HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-12-07, Page 9f Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Cornipontart—Phon* 524-7595 n The bigblight of the Auburn Centennial concert last Friday evening was the unveiling of the picture of the late Dr, B. C, Weir by his son John R. Weir of London and Miss Sadie Carter of Goderich who had been his nurse for many years. Sherriff Harry Sturdy of Goderich on be­ half of the Auburn community paid trubute to the beloved phy­ sician who had served this dis­ trict for oyer 60 years until his death in 1965, at the age of 88 years. The presentation of an electric coffee urn to the hall also took place after a moment of silence. This fund was start­ ed at tbe time of his death as a flower fund and the family requested it be used for a com­ munity project. The engraved plaque on the picture will tell future generations about our country doctor. A letter was read from his daughter, Mrs. Duncan Mackay of Sault Ste Marie, who was unable to be present The committee for this project.. was Mrs. Wilfred San­ derson, Mrs. William L. Craig, Miss Laura Phillips, Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs. W. Bradnock. Mr. Oliver Anderson was chairman for the variety pro­ gram which commenced with a rousing sing-songof older songs and Mrs. Gordon Gross was the pianist. Mrs. FrankRaithby and Mrs. M, R. Roberts were the ushers and Mrs. Bert Craig and Mrs. Gordon Chamney were in charge at the door. After singing O Canada, Mr. Anderson welcomed everyone who had come to fill the hall to capacity. The McClinchey orchestra composed of Mr, and Mrs. Bob McClinchey of Blyth, Mr. Dave McClinchey and Mr. John McClinchey played several .old time ' favorites. Mr. Ed. Haines sang the solo, TheSong’ of the Sea, accompanied by Miss Betty Moss. Scottish dancing was done by Mary Wilkin of Goderich. She danced the Sword dance and the Irish Jig in att­ ractive costumes to the music of the pipes supplied by Piper Will­ iam Miller of Goderich. Misses' Martie Koopmans, Marsha Koopmans and Klaske Koopmans, Mrs. Kenneth Pat* terson and Mrs, McCJinchey sang selections accompanied by Mrs, Norman Wightman.Solos were sung by Rev. Leonard Warr of Goderich and Rev. Roberts pf Belgrave acc­ ompanied by Mrs. Wightman. A mouth organ duet was played . by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tay­ lor accompanied by Mrs. Rob­ ert J. Phillips. "A* pantomine skit written by Mrs, W, Bradnock depiciting events that happened in Auburn the last 1Q0 years was acted by members of the Women’s Instit­ ute. Mrs. Bradnock was the nar­ rator and the singers were Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs. Robert J, Phillips and Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. William J. Craig the pianist. The pantomine went back to when in 1848 Eneas Elikin, play­ ed by Mrs. Thomas Haggift founded the village of Man­ chester. Soon after in 1860 the* first church was built arid Mrs. Donald Haines represented the early pioneers walking to church, carrying their shoes, to save them from wear and their sincere devotion on the Lord’s Day, The early days of school were represented by Sheron Collins in costume of that day and the laying of our first cement sidewalks in 1905 was acted by Mrs. Robert Tur­ ner with her wheelbarrow and trowel. The history of lighting was told by Wanda Plaetzer carry­ ing a candle, Mrs. Gordon Pow­ ell, a coaloil lamp and Mrs. Torrance Tabb with an electric light on a long cord. Mrs. Frank Raithby acted the role of policeman representing the part that Thomas Adams played in our village’s history. Mrs. Gordon Chamney represented our youth who answered the call to defend our country in 1914 and 1939 and Mrs. Arnold Craig, the Red Cross workers who kept the treats going to our soldiers at the front. Mrs. Charles Straughan, charter member of the Auburn W.I. of the organization which