HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-12-07, Page 4CUSTOM WORKClinton. News-Record, Thursday, Dec, 7, 1967 ARTICLES FOR SALE % BETTER JOBS NOTICE HELP WANTED FEMALE NOTO TO CREDITORS FOR YOUR Fuller brushes the dealer for Clinton is Mervyn Eyre, phene 527-0523.# 49, 50b CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES (REVISED May 1, 1*0*) CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if - not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REFEAT AOVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 50c DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $ 1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c par inch Birth/ Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 --------- ------------------ 1 j ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT • HOUSE—4-bedroom farm house -with new gas furnace and bath. Phone 482-9801. 49, 50p ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWO-BEDROOM house, easily heated, availabel immediately. Phone 482-9540. 49b ARTICLES FOR SAW . May a a , >.Te*y;■;*>■■■*■• W '< * ** ■ COFF1ELD Hamilton automatic ■ washer; Marchand oil space heater, Les Nice, 101 Huron St., -after 7:3Q p.m. 49p CUSTOM chain sawiug of any kind. Phone 523-9526, piyfh- 49p TWO modern apartments, self- contained, heated, furnished oy unfurnished, 1 bedroom. Phone John Wise, 482-7265. The Settlement 49tfb THREE-BOOM furnished, heat­ ed apartment, central location. 46 Princess St, W. Phone 482- 9005. 49tfb Of Huron County by JAMES SCOTT BILTMORE JUST IMAGINE! 127 DIFFERENT HATS IN 49 STYLE? AND 29 COLOURS IN 9NE MINIATURE GIFT ROX| LIT HIM PICK IT OUT WITH A BILTMORE GIFT CERTIFICATE available only AT WATCH REPAIR I* a job for expert*. Pur work aisure* your **ti*fecfion, Counter'* Jewellery. Huron County's O|d*»t Established Jevvellery Store, CANADA'S mo*t dynamic Mutual Fund —American Growth Fund—20% income, tax credit on dividend*, investigate before you invest. Financial planning. Fred (Ted) Savauge, area representa­ tive, 77 John St., Seaforth, Phone 527-1522. 47tfb FULLER BRUSH UP for Efayfielcf are*. Phone 565-5374, Mrs. Lyn* Kqen*. 48, 49b IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR k IN CLINTON . 48-5lb WATCH HRAIIS and tHGUAVIHG 1 Certified W*tchm«k*r» ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 41 tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOUSE for rent, 3-4 bedrooms, modern, oil heated. Available now. Phone 482-9454. $5.00 49tfb ARTICLES FOR RENT JACK’S FURNITURE REPAIR—Furpityr* repaired, alio general woodworking and wood turning *t REAR of 84 Albert Str**!, Clinton, Phon* 482-9695, 40tfb MAKING doll clothe* again thi*.-ye*r. Phon* 482-7567, 46-4?b FOUR-ROOM furnished apart­ ment, hydro and water paid. Ap­ ply to Les Nice, 101 Huron St., after 7:30 p.m, 49, 50p TWO - BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment. Ceriel Van Damme, phone 482-6685. 49tfb TWp-BEDROOM apartment, fur­ nished or unfurnished. 130 King St. Phone 527-0504. 49tfb• ..................................... ......— MODERN 2-bedroom apartment. Available December 1. All utili­ ties paid. Apply to 482-7791. 46tfb APARTMENT — One bedroom, living room, kitchen (with or without stove and fridge), bath­ room, laundry facilities and heated; available immediately, Apply Jack Cummings, phone 524-8951.________________49btf STORAGE SPACE—We have ample un­ heated storage space for boat*, motor*, furniture, etc. Contact Ellwood Epp* Sport Shop at 80 King St, Clinton. Phone 482-9622. 