HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-11-30, Page 5SEVEN APARTMENT BUILDING^ form- j^riy kripwn .Cqrntwqisi Hptsk fer i Ru sale;. Cash $35^009, fbis being less.i. , thaq ?)x years’ rant, five pf ths If apartment? are furnished, hot water »ystpm, baseboard heating, fucnage ’ /gijpri q? new;‘cost Over $5,000. AH - Worm windows, gnerear garage; fgn-! ♦rally located. Apply to 0, Van Damme, ipa pntarip st., Clinton. * ’'■i1 HOUSE,FOR SA^-iya-Mprey house, insul brick, conveniently located on largo lot on quiet street: Enquiries should be made to 482-6654. 39tfb rrr "MVRAI 7 ONTARIO SPECIALISTS" Prosperous General Store $4)000 - down payment buys a village general Store, with $10,900 being the full price for property, building, full line of equip- •me^nt and extremely pros­ perous business. Immedi­ ate possession can be ob­ tained of this excellent op­ portunity because owner has been transferred, An ideal man and wife position, as the man work in Goderich • have the, wife, run store. Give me a call___ let me show you some­ thing which I think is worth your time invest­ igating. Contact Jack Cum­ mings. REAL E$WE DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTORS I COMING EVENTS i 48tfb 48p q 5 3 1 i summer to lake information ’ airet available, pistrict Forster, Department and Forests, Hespeler, On- fV Hl ft wired. Buy With or’*' 1 5; Ontario TENDER WANTED ‘p ’department Of lands'and forests- For in the hearts, that loved you best, ’ f 'i1 -TENDER :NO!p-6>-n’ - • topmory Ungers yet." . a. tender ing * 5- rememb?red by busband and ' CJosg fltidt SMALL building, • wi|hpi|t Ip)? ONE floor home :at port-Albert,bed- rooms, Insulated, 3-piece bath, wall.) I’ W0VINCIAL PARK CONCESSION furnace. Furniture included; t one’ . - - - , _ , flerp; $8,000 ' FOUR-bedroom home ef Pqft. ..Albert,,. drilled well, 2-piece bath; Vendor, will hold mortgage; $5,OQ0/4’' BRICK school house with furnace end drilled well- FARMS ASHTON— . of Wife .and ton, who (■'passed. *919m * ybkrs' ogg, November *.39, 1959, “ * • Wq thipk. you dear mother, Ano* our’ helii? -Arq filled with psirt/. ■ ph", Ihi? earth would be A heaven, * Could we hear your yoice 'agajhi.. • fight year? have swiftly passed away, 1 'l^ut still wq don't forget. Montreal It. « e«4«rlch MWI property, wooded?' bank, * south:. pf • bay- ( ' = Thursday, Nov. 30, 1967 pro­ can and the and Cash Crop Farm $25,000 full price for this outstanding, high-produc­ ing, 100-acre, clay loam farm on a paved County road just 5 miles from Goderich, and presently producing cash crops of corn and turnips with 30 acres seeded down for hay. Ideal beef set-up with hydro and water in 40' x 60' "L" shaped’ ‘baYh" With ^c$gri§ptToor7 Tfie 2-storey home has full basement, large farm kitchen, bath­ room, living room, 4 bed­ rooms, also a garage. Im­ mediate possession can be , arranged if required, or a deposit will hold it for spring takeover. Someone * is going to gef a good buy and it might as well be you. To inspect this farm contact 25 ACRES, close to Lake' Huron, on paved 'road, 7-roorr) house! J barn, drilled well; $9,000. 125'ACRES, without building*/ $16,000. TOO ACRES, 8-room frame house, drill ­ ed well, barn, hen house; $16,000. 127 ACRES, 100 acres workable, 7-room . house, barn, drilled well; $21,000.' 150 ACRES, 6 miles from Goderich, frame house with 3-piece bath, drilled well, large barn, new slip; $26,500. 2Q0 ACRES, cash crop land, 7-room house, oil furnace, 4-piece bath, barn, silo; $40,000. 300 ACRES, Ashfield township, mod­ ernized house, 2 barns; $42,000. 57 ACRES, . fully modernixed, large brick home, 2 bathrooms, 2 sun parlors, new furnace, new drilled well. New double garage with eh tached workshop; barn. LARGE NEW' BUSINESS BUILDING WITH 12 FT. STONE FIREPLACE. MANY FEET OF HIGHWAY FRONTAGE; $35,000. GENERAL STORE with post office and library; 3 apartments; $15,000 plus stock. RETAIL MEAT AND COLD STORAGE BUSINESS in village, on highway. 