HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-11-30, Page 10Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Nov. 30, 1967 GORDIE HOWE'S HOCKEY TIPS USE OF BODY The defenceman who stands up when he hits .you is the one who hurts? He hits in the Upper chest area. One way to avoid this is to crouch- You offer a smaller target and force him to crouch, too, illustration #1 shows a de-' fenceman hitting in the upright position. Number 2 shews you how tp crouch to make your opponent come in lower. By Gordie Hpwe Practice this year is coming -> and will likely main - an adventure. Not citing, just different, The difference is brought about by the National Hockey League expansion and the travel from coast to coast. This means we will be practicing all over the place, Mot like when the lea* gue was a tight, geographical circle of six cities, Of course, we have always practiced on the road, but npt to the degree that we now must. For example, this season we take two long, seven-game road Yours truly, Billiard Parlor. TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON Having been nominated to represent you on County Council as Deputy Reeve would ask you for your support on December, 4th. Polls ara open from 9-6 o'clock. For transportation please call Gord at phone 482-9043 at Gora's Vote Gordon Lawson for Deputy Reeve , Season's Greetings GORDON LAWSON RE-ELECT MAURICE BEAN As HULLETT TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD TRUSTEE trips while the ice shows are in Qlympia. The first one. is this month (November) for 15 days and the other is for 13 days in March. * Ip Other seasons when we took to the road during the ice shows, we would always slip back home between games and practice, sometimes at my rink ip De­ troit or the arena in PortHuron, Now it will be all over the place, coast to coast. This doesn't make a great deal of difference to the players because workouts are workouts. It could make a difference to the goalies and it does create extra 'work for the trainers with the moving of equipment. We had an example of this on our first trip into Montreal. The ice was not available at the Forum and we. went to a city-owned rink, a real beauty. However, the lighting was dif­ ferent to what our netminders were use to. So, rather than risk an injury, it was decided we would skip shooting prac­ tice. With the bright new lights installed in NHL arenas for television, guys like Roger Cro­ zier and George Gardner find it tough when they go into a build­ ing which has normal lighting. For the rest of us, prac­ tice is always the same: Ex*, ceedingly difficult. It doesn’t' really matter whether it’s in some small rink in San Fran­ cisco, or the arena in St. Louis or our own ice at home. x The practice sessions have a routine. The routines only change with the men who run them.. In our case, Baz Bastien the Wings’ assistant general manager, runs the workouts, We start with skating to loosen up, then some shooting. This is generally followed by a scrimmage, then more skating. This last item is often on a voluntary basis. This year, because of my age, they kick me off the ice after the scrimmage, Especially if it’s the day before a game. Not bad, eh? Clinton Colts beat Listowel Clinton’s intermediate hockey -team, the Colts, crushed LlStowsl’s intermediate club 6.2, Thursday night at the Clin­ ton Community Arena, in their first game of the OHA Inter­ mediate c« schedule. Bob (Little Joe) Livermore starred for Clinton as fte tall­ ied four of the Cplts* six goals, Singles were added by Wait Edgar and Paul Draper.. Clinton led the visiting Lis­ towel team 2.1 at the end of the first period. Livermore accounted for both Colt’s goals in the first twenty minutes. Listowel’s only tally of that period was notched by Mpssel, assisted by Smith. In the second frame, Mait Edgar opened the scoring for Clinton with a goal, in which Livermore also figured promin­ ently, , Livermore, assisted by Dale and Edgar, scored his hat-trick goal with only five seconds left in the second period. Colts’ captain, Paul Draper, found the mark at 2:01 of the third period to put Clinton out in front 5-1. Colt’s forward