HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-12-07, Page 7ELECT LEGION SLATE, NO TREASURER SAYS WORK IMPORTANT Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion has toil- ad to come up with a treasurer in Ito 1968 slate of officers. - Meetlng Monday evening, pre* ■ aident r- elect Stewart “Dick” Freeman called for re-open­ ing of nominations for the im­ portant office of treasurer, but ' not one of the suggested per­ sons would stand. A former treasurer, R. Roy Fitzsimons who was chairman of the elec* •• tions at the meeting suggested . a committee headed by J. Ed* ward pale, and K, W. Colqu- houn and the present treasurer R. J. Dixon be a committee to interview persons tor the . In Urn etocti<>n tor second vice-president, Harold Black * won put over Harry Crich. ; The other election was for six members of the executive committee. Winner# were John Deeves, Pat Dumayne, Bob Burke, Len Arnston, Stuart . Dick, Percy Pugh, Gordon Ebel and Harry Crich who automa­ tically was a nominee for ex­ ecutive when he lost the vice- presidency. New Legionaire Frank.Pyke toiled to get el­ ected to the executive com­ mittee. AH other officers of the branch went in by acclamation at the November nomination ' Thank You MY SINCERE & Gordon Lawson APPRECIATION For Your Support FOR DEPUTY REEVE and THE COMPLIMENTS Of The SEASON TO ALL Your • s Reeve-Elect JIM ARMSTRONG THANKS HIS FRIENDS FOR THEIR SUPPORT AT THE POLLS. HE PROMISES TO SUPPORT THEM ON COUNCIL. . The Compliments of the Season to All To The Electors S ROUND OR SIRLOIN I Steak or Roast lb- THANK YOU! § CRYOVAC HALVES i Smoked Dinner Hams 1 WE HOPE TO JUSTIFY YOUR TRUST IN US AND TO ACT AS AN EFFECTIVE TEAM ON CLINTON'S BEHALF NOW THAT THE EXCITEMENT OF THE ELECTION IS OVER. WE WANT TO WORK TO­ GETHER AND WITH YOUR CO-OPERATION MAKE CLINTON A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE AND WORK. FRANK COOK CLARENCE DENOMME WES HOLLAND HAROLD LOBB ted McCullough CAM PROCTOR /> On Monday, December 11 there will be a joint installation of officers for both the Kegion and Legion Auxiliary officers for 1968,^ Mitchell Legion will . supply ah installation team for • this occasion. President W llliaip Chambers was in Charge of the meeting 'which authorized donations to the Muscular Dystrophy A ssoci- ation and to the War Memorial Children’s Hospital at London. The Legion was invited to help bag candy at the Fish and Game Clubhouse on Thursday, Deo ember 7 tor Clinton’s Santo Claus parade on Saturday, Deo ember 9. The Legion will have a float in this parade. In other business the Legion; heard plans to1' A turkey bingo tonight (Thursday); appointed. Garnet HarlarB and Art Mount­ lord to audit the 1967 books; invited all members t0 partici­ pate in tfie annual Christmas draw board at the hall and sell tickets on J2 “big” jpcfteed to be drawn on Friday, Decern* ber 22. Robert Burke reported that the Legion had made over $600 for the poppy fund on the sale of poppies and wreaths dur­ ing Remembrance Week. This is an increase over the pre* vious year, Winners of the regular mon­ thly draw prizes were; $30, M. J. F. Lapensee; $15, Jim Scott and $5, Ray Finch. Canadian Forces Headquar­ ters recently announced the pro­ motion of Flight Lieutenant James Brian Riordan to the rank of Squadron Leader. A native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, S/L Riordan joined the RCAF in 1957 shortly after com­ pleting a BSc at St. Marys University. Two years at Noya Scotia Technical College gave S/L Riordan his BE (Elect) and his first teaching assign­ ment at the Officer Training School in CFB Clinton. S/L Riordan has served with 404 Argus Squadron , in- CFB ux me yuxaut!. y Greenwood, as well as the CF104 The next Lions myting is in Nuclear Strike Squadron in Ba­ the form of a ladies’ night at den-Soellingen, Germany. After Elm Haven Motor Hotel on Tues- . " - . day, December 12, with dancing entertainment and a smorgas­ bord dinner. The Lions were given pep talks by Grey Cup draw chair­ man Mitch McAdam and A. “Red” Garon. This is the Lions Club’s main fund raising project. Winner of the regular draw prize was Gladstone Grigg. *14 mental health act Making his second appear­ ance at Clinton, Lions Club as a guest speaker, Basil Hall, the director of social services at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich, brought the Lions up to date on a new. Ontario Mental Health Act which goes into effect on January 1, 1968. Mr. Hall said this act will clear up many