price each 55c ~ SAVE 6c 49 California, Fresh, Green, Large Original Bunch, No. 1 Grade BROCCOLI 29 MAYTAG KELVINATOR ELECTROHOME ADMIRAL ALL MAYTAG WASHERS EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEE -3 YEARS PARTS AND LABOUR SERVICE. SALES with SERVICE TV & APPLIANCES Stratford—271-6433 129 Ontario St., St Marys—284-2290 127 Queen St,, "BOB'S TV SINCE '53" Bob Weeks, Prop. »fu S HO PAT-HOME FOR RCA VICTOR COLOR TV to A turkey is turkey Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil REYNOLDS WRAP Hunt's Fancy Quality FRUIT COCKTAIL 15c Off Deal FAB Detergent Whistles, Bugles or Daisies BIG "G" SNACKS Heinz Strained (All Varieties Except Meat) BABY FOODS Take A&P'» "Super-Right" Turkeys for example. Because we understand how important the turkey is to your dinner, we do everything possible to be sure there are none finer than "Super-Right" Turkeys. *■' ’ . 1' v : -r ,1 TJ . j• • •;■»*■/ ,» 1 We start by carefully selecting the growers from whom we buy. To assure perfect turkeys, we buy only Canada Grade "A" birds. To assure tenderness, we buy only young turkeys from this year’s flock. Becau»e( we care this much about "Super-Right" Turkeys, we know you can’t buy better - . . even at a premium price. So we don't hesi­ tate to offer you DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK* if our turkey isn’t everything you think it should be. Now that you know you can't lose on the turkey, here’s something else that's important: If you make A&P your store for all your holi­ day needs, you're sure to be satisfied, because we guarantee every­ thing we sell, no matter who makes it. Isn’t this the week to give A&P a try? *Bring in the price label or register tape, of course. Reg. Price each 39c — SAVE 9c 2 69< BUY DEPENDABILITY^ RCA pioneeredRCA Victor New 5-LB RING Vista Color TV features famous RCA Space Age Solid Copper Circuitry that gives unsurpassed performance.- It requires less maintenance than old-fashioned all-hand-wired circuitry. IMPOUND PIECE 1.39 Jane Parker Cinnamon BREAKFAST ROLLS S35< Jane Parker Reg. Price pkg 29c — SAVE 4c TWIN ROLLS —25. Reg. Price pkg 39c — SAVE 4c ONLY * FOR 40 YEARS MODEL GH64-2C Come irt for a ciemonstration on this Sihartly-styled Contem­ porary console! See a brighter, truer color picture than ever before ort the glare-proof RCA Super-bright Hi-Lite Color Tube. The Super-powerful "Nev/ Vista’’ Tuner and 25,000-volt New Vista Color Chassis Combine to bring you a picture so sharp, so true you have to see if to believe it Automatic tine tuning locks th best picture electroniCatI/, Trade in, trade up to RCA Victor New Vista Color TV,,. NOW! 81 West St., Goderich, and developed color television. Made it a reality. Proved it in homes like yours. When you buy RCA Victor Color TV, you buy the experience, advanced engineering and extra care that add value beyond price. WITH YOUR WORKING TRADE "YOUR COLOR SERVICE DEALER" Cor. Albert and Rattenbury Sts. GALBRAITH TV JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKE 3-LB RING 2-69 3.99 /make A&P YOUR HEADQUARTERS^ FOR CHRISTMAS POULTRY! All Attractively Priced! PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! We will have a fine selection of fender plump, Gratte "A" Oven-Ready, Super-Right Brand Vac Fad Turkeys, Geese. Ducks, Caportt, Roasting Chickens, Buffet Style Fruited Hams And Butts. Aho, Fresh Killed Grade "A* Oven-Ready Turkeys, ALL PfilOfeS IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1967 a Cranberries 3 9< SMOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION .49 BUTT PORTION WHOLE HAMS CENTRE CUTS STEAKS NO CENTRE SLICES’REMOVED - AVAILABLE AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER RETAILS ib 59 FULL CUT HALF HAMS - SHANK OR BUTT HALF POUNDS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY - RED BRAND STEER BEEF RUMP ROAST SIRLOIN POINT ROUND STEAKo™ S, TOP ROUND STEAK or ROAST 109 -^JANE PARKER SLICED WHITE READIlk MR’ fltaFA BONE- LESS BONELESS ROAST Reg, Price loaf 25c SAVE 26c 524-ox loaves / mNMMi