line of Liver- more-Dale-Boyce combined at 11:46 of the last period to pro­ duce another goal. Livermore was again the Clinton marks­ man. Listowel managed to score their second and last goal with only a minute left in the game. Coghlin, assisted by Borton, was credited with Listowel’s second goal. During the first two periods, 16 penalties were incurred. The third period was played fast and clean as neither team drew a penalty throughout the final twenty minutes of hockey. Colts were scheduled to play their second home game of the OHA Intermediate C schedule Thursday night, November 30, against Milverton, Pee-Wees in town league Game 1 Rockets vs Flyers, Flyers 4, Rockets 0, Scorers: Doug Silk - 2, Ross Griffin I, Mike Ebel -1. Game 2, Kinettes vs Hydro, Nineties -3, Hydro -3.Scorers Brian Jewitt - 2, Jerry Lobb 1, • Brian Makins - 2, Fred Bird 1. Bowling results TUESDAY LADIES; Go - Go’s, 3rd, 48 points; Super <f6”, 6th, 33 points; Rum Runners, 2nd, ,51 points; Rebels, 1st, .53 points; Daffy-Dills, 4th, 45 points; Night Hawks, 5th, 34 points. High single, ladies, Donelda Bell, 25Q; high triple, ladies, Ruth Dougherty, 572; high average, ladies, Kay Falconer, 198, CATHOLIC MIXED: Block Bu'sters, 22 points; Pin Heads, 20 points; Stone Throw* ers, 14 points. High single, ladies, Carol Diemert, 266; high triple, ladies Norma VanDongen, 664; high average, ladies, Norma Van pongen, 204. High single, men,. Frank Van Altena, 23,2; high triple, men, Ray Leduc, 631; high average, men, Ray Leduc, 196, Pee-Wees play triple-header A triple-header of minor hockey was played at the Clin­ ton Community Arena Saturday night. In the match between Clinton Kinsmen Pee Wees and the God­ erich Lions Pee-Wees, the visit­ ing pee wees from Goderich came out on top, 7-2, Goderich Pee Wees led 4-2 at the end of the first period. Clinton Pee Wees were held to their two goals of the first period as the Goderich Pee Wees increased their lead to 6-2 during the second period. Goderich collected their sev­ enth goal in the third period. Danny Dunean pulled off the hat trick for the Goderich Pee Wees, by scoring a gpal in each of the three periods. Singles were collected by Rick Sowerby, Wayne Farquhar, Brian Thompson and John Plouffe. For Clinton Kinsman Bee Wees it was Mike Anstett and Robbie Stirling who tallied. As­ sists went to Don MacDonald and Ray Burns. Two penalties were charged. A tripping penalty was given to the Clinton team and a charging infraction was laid on the God­ erich Pee Wees. BLUE WATER MIXED LEAGUE Sharks, 51 points; Suckers, 51 points; Minnows, 42 points; Crabs, 36 points.' High single, ladies, Barbara Telford, 228; high triple, ladies Barbara Telford 559; high av­ erage, ladles, Barbara Telford, 135. Righ single, men, Don War­ ner, 323; high triple, men, Joe Koene, 508; high average, men, Joe Koepe, 202. TUCKERSMJTH MIXED: Chipmunks, 4th, 9 points; Beavers, 1st, 36 points; Otters, 2nd, 27 points, Seals, 3rd, 26 points, High single, ladies, Mary Gib­ bings, 258; high triple, ladies, Jane Davidson, 615. High single, men, Bill Pepper, 242; high triple, men, Bill Pepper, 608. HOCKEY SCHEDULE Nov. 23— Listowel at Clinton. 24— Milverton at Palmerston, 24— Wiarton at Shelburne 25— Kincardine at Wingham 26— Listowel at Milverton 26—Wingham at Wiarton 30—Palmerston at Listowel 30—Milverton at Clinton Dee. 1—Clinton at Palmerston 1— Kincardine at Shelburne 2— Wiarton at Wingham 3— -Wingham at Kincardine 3—Clinton at Milverton 3—Shelburne at Wiarton 7— Clinton at Listowel 8— Clinton at Milverton 8—Listowel at Palmerston 8—Wingham at Shelburne 8— Wiarton at Kincardine 9— Palmerston at Wingham 10—Milverton at Wiarton in—-Shelburne at Kincardine 12—Kincardine at Wiarton 14—Milverton at Listowel 14— Palmerston at Clinton 15— Wiarton at Palmerston .15—Wingham at Shelburne 16— Shelburne at-Wingham 17— -Clinton at Kincardine 1?