7-UNIT. .MOTEL, 2-room apartment, snack bar, living quarters. SUMMER RESORT BUSINESS, accom­ modate* 60-75 guests, sandy beach, 2,140 ft. lake frontage, 200 acre* of land. Main lodge has 14 bed­ rooms, 2 rec rooms. Lookout building ha* 6 motel unit*. Other lodge build­ ing with dining room, office, tuck- ihop and lounge. Tennis court. Steam bath. Two cabin*. Workshop and laundry. Owner sacrificing due ill health. Price only $57,000. Repreaeettaf WILFRED MdNTEE < CO., LIMITED 43rfb family. . Seated tenders, clea;!^ parked Tender? y "T?~ fa/ ’ led Supply; Concession, at i Point Tar'rris prpvtrid^l’RVk W*ll‘ be received by thd''Department 6f’ L^nds and Forest? until 12:30 p.m., December 21/ 1967; .... , ; ;■ ( > ■ i A" deposit- to, sth® i ;of twenty* fiye'd,oll9CS!j($X5.9P) -in .th9 'forfn °f a; money order or certified cheque must, accompany e^ch, tender. Tender ’forms, tender envelopes and, detailed from the of Lands tario, . Tender? must be enclosed jn envelopes provided for the purpose. F. L. Hall, District Forester, Department of Land? and Forests, Hespeler, Ontario, , .LOBB—In. Joying memory of a- dear wife' and irtipther, Mrs. -Wilbert R, f Lpbb, . who passed away, Novemebr •28, 1966. . . ’'Calm and peaceful she is sleeping. Sweetest rest that follows pain, And we, who loved her, sadly miss- her .But trust in God to meet .again.-" ■ —Sadly mjssed by husband, family and “grandchildren, 8p ■STURGEQN—In loving memory of our * mother, Jessie Sturgeon, who passed away Dec, 1, 1958, and our brother George Sturgeon, who passed away Dec. 25, 1966. Treasured thoughts of two so dear Often bring a silent tear Thoughts’ return 10 scenes long past. Years roll .on bus memories last, —Eyer remembered and sadly missed by their family, 48b to NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jack Cummings 103 ST. GEORGE’S CRES. Phone Goderich 524-8951 IN THE ESTATE OF George Arthur: Knights, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County deceased. ALL persons the Estate of died on the 1st day of October, A.D. 1967, are required to file full par­ ticulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the* 4th day of Decem­ ber, A.D. 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re­ gard only. to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this IOth day of November, A.D. 1967. Solicitor for the said Estate; E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, 46, 47, 48b PIANO TUNING ' YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defect* regularly. I appreciate the continued privilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 33tfb SERVICES Drk M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V,S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and' Small Animal* Boarding PHONE 524-8573 Goderich, Ontario 9tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St, Goderich. IBffb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HAROLD R. EM- ■ MERSON (sometinies knowri bs ROBERT ‘ H. EMMERSON). * All persons having claims against the testate of HAROLD R. EMMERSON, late of 227 Hurdri Street, Clinton, ■Oriterid, deceased, Who died -on or abdut the 2nd day Of September, 1967, ) bre hereby riotlfied to Sertd in to the ; undersigned Personal Representative of the fcbid deceased on or before the 11th day Of December, 1Y67, full ' particoidrs Of their cleimS. ItritriOdiately aftdt' the said date the Said RerSonai Repfeserilative Will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard / drily to claims of which it shall then rV have notice. 7 .'I'D'ated at Clinton, phtario, this 20th .'day I- $ of November, 1967. VICTORIA AND GEtY TRUST , COMPANY,; . , Sfrifford, dhtSIrib, ExfccUtdi1, • by E. 8. MENZIES, Ifi SbiichbF herein. 