began in 1922 represented it and Miss Jannett Dobie portrayed the youth of this dis-' trict who had been active in hallgames and Mrs, Leonard Archambault >represented Will­ iam J. Craig ;and the citizens who gave their time and talents to build pur beautiful hall. As the proceeds of this con­ cert were for the new park at the site of the. Patterson bridge, a song was composed, Flow gently sweet Maitland and sang by the Ladies. Reeve Hugh Flynn of Hullett Township spoke on the work that. County Council had done on the new park and congratulated the W. I. on their work. A duet was sung by Misses Ramona Hanna and Melanie Sprung aec- ompanied by Mrs. Emmerson Rodgers. A bagpipe selection was played by piper William Miller and a solo was sung by­ Miss Margaret Roberts. The Koopmans Sisters sang a trio and Mrs. Donald Sprung of God­ erich gave two amusing read­ ings. Mrs, Emmerson Rodgers sang a solo and the play Swindled by Clinton talent gave an amus­ ing half hour of entertainment. On behalf of the W.I. their president, Mrs. Donald Haines thanked assisted ject 'by concert. Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Dec. 7, 1967 9 Cooking school Baking with Yeast was the topic at the Cooking. School held last week in the Community memorial hall. Twenty-one , ladies of the community at- CottoU Accessories fo^hebeST' room was the topic of the skits; put on by all members of the McKillop club, the Holmesville club with Patricia Wise, Connie ‘ Harris and Nancy Ginn taking ’ the parts and by the Blyth Club with all members parti­ cipating. The presentation of Certi­ ficates of Achievement and sil­ ver homemaking spoons brought • the day’s program to a close for over 200 girls and their guests, Colorful exhlbits were set up r IGS®DT honours by Londesboro 2, Tiger Dunlop. • ahd Tuckersmith clubs on' colour schemes for the Bed- ? room. The commentators were Barbara Lee, Helen Brindley and Jane Shannon. The exhibits on Cotton Accessories for the Bedroom were commented on by Morris by Mar garet Phelan, and i Auburn by Melanie Sprung. Skits and demonstrations were given by selecting mater­ ials and colours for bed­ room accessories by Donna Riley and the members of Londesboro J, Connie Gibbings, ’ Debbie Gibbings and Marie • Trewartha of Clinton 2; and all club members of Clinton I. Members of the Walton Clubj Debbie Wpy, Sharon Marks and Beverly McCall and all mem­ bers of the Goderich, club also had a skit on this subject A large crowd of teenagers attended, the record Hop spon­ sored by the Hi-C group in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall last Saturday evening. ♦ ♦ Several from this area at­ tended the funeral services in Goderich for ' the late Miss Mabel Hickingbottom, a former resident of this comipunlty, * * * Mr. and Mrs, Herb Peter of Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs, Sam Squire and baby son David of Brainpton were guests on Sunday • with Mrs. Sidney Lan­ sing, * * * Mr. aqd Mrs. Ray Map- Illmurray of Flint, Michigan visited last Saturday with Mr. and Mi’s. William J. Craig. * * * Friends are pleased to learn that Mr. Fred Toll is improved in health and was able to re­ turn home from Clinton hos­ pital, ' * * The annual Vesper candle-* lighting service of the Auburn C.G.I.T, group will be held next Sunday, December 10 at 2:30 p,m. in Knox Presbyterian Church. Everyone is welcome. 3^ 3k % Mrs, Oliver Anderson and daughter Miss, Nancy visited last Thursday in London with the former’s son, Mr, William Anderson. * * * Mr. and Mrs. George Lawlor returned last week after visiting with their families in Galt, * 3k Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dave McClinchey on the birth of their daughter, Susan Joanne in Clinton hospital. * * >k Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Andrews on the birth of their son, a brother for Michael. sk Jk 3k Many 4-H Club members from this district attended the Achievement night at Seaforth last Friday night and all re­ ceived centennial plaques. Miss Margaret Sanderson of London and Miss Mary Sander­ son of Goderich • visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. 3k 3k 3k Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen were Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Allen of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Township, tended and learned iw to make bread, buns, doughnuts and many other variations. Mrs. Thomas Haggltt and Mrs. For^ dyce Clark, the leader, demon­ strated and everyone Sampled various finished products that came from the oven. Those attending were Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs, Robert Turner, Mrs. William J. Craig, Mrs. Robert J, Phillips, Mrs. Rpy Easom, Mrs. Gerald Faegan. Mrs. Torrance Tabb, Mrs, Roy' Daer, Mrs. F, Raithby. 'Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Mrs. Wil­ fred Sanderson, Mrs. Worthy Young,. Mrs, Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mrs. 'Orval McPhee, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Leonard Arch­ ambault, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, Mrs. Donald Haines, Sheron Collins and Mrs* W, Bradnock. and 4-H pins Provincial Honours ana pins were presented to Carpi Mc­ Ilwain, R.R. 2, Goderich and Bonnie Stewart R.R, 5, Sea­ forth by Mrs. Wilfred Col- clough, district president of West Huron W.I. at the 4-H Achievement Day held last Saturday at Auburn for the fall project, Cotton Accessories for the Bedroom, County honours arid pins were also presented to Diane Shepherd, R.R. 1, Londesboro, Sharon Slllib, R.R. * 6, Goderich; Connie Young, R,R. 5, Goderich; Beverley McCall, R.R. 3, Walton; Helen Gopd, . R.R. 1, Londesboro; Heather Snell, R.R. 1, Londesboro; Joyce Falconer, R.R. 5, Clinton; June Falconer, R.R, 5, Clinton; An­ nette Rehorst, R.R. 5, Clinton; Patsy Wise, R.R, 3, Clinton. Miss Sharon Carroll, Huron County Home economist was in charge of the day’s program and was assisted by home econo­ mists, Mrs. Shirley McAllister and Mrs. Maxine Brightwell. After welcoming the girls the ' leaders of the various clubs were presented with badges in *$S recognition of their services in Eft leading the girls in the dif- ' ferent 4-H clubs, The leaders Ex* were, Mrs. Elmer Robertson and Mrs. Arnold Young, Tiger Ex* Dunlop, Mrs. Frank Yeo and $8 Mrs. D. Colclough, Holmes^ ville, , Mrs. Donald Buchanan and Mrs. Keith Allen, Londes-, boro 2, Mrs. Jack McNichol and Mrs. Larry Badley, Morris, Mrs. Harry Snell and Mrs, Elgin Josling, Londesboro, 1, Mrs. William Porter and Mrs. Stanley McIlwain, Goderich, Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs. Donald Achilles of Walton, Mrs. R.E. Thompson and Mrs. Nor­ man Tyndall of Clinton I, Mrs. Bill Holland ’ and Mrs. Keith ' Tyndall, Clinton 2, Mrs. Olive ■ Little, McKillop, Mrs. Luella McGowan and Mrs. Gordon Mason of Blyth, Mrs. Frank Falconer and Mrs. Alex Town­ send of Tuckersmith and Mrs., Eleanor Bradnock and Mrs. Frank Raithby of Auburn. The morning’s program con­ sisted of the girl’s judging dres­ ser scarfs and throw cushions and selecting material for specified accessories for one bedroom everyone who had in this centennial pro- attending the evening Allen of Colborne Meteor Rideau 4-Door Sedan USED CARS YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND AN OPEN HOUSE DAY 1966 CHEVROLET, wide box, i^-ton, six, standard. AT THE FARM OF record s hi Free coffee and donrits will be served. 4* T4 ■< 1 ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS ELECTRIC HEATERS IPrices start at JtW. Llfetlmo guaranleo Wlda tholes of cabinets ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUSHES 1965 STUDEBAKER, 6, standard 1964 FORD Tudor 1964 FORD 500, Tudor 1964 STUDEBAKER Wagon, 8, standard Plan how to come land see how Mr. arid Mrs. GoVenloCk have cxparided their family farming operation. 