Clinton News-Record, 1967-11-30, Page 9i Personals Mrs. WRlfe T- Craig at* mded the O.E.S. at Mitchell hen her cousin, Mrs, Lyella hillips was installed as Worthy latron by her daughter, Miss elen Phillips of Hamilton who ► r past Worthy Matron of her amllton chapter, Mrs. Ila w or. .ill, of Goderich was the instal. , ing organist of the evening and Jrs. Betty Wilkin of Qoderich /as guest soloist.- >'.* * * Mr. Fred Toll is a patient n Qllnton hospital, his friOhds 4sh him a speedy recovery. p ’ ‘ sK ", “ * Mrs, BortCraigreturnedlast week from a two.week vacation' at Hamilton and Welland and (St Catherines.♦ ♦ ♦ Friends' are pleased to see Mrs. Gordon Miller home after a week in Clinton hospital. ♦ ♦ .if: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfreds an'der- son and Miss Mary Sander­ son visited on Sunday in Woodstock with their daughter, Miss Barbara Sanderson and her sister, Mrs. Fred Young- blut, Mr. Youngblut and family.♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs, Karl Tiechert, Karl and Perry visited friends in the village last Sunday, i I Hinton News-Kecord Auburn and District United Church Women meet ’NThp mnnfhlv maptinrr nf iha aVihvMy Who in M.C*S> JcLnWS JackSOIL M'CS Clinton News-Record, Thursday) Nov, ,30, 1967 9 1 MRS. WES 524-7595 Jr’'' Mrs. W. Sanderson, Auburn librarian announces new hours 4 at library 1 to 6 p,m. every Saturday beginning December The monthly meeting of the United Church Women ofKnox Pnljtgd Church w£§ held in the Sunday school room of the Says fabrics are fascinating chureh. The meeting was in Charge of Mrs. OliverAndersop Wiib Mrs. William J, Craig at the pipno, pad opened sipg. Ing Christmas carols. The names of the members were drawn for the pew groups for the beginping of the year. The meeting was turned over to t t * Mr. and M.rs. Gordon Miller and son Jimmy of Windsor visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Miller. * * * fylrs, Gordon R, Taylor left last Wednesday for a week’s vacation at Brantford with her daughter, Mrs. Ronald Rath- weR, Michael and Janice. * * * > Everyone is preparing for our Centennial weekend with the concert on Friday evening and the church service on Sunday evening. For more details read the advertisements . in this paper.,* * * Misses Jean Houston and Jean Jamieson of Toronto spent the weekend with their sister, Miss Frances Houston and aunt, Miss Olive Young. ff Fabrics are fascinating*? was the theme of the address given by Miss S liar on Carroll, Huron County’s home economist When she was guest speaker at the Auburn Women’s Institute meeting held in the Auburn Com- munity Memorial hall, Miss Carroll spoke of the new fabrics now on the market and showed samples. She also told . how to sew many of the new materials and to launder them,, She was introduced by Mrs, farm 450—-the low priced time tested farm saw HOLIDAY—light weight and low priced Pioneer efficiency .... -the deluxe, farm saws for farmers who "PIO'NEER (J).CHAIN SAWS ROBERT W. GLEN PIONEER SAWS 482-9292 The sympathy of this porm munity is extended to Mrs. John Greer in the death of her husband in Wingham and Dis­ trict hospital after a lengthy illness, Besides his wife who was the former Grace Johnston, he is surveyed by one daughter, Mrs. Eric (Louise) Edmanson of Maple also two' sons, Clarence and Harold both of Lucknow. ■. * a *• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John­ ston and Miss Laura Phillips visited last Sunday with the for. mer’s niece, Mrs. Dorothy White, who is very ill in Kit. chener hospital. * * * Friends from this district attended the funeral on Monday at Lucknow of Thomas Harry Anderson who passed away in Wingham hospital. He was 78 years of age. He is survived by his wife, the former Mar­ jorie Doyle of this village. Nominations