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Clinton News-Record, 1967-12-07, Page 5
PET STOCK BORDER ccjllie puppies. Good C«itR? and wDUh dogs. Ken Thompson, 52749^5, 49- 49b HOME WANTED fpr c«ts, for 4 month*, jn exchange for 3 of the 6. Good farm c«l». G. Hazelwood, R.R, L Bayfield. Phqnq 462-9911, after 7, J».m. 47-8$ TRAVEL SERVICE p^nellgd den qr extra bed room and attached ^a- rage» Also 15 ACRES OF CHOICE GARDEN SOIL growing strawberries and raspberries, bet can be subdivided into lots and sold separately. STAN BLOWE5 TRAVEL Service, 32 Wallington St., Stratford. For all .airi lines, steamships, rail, hotel reserva tions, toyrs. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaid* arranged for relatives visiting from overseas, Cell 271-5710, REAL ESTATE ALSO HAS A MODERN APARTMENT Two bedrooms, new kit chen cupboards, living room, 3-piece bath and rents for $75 monthly, Also SEVEN APARTMENT BUILDING, form erly known as Commercial Hotel, for Mln, Cash $35,000. This being less than six years' rent. Five of the apartments are furnished, hot water system, baseboard heating, furnace good as new; cost over $5,000. All storm windows, one-car garage; cen trally locafed. Apply to C, Van Damme, 106 Ontario St., Clinton. 48tfb HOUSE FOR SALE-1 ^-itorey house, Insul brick, conveniently located on large lot on quiet street. Enquiries should be made to 482-6654, 39tfb Looking For Something Good FOR A SOLID BRICK 2-STOREY HOME Located on Highway 8. Owner's quarters contain new 3-piece bath, oil fur nace and heavy duty wir ing; all aluminum win dows and doors. Full base-, ment. Bright living roqjpi and dining .room, hard wood floors, 2 bedrooms upstairs, modern kitchen, EGG BUSINESS This is a money-maker, Only falxes two hours each dsy, 3,000 laying hens on contract, Barn 52' x 40\ fully equipped. Net in come over $400 per month. You can have all the above for $10,500 down, or the owner will trade on a farm or house in the Goderich or Clinton area. This is a perfect set up for anyone wishing to retire and still have a good income. Investigate today. Bayfield Two lots for the price of One, located on Brucefield Highway in the village of Bayfield. Make us an of-, fer. No. '67-645. Kuth Van Dar Mht M Mantraal 1*. — ••derich *14-7171 6-ACRE summer property, wooded. Close to lake bank, fouth of 8*7* held., SMALL building, wired. Buy with or without Jpt. ONE flqqr home at Port Albert, 3 bed rooms, insulated, 3-piece bath, wall 'furnace, Furniture! included; pnp •ere; $8,000 FOUR-bedroom home at Port Albert, drilled well, 2-piece bath- Vendor will hold mortgage; $5,000. BRICK school house with fyrpfee end drilled well, FARMS 25 ACRES, close to Lake Huron, on payed road, 7-room house, barn, drilled well; $9,000. 125 ACRES, without buildings, $16,000. 100 ACRES, 8-room frame house, drill ed well, barn, hen house; $16,000. 127 ACRES, TOp acre* wqrkable, 7-room house, barn, drilled well; $21,000. 150 ACRES, 6 miles from Goderich, frame house wirh 3-piece bath, drilled well, large barn, new silo; $26,500. 200 ACRES, cash crop land, 7-roorp house, oil furnace, 4-piece bath, barn, silo; $40,000. 200 ACRES, Ashfield township, mod ernized House, 2 barns; $42,000, 57 ACRES, fully modernized, large brick home, 2 bathrooms, 2 »un parlors, new furnace, new drilled well. New double garage with at tached workshop; barn. LARGE NEW BUSINESS BUILDING WITH 12 FT. STONE FIREPLACE. MANY FEET OF HIGHWAY FRONTAGE; $35,000. GENERAL STORE with post office and library; 3 apartments; $15,000 plu» stock. RETAIL MEAT AND COLD STORAGE BUSINESS in village, on highway. 