HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-12-14, Page 4I CUSTOM WORK 4^~TTrnTon~Ngws-Re.cprd,~ Thursday, 14, 1967 CLASSIFIED D ADV. RATES (REVISED May 1, 1»S6> CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 7Se 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADV$. 2c Per Word Minimum 50c DISPLAY CUSSIF8EDS $I .40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display, 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 ......J ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT in Bruce- field. Available now. Phone 482- 3368, 50tfb HOUSE—4-bedroom farm .house with new gas furnace and bath. Phone 482-9801. 49, 50p FOUR-ROOM furnished apart­ ment, hydro and water paid. Ap­ ply to Les Nice, 101 Huron St., after 7:30 p.m. " 49, 50p TWO • BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment. Ceriel Van Damme, phone 482-6685. 49tfb TWO-BEDROOM apartment, fur­ nished or unfurnished. 130 King St. Phone 527-0504. 49tfb APARTMENT for rent, not far from uptown, fully redecorated, water paid, heated. Phone 482- 9025. 50tfb HOUSE for rent — 4-bedroom farm house, I^ot water heat, water pressure; 2 miles from - Blyth. Phone 523-9338, 50, 51b» MODERN 2-bedroom apartment. Available December 1. All utili­ ties paid. Apply to 482-7791. 46tfb ^.BEDROOM apartment for rent, un­ furnished. Phone 482-6675. * 35tfb APARTMENT for rent—newly decorat­ ed, centrally located, suitable for single person or couple. Available now. .Call H. C. Lawson at 482-9644. • ' 37tfb GROUND floor unfurnished apart­ ment for rent. Phone 482-7865, Rov Tyndall. 48tfb ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE . j v ARTiqitfeS WAITED MODERN apartment, self-con­ tained, heated, furnished,-1 bpd­ room. Available Jan, 5. Phone John Wise, 482-7265. 49 tfb TWIN galvanized laundry tubs; oil space heater, Phone 527- 1567. 50p TWO modern apartments, self- furnished or unfurnished, 1 bedroom, phone contained, heated, i * ‘ John Wise, '482-7265, 49tfb COFF1ELD Hamilton automatic washer; Marchand oil space heater. Les Nice, 101 Huron St., after 7:30 p.m. 5Qb BEEF and pork by the half or quarter, Pot^tOQ* for salp, Phone 482-7578. 42tfb THREE-ROOM furnished, heat­ ed apartment, central location, 46 Princess St, W. Phone 482- 9005. 49tfb HOUSE for rent, 3-4 bedrooms, modern, oil heated. Available now. Phone 482-9454. ONE PAIR hockey pads to fit teenage boy. One grey corduroy sports jacket, size 14-16. Phone 482-9528, after' 6:30 p.m. ’ , * 5Qb USjED regulation pi^- home size'!’ pool table and accessories, must" he in reasonably gqo.d >C0hdition.:«: Write Box 98, Mitchell or phone 482-1)266 for particulars. ; 49, 50b ■ v AUTOS FOR SALE - r_____________ 1' ' " 1964 DODGE/ 440, 2-door auto- mafic, V-8, .‘hardtop* excellent condition. Pftone 482-3328. ,•50b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 49tfb APARTMENT — One bedroom, living room, kitchen (with or without stove and fridge), bath­ room, laundry facilities and heated; available immediately, Apply Jack Cummings, phon? 524-8951. 49btf STORAGE SPACE—We have ample un­ heated storage space for b-at*. motors, furniture, etc. Contact Ellwood Epps Sport Shop at 80 King St, Clinton. Phone 482-9622. ■ 38tfb FURNISHED bachelor apartment, re­ cently redecorated, separate entrance, $50 inclusive. 73 East St., phone 482- 9868. 47tfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED THREE or FOUR-bedroom house or apartment wanted. Phone 527-1058. 50p ARTICLES FOR SALE JEWEL BOXES, $2.95;, musical, $5.95. Anstett’s Jewellery. 49, 50b EATING and cooking^apples. Phone 402-3214. Frecf McClyhiont and Sons, Varna. ,> 46tfb SNOWMOBILE — Polaris Colt 130 with heat boiiser and gun case, unden ,full guarantee. Phone 482-7478. 50b SIMPLICITY Washers now available at T. A. Dutton Appliances, Bruce- field. Open evenings. 38tfb CURTAINS - 'Draperiet • Window Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Baraboo Drapery Track, Drapery Pu'l Rods, Ready Made?/Draperies/ Fr- mate* Given. IRV/ihiS4 DRY GQ’X / ‘ ;; ■ 5tfb' NOW AVAILABLE at Amtett Jewel­ lers Limited — Portable Typewriter* and Adding Machines, $5 down, $5 b month. 27tfb IDEAL Christmas Gift—Polaroid automatic 101 camera, coloui* or black and white pictures in seconds, flash included. Used only 4 films. Reduced 25%. Phone 482-9548. 