38tfb Available . -stores or Treasurer's at local County Office, book Clerk- Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 49b WHEEL CHAIRS - The C.P. A T. Fund •f pinion Oddfellow* Lodge h«v» whwl chair* available for loan frao. Contact Harold Tyndall, 411-7409, after MO p.m. or Jama* Cox, 412-7093. EXCAVATING HELP WANTED ARTICLES WANTED don* with TRACTOR BACKHOE, Dump Truck FRANK POSTILL R.R. 3, CLINTON PHONE 482-9101 FURNISHED bachelor apartment, re­ cently redecorated, separate entrance, $50 inclusive. 73 East St., phone 482- 9868. 47tfb ELECTROiIOME HUMIDIFIERS, -model H88, regular $64.95 ■— $54.97; model H44, regular ■$42.95 — $37.77. Sutter and .Perdue. 49b USED regulation or home size pool table and accessories, must be in reasonably good condition. Write Box 98, Mitchell or phone 482-3266 for particulars. 49, 50b GROUND floor unfurnished apart­ ment for rent. Phone 482-7865, Roy ' Tyndall. 48tfb TWO PIECES “Tempo” McBrine luggage—men’s 2 suiter, bri>wn; ladies’ ivory, 2 suiter. Never been used, won as prize. Rea­ sonable. Phone 482-7035, days, evenings 523-9289, 49b GOOD used play pen wanted. Phone 482-9827, 49b WANTED—Good used typewrit­ ers Apply to Box 492, Clinton News-Record. 49p THREE-BEDROOM, unfurnished down- et*lr». duplex, completely »*lf-cont*ln- «dr 46 Prince** St. West, Clinton. Phon* 482-9005. 44tfb 3-BEDROOM apartment for rent, un­ furnished. Phone 482-6675. 35tfb APARTMENT for rent—newly decorat­ ed, centrally located, luitable for tk * single person ‘ br' :’cd'upl«i.' ' 'Available now. Call H. C. Lawson at 482-9644. 37tfb ONE-BEDROOM self-contained, heated •nd water paid, newly decorated, suitable ‘ for one person or couple. Phone 482-9573, after 6 p.m. 41tfb APARTMENT for rent, 2 bedroom*, heated, newly decorated, stove, frig, •nd dryer; central location. Available Immediately. Phone 482-9744. 46tfb LARGE SIZE CRIB and mat­ tress, $20. Phone 482-7713. 49b AUTOS FOR SALE ( ARTICLES FOR SALE JEWEL BOXES, $2.95; musical, $5.95. Anstett’s Jewellery. 49b A RECORD PLAYER, Seabreeze portable automatic, 4 speed, per­ fect condition, $25; coat, size 16, black and gray tweed, black fox collar, worn one season. No rea­ sonable offer refused. Phone 482-3808, after 5. 49b EATING and cooking apples. Phone 482-3214. Fred McClymont and Sons, Varna. 46tfb SIMPLICITY Washer* now available at T. A. Dutton Appliance*, Bruce- field. Open evenings. 38tfb CURTAINS • Draperie* • Window Blind* - Venetian Blind* - Bamboo • Drapery Track, Drapery Pull Rod*. Ready Made Draperie*. Free E»timate* Given, IRWINS DRY. GOODS. NOW AVAILABLE at Aniteft Jewel­ ler* Limited — Portable Typewriter* and Adding Machine*, 15 down, 15 • month. 2 7 tfb ONTARIO No. I potatoe*, 3 mile* we*t of Hensail on Highway 84. Phon* 236-4038, Zurich. 39-49b DRESSED white Pekin ducks. -Joe Storey, 482-9258. 49b FARM SERVICE 1963 METEOR custom 2-door hardtop, V-8, standard, attrac­ tive, good condition, lots of chrome. Call 482-3265, after 6. 49p We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES 1 SERVICE HJDw Hmm 4H-76M LADY hou»ekeeper and companion re­ quired for elderly lady in good health, to live in Goderich until about Nov. 30. Good wage* paid, Reply itating •ge and »a|ary expected to Box 403, CHnfon New«-Reeord, PASTEUP GIRLS will require women 40tfb forWe light pasteup wor|c. If you are intelligent and would like light interesting work, we ask you to apply. We will train you we feel you have a flair. FEMALE PROOFREADER We require the services proofreader. She must be in English and spelling. if of a good ............. _r___ _ The work time would be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday all day. CENTRE CUSTOM WORK Ploughing or Cultivating Call Georg* McGaa at Clinton Cab, 482-7011 tfb LIKE TO LEARN AN INTERESTING PART TIME JOB We require a person for For all pressure systems and farm line needs CUSTOM SNOW PLOWING of parking lots and driveways. Phone 482-9789, Jack Leppington. 47-49p PHONE 482-9561 "Proudly Canadian" 17 Rattenbury Street CLINTON "We Service what wa sell" 49, 50 STAFFEN ELECTRIC - Electrical and plumbing maintenance service, do­ mestic and commercial wiring. 123 Erie St., Clinton. Phone 482-9937. ' 44-}>2p REMODELLING, renovations, roofing •nd floor laying, expertly done. All odd job* around the home,- Kitchen cupboard* a specialty. Phone 482- 7676, Ken McNairn. 52tfb We require a person for our darkroom. This is light interest­ ing work. The hours would be Tuesday evening for two hours, Wednesday all day and evening and other odd daytime hours. HAWAIIAN electric guitar and am­ plifier, brand new, would make ex­ cellent Christmas gift. Phone 565- 2709, after 6 p.m. 48, 49b I ~ y BEEF and pork by the .half or -quarter,^ Potatoe* for’. tiale, a Phonic 482-7578. 42tfb SlX-room apartment, downtown, up­ stair* at 16 Albert St., $50 month. For further Information call at Clin- iron News-Record office. 38tfb USED Lionel electric train, in good condition, complete with circular track, 4 carts and trans­ former. Phone 482-9647. 49b ’TREAT YOUR feathered friends to the Special Assortment of wild bird feed, available at Clin­ ton Farm Centre. See also the redwood and disposable feeding stations. N. W. Durst, 482-9333. 45-51b ONE ladies' good black coat, 38-40. Priced reasonably. Phone 527-0758. 48, 49b 2-Bedroom Apartment UNFURNISHED USED ILLUMINATED plastic signs ad­ vertising changed, to suit any type of business. Also Christmas show cards, window pictorials. Reg. Smith Signs. Phone 482-9793 or 223 High St. ' 48, 49p STOVE AND FRIG SUPPLIED NORTHVIEW APARTMENTS iT'l NORTH STREET - CLINTON TOY TIME PHONE 482-9514 45tfb AT ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Ra­ pair. Out Clinton Depot Is at 55 Albert. Street a! Amslngs Store. Henk's Shoal Repair*, 71 Hamilton St., Goderich. . ' 38tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phon* HARVEY DALE, 5EATORTH PHONE 527-1404 24tfb Apply in person for both posi­ tions. Call for an appointment. SIGNAL-STAR GODERICH—524-8331 q*» «*>'■ ar1 <*»' mW' CARPENTRY WORK-Complete building of recreation rooms, ceiling insulation,1 ’ wall panelling, windoyy*’and, d.oorif exterior siding jan^j roofing. For air 1 your carpentry, need*, phone, 262-5454P’ ■’V‘ I ■ )>' ■ NOTICE HELP WANTED FEMALE CUSTOM .S'NOVV PLOWINGp-Lots, drive- . way*, etc.,'withjttractor. jan^ Ipader. ATTENTION FARMERS! LIVESTOCK FOR SALE i FOR SALE PYATT'S PONDEROSA THREE PUREBRED Landrace boars, »et- viceable age. Been used twice. Phone 482-9898. FOR SALE 46tfb .nnfin-r Holiday LIGHT OR DARK CAKE PLAIN OR ALMOND ICED Smiles 'n Chuckles Olin Brown Moirs ALL IN CHRISTMAS WRAP BAKERY and RESTAURANT CLINTON Crest Hardware Ball B Mutch Ltd. MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILES, Pioneer •nd Canadian chain aawa. Oregsn Sabre a*w chain*, bar* and sprocket* for mott *aw*. U**d aawa. Robert Glen Pioneer 'Saw*, Clinton, phone 412-9292. 44-52p «• ALU RT ST.482-95M USED FARM BIGGER end BETTER EQUIPMENT 2010 TRACTOR SELECTION CHOOSI NOW I I THAN EVER BEFORE A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS TILL CHRISTMAS 45-49b with manure loader and hydraulic bucket Case 400 Tractor TRACTORS 2—M-F “35” diesels with loaders 1— M-F “35” gas. 2— M-F “50’s” Hi-Arch gas. 1—M-F “50” Lo-Arch. 1— Cockshutt “30” gas. COMBINES 2— M-F Super “92” Combines. 1—M-F “300” year old. 1—M-F “410” CORN 1—New Idea with 1 shelled. 