7-UNIT MOTEL, 2-room apartment, •nack bar, living quarter*. •UMMER RESORT BUSINESS, accom modates 60-75 guests, sandy beach, 2,140 ft. lake frontage, 200 acre* of land. Main lodge has 14 bed rooms, 2 rec rooms. Lookout building haa 6 motel units. Other lodge build ing with dining room, office, tuck- •hop and lounge. Tennis court. Steam bath. Two cabins. Workshop and laundry. Owner sacrificing due to ill health. Price only $57,000. ■eprewefhg WILFRED MdNTII A CO., LIMITED $12,500.00— Good income pro perty; $ separate 2-bedroom apartments, ajl rented, 3 baths. Owner does not live in Clintoti and would sell to right person on mortgage. $13,500.00 — 3-bedroom, 8-yearr oid house in good residential (JiStript, close to schools, G1IMC mortgage monthly payments of $71.00 PJ.T.j 4-piece bath, recrea tion room in basement- Owner has moved from Clinton. Posses sion in early spring, $10,800.00 ^-bedroom IV2- storey insuf brick, new gas fur nace, house has been recently renovated. Early possession. $7,500.00—Duplex, 2 furnaces, two baths, Both have two bed rooms. Only reason owner is selling is because of health. $12,500.00 — 4-bedroom solid brick, good dry basement, oil furnace, 2-pjece bath down, 3- piece hath up, laundry room: one-car garage. . $10,000.00 — 4-bedroom, 1% storey, full basement, gas fur nace, Owner moving from Clin ton. 7-ROOM solid brick, 3 bedrooms and 4-piece bath up, 2-piece bath down, oil furnace, full basement, carport. This house has many good features and must be seen to be appreciated. THREE - BEDROOM, 1 y2-storey, close to uptown, oil furnace, one- car garage.. Several articled to remain on the premises. This is an estate sale and is priced right for early sale. Possession im mediately. K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD. Real Estate Broker HAL HARTLEY—Salesman 14 Isaac St. Clinton, Ont. PHONE 482-9747 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED CARD Or THANKS 1 would lijcq td extend my sincere thanks to ail wno re- mcmoered me with iiqwers, carqs and treats und those who Visnea ine while 1 w#s a patient ip Clinton Puolic Hospital; also special tnanks to Drj Newlanci, Dr. Oakes and the nurses on first floor.—JOHN SWWMA. 49b ELLIOTT'S CHRISTMAS TREES EXCELLENT VARIETY OF SCOTCH PINE AND SPRUCE V.iL ’.L t . Fr?m m.d.' ” -tl Vnan., {snlaivias to epelivhq bsi>r.ilnp> , b JU .U'.W .y, -4 .... 5,, t Fresh Cut Boughs—50c per bundle Behind Cooke's Greenhouse Ft)R SALE — Four-bedroom home, half block from business district ,on highway 8, Seaforth, Large lining room, dining room, kitchen with modern built-in cupboards, utility room, one and a half baths, basement, double garage, landscaped lot. Owner leaving town, possession' by January 1, 1968. Phone Seaforth, 527-0856.> 49, 50b T|REET?EDRQOM house,! piece bath; ,oil- furnace, $6,500, terms can be arranged. Phone 482-7622. . 49b - PHONE 482-9287 - 49b Hullett Township Ratepayers We would like to thank you for our acclamation to the position of your councillors for Hullett Township for the next two years. We will do our best to carry on the business of the township in the interests of the taxpayers. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with good health and happiness. LEONARD ARCHAMBAULT JOE HUNKING ' . CHARLES SCANLON • JOHN JEWITT FIVE miles from Clinton, 2-bed- tfoom frame, cottage, new gas furnace, low taxes, on paved road, near school. Lot 100 x 200. Qualifies for VLA purchase. $4,000.00—4-bedroom 1 7>-storey, oil furnace, 3-piece bath, two blocks from main street in Clin ton. This property needs some minor repairs. Owner has pro perty priced low forj cash sale; 60-day •possession, Stet xg-or vsxjr Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Dec. 7, 1967 5 