50, 51b TIMEX f WATCHES . . . Sold And Sarvicad at 7 ANSTETT JEWELLERS' LTD. Phone 4S2-9S2S 1966 VALIANT, 4-do'or,' auto­ matic, about 18,000 miles, rest. Under factory warranty, Phone, 523-4220. * * 50b’ 1956 FARGO half-ton truck, in • good condition, needs minor re­ pairs on body, Phone 523-4220. ' SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have par, references, $600 to $2,900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net ex­ cellent monthly income. More full time. For persona) interview write CANAPENN DISTRIBUT­ ING LIMITED, 302 Quellette Avenue, Suite 404, Windsor, On­ tario. Include phone number, 50p CUSTOM SNOW PLOWING of parking lots and driveways. Phone 482-9789. Jack Lepping- ton._____________47-49p, 50-52b STAFFER ELECTRIC Electrical andj plumbing maintenance service, do- mssiic and commercial firing, 123 Erie St., Clinton. Phone 482-9937. ■ " " ' 44-52p ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Re­ pair, Our Clinton Depot |* 55 Albert Street at Amring? Store, tfenH'a Shoe Repelra, 71 Hamilton St., Goc|erich. . 38rfb CARPENTRY WORK—Complete building of- recreation rooms, ceiling insulation, wa|| panelling, windows and door*, exterior siding and roofing. Fpr a|| your /carpentry needs, phone 262-5454, Mahloh Martin. 47tfb- HELP WANTEQ MALE A TEXAS OlFcO, Wants Man Oyer 40 Fpr Clinton Area We need a goptf man who epn make shodt auto trips for about a week at p time. We are willing to pay top earnings, up to $14,000 in a Year Plus, Regular Cash Bonus Our top man in other, parts of ppuntry draw exceptional earn­ ings, Contact customers around Clinton. Air mail confidential letter to P, H. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Corp,, 534 N. Main St., Fort Worth, Texas. 76101, 5Qb PIANO TUNING YpUR PIANO should be- finned And chpck<fd fqr mqth fncT defects regularly. I apprepiatf. contlnuecl privilege qf servicing mqny of the Instrument* In thl* area. .Qeorg* Wt Cox, phqne 482'3§70, 33tfb LOST AND FOUND LOST—Pair* of girl’s black rim­ med glasses, near CFB. Jessie Griffin, 482-9520. 50b LOST-—One 1966 Buick hub cap, lost in town, Reward. Phone 489- 9678.____________________50p LOST at Clinton Arena, after hockey practice Tuesday, Decem­ ber 5. Hand tooled leather) waV let, containing valuable papers. Reward. Phone 482-9789. / 50b CUSTOM WORK v-SPARTAN cabinet model sewing machine, made by Singer. Has built-in Zig Zagger. Recently reconditioned and in like new condition.'Mrs. Clayton Groves, phone 482-9675, after 5. 50p WATCH REPAIR it a job for expert*. Our work assure* your satisfaction, Counter'* Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. tfb i Huron Automotive & Supply . 263 Huron Rd. : Goderich, Ont.,, Rhone 524-6271 Clinton Representative 482-9782 , 24tow WATCH REPAIRS and ENGRAVING 2 Certified Watchmaker* ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 43 tfb CHRISTMAS gift for family. Set of World Books, new condition, half- price. Phone 527-1986. ? 50, 51b TREAT YOUR feathei’ed friends to the Special Assortment of wild bird feed, available at Clin­ ton Farm Centre. See also the redwood and disposable feeding stations. N. W. Durst, 482-9333. 45-51b CHRISTMAS TREES — Your choice, $1.75; 2% miles from Holmesville, County Road 31. Phone 524-6325. Bert Hakkers. 50, 51b 2-Bedroom . Apartment .1 UNFURNISHED STOVE AND FRIG SUPPLIED NORTHVIEW APARTMENTS CUSTOM WORK Ploughing or Cultivating Call George McGee at Clinton Cab, 482-7011 Ifb JACK'S FURNITURE REPAIR-Furniture repaired, also general woodworking •nd wood turning at REAR of 04 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695. 40tfb W» Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service • Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES I, SERVICE 41 Itr—I Phene 412 7412 REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done, All odd job* around the home. Kitchen cupboard* a specialty. Phone 482- 7676, Ken McNairn. 52tfb i SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY CALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 527-1405 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Philishave Cordless ................ Philishave Triple Head ____ Philishave Speed Flex........... Philishave Speed Shaver .... $39.95 $29.95 $26.95 $17.95 LAY AWAY HOW FOR CHRISTMAS ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9S3S LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE MAKING do|l clothes again this year. Phone 482-7567. 46-49b FOR HIRE—4 chicken catchers, any night of week. Phone 482- 9266. 50-52p HELP WANTED sat ’.....ARE YOU AWARE?. e fnthattyoufCan,purchase oftcqpy or "A Centennial Concoction of Verse, Fact, Fiction on a money-back guarantee; if it fails to please you, return it in good order direct to Mac Thompson, Varna, and every cent of purchase price will be tearfully refunded. Available at $2.00 at News- Record Office, Clinton; Mc- ' Clinchey’s store, Varna and Bay- i field Barber and Beauty Shoppe. P.S.: Some people are using this as a Christmas gift. break, easily mailed, no hang­ over and will last. thought? It won’t Worth a 50, 51b GIVE APPLES for Christmas— red spy, Noi/thern spy, red delicious; also golden delicious which are exceptionally good for eating or cookjng. Order a mixed bushel. Free delivery till Christmas. Also good cooking spies. Special $1.50 bushel while they last. Phone 524-8037. Art Bell’s Fruit Farm. 50b EIGHTEEN pigs, 8-9 weeks old.: Phone 523-4220. 50b A FEW top quality Landrace, gilts, bred to outstanding Shur- Gain Farms boar. Showing heavy and eligible for registration., These would price up to $15Q each on a keen market. For. quick sale $100.00 each. Contacj Mac Thompson, tel. 262-5417, herdsman for I-Iilholm Farms/ Varna. G. L. Hill: & S6n. Props/ 50, )51, 52b” SIXTEEN little pigs; also frcslm eggs the year round for sale. PYATT'S PONDEROSA* x' THREE PUREBRED Landrace bejars, ser.-j. viceable age. Been used twice. Phon®,. 482-9898. 46t f t> MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILES, Pioneer and Canadian chain aawa. Oregan Sabra saw chains, bar* and sprockets for moit saws. Used saws. Robert , Glen Pioneer Sew*, Clinton, phona 482-9292. 44-52p USED FARM EQUIPMENT 2010 TRACTOR with manure loader M and hydraulic bucket j bnuul.Gas.e:i:4QPufT(act.o.t'j; brtflb 'Vit’ln hirrl -»rf ml ALSO OTHER TRACTORS AND GOOD PLOWS I See these at JIM, CHALMERS WANTED WANTED—An acreage of rouglf grassland. Must have water... Send full particulars to Box’ 501 Clinton ■ News-Record. 50p WANTED TO BUY—100 acres oh more grassland with or with-. out buildings. Send complete information to Box 501 Clinton . News-Record. 50p SEED WANTED We are paying 9c per bushel for Commercial Oats suitable' for. seed; $1.00 bushel for Cer- - tified Oats; $1.60 bushel for - Buckwheat. Phone 293-3211 Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd. Ailsa Craig Ontario ; 50, 51b PHONE 482-9514 45tfb NORTH STREET - CLINTON PHONE 482*9561 < 48-5 lb FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946"Proudly Canadiah" HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR IN CltNTON BILTMORE JUST IMAGINEI 127 DIFFERENT HATS IN 49 STYLES AND 29 COLOURS IN ONE MINIATURE GIFT BOXI MET HIM PICK IT OUT WITH A aiLTMORS GIFT CERTIFICATE AVAILABLE ONLY AT Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AWOON at 1 Government Intpactod Scale* Ctftte Sold by Weight 'r'1 TERMS! CASH JOE COREY, Safe* Manager FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure systems and farm line needs We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS / CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 R.R.. 2, KIPPEN Phone Seaforth 527-0205 47tfb TRACTORS 2—M-F “35” diesels with loaders 1— M-F “35” gas. 2— M-F “50’s” Hi-Arch gas. 1—M-F “50” Lo-Arch. 1— Cockshutt “30” gas. COMBINES 2— M-F Super “92” Combines. 1—M-F “300” year old. 1—M-F “410” CORN 1—New Idea with husking shellsi?* 1—New Idea No. “6” 2-row corn picker. HALLMAN SILOS Slab type or poured concrete. See VAN DALE for the best in Silo Unloaders, and Bunk Feed­ ers, Versatile Swathers and Grain Augers. Johnston Tractor Cabs—$225 Bennett Blades GEORGE WRAITH Your M-F and M-H dealer Goderich Phone 524-6511 or 524-7002 49tfb gas combine, 1 gas. PICKERS 2-row mounted bed and SERVICES 17 Rattenbury Street CLINTON "We Service what we sell" ______49, 50 BIRD cage With stand, in good condition. Phone 482-7805. 50p PIANOS wanted, new or old. Reply to Box 450, Clinton News- Record, stating size and asking price. 45-51p leow ARROW Gasoline and Dieael oil — Valvoline motor oils and greatea — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned. Gordon Grigg. Phona 4B2- >411. 