47f 48, 49b »F The highest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. ' ’ ONTARIO TENDER WANTED DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS TENDER NO. P-67-14 FOR PROVINCIAL PARK CONCESSION •Sealed tenders clearly marked Tenders for Bakery Products Supply Concession, .at Point Farms Provincial Park will be received by the Department of .Lands and/Forests until 12:30 p.m., December 21, 1967. A deposit in the amount of twenty- five dollars ($25.00) in the form of a money order or certified cheque must •accompany each tender. Tender forms, tender envelopes and detailed fi om the of Lands and Forests, Hespeler, On­ tario. Tenders must be enclosed In envelope* provided for the purpose. The highest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. F. L. Hall, District Forester, Department of Land* and Forest*, Hespeler, Ontario. information are available District Forester, Department 48b yoM tiiodn litn” 4’in*-boD ni evil ot of Huron, Accountant, having claims against the above-named who In the Estate of LAURA MELVERA ' PERDUE, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, De-' ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 14th October, 1967, are required to file full particulars there­ of with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of December, 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Ciinton, Ontario, this 21 st day of November, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario: Solicitor for the ‘said Estate. 48, 49, 50b IN THE ESTATE OF MARY RUBY ARM­ STRONG, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY, IN THE COUNTY, OF HURON. All persons claiming against the above Estate arb required td fbrWard full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of December, 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, ' Goderich, Ontario/ Solicitors for the Estate, ' ' 48, 49, 50b IN THE ESTATE Ctf MYRTLE AMANDA TYNDALL, late of the Town of Clinton in the County ceashd. 6f HiJtOri, Widow,, de- having tlairtis against the above-named who CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks .......... hill Community and nn!ghbours and friends in town for we received, The > treasured.—ALLAN, .J AND NANCY NEAL. 48p to ihe Summer­ rl u lovely gifts ill always be We would like to express our sin' mere thanks to friends and neighbours for the lovely gift and party they had for us. We will always remember your kindness.—ELMER AND CLARA DALE. 48p ; UNIT I AND UfHT ,IJ of the Ontario Street UCW will meet together Tuesday, December 5 at 2:30 p.m. in the church parlour, Mrs. A,?. Mowatt will be a guest speaker, 48b ’ * $ THE REGULAR MONTHLY meeting of the Women’s Aux­ iliary to the Clinton Public Hos­ pital will H held in the Nurses’ Residence on Tuesday, Decem­ ber 5 at 8 p.m, ’ * '* * FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 Variety Centennial Concert, Au­ burn Hall, 8:15 p.m,, one-act play, historical pantomime, un­ veiling picture in memory of Dr. Weir r* Sunday evening, December 3- Centennial church service, 8 p.m, Huron Centen. pial choir, Rev, John Thompson, “ London, guest speaker, 48b $ * -F BUSES AVAILABLE for Cali­ fornia Departure, December 26, returning January 17, See Rose Bowl parade, Disney Land, Knott’s Berry Farm, Holly­ wood. For Florida departure February 21, return March 9. Phone or write Mrs. Jemima Wright, Clarksburg, Ontario. Phone 599-3488. 48, 49b * $ $ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2- Varria Hi C Paper Drive, 8:30 a.m. Papers bundled or inboxes and securely tied. For those outside Varna - Goshen area contact Joyce Taylor 482-3276; Deborah Stephenson 262-5351 or Darlene Hayter 482.9886 for pickup. 