Auburn held their annual nomination meeting for Village Trustees in the Town Hall last. Friday evening as has been usual every year since it was made into a Police Village in 1895. Clerk Clifton MacDonald was in charge of nominations . and several were nominated. William J. Craig .who was elect- • ed to the Board in 1955 was again nominated. He has been chairman of the Board for the past year. James Giousher and Frank Raithby were nominated and let their names stand and are now the village trustees. Thomas Haggitt and Bert Doran served last year on the Board, During the past year, the Trustees have purchased a Cen. tennial flag which has flown since its purchase. They also had chloride put on the streets and insulated the roof of the Town Hall, repairing the roof and the belfrey. A discussion' took place about repairing the main street of the village. W. Bradnock and presented with a gift- and thanked by Mrs. Andrew ■ Kirkcpnnell, Mrs. Donald Cartwright, convener of home economics had planned the meeting. The president, Mrs. Donald JRnes was in charge pf the meet­ ing which opened with the Odp, • the Mary Stewart collect and O, Canada with Mrs, William J* Craig at the piano, The presi­ dent welcomed the guests and members to the meeting and invited all tQ attend the 4-H Achievement Pay in Auburn on December 2, Mrs, Bert Craig will .serve tea to the leaders at noon time, The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig who also gave the financial statement. Plans were made for the Centennial con­ cert to be held on December 1 and committees were appointed. An invitation to attend the annual family night of the Horticultural Society on December 15 wasac* cepted. The card repc ’ was given by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell and she read several thank-you notes of appreciation. The mem­ bers voted to send a donation of $10.00 to the C.A.S. to help thern with their Christmas gifts. Plans were made for the December meeting when an. ex­ change of a 50 cent home made gift will fee mape. Each member Is .asked to hying a friend. Mrs, Robert J, Phillips and Mrs, John D,aer played tyro selections on the piano and guitar. The history of Manitoba was given by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt < and the history of Saskatchewan was read by Mrs. Norman Mc­ Dowell. Mrs, Gordon R, Taylor sang the prize whining songs from these two provinces. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. For­ dyce Clark, leaders for the course, “Working with Yeast”, gave a summary of their course and had a display of the finished product. The roll call was answered by °My first thought .when un» expected company arrives’’. The collection was received by Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. M.R. Roberts. The meetingwas ' closed, with the Queen and the WJ. Grace. Lunch was served by Mrs, William J. Craig and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and a sample of the buns and their variations were sampled. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, the leader of Unit Three. A duet was sung by Mrs," Gordon Mp. Clinchey and Mrs. Norman Mc­ Clinchey and a piano solo was played by Mrs. Robert J. Phil- lips. The convener of the nomine ' ating committee presented the slate of officers which were accepted as read, Past presidents, Mrs, Oliver Anderson and Mrs. Kenneth Me. dougall; president, Mrs. M.R, Roberts; vice-president, Mrs. Harold Webster; recording secretary, Mrs. Albert McFar­ lane; assistant secretary, Mrs. Bert Marsh; correspondence secretary, Miss Margaret R. Jackson; treasurer, Mrs. Oli- ver Anderson; mission treasur­ er, Mrs. Oliver Anderson; press secretary, Mrs, Tor­ rance Tabb; literature secre. tary, Mrs. Charles Straughan; kitchen committee, Mrs. Robert