1964 STUDEBAKER, 8, automatic, radio 1964 STUDEBAKER, 6, automatic You will have the opportunity of seeing their new, modern, semi-automatic 10,000 bird Cage poultry house where about 200,000 dozen eggs will be prpduced, annually. THE DATE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1967 THE TfME: 2:00 - 5:00 P.M. This Christmas give her "Years of Fashion" with the beautiful BERNINA for'68. Whether her taste calls for simple family Sewing or "haute couture" Swiss precision BERNINA will do if ail for her completely automatically. From tho first basting stitch to Straight stitching, zig-zag, button holes, sevvi ng on of buttons, appliquCS, even embroidery , , , with 2 & 3 heedles, right down to the final bllhd hem, No cflscs to change■,. ho dial's to turn ,., ho 'Chaits to read ... BERNINA even Adjusts Its own tension—automatically! She will agree that BERNINA for'58ls the most gifted sewing machine. For froo W-colour-shot brochure, writs to; Bornlna Corp,, 3445 Park Avo., Montreal, P.O. Clinton Electric Shop Albert Street CLINTON Phono 482-6646. •g 1966 GMC, narrow box, (4-ton. Like new. The Open House is sponsored byi MILTON J. DIETZ Yobr Puriha Dealer Sbaforthy Ontario Tel.: 527-0608 MEDICAL SERVICES offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Coverage At Cost! -INDIVIDUAL and GROUP RATES AVAILABLE— Inquire to-day from: Robert McMillan. RR 2, Seaforth Peter Roy, Clinton Gordon Richardson. RR I, Brucefield Bert Irwin. RR 2, Seaforth HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 82 Albeit St., Clinton Phone 482-9751 RFRNINA■■P ■ *1 M ■ | Sewing machine WINTER CARNIVAL OF USED CARS AND TRUCKS PERSONALS Mr. Durnin Phillips of Kin­ cardine visited Friday with re­ latives in the village, * * * Mrs. WilliamStraughan spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Jardin, Mr. Jardin and family in Wing­ ham.* * * 'Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. Elizabeth Hill visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Miss Nancy and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. For the Rome or that Special Person POLISHERS VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC GRIDDLES ELECTRIC KNIVES HAIR DRYERS TOASTERS HEATING PADS ELECTRIC BLANKETS ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES ELECTRIC FRY PANS ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC BLENDERS DISHWASHERS Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish — Your Westinghouse Dealer Albert Street CLINTON Phone 482-6646 I « MR. & MRS. TOM GOVENLOCK RR 5 SEAFORTH GET A QUICK STARTING BETTER USED CAR | at MONEY SAVING PRICES NEW CARS IN STOCK 1968 COLONY PARK WAGON - LOADED 1968 METEOR FORDOR CYLINDER AUTOMATIC, RADIO, POWER STEERING. COLONY PARK 1968 METEOR RIDEAU v-arAurOMAffc, Meteor Rideau 500 2-Door Fastback Hardtop 1968 FALCON SPORTS COUPE, V-8, AUTOMATIC, LOADED 1967 FORD Custom Fordor, 6-cylinder, radio, 50,000 or 5-year warranty. 1966 CHEVROLET Impaia, rour-aour, v-o, au>va.>a,.v, _____, power steering, tinted windshield, clock, 14,780 miles. Local car. 1963 FORD Fordor, V-8, standard 1963 VOLKSWAGEN 1962 ANGLI'A 1962 PONTIAC, 6, standard 1961 FORD, V-8, standard USED TRUCKS i • WINTER SPORTS . ... ....... , .......s______________________________________________ ® MOTO - SKI SNOWMOBILES - FUN FOR ALL b Everything has a value K WE TRADE 5 FOR ANYTHING i Horses, Cattle, Hogs, g Oats, Corn. 6 You name it — well trade $ it. Let us be Your TRADING POST OUR BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR Say Mferry Christmas to the Whole Family with one of these Good Used Cars at BIG Savings YOUR OLD CAR AS DOWN PAYMENT NO PAYMENTS TILL '6S MERCURY — METEOR — COMET — FALCON — COUGAR Huron Automotive & Supply Goderich/Ontario ' Sales Representative, George Cutler Phbnei Business — 524-6271 Ciihfdri 482-9782 <5^ ’sSJA't 'C*