DEATHS COLE—-At Clinton Public Hos pital, on Wednesday, Decem ber 6, 1967, Mrs. Katherine S, Cole, widow of Robt, B, Cole, R.R. 3, Clinton, in her 88th year. Resting at Ball Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements incomplete. BIRTHS MeKINLEY ZZ In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Novem ber 25, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs.. Berne McKinley (nee Doris Johnston), R.R. 1, Zurich, Ont., a daughter, Rebecca (Becky) Mae, a sister fer Richard and Rodger. SHADDICK—Mr. and Mris. Ger ald Shaddiek are happy tq announce the birth of their son, Gerald Glenn Thomas, on Nov, 28, in Woodstock Gen eral Hospitail. BROOKS — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, Decem ber 3, 1967, to Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm Brooks, Blytjh, a son. McMAHON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, Decem ber 3, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon, Clinton, a son. DEATHS Classified ■9 IN MEMORIAM lies by can- always by his <1 and who ago, MAYTAG SALES with SERVICE Toronto ELECTROHOME ADMIRAL EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEE YEARS PARTS AND LABOUR SERVICE. St. Marys—284-2290 127 Queen St., "BOB'S TV SINCE '53" The family of the late Mrs, Ida Boyce wish to express ^in- cepe thanks and. appreciation to friends, relatives and neighbours for kindnesses shewn them dur ing their repent bereavement in the loss of a beloved mother and grandmother; for cards sent while she was ip hospital, flora], tributes and messages of sym pathy, donations tp Cancer Fund and Heart Fund, Special thanks to Dr, McGeough, Dr. Jackson and nursing staff of Alexandra Hospital, Goderich; also Rev. G. L. Royal, Lodge Funeral Home, pallbearers, flower bearers and to all who helped in any way. 49b I wish to thank nurses on first floor of Clinton Hospital, Dr. Addison, Drf. Newland and all those who sent cards and visited me.—MRS. CECIL COOPER. 49p I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to all who re membered me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Ad dison and nurses on first floor. —GWEN YEATS. 49p KELVINATOR ALL MAYTAG WASHERS The engagement is announced of Betty, daughter of Mr. Leo Idsinga, R.R. 1, Bay- field, to Harry John Bakker, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bakker, Londesboro. The marriage to take place Saturday, December 9, 1967, at Christian Reformed Church, Clinton at 3 p.m. 49b GLAZIER—In loving memory of William R. Glazier who passed away four years ago, Decem ber 10, 1963. "May the winds of Heaven blow gently’ On a quiet peaceful spot Where the one we loved sleeping And will never! be forgot.” —-Lovingly remembered wife Mayme and the Kennedys. 49p Mr. and Mifs. Nelson Weiler, Toronto, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Jannette Diane to Gor don Charles Fulford, youngest son of Mijs. Charles McKeever, Clinton, and the late Arthur Fulford. The wedding to take place on Saturday, Jan. 6, 1968 at 3 p.m. in the Pentecostal Church, Clinton._____________ Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hender son, wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter, Barbara^ Jeart/?,;fo Lloyd .Gary. Peterson^sori of. Mr. and Mrs’S,. Alfred’TCt^'rson,‘141 London St., Hamilton. The wedding will take place, on Saturday; December' 30, 1967, at Brucefield United Church. t 49b KEYS—In loving memory of a dear husband, father grandfather, Lloyd Keys, passed away four years December, 7th, 1963. “The depths of sorrow we not tell Of the loss of one we loved so well And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep His memory we shall keep.” —Always remembered wife and family. 