—Wiarton at Milverton 19—Kincardine at Wiarton 21— Wingham at Listowel 21 —Wiarton at Clinton 22— Milverton at Palmerston 22— Listowel at Kincardine 23— Milverton at Wingham 28—Shelburne at Listowel 28— Wingham at. Clinton 29— Clinton at Shelburne 29— Kincardine at Palmerston 30— Shelburne at Wingham 31— Palmerston at Milverton To the Ratepayers of Hullett Township I solicit your tupport at *|hp poll* on Monday, Dacambar 4th for for • two-ya»r term, 1968 ortd 1969. I hav® »®v®n y®ar«< •xparianced as councillors and If ®Iected will »®rv®. th® int®r®»t» of th® ratapayers to th® best of jwy ability. Donald Buchanan 4Bb VOTE FRANK COOK FOR cou I WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT ON ELECTION DAY FOR COUNCIL IF ELECTED I WILL DO MY BEST TO PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT AND PROSPERITY OF THE TOWN. For Transportation PHONE 482-9004 I .wish to solicit your support at the polls on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th FOR Girls teams need players "CONTINUED PROGRESS IN EDUCATION, WITH ECONOMY" There are openings for a few more players in the newly form* ed girls* public school hockey league, according to Doug Andrews, manager of Clinton Centennial Arena. RE-ELECT Illa I NORMAN LIVERMORE X FOR CLINTON COUNCIL . r ON DECEMBER 4th Schedule for the four teams until the end of the year is as follows: December 4, #1 vs #4 .4 p.m. December 11, #2 vs #3 -4p.m. December 18 #3 vs #1 .4p.m. December 28 #4 vs #2, 9:30 a.m. Members of the teams are: Team # 1, Janet Graham "C” Sandra Graham, Carol Chowen, Beth Chowen, Patti Kay, Dar­ lene Webb, Sally Webb, Jam Smith, Kathy Patterson. Team # 2, Joyce Nellans “C” Linda Wise, Barbara Wise Brenda Edgar, Beverly Edgar, Carol Colquhoun, Gail Wager, Ruth Ann Nellans. Team #3, Vicki Garrow "C” Grace Strong, CindyColquhoun, Cathy Colquhoun, Janet Arn* ston, Lyn Caldwell, Peggy Schoenhals, Sharon Williams. Team #4,* Kathy Kromery “C”, Cathy Grigg, Debbie Col­ quhoun,, Brenda Smith, Debbie Gibbings, Kay McPherson, Nancy Parker, Nancy Johnston. RE-ELECT CAM PROCTOR TO CLINTON COUNCIL My interests are INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION and MUNICIPAL PLANNING For transportation to the poll Call 482-9548 The Stratford Anglican Theatre Guild presents THE CHRISTMAS STORY in The Stratford Festival Theatre on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd at 3 P.M. ®nd 7:30 P.M. (Please note ^change' in time from t previous years) No tickets needed Collection PORTRAITS For Christmas Gilts arid Cards Several appointment open­ ings left for child and family portraits PhotGS taken in your home or in studio JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 AT YOUR SERVICE FOR THE BETTERAAENT of Clinton McCullough candidate for council solicit your support in the election MlMMMtaMMlMfc For a ride tri the polls — Phone 482-9004 ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1967 VOTE McFarlane FOR DEPUTY REEVE OF CLINTON WE NEED; BETTER ROADS A PROGRAM OF IMPROVED DRAINAGE A PROGRAM OF SIDEWALK REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT RADIO COMMUNICATION FOR OUR POLICE DEPARTMENT NEW FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT TO SERVE BOTH CLINTON AND DISTRICT CO-OPERATCON BETWEEN DEPARTMENTS OF THE TOWN FOR BETTER SERVICE FOR ALL For Election Day Transportation CALL 482-9004 - wainwid—ifiiai da iqwaawauM 4— an— — ® htaia ia®miaia i n m—aaa aaa PORTRAITS For Christmas Gifts and Cards Several appointment open­ ings left for child and family portraits Photos taken in your home or in studio JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 ELECTIONS t HULLETT TOWNSHIP DECEMBER 4th, 1967 FOR REEVE AND FIVE SCHOOL AREA TRUSTEES FOR A TWO-YEAR TERM POLLS OPEN FROM 9 O'CLOCK A.M. TO 6 O'CLOCK P.M. AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES: No. 1—Forester's Hall (Kinburn School) No. 2—No. 6, Con. 13 (G. Heyink's House) No. 3—No. 22, Con. 4 (Theodore Flynn's) No. 4—Londesboro Community Hall No. 5—Auburn Community Hall CLARE VINCENT, Returning Officer. RETURN DON SYMONS FOR MAYOR CIVIC ACTION and PROGRESS DON FAVOURS: COMPLETION OF OUR HIGHWAY PROJECTS PLANNED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS CONSIDERATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS PLANNED SIDEWALK PROJECTS IMPROVED OFF-STREET PARKING CONTINUED SUPPORT OF OUR MANY BOARDS WHICH AFFECT OUR COMMUNITY YOUR VOTE WILL BE APPRECIATED TRANSPORTATION TO POLLS - 482-9798