1—New Idea No. “6” 2-row corn picker. HALLMAN SILOS Slab type or poured concrete. ■See VAN DALE for the best in Silo Unloaders, and Bunk Feed­ ers, Versatile Swathers and Grain Augers. gas combine,1 gas. PICKERS 2-row mounted husking bed and Johnston THactor Cabs—$225 Bennett Blades TIMEX WATCHES < . f Sold oad Serviced *t ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phon* 412-9521 Philishave Cordless ...—....... Philishave Triple Head Philishave Speed Flex .......... Philishave Speed Shaver .... $39.95 $29.95 $24.95 $t7.95 UY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Rhone 482*9525 s. HURONVIEW HOME FOR THE AGED Clinton, Ontario requires REGISTERED NURSE ' for day shift Usual, employee benefits Applicants should state salary expected. Applications will be received by the undersigned, until 5:00 p.m., Friday, Decem­ ber 15, 1967. H. C. JOHNSTON, Superintendent, Huronview, Box 219 Clinton, Ontario Phone 482-3451. 49 YEAR-ROUND part-time work in local film processing plant. Apply in Writing fpr further de­ tails. Clinton News-Record, Rox 49J. 49tfb HOUSEKEEPER urgently re­ quired by father and .a three- year-old boy; five days week, 8 g.m. until after evening meal, nice heme in Clinton. Apply by letter only tp Box 493, CUnton News-Record. 49b MATURE WOMAN f°r newspaper of­ fice-full time etnploynqefit, knbwladgq qf bookkeeping, typing, and telephone yvprk ap asset, Reply In writing tq Box 39, Clinton, Ontario, stating ex­ perience, reference* and felary qx- ' 49x LOST AND FOUND HEREFORD cattfe beasf, lo$t, from Alex Riley'.* pasture farm? owner Richard pqrter, phone 524-8002, 48b MISCELLANEOUS MR. FARMER—To obtain professional advice on‘various sick pay and ipcome replacement plans available to milk and beef producers, contact James A. Lait, Huron County Group Consultant, Box 692, Clinton, Ontario. 47-49b DAILY CAR RENTAL, reasonable rate*. McGEE's, Goderich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your ring* and jewellery like new. Dja mond rings renewed and stones »afely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repair* and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter, tfb TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by Goderich Township School Area Board for painting 2 classrooms, 2 washrooms and nurse's room at Holmesville School. For further particulars contact care­ taker Ivan Colclough. Tenders to be in to secretary­ treasurer by 6 p.m., on 18th day of December, 1967, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be completed in Christmas holi­ days. Frank Yeo, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 3, Clinton, Ontario. 49, 50b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should b« tutwd •«*d checked for moth damage and oth«r defect* regularly. 1 appreciate continued privilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. Georg* W. Cox, phone ’ 482-3870,. ’ - 33tfb NOTICE TO CREDITORS >11*11' g, ,-t, J,'..,.. IN THE ESTATE pF HAROLD R. EM­ MERSON (sometimes knqwn a* ROBERT H EMMERSON). Al) persons having claim* *gain»t the estate of HAROLD R. EMMERSON, late of 227 Huron Street, Clinton, OntJrio, deceased, who died on or <*bpyt the 2nd day qf September, 1967* pre) hereby notified to send in to th* pndpr^i^necl Per.*qnp| ReprewnMiYt of the said* deceased pn or before the 11th doy of December, 1967, ful) particulars of their claipts. jipmedi*fely after the §ai$i date the said Personal Representative wj.ll distribute the asset* of the said deceased haying regard only iq claims gf which it $ha|| then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th ofday November, 1967. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY* Stratford, Ontario, Executor, by E. B. MENZIES, Its Solicitor herein. 47, 48, 49b IN THE ESTATE OF MARY RUBY ARM­ STRONG, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY, IN* THE COUNTY OF HURON. AH persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars qf their claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of December, 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 48, 49, 50b of Huron, Widow, de- having claims against the above-named who IN THE ESTATE OF MYRTLE AMANDA TYNDALL, late of the Town of Clinton in the County ceased. ALL persons the Estate of died on the 14th day of October, A.D. 1967, are required to file full par­ ticulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 19th day of Decem­ ber, A.D. 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re­ gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 27th day of November, A.D, E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the 1967. said Estate'. 48, 49, 50 IN THE ESTATE OF LLOYD JAMES MEDD, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, FARMER. All person's claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of December, 1967, after which date the assets will be distri­ buted. 5 DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 49, 50, 51b In the Estate of LAURA MELVERA PERDUE, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County ceased. All persons the Estate of died on the 14th October, 1967, are required to file full particulars there­ of with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of December, 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regardonly to the claims pf which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of November, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said qf Huron, Widow, De- having claims against the above-named, who SERVICES Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animal* Boarding PHONE 524-8571 Goderich, Ontario 9tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. AMn Riley, 524-6514. Lighthouse St., Goderich. Estate. 48, 49, 50b CAN'T GO WRONG WITH Use Classified Ads For Quick Results Ken and Bob Suggest ARROW SHIRTS - DO.BBS HATS HICKOK JEWELLERY - JANTZEN SWEATERS CRAFT SPORTSWEAR - AUSTIN GLOVES ABBEY TIES - VIYELLA SHIRTS HARVEY-WOODS SOCKS WATSONS UNDERWEAR ETC. GEORGE WRAITH Your M-F and M-H dexter Goderich Phone 524-6511 or 524-7002 49tfb ■Will And And ALSO OTHER TRACTORS AND GOOD PLOWS See the** at JIM CHALMERS SERVICES MAIN CORNER m> MEN’S WEAR CLINTON I Illi III I !■ I «.«, i, KimH Phone Seaforth 527-0205 ARROW Gasollm* and DIm«I oil Tfelvolln* motor oil* and gr*a*M delivered to farm — new equipment loaned. Gordon Grigg. Phone 482- >411. 39tfb AUCTIONEER and Appraiser' Licensed •nd capable In telling all type* of auction tale*. Bruce Rathwell, Bruct- field. Phdne 482-3384. Choose your Gifts for the man on your list now. Stocks are complete to site and colour now. Clinton Community Auction Sale* EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON at 1:30 P.m. Government Impeded Seal** C*ttl* Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sale* Manager MARLATT BROS* pay y3t per lb. on 500 lb*, over for dead or disabled cow* horse*. Please phone promptly Phon* Collect 133 Bfu***l* 24-HOUR SERVICE LICENSE 390C65 Use Classified Ads For Quick Results GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES USE OUR LAY-AWAY A Small Deposit* holds any article until December 20. DRESS FOR NEW YEARS! We are agents far Freeman's Formal Rentals Order early and avoid disappointment PHONE 482-9732 ............... .......... ........Z