39tfb 'AUCTIONEER and Appraiser' Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Bruce- fifcld. Phone 482-3384, 7tfb o DEAD STOCK AAARLATT BROS. pay p4Y lb, ori 500 Ibi. over for dead 6r disabled cow* horses. Please phone promptly Phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUK SERVICE LICENSE 390C65 7tfb Will ahd and ............. ...... .., „ Use Classified Ads > For Quick Results LADY houiekeeper and companion re­ quired for elderly lady in good health, to live in Goderich until about Nov. 30. Good wages paid. Reply stating age and salary expected to Box 403, Clinton News-Record. 40tfb APPLICATIONS want°d for a stenographed on a full time basis to commence working January 2, 1968. Please state salary expected and experience. All applications to be in the hands of the undersigned bv 6 p.m. on Wednesday, December 27, 1967. John R, Consitt, Sec.-Tr^ns. Hay Farmer’s Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Zurich, Ontario. 50, 51b HELP WANTED _____ FEMALE YEAR-ROUND part-time work in local film processing plant. Apply in writing for further de­ tails. Clinton News-Record, Box 491- ____________ 49tfb HOUSEKEEPER urgently re­ quired by father and n ‘three- year-old boy; five days week, 8 a.m. until after evening meal, nice home in Clinton. Apply by letter only to Box 493, Clinton News-Record, 49-50b The Department of Health Ontario Hospital, Goderich requires REGISTERED NURSES for 300-bed progressive psychiatric hospital SALARY: $5,500 - $6,300 annually (effec­ tive January 1, 1968). Salary dif­ ferential for two or more years’ recent experience, QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontario. BENEFITS: Group life insurance and medi­ cal—surgical insurance — 75% paid by government. Accumulative sick benefits. Annual vacation. Pension plan. 40-hour week. APPLY: Business Administrator, Ontario Hospital, Goderich, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, reasonable rate*.' McGEE's, Goderich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Dia mond rings renewed and stone* safely secured—don’t take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. tfb TENDERS WANTED A part-time teacher required for Holmesville Public Sphool, to teacher half of each school day (afternoons) teaching geography on the rotary system to Grades 6, 7 and 8, beginning January, 1968, Applications will be re­ ceived to December 21, 1967, by Goderich Township, School Area Board, Frank Yeo, Secre­ tary-Treasurer, R.R. 3, Clinton. For further information contact the principal, John Siertsema. 50b 50 Tenders will be received by Goderich Township School Area Board for painting 2 classrooms, 2 washrooms and nurse’s room at Holmesville School. For further particulars contact care­ taker Ivan Colclough. Tenders to be in to secretary­ treasurer by 6 p.m. on 18th day of December, 1967, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be completed in Christmas holi­ days. , Frank Yeo, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 3, Clinton, Ontario. 49, 50b NOTICE iji r 4- - * ■ 31 •• ■ • J. nlprj FOR YOUR Fuller Brush pro-" ducts in Bayfield. Call Mrs. Lena Koene. 565-5374. 50, 51b FOR YOUR Fuller brush‘needs the dealer for Clinton is Mervyn Eyre. Phone 527-0523. ________________ 49. 50b CANADA'S most dynamic Mutual Fund —American Growth Fund—20% income tax credit on dividends. Investigate before you invest. Financial planning. Fred (Teci) Savauge, area representa­ tive, 77 John St., Seaforth. Phone 527-1522. 47tfb 3 Diamonds .oi'-aint* ,nctni!J Liss srit icri « A 2AH OSSAfor Christmas See our window display of all naw Diamond and ' Wedding Rings from $50.00 up. Save 10% for cash on ail Diamonds ih stock Counters' Jewellery Clinton Ontario Ken and Bob Suggest: ARROW SHIRTS - DOBBS HATS HICKOK JEWELLERY - JANTZEN SWEATERS CRAFT SPORTSWEAR - AUSTIN GLOVES ABBEY TIES - VIYELLA SHIRTS HARVEY-WOODS SOCKS WATSONS UNDERWEAR ETC. FOR A NEW HAT Choose your Gifts for the man on your list now. Stocks are complete to size and colour now. GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES USE OUR LAY-AWAY A Small Deposit holds any article until December 20. I BRESS FOR NEW YEARS! I We are agents for Freeman's Formal Rentals Order early and avoid disappointment