1 BOYCE—Passed away in Alex andra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Wed nesday, Noveipber 29, 1967, Mrs. James (Ida) Boyce, in hen 86th year. Funeral service from Lodge Funeral Home, on Saturday, Dec, 2, with inter ment in Baird’s Cemetery, Stanley Township. DORRANCE—Passed away at Huronview, on Friday, Decem ber 2, 1967, Mrs. George Dor rance, Seaforth, in her 88th year. Funeral service from D. A. Whitney Funeral Home, on Monday, December 4, with interment in Maitlandbank Pioneer Mausoleum. FOWLER — Passed away at Huronview, on Saturday, December 2, 1967, William Elmer Fowler, Seaforth, in his 85th year. Funeral service from D. A. Whitney Funeral Home on Monday, December 4 with interment in Harlpur- hay Cemetery, Tuckersmith Township. LYNCH—Passed away in Alex andra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Tues day, December 5, 1967, Mrs. Frederick Lynch, Goderich, in her 74th year. Funeral service will be held on Thursday, December 7, at 2 p.m. from Stiles Funeral Home, Gode rich, with interment in Mait land. Cemetery. ,______’ TEBBUTT—At Huronview, on Monday, December 4, 1967, Oscar Tebbutt, Seaforth, in his 78th year. Funeral service from R. S. Box Funeral Home, on Wednesday, December 6, with interment in Clinton Cemetery. TV & APPLIANCES, Stranqrd—271-6433 129 Ontario retirXsX"--Getthadet ^outthe coupon- Bavrie OrilV'a The Sterling Trusts Corporation 372 Bay St., Toronto, Ontario. NAME ADDRESS PROV. Please send me information on Retirement Savings Plan. COOPER—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Cecil'H. Cooper, ’ who passed away 4 ycat|s ■’ago*'1 DecefhbeT 5th. A smile we will always remem ber, A voice we shall always recall A memory we will treasure for ever Of a loved one who was dear to us all. —Always remembered by wife and family. Mr. and . Mrs. Elmer Frey, engagement of their daughter, Clinton, wish to announce the Mary Ann Hymers, to Mr. Gor don Clair Caldwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell, Brucefield. The wedding to take place on Saturday, December 30, 1967, at 3:30 p.m. in St. An drew’s Presbyterian Church, Clinton. 49b fllFCT hardware MIEJI AND FURNITURE Use Classified Ads For Quick Results :r du Too, Will Be SOLD A. W. STEEP GIFT CENTRE OUT CLINTON’S 'ONE STOP' A List of Prizes Will Be Given for Ladies and Gents bn the Centennial Theme ' 'mA£ . .... —......... ... .. . .. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER ■— SEAFORTH Phone 482-7211 Open Every Afternoon Local Rapmentalive 4824642 On The Idea When You Find How Easy It Is To Chose Your Gifts there’s an electrical gift for every letter of the alphabet and every member of family •ft: | TOWNSHIP of TUCKERSMITH AT HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL, BRUCEFIELD I FRIDAY, DEC. 8th AT 9:00 PM LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE 69-71 Albert Street § • GIFTS FOR EVERYONE IN THE HOME (Including the home) & • Ask about our Family Purchase Plan. & • For Evening Appointments Phone 482-9505 before 6:00 p.m '**'r*'*'*s*'**s*'*'*'**s**'****'*’******'a**'**'S**’***>**JM\»*>r*a'r>«se^^^ BALL & MUTCH LIMITED Crest Hardware and Furniture 69-71 Albert Street Phene 482-9505 • Alarm clock • Blender • Coffee grind© • .Drill • Egg Cooker • Freezer • Guitar • Hedge clippers • Iron • Juice Extractor • Kettle , • Lawn Mower • Massager • Night Light • Organ • Phonograph • Quartz sun lamo • Radio • Sewing machine •’Train • Utility lamp • Vacuum cleaner • Waffle iron • Xmas decorations • Yard light • Zoom lens projector live better electrically PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION