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Clinton News-Record, 1967-11-30, Page 2
»4 OPTOMETRY ALUMINUM PRODUCTS fmwmrjrarmrtn^^ imHnrmrain. H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones: Office 482-9644 Ref. 462-9787 ronald l. McDonald Chartered Accountant »» ST, DAVID ST, GODERICH 524-6253 — C.V4 'H From the Imperial Oil Collection INSURANCE K. W, COLQUHOUN INSURANCE A REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesmen Phone 482-7285 GET FAST RESULTS WITH 3 NEWS-RECORD CLASSIFIED ADS | SjLR R fl a P 0 {LS.RJ1 E.R.2 2 fl.E fl fl Ofl OflOttO 0 Q 000 0 0 0 0 0 n 00 oo oo o?' Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Nov, 30, 1967 After three years without change, th^re will be at least four new faces on town council during the next term. One councillor has retired; three are fighting. . for higher positions. Five new candi dates are campaigning for office, so the defeat of one sitting member would mean an almost complete turnover. This relieves the voters of a misery of choice. The issue is simple: should the ballot be cast in favor of council experience, or new blood with its promise of progress? Straight two-way fights make the issue the same in voting for mayor, reeve and deputy reeve. No matter how long a candidate has served coun cil in another capacity, when he steps up, he must serve an apprenticeship. Whether - the apprenticeship will pro duce a good journeyman is for the voter to ponder. EblTdRIAL PAGE And good journeymen will be needed on council if Clinton is to over come its inertia in the area of indus trial development, the key to growth. It is the responsibility of the voters to put them there. Avoid instant Christmas When men of the Public Utilities Commission strung Christmas lights and wreaths along Clinton's main street last week they opened the festive season . . . officially. It seemed appropriate, afterward, to begin offering season's compliments. Colored lights, tinsel, decorated trees create a magic effect for many persons. In an age of instant foods, the baubles make an instant Christmas. Unfortunately, just as the hanging of' Santa Claus trappings heralds the Christmas goodwill spirit, their removal ' ■ ’t r .’ ■ •, • ■■ , /V «'•’ V’ t-■ . So what s little more than one month later too often signifies its burial for another year. Like an instant meal, an instant Christmas is rarely remembered. It lacks the depth to provide spiritual replenish ment. Perhaps Christmas decorations should be left on display for 11 months as a goodwill reminder, and taken down for only one month to allow people to be beastly to one another, if they must. Martyrdom of Brebeuf and. Lalemant, 1649, The Jesuit missionaries came to New France to establish schools and hospitals, ensure foe spiritual development of the settlers and carry Christianity to foe Indians. But only a fraction of foe tribes lived at settlements on the St. Lawrence, so foe Jesuits went out to seek foe natives. The most famous mission was to the Huron villages in foe stretch of land between Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay. Here foe missionaries worked while foe fiery Iroquois planned genocide - the annihilation of foe Hurons The Iroquois had been raiding the flotillas of Huron canoes on foe way down the Ottawa to Montreal since about 1640. But in the summer of 1648 they stormed foe outpost village of St. , -O ' ' ' o o 1 o o Joseph and murdered its priest, Father Daniel, tn March of the following year the Iroquois re- turned to Huronia and surrounded the mission of St. Ignace. After a fierce battle the mission was reduced to ashes and the Iroquois pressed on' to St. Louis where Fathers Jean, de Brebeuf and Gabriel Lalemant were preparing the villagers against the attack. ButSt, Louis, near the present city of Midland, Ontario, fell under the attack and the fathers captured, To assure themselves of victory in war the Iroquois that night tortured Brebeuf and Lalemant to death with flame and red-hot irons. By killing, and by taking prisoners who later became one people with them, the Iroquois went on to destroy the Hurons. Business and Professional 4 ' 1 Directory J, E. LONGSTAFF optometrist Monday* and Wodna*doy* 20 ISAAC STREET For appointment phc;w 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 