49p * * * REMEMBER you have a date for Thursday, December 7 for the best TURKEY BINGO in the area. Seaforth Legion Hall at 8:30 p.m. 15 regular games; five share, the-weal th; two door prizes. Admission $1.00, extra cards 25<? each, 3 for 50$, 7 for $1.00. Sponsored by the Children and adults turned out by the score to the Trinity Guild Bazaar held last Saturday in Bayfield, Above, little Bobby Snell opens the parcel which caught his fancy at the - ‘touch- and take” table, a perennial favourite with the younger set. (Photo by Bellchamber) i ' . . V V BIRTHS GIBBINGS—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, November 22, 1967,. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibbings, 1, Clinton, a daughter.R.R. GOOD—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, November 26, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Good, R.R. 1, Auburn, a boy. KLOPP—In Clinton Public Hospital, -on Friday, November 24, 1967, to Mr, and Mrs. Herb Klopp, R.R. 3, Zurich, a daughter. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my many friends for cards, flowers, visits and treats while a patient in Clinton and St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Seaforth and * area Knights of doctors, nurses and staff in both hos- pitals.-HARVEY ASHTON. 48p (continued from pagel) will make a valuable addition to the company’s ranks, Mrs, iChumley was warmly portrayed by Shirley DukeS. Dave Milloy was suitably brusque and crusty as Judge Omar Gaffney, legal adviser to Elwood and his sister. This was a well°chosen cast, but was not worked sufficiently for a tough play like “Harvey”. For all the many kindnesses and gifts received while a patient in Clin­ ton Public Hospital, I wish to express my thanks and appreciation, and say thanks for everything.—JIM NEILANS. > ; thanks to friends and rela­ tive. ,r flowers, gi-’is and cards and acts <•: kindness while I was a patient' In V trla Hospital, London, Special Sales staff thank ;o Rev. Morrison, Dr. and D.. Newland and the nursing of flo-r six.-SHERLOCK KEYES. Backs attack ting through another tedious act was too much. Unfortunately, this meant missing Vince Cunningham’s portrayal of the taxi driver, E.J. Lofgren, perhaps the best character role in the play. Directress Carmichael should not be too discouraged by these remarks, however. As mentioned before, the audi­ ence seemed to enjoy the even­ ing; and again it should be em­ phasized that what appears to be a light and easy play is in fact a terrifically difficult one which is rarely handled adequately by amateur groups. Perhaps the troupe’s major fault is over-reaching its grasp which, in the theatre, is less commendable than settling for a weaker play and making a jewel of the production. Other personnel involved in the production included Jacqu? Brabant, production and set de sign; Ken Jones, lighting; Bot Thompson, stage manager; Dave Carmichael, Mike Paulin. Ken Jones and Darrell Mauralt, set construction; Les Priestly, sound effects; Judy Woodrow and Edna Thompson, proper­ ties. Cast biographies were writ­ ten by Stan Dukes, who also directed publicity. Photography was by Al Ferguson; make-up, Joan Wilton; prompting, Tillie Hack and Louise Oakes; cos­ tumes, Rita Ryan and Denise Priestly; ticket sales, Al Bra- ' posters, Marlene Columlius. ' 48b* * * CHRISTMAS CAKE BINGO - It’s new - it’s different - it’s Christmas cake time Tuesday, December 12 at 8:15 p.m. Sea* forth Legion Hall. 15 regular 48p. games ( 1 cake per game), four specials (2 cakes per game), three Christmas pud­ dings for door prizes. Admis­ sion $1.00; extra cards 25£ each, 3 for 50£, 7 for $1,00. Sponsored by Branch 156, Sea. forth Legion. 48,49b* * * SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 - Christmas tea and bazaar, On­ tario Street United Church, 3 • 5 p.m. Sponsors UCW, 48b * * * TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5 - ANNUAL TURKEY BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $60.00 in 60 numbers, '6' door prizes, 8:30, p,m. '' '. * »■ ■ ■ - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 - CASH Bingo, in Seaforth Legion Hall, . 