Turner, Mrs, Keith Machan, Mrs. Ralph Munro; supply com* mittee, Mrs. William Empey, Miss Margaret R, Jackson, Mrs. William Moss, Mrs. Ben Hamilton, Mrs. Norman Mo Clinchey; flower committee, Mrs, James Jackson, Mrs. Bert Marsh, Mrs. Torrance Tabb; nominating committee, Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer,’ Mrs, Gor­ don Chamney, Mrs, Edward East; visiting convener,' Mrs. Leonard Archambault; finance convener, Mrs. Norman Me- ’ Dowell; Christian Stewardship, Mrs, S tewart Ament; Christian . education, Mrs. Ruhr Kopp- mans; Christian citizenship, Mrs. Jack Armstrong; repre. sentative to manse committee, Mrs. Robert Turner; represen­ tative to board of stewards, Mrs. Arthur Grange; music committee, Mrs. Kenneth Mc­ Dougall; auditors, Mrs. Gordon McClinchey, Miss MargjeKoop-‘ maps, A social evening was enjoyed by all playing crokinoie and taking par t in the contests given by Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer and members of Unit Three, This was followed by lunch served by the members of the Unit. MAYTAQ KELVINATOIt ELECTROHOME ADMIRAL ALL MAYTAP' WASHERS EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEE _-3 years parts and LABOUR SERVICE. SALES with SERVICE TV & APPLIANCES Stratford—271-6433 129 Ontario St., St. Marys—284-2290 127 Queen St., "BOB'S TV SINCE '53" Bob Weeks, Prop. Y J T 4 “1 f///A Bi ,v' it ■ytr-TI wS| B U'll'li I't1! RR5 CLINTON $&■ 1 ft; & 1 & w: J B s? >: x: X >x.. <•* i SS & 7S»W Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON SEAFORTH I lBH?West’st7Serkk CLINTON — EXETER Phone 482-7211 Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP — 482-6642 .s .1. A&P WHOLE BEAN COFFEE SALE Vigorous & Winey, Custom Ground BOKAit Q 2jl J CCIHI «M fliitt BOKflR CKounij tocorn* 3-LB$ BAG 1-LB SAVE 4c Mild ard Mellow, Custom Ground 8 O'CLOCK 89 »« | -IB BAG SAVE 10c EIGHT* DADUnD TOO’CLOCK ***» »*'*• i’£*V2COFFEE. 2 § When the party’s over a Cascade 40 electric water heater can have its finest hour Cascade Jane Parker CHERRY PIE White Swan (White or Coloured) ' TOILET TISSUE Humpty Dumpty I POTATO CHIPS Reg. Price full 8-inch 24-oz pie 49c Reg. Price pkg 61c — SAVE 8c pkg of r0”s 5 3 C each 59c — SAVE 10c J Fresh Produce! ; j •>£ Seven-year-old socialites have a way of leaving more than a gift at a party: ever been stuck with a tutti-frutti- topped tablecloth? These are the times a Cascade 40 can really win you over, It provides all the hot water you need to suds up a strawberry-specked patty dress, its chocolate-cheeked owner, and the pile of party paraphernalia you'll be left with. A Cascade 40 electrio water heater may not make the party . . . but it could save the day, For more inform- ationr ask your Hydro, Reg. Price pack 69c — SAVE 10c 12-oz twin pack 59c Lever Powdered Heavy Duty Reg, Price box 95c —• SAVE 16c SUNLIGHT DETERGENT giant size box 79c Stafford (Apple or Strawberry-Rhubarb) Reg. tin 39c — SAVE 4c 19-oz tin 35c FEATURE PRICE! 8-fl-oz tins 69c Reg. Price pack $1.09 — SAVE 10c 3-lb economy pack 99c Reg. Price tin 25c — SAVE 4c 1-lb tin C PIE FILLINGS Ready-To-Serve (12 Varieties) HEINZ SOUPS Blue Bonnet MARGARINE Golden LYLE'S SYRUP A FLORIDA MARSH, SEEDLESS, NO. 1 GRADE, SIZE 48's GRAPEFRUIT 70 / NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P k STEAKS AND ROASTS SUPER-RldHT QUALITY - CANADA'S FINEST "RED BRAND" STEER BEEF PORTERHOUSE, SIRLOIN s OR WING STEAK ROUND STEAK oTm,^ PORTERHOUSE, WING or I Ik BONELESS RUAAP ROAST POINT SIRLOIN ROAST BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS BOTTOM CUT PORTERHOUSE ROAST - 3-WAY CUT AND TOP ROUND STEAK OR ROAST ... lb $1.09 MINCED PORK SMOKED PORK SAUSAGE FRESHLY GROUND HAMS MAPLE LEAF BONELESS SX BRAND pure TRAY PACK * ‘59 .99/ .59< ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1967 1 1