5Z7424O R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 For Air-Master Aluminum Doors and Windows and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R, L. Jervis —68 Albert St Clinton — 482-9390 Attend Your Church This Sunday NOTE -. ALL SERVICES ON STANDARD TIME Armpits and Yanks© '55 years ago; From our early FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd 9(45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Church Service. - ALL ARE WELCOME HERE f A word in a Times cable from New York quoting an editorial in the Times of that city described this summer as "wet, muggy, drear, soggy, sodden and even irriguous." I cannot remember ever seeing the . word "irriguous" before.. Coming at the end of a string of adjectives it looked as if it might have been suggested by Roget's Thesaurus of Synonyms. But perhaps I am unjust to a learned leader writer of the New. York Times. Perhaps the word in question -is morp often used in the United States than in Britain. It would be a stranger to many newspaper readers here. Anyway, I looked it up in Web ster's New World Dictionary and found ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Organist: MISS LOIS GRASBY, A.R.C.T. Pastor REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd 9:45 a.m.—Sunday Schoo). 11 a.m.—Worship Service. TURNER'S UNITED CHURCH 2:00 p.m.—Church Service. 3:00 p.m.—Sunday School, Just a few observations on life in general; this week. I ■ have no particular theme in > mind, but it will probably have emerged by the time we’ve fin ished this chore (me writting, you reading). ,. It’s fashionable to attack the jYapks. so here goes, I think UhcWre g'i'viri'g its a'b'dm'deal in | merchandise^ If ! weret a.politi- iJ?ciafi, my'Tlatfornw AVOuIcV b'e?"' . '‘Let’s fortify the border!” Every year, we send them about 80 percent of our best people: artists of all kinds, uni versity professors, engineers. Better known as the Brain Drain, And every winter, we send then our rich people, hundreds of thousands, to bol ster the sagging economies of Florida and California. /Ind what do they send us? Draft dodgers. Deer hunting. A’-lot of peo ple are against it. Not me, In fact, if I weren’t a teacher, I’d take a week off every fall and .join the great slaughter of the deer. Slaughter? There are 10 times as many people killed on the highways as there are deer in the bush. If I thought the species would be wiped out (deer, not people), I’d fight it. But the deer population is in creasing, chiefly because there are so many lousy hunters. I admit that no completely sane man goes deer hunting. Why would anybody go into the woods in the worst weather of the year, wind and snow, rain and blow, t.o wander through miles of swamp and slash, swale and burn, drag ging a dirty great musket and straining his heart to the bursting point, when he could be sitting at home watching a football game on TV? Why? I’ll tell you, Because it’s the only place in the world where he can escape from com mittee meetings, a nagging wife, a shrilling telephone, and rotten kids with personality defects. It’s the . only place in the world where he can get back to the primitive pleasures of man: rude jokes around the fire; a sense of companionship that has nothing to do with money or position; the feeling THE CLINTON NEW ERA November 28, lpl2 < ,'t,A number of foe young ladies . of towa called on the bride- z ■ JS’elec^iW’Della Cluff last Fri. i. « day evening and gave her a 4. t , cian, my 'fplhtfornv5VoukF bv Cluff has been very popular with ■ ................. . foe young people and she- will be much missed in social cir« cles. ! nl tilirriguous ? it meant moist, well-watered or irriga tive. In fact, its meaning was less im pressive than its sound, with its rich Latinity coming after other words mean ing much the same thing.. Such a word is unlikely to appear in a leader in our own Times, but it has often struck me that many editorials in New York's greatest paper, and for that matter in The Christian Science Monitor of Boston, are as sbundly English in language as leaders in our own Times, Telegraph and Guardian. The folksy, idiomatic editorials in the community papers of the American Mid-west and West are quite different. —World Press News (London). Stop highway slaughter Imagine all the people in Clinton dead, plus half their total again. That's the number—5,000 persons—killed an nually on Canadian highways. Automobiles kill more Canadians than . any illness except cancer and heart disease. This horrendous statistic * proves that Canada has its share of irrespon sible, thoughtless and dangerous driv- ‘ ers. the idea of the week is to educate driv ers so that highway slaughter can be curbed throughout the year. This year, defensive driving is be ing stressed during Safe Driving Week. Philip Farmer, executive director of the Council, says defensive driving is a matter of attitude. "It means being ready for the un expected," Mr. Farmer said. "Looking ahead to possible accident-producing situations and deciding in advance how best to avoid them." _______ __________ _ ___ It does not mean being timid or actually saves lives, because last year overcautious, he said, but rather "being the average numbeir of road deaths determined not to be drawn into an per week in December was 110, but accident by the foolishness of others during the week dropped to 77._______or recklessness on your own part." Saving lives, even during only one So use the week to improve your week of the year, is commendable. But driving attitude . . . permanently. Why be one of them? Safe Driving Week, sponsored by the Canadian Highway Safety Council, starts Dec. 1. The Council says the week Clinton News-Record TH|fc CLINTON HEW ERA Amalgamated THE HUr6H NfeWS-RECOROEstablished 1885 . 19^4 Established 1881 Published Every Thursday At the Heart Of Huron Couhty „ , Clinton, Orrtarlo, Canada ' Population 3,475 tej ffi isa tSu lBj CD ilSMd coMflbutlow to thl» publication, at* th* oplnlom W tM writer* oaln, and d<» aot tka YI4w* of H* naw»p*p*f; AvHwrhml « BacOnd Gia** Hall. FaM Offlea D*p*rtm*nt, OH«:wat and tor FayrnaM ot FoiUg* In Gain HMtCSIFTlDM tAfM: adraseS — Canada and Great Britain: RLM a yUrj UattOd BtatO* aad Foralo*: *40, Slnglo CdpU*: II Gnat*. 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Mahaffy spent a few days with their daughter Mrs. William Sparks in Stanley last week. Drs. Gunn and Gandier were . in Stratford this week. Mr. Wilbur Ford, has, we regret to say, resigned his ' position in Tozer and Brown’s and will leave in a few days for _ Goderich where he has acceptedV a position with Hodgens Bros, i . THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday December 1,1927 Mrs. Oscar Tebbutt was with Chatham friends for the week- end. Mrs. Carrie Jervis, who has ■* spent the past couple of months in the west, returned home. 5 Saturday. Mrs. Jervis visited at Maple Creek and Saskatoon and on her way home stopped off for a week1 at Winnipeg. Mrs. Hanly who accompanied her west, did not return but . intends going on to California after Christmas. Mr. ft. Tilker of Harriston who was transferred from the •' Standard Bank at Arthur to Bayfield, arrived on Thursday to assume his new duties. November showed us a few rough days but for the most part was pretty fine its last’ few days being the finest, until the weather broke about yester day noon, ,4 .} 5 ago- of battle against the elements; the absence of all stress except the physical; the eating of half-burned meat; the belching and breaking of 'wind; the dreamless sleep of an animal after a day of exhaustion. The killing of the deer is unimportant. He has proyed.to himself, ' by , George/. that ■' there’s a little juice* in lh’e.Told , 1 carcass yet, that he can take it ' without whining, and that he’s liked for himself, not because he can do something for some body. . This brings us, by a logical association of ideas, to modern theatre. It's concerned with the very same thing: a man trying to prove himself. The deer hunter would laugh at the -playwright, and the playwright would laugh at the deer hunt er. Each would think the other was emotionally crippled. I saw. a 'play last weekend that would have made my little old mother’s hair stand on end. Even though she wouldn’t have understood it. It is called For tune and Men’s Eyes. Some of the language was straight off the walls of a public lavatory. It’s a play that will shock and sicken some people. And perhaps this is not a bad idea. It has pathos and a macabre humor. But