8:15 p.m.; 15 regular games; 3 $25 specials; $75,00 jackpot to go. Sponsors, Branch • 156, Royal Canadian Legion, tfb* * * FRIDAY, DECEMBER- 8 - Bayfield Lions Club annual tur­ key bingo, Bayfield Town Hall 8:30 p.m. 47, 48, 49b Pace and timing were virtual­ ly unknown, and dialogue which should have sparkled was dull and flat. On Sunday evening, it was almost 10;30 before the second act ground to a halt. What time the whole affair con­ cluded, this reviewer cannot say, since the thought of sit* 48p Men talent bant, and Hannah. on reeve , .(continued rom pag^'T) and.* ed a reluctance to deal with the industrial committee (as it. now stands. And as,-.a result talks were held between the owners of the building and th'e shoe company under the . guidance of the mayor and some assistance from the town clerk. I was possibly the first one of the committee to know about it, having been told by our mayor, and also through my employ, ment at the P.U.C. It was sub­ sequently announced to the coun­ cil. O’ McCLINCHEY-In Clinton Public- Hos­ pital, on Thursday, November 23, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs, David Mc- Clinchey, R.R. 1, Auburn, a daugh­ ter. DEATHS THOMSON—Passed away in Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, Novem­ ber 26, .1967, Mrs, Samuel Thomson, Brucefield, in her 63rd year. Funeral Service from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensail, on Wednesday, November 29, with interment in Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Township. ADDISON—Passed away in Clinton, on Tuesday, November 28, 1967, Mrs. Cameron Addison, Clinton, in her 25fh year. Funeral service from Ball’ Funeral Home, on Thursday, at 2:30 p.m. with interment in Clinton Cemetery. . ALL’AN—Passed away at Huronview on Saturday, November • 25, Robert field, ■ service Home, ALL persons the Estate of died on the 14fh day Of October, A.D, 1967, are required to file zfull /par- titulatS thdfedf with the undersigned oh Ot before the 18th day Of Decem­ ber, AtD. 1967, after Which date-, the assets Will be distributed^ having re­ gard drily Id the claims df Which the urtderslgridd shall then have .notifcg, Dated at ClirttOh, PhthriO; .this .27th day of November/ A.ft: 1967. s 1 ■f ■ u < ?t B. MENZIES, " * ? Clihtori, Ontario, ,/t ’ • Solitlfor for the said Estate; / . .48,^. 50i f Grey Cup dra\ helps needy If Clinton Lions Club sells all tickets on its annual Grej Cup draw, there will be 2,55C persons in this area vituallj interested in Canada’s annua! football spectacular. The prizes being offered are $500 if you hold the ticketbear ing the final score of the garni which is being played to Ottawi between the Hamilton Tigei Cats and the Saskatchewai Roughriders from Regina. Th< ■ .person holding the first quarte: score will receive .$25; hal time score, $50; and third- quarter score, $75. This is the Lions major fund raising effort for the boys and girls and welfare .work to Clin­ ton and area. Tickets are on sale from all Lions and at many business places on Main Street. Meeting in regular session Middleton news A.O.T.S. Host to On Saturday, November 25th, the annual Talent Show, sponsored by the A.O.T.S. Men’s Club was held to the Christian Education wing of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Approximately 30 contest, ants from centres from Wing, ham ’’O Dublin and Granton,, took part in the program;• " v!,u Three special numbers were contributed by pupils from the dancing classes of Mrs. M, Zablocki. A Modern Ballet was performed by Brenda Marie Edgar, Jo Ryan, Brenda Ball, and Jennie Brom.imer, A baton twirling member was given by Teresa Anne Jordan, Wendy Tyndall, Kim Fink, Kathy Niel­ sen, Nanette Leather, and Kim Colquhoun. A ballet number “The DyingSwan”, with choreo­ graphy arranged from the orig­ inal by Mrs. Zablocki was per­ formed by Linda Riley. Mrs. Marie Flynn also pro­ vided a special number. • Wirmers of the various classes were: r. Vocal Solo (girls) Debbie Anne Wallace, 2. Vocal Solo (boys) Henry > Blackmore, 3. Accordion Solo (Junior) Judith Lynn Staffen. 