differences be. tween Ontario Hospitals and other hospital institutions. The new act makes admis­ sion to a mental hospital more on a voluntary basis. There Will be no need for certifica­ tion from one or more doctors to admit a person. The speaker said one in 10 persons will have some form of mental illness in their life­ time. At present, said Mr. Hall “In the under age 25 group we have an increase in emo- tional diseases.” He gave a few case histories of patients he has worked with at the God­ erich Hospital since coming here in 1962. The speaker was introduced by Lion Harvey Johnston, man­ ager of Huronview, and thanked . by John Lavis. William Crawford, the local agent tor Metropolitan Life In. surance Company was initiated into the Lions ClubwOfficiating in the initiation were Presi­ dent Maynard Corrie; past zone chairman E, B. Menzies; H. C. Lawson, the only charter mem. ber stilb with the Lions Club and Jack Scruton, a past pres­ ident who sponsored Mr. Craw­ ford into Lionism. kumbmmmhwmhmmmmmhmmmm The Lions will help bag candy at the Fish and Game club- house on December 7 for Clin­ ton’s Santa Claus parade qn ( Saturdayj December* 9;z the . . Lions will also enter a vehicle in the parade. // Organize scouts for Varna boys A meeting was held last week . in the United church for the purpose of organizing a Scout group. Mr. Stewart Broad­ foot, leader of the Brucefield group acted as chairman. A committee was formed and the first meeting is being held this week with Mr, George Whittle as leader, This is the first time a scout . group has been organized in this community and we wish it every success. The Hi. C. Group of the United Church held a paper drive on Saturday last and will have an­ other in the spring. T I would like to thank the ratepayers of Hullett Township for electing me to* the school area Happy New Year. JOE GIBSON board and wishing all a Merry Chris.tmas and a WEINERS 89c2 LBS. 89c 89c 3 LB. 2 FOR 3 FOR MY MOST 3 FOR SINCERE THANKS for MY SINCERE THANKS TO MY SUPPORTERS AT THE ELECTION POLLS. I WISH TO EXTEND CONGRATULATIONS TO MAYOR SYMONS AND THE NEW 1968-69 COUNCIL. I wish to thank the electors of Clinton your support at the poll on Monday. Your generous mandate makes me ever mindful of my duty to dur town. CLINTON ... | WEEKEND SPECIALS DECEMBER 7, 8, 9,1967 89c SALE WISHING WELL 28-OZ. NO DEPOSIT BOTTLES , » 39c GINGER ALE 6 1.00 i GROCERIES CLARK'S — VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SOUPS STUART HOUSE — DEAL PACK Foil Wrap 18-INCH WIDTH BLUE BONNET, COLOURED Margerine 3-lb. Economy Pack LIBBY'S COOKED — 14-OZ. TINS 89c ■■ NEW SIZE AYLMER 89c CATSUP 24-oz. bottle SWAN LIQUID each 19c DETERGENTMay I also wish each of you a most Happy Christmas and a Prosperous Centennial plus one. g FRESH — NO. I SPINACH loot pkg. ft® Hi A />"• ..’V t; ■sg; three years as Nato Cross Ser­ vicing Specialist Officer for No, 1 Air Division HQ at Metz, France, and four months at Lahr, Germany, he is presently teaching Thermodynamics and Propulsion, at the Aeronautical School for Officers at CFB Clinton. He is married, to the former Marie Madeleine Page of Mont­ real. They reside at 119 Col­ umbia Dtfive, Huron Park, Cen- . tralia, Ontario, with their two children, Carol-Marie, 3; and Brian-Andre, 2. Dean Fred Snyder, of the newly opened Conestoga College stressed thelmportanceofwork when he addressed about 300 Huron County Federation of Ag­ riculture members at their an­ nual meeting November 29 in Hullett Township hall. Substituting for Professor J; W, Church, president of the new college, Mr. Snyder was intro­ duced by John Gaunt, OFA field­ man. Mr, Snyder’s theme, “the importance of wprk and useful occupations in our society” pointed to the many advantages to be found Ln gainful employ­ ment. But opportunities for the children of today’s farming gen­ eration to follow their fathers were dwindling, Mr. Snyder said. Expansion and enlarge­ ment of individual farming units were forcing more families from rural areas. Young people with farming backgrounds from rural areas, however, could still utilize their agricultural experience, Mr, Snyder stated. For. instance, a young man with a farm Wk­ ground could make a career in journalism writing for a farm, publication. After Mr. Snyder’s.address, . Charles Thomas, QFA presi- • dent and chairman of the Lon-, desboro meeting, invited mem­ bers to ask questions. In reply to one question, Mr. Snyder said a course in agri­ cultural computer technology