lavatory walls are a part of life. There’s no sand to put your head in. Only the toilet bowl. And, while this is one way of washing your hair, it is not highly recommended. This, again by a logical asso ciation of ideas, brings us to hair. Hair on head is good. We’ll agree to that. The bald ing man suffers. The balding woman dies a thousand deaths. Hair on legs is good if you’re a man, bad if you’re a girl. Same with arms. Chest? No question. How about armpits? Armpits take us back to deer hunters, and deer hunters to draft dodgers, so the circle is almost complete. And my students, when I give them an essay to write, say, “But sir, ' what can I write about?” Answer: if you want to be a writer, write, The reason I’m a bit misan thropic this week is that it’s snowing, I hate snow, .eut,, Wesley? W,Olis, ; Holmesville United Churcht*, (. ■■ ■ ..... 09 JU *•<£9 REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., D.D., Mini*t«f & & MR. LORNE DOTTERER, Organist and Choir Director . SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. Guest Preacher: S/L PAUL DE LONG, CHAPLAIN OF CBF CLINTON HOLMESVILLE 1:00 p.m.—Worship Service. 1:45 p.m.—Sunday School. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Miss Catharine Potter, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd - ADVENT SUNDAY 9:45 a.m.—Church School, 11:00 a.m.-HOLY COMMUNION. ANGLICAN WORLD MISSION APPEAL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6-FRIENDSHIP GUILD CHRISTMAS PARTY ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. Maclean, B.A., Minister . Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd 9;45 a.m.—Sunday School. 10:41 p.m.-Fubllc Worship. WORLD MISSION WEEKEND - EVERYONE WELCOME __ i CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. G. J. HEERSINK, Minittar SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service—IN DUTCH. 8:00 p.m,—Worship Service—Guest preacher, REV. KATWYK, Stratford Evary Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Thom** listen to "Back to God Hour" - EVERYONE WELCOME - , CLINTON NEWS-RECORD December 3,1942 Miss Margaret Middleton of. Guelph General Hospital accorhA " pahied by Miss Betty Black spefit the weekend at the home of her parents, Mi1, and Mrs*1 Fred Middeltdn, L/C pl R. Fitzsimons of the Provost corps at London spent the weekend in town with Mrs* Fitzsimons* Mrs. Arnold Anderson and Mtlss Evelyn McCartney of D6U roit were visitors in town ' Thursday and Friday. Sgt. -Ifobcyi .Brown- Wireless ’ air gunner in the RCAF from Debert N.S. visited with his, sister Mrs. Ronald MacDonald this Weak* SIWkmMWSCBW •W i' M'KIltOP FIRE iBSURMttt COMPANY : -< ; V.. •' . 'X* ■ A- $$ Office >— Main Street SEAFORTH insures: Town Dwellings All Class of Farm Property Summer Cottages Churches, Schools, Halls ft ft e "Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water dairtage, falling on jacts * etc.) is also available.., ' o»>1 acts * etc.) is also available. Agents: James Keys, RR 1, SeaLoHb; V. J. Latte, HR 5, Sea forth; Wni. Leiper, Jr„ Londesboro; Seiwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squire, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaten, Seaforth. r * --i BASE CHAPELS Canadian Forces Base Clinton ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPKL Ch.plaln-F/L THE REV. F. i. IAUY Sunday Masses—-9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Confassions—Before Sunday Massa* and 7:00 p.m. la p.m, on-' Saturday*. Baptism* 'and- Interview* — By Appelnfmetrf Rhone 482-3411, Inf. Ill PROTESTANT CHAPEL Chaplain—S/L THE REV. F, P, DeLONG Holy Communion—Following Divine Service, let lawday* 8:30 a.m. on other laad*y« » Sunday School—9:30 a,m.—(Nursery Department et !1:H a.m.) Divine Service__l 1:00 a.m, interviews, Baptism*, etc. — By Appahhaaft Fhbne 482-3411, Ext, 247 or Ext, IM efNr hem x—<—i~. mAple ST. GOSPEL hall Sunday, bocember 3rd 9:45 a.m.-^Worthip Service. 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School, 5:00 p.m.—Evening Service. , Sptfakor: ERIC VfeTTfeRS, London Ti»6i'day, 8:00 p.m.—Prayer and . Biblo Study Pentecostal Church Victoria Street W. Werner, P»»tor Sunaay, December 3rd 9(45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.-bO a.m.—Wonhip Service 7:3b p.m.—Evening lorvlco. Friday, 8 p.m.—YFU