4. Accordion solo (Inter­ mediate) George Brown, 5. Vocal (group number) Debbie Wallace, Joanne Thompson, Marlene Dale, 6. Instrumental, Lousie Hunking (guitar), 7. Step Dance (Junior ) Judithann Dorsey, 8. Acrobatic Dance, Dianne Freethy, 9. Step Dance Intermediate, Nancy Nickles, 10. Piano Duet, Katherine and David Engel. 11. Piano Solo, Junior, Barbara Aggerholm, 12. Piano Solo, (Intermediate) Carolyn Hibbert. Adjudicators were Mr. and Mrs, Jim Meyer, CKNX, Wingham. Mr, Bert Gray acted as Master of Ceremonies. Eastern Star 3 J Commencing Sunday Decern, ber 3 and continuing through* out the’ winter months, service to St. James Church, Middleton; will be held at 11 a.m. > r . * * * ; The Anglican Church Women of St. James Church, Middleton will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday afternoon, Dec* ember 6. at the home of Mrs, Stewart Middleton, Roll call is a Christmas verse or thought. * * * Will members please re* member the Christmas gift for the Mohawk Institute bale. MARK You’ll fall in love with this 30” Custom Admiral electric range after your very first dinner together. It has a farsje capacity oven with removable door, fast heat surface units with Infinite Heat switches, and full width storage drawer. Available in two models — the R372O (illlustrated with glass door) and the R3710 with plain door, lh Glacier White, 30'’ wide x 26” deep X 36” to cooking Surface (46” overall). Nominations“Frequently at council meet- . togs a suggestion of a pos­ sible nibble from here or there has been made by- the chair­ man. But that is usually the last we ever hear of them. It is not an easy thing to attract industry here, as I have found out. And this makes it all the more necessary to use every available opportunity and means to talk with and discuss in detail every possible lead. “As you know two of the three Canada Packers plants in Clin­ ton have closed down to recent years and the council wanted to know what their future plans might be in Clinton. And so on August 24, 1967 three members of your council, Mr. Jas. Arm­ strong, Mr. Noonan and myself spent quite a bit of time in Harriston. It seems that they have no definite plans for ex­ pansion in Clinton at the present time, “The industrial committee is one that does not have a regular budget to work with as most committees do. However, it has been pointed out many times by the mayor to ail members that the council will not hesit­ ate to spend whatever funds are necessary to wihe and dine or Otherwise entice new industry to Clinton. However, this becomes pretty difficult to do if these prospects are not even brought forth but are constantly dealt with by one man. “If the chairman felt that the rest of his committee was un­ reliable then i submit that he r should have asked the mayor for new members. This was not . ./“It is possible that the best ’’ ? thing would be for Clinton to hire a full-titoe, paid mail to go out : and contact prospects as the . bities do. However, before you could do that a much more pro­ ductive and positive approach 1 must be made to town planning so that Vou hnow where you can but mdUstHes, and you know Where you can build a lot of new ’ houses; This could be done by a Well operating planning board working with such bodies as you# town council, your public utilities, the dept. of high* , ways and others.” herald fight (continued from pagel) moving into designated areas, a potential “gold mine” for Clinton. “But I called Queen’s Park yesterday afternoon,” Mr. Mc­ Cullough announced. “Before an area can be designated, ap­ plication must be made. No such application has been made on Clinton’s behalf.” Councillor Cameron Protor outlined his council record as chairman of the health and wel­ fare, and sanitation and waste removal committees. “There is only one family on welfare in Clinton,” He stated. “We have the reputation of being hard to get money out of.” 1967, Bruce- Funeral Funeral Allan, formerly of in hi? 90th from Hensall, on Monday, Novem­ ber 27, • with interriiertf in Baird'S Cemetery, Stanley Township. RUTHERFORD—Passed away at But- frird, on Friday, NoUrimber 24, 1967, Mrs. George W, Rutherford, in her 83rd year. Funeral service from Robinson Funeral Home, Burford, 'Ort Monday,, . Npvernber ■ *27, with , infermefft ih Burford Pioneer CertiO* tery. A brother,.. Georgri, Henderson, resides at Brucefield. 7 year. Bonthron's INMEMORIAM WELSH--Iff. fond and loVIhg memory ,of a dear sort and brother, David Robert who {’passed qWay suddenly t'yp years ago, November 36, 1965/ , . Behind .tha smllb, .then’s tnaffy a,tear/ For ipp' sori ,artd brother wc lost And loveci so dear; , , Others are taken, yes, we know, But he was 6urs, and we loved him feo. —Lovingly rcmefrib'erad arid sadly missCd by mother, dad/ Donhld, ’Ralph and Catherine. 4$p TlDESWELL—Iri - loving > jVi6riidf‘y ' bf a I, whoj dear father, •Williarh ViddsWdll; . A passed aWay .Nov, -24) i960; Thbughts1 ’of ’ypt). dome drifthft) . Within ’My dtbahis < fb’,-'it^W > • to ikridw.'tkaf < yduMre • whetT iwilf^hf* ehbfcMhd —Always rerhbinbot-ctl by his IdMily. ■back Mr. Proctor appealed to merchants to “show more com* mon sense” and try to keep the sidewalks outside their stores free of debris. Also criticizing Clinton’s lack of industrial expansion, Mr. Proctor said he had been a member Of the industrial committee for three years and had been asked to only one meeting at which “nothing very much went on?* Last summer, Mr. Proctot charge, a prospective industrial settler Visited Clinton, and “it was actually suggested that he go to Centralia - i Was both amazed and mad.” Councillor Norman Liver­ more, chairman of the bylaws Committee, defended his group UgUiUst criticism by Deputy Reeve Won ch. “Little towns can’t have the Sahie bylaws ds big cities,H he maintained, “For instance, Snow shovelling. If. we had a byiaw making people keep the Sidewalks outside their homes clear of show, with the Wide open spades we have here, sonio people would be shOVellibg Whole blocks.” ’ presents chair Phst Wox’thy Matron of the Order of the BasterhStar, Clin­ ton, visited the physiotherapy department at Clinton Public Hospital list Wednesday morn­ ing to present an arm chair to physiotherapist Mrs. R.W, Flowers. Mrs. Rosamond Garrett ex* plained that each year’s Worthy Matron has a personal project in addition to all the other benevolent work done by the group, She said her project hid been to supply some useful piece of equipment to the hospital in the name of the Eastern Star. The arm chair for the physio- therapy department was chosen because it is important to havo a seat which is oasy for patients to, get in and out of. Mrs, Flowers reported the gift was “a nice height io work wfth“. Asked to attend pot luck supper AH members of the Madeles- ine tano Auxiliary of St. And­ rew’s Ti-esbyterian Church ate askqd to attend a bot took slipper in ’ flie church Sunday school room on Wednesday> itoceniber 6, at 6:30 b.rto Christmas gifts Will be exchanged. Regular $199.00 Special Sale Price $175.00 BETWEEN NOW AND CHRISTMAS YOU CAN WIN $100.00 ON ANY MAJOR APPLIANCE PURCHASED AT Groves & Son Electric 10 HURON ST. — CLINTON — PHON* 4*2-9414