would be offered at Clinton or Seaforth for farm operators in the Huron — Perth area. The course is scheduled to begin January 10. Elmer Hunter, first vice-pre*. si dent of the Huron County OFA thanked the speaker. Stuart Proctor, a member of UCW holds general meeting The general meeting of the UCW was held oh Tuesday even­ ing. Mrs. Clarence Crawford chaired the meeting, Christmas carols were sung. The Ander­ son sisters favouredwith duets. Mrs. Gourley read the Christ­ mas story. The slate of officers presented by the nominating committee read by Mrs. Laura Lyon was accepted. Rev. A. J. Mowatt of Wesley - Willis Church, Clinton gave an inter­ esting Christmas message and showed pictures taken when he visited the Holy, Land. Mrs. Edwin Wood gave a favourable financial report. A social half-t- • hour was enjoyed at the close. 1968 Resident, stone; Secretary without port­ folio, Mrs. Townsend; Com­ munity Friendship and visiting, Mirs. Wilmer Howatt; Christian Citizenship and Social Action, M:rs. Townsend; Christian Edu­ cation and Missionary Educa­ tion, Mrs. Gordon Shobbrook; Flowers and cards, Mrs. W. Howatt. Literature, communications and periodicals, Mrs. L. Lyon; Membership, Mrs. Will Man­ ning; Nominations, Mrs. R. Peel; Press and-publicity, Mrs. B. Allen, Social Functions, Mrs. Chas Scanlon; Program, Mrs. Tschanz; Supply and’social as­ sistance, Mrs. .Bert Shobbrook;^ Stewardship -arid ^recruiting,-’ ‘ Mrs. Joe Shaddick/fpiahists, Mrs, Harry Lear, Mrs. E. Josling; Representative to Manse, Mrs. Laura Lyon; Re­ presentative to Board of Stew­ ards, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Buying committee, Mrs. Bert Shob­ brook; Church Flowers, Mrs. Earl Gaunt. The UC^J officer are as follows: Past jP?''-' Mrs., C. Crawford, President^ Mrs. Gourley, 1st. vice, No nominee;’ 2nd vice, Mrs. Harry Lear;5 Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ken Hulley; Assistant sec­ retary, Mrs. Lome Hunking; Treasurer, Mrs. Edwin Wood; Correspondence, Mrs. Living- Norman Livermore 1-LB. SMOKED SLICED AUSTRAL — 14-QZ. TINS | Side Bacon PLUs_J-lh Liver 89c Fruit Cocktail ® FROZEN FOOD ■^CLARK'S — CHICKEN, TURKEY OR BEEF STOKELY— 14OZ. TINS , SPOT PIES •»> 4 ™ 99c PUMPKIN § SUPREME BRAND LIBBY'S DEfeP BUTTERED ~ 14-OZ. TINS * 1 sa M ** CORN, PEAS' UMA BEANS' CARROTS, PEAS CARROTS French Fries 49c VEGETABLES 3 for PRODUCF > CALIFORNIA NOJ 1 2 Clinton Newsj-Recprd, Thursday, Dec, 7, 1967 7 Huron County Council, deliver-- ed greetings from -the county. Mr. Proctor, the representative * from Morris Township, under- lined the need for farmersto support agricultural organiza­ tions. Only through united effort can they'reach goals and effect, economic changes to improve their living standards,Mr, Pro*- their living standards, Mr. Proctor pointed out. Ken Patterson, president of the Middlesex OFA branch, who visited the Huron County OFA meeting, brought’ greetings from his county group. He re* marked that he was impressed by the enthusiasm and co-opera* tlon evident in the Huron County organization. He cited the large number of candidates standing for positions as OF A directors in Huron as one example of strong support. A resolution from a Morris ’Township member urging more •trlngent legislation to deal with drinking drivers umtoto mously endorsed by the mem­ bership. ■ ■ ■ Martin Haan, of R. JR. 1, Walton,. presented the resoln>> tlon which will be forwarded to the Ontario Federation of Ap^ riculture and Co-operators’ In-' surance Association, Elmer Hunter, of R. R. 3„ Goderich, was elected president ot the group, succeeding Char­ les Thomas of Brussels. Other officers elected were; Bob Henry, of Blyth, vice-pre­ sident; Mrs, Ted Fear, of R.R, 5, Brussels, secretary-trea­ surer; and directors at large, Mr, Hunter, Tom Cunningham, x of Auburn, Mr. Fear, Mason Bailey, of R. R. .3, Blyth, Ted1 Hunking, of R, R, j, AubUrn, and Lloyd Bond, of R. R. 3 Clinton. TO THE ELECTORS OF HULLETT TOWNSHIP I would like to thank the people for their support in the election on December 4, and wish to all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. DON BUCHANAN TO THE RATEPAYERS OF HULLETT TOWNSHIP Thank You 1 For re-electing me as your reeve for the two- year term, 1968 and 1969. Your support was appreciated and I will endeavour to be worthy of this support. HUGH FLYNN Reeve, Hullett Township TO THOSE WHO SUPPORTED ME AT THE ELEC­ TION POLLS ON MONDAY, I SAY THANKS. 'V.&& A'toK vs a W nwb Compliments of theJSeasbn to al I ratepayers