HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-11-23, Page 12*4
11. Clinton News4*ea>rd, Thursd»y, Nov. 237 1967
Hostesses fop the afternoon
were Mrs, E. potter, Mrs. O.
Blake and.Mysi. J. Lobb. •
this Friday
. The Goderich Township Cen-
teunial Committee, held a
successful social evening at the
Hqknesvilie Public School on
Saturday evening. The first part
Of the evening was spent in play
ing euchre and 500 with unex- '
pectod forfeits and prizes.
The second part was the show*
tog pf films and slides of the
June 16-18 weekend celebrations
and Centennial parades at Clin
ton and Goderich.
A skating party is being held
Riis Friday evening, November
II, at the Clinton Community
Centre yr 1th more firn coming up.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cudmore
W*re recent visitors with rela.
tivep at Hamilton and Burl
. • • < $ 4c
Miss Shirley Norman is
practise teaching at Galt this
... . *
Harry Williams has returned
from a week’s hunting trip in
Northern Ontario. t
•' ♦ . * ♦
Franklyn (Bud) Yeo had the
misfortune to fracture his arm
while playing hockey last week.
UCW Meets
The November meeting or the
Holmesville United Church
Women was held on Tuesday
November 14. Mrs. HarryCud.
more gave the call to warship
pnd meditation on the theme*
Prayer was offered by Mrs.
H, Williams and a vocal duet
‘ was rendered by Mrs. E. Potter
and Mrs. Les. Jervis,^
Mrs. W, Norman gave an
article on “The One Talent
Man**, .Highlights of the Reg*
ional meeting at Westfield ware
given by Mrs. E». Grigg and
discussed by those present.
Mrs. L. Bond gave a summary
Of the last chapter of the study
book “Into a Nation’*.
Mrs. E. Grigg, president,
conducted the business period.
It was agreed to fill twelve .
Christmas stockings for pet- •
lente at the Ontario Hospital.
Treasurer Mrs. L. Jervis,
gave her report showing that
$455 had been realized on the
annual bazaar.
Mrs. Williams reported on
the work of the Centennial Com*
mittee noting that the fence
had been erected and painted,
the planting of trees and shrubs
had been completed and that
the retaining of windows would
have to be left till warm
During the afternoon a large
bale was packed for Overseas
Relief. Ten dollars is also to
be sent to the blanket fond.
Mrs. William Bell and Mrs.
James Drummond reported on
the Area Convention held in
London November 7 and 8. Mrs.
Grant McLean and Mrs. Rose
Broadfoot conducted an * ‘In
Memoriam Service* for depar*
ted members.
Mrs. William Caldwell air*
ranged a beautiful display of
quilts and gave an interesting
talk bn the making of quilts.
Mrs. Alex McGregor and
Mrs. Douglas McGregor attend,
ed to registration and presen.
ted each person with a rose
Mrs. William Kyle and Mrs. .
Dave Triebner favoured with
three songs. Frances Kinsman
gave a reading, “When father
papered the parlor.** Mrs«
James Chalmers gave the story
of Mothers* problems with the
school bus.
A play “Wanted A Housekeep,
er** was presented with Mrs.
William Caldwell And Mrs.
James Drummond in the leading
roles and Mrs. Ross Sararas,
Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs. Vera
Alderdice, Mrs. Robert Bell,
Mrs. Grant McLean and Mrs.
Joyce Cooper as the supporting
cast.The group also presented a
square dance with Mrs^ Rosy
Broadfoot doing the callinghon.
For Christmas Gifts
and Cards
Yes, there are still a few
appointment openings left1
for child and family
Photos taken in your home
or in studio
Phone 482-7006
Phone 262-5180
In honour of from twenty,
five to thirty-two years of con*
tinuous service in Kippen East
WI, Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse,
Mrs. Stewart Pepper, Mrs.
Campbell Eyre, Mrs. John Sin*
ciair, Mrs: Alex McGregor and
Mrs. William Kyle were each
presented with a Centennial
Rose cup and saucer.
A penny sale was conducted
by Mrs. Robert Kinsman and
Mrs. Ken McKay. Lunch was
served by the hostesses Mrs.
Campbell Eyre and Mrs. Wil-
11am Caldwell and the commit*
tee in charge of,Mrs. Ross
Kippen EastWomeflsInstitute
entertained former, members
qn Wednesday, November 15 in
Huron Centennial School. Pres*
identMrs. Grant McLean chair*
ed the meeting and welcomed the
guests. . . •
Secretary Mrs. James Drum,
mond read the minutes arid the
roil call#as answeredby every*
one present telling the year they
joined Kippen East WI and some
Of the highlights they remem-
. bered.
UCW meets
Tuckersmith United Church
Women of the Bracefield United
Church met at the manse on
Monday evening. Mrs. A. Pat-
erpon and Mrs. M. Wilson had
charge of the devotion.
A Remembrance Day poem
read by Mrs. Paterson opened
the. meeting and Mrs. Wilson
discussed the topic of ‘remem
brance* pointing out that me
mory of bygone days can in
clude many different things.
During the business segment
of the meeting, Mrs. Berry read
die treasurer’s report in the
absence of Mrs. E. Sillery. A
thank you note was read from
• Mrs. KenScott. There was some
discussion on a change in the
Mrs. Stuart offered to help
on the visiting committee.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Stuart and the recreation com
The Polar Passion by Farley Mowatt $12.95
The Colour of Canada by Hugh MacLennan $4.95
History Almanac of Canada by Lena Newman
Canada North by Farley Mowatt
Historic Headlines by Pierrh Befton
Canada—Grant of the North
Fundamentals of Canadian Law
in layman's language
No Place For An Angel
by Elizabeth Spencer
A Second-Hand Life
Bv Chas. Jackson
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flocked leaves Special $2.29
POTTED POINSETTIAS, red flowers and
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CORTINA, from $150,00
Matching circlet $20.00
SHAHON, from $70.00
Matching circlet $10,00
SURF STAR, from $250.00
Matching circlet $15.00
TRIUMPH, from $180.00
MYSTIQUE, from $180,00
DESTINY, from $55,00
tROllSSEAU, ffofri $>O.O0
Matching Circlet $20.00
HELENA, from $180.00
Circlet $80,00. Groom's ring $80.00
CANTATA, from $200.00
Matching circlet $70.00
VOGUE, from $250.00
Matching circlet $20.00
NOCTURNE STAR, from $115.00
Matching circlet S10.00
BLOSSOM, from $180.00
VANGUARD, from $180.00
SPECTRUM, from $55.00
ANOEL’S WINO, from $250.00
SOUTHERN STAR, from $150.00
FONTANA, from $150.00
Matching circlet $10.00
PROMISE, from $180.00
FANFARE, from $180.00
Matching circlet $12.50
HONOR, from $55.00
SHERATON, from $90.00
Matching circlet $55,00
PHONE 482-9525 FOR
FEMINA, from $16p.00
MARDI-GRAS, from $225,00
Matching circlet $125.00
CASTILLO, from $325.00
CATHEDRAL, from $150.00
Matching circlet $10.00
BALLET, from $135.00
Matching circlet $70.00
BERKSHIRE, from $70.00
JOY, from $90.00
Matching circlet $70.00
OEDOWICK, frhm $250.00
Matching circlet $200.00
VENEZIA, from $250.00
Matching circlet $80.00
DESERT STAR, from $250.00
Matching circlet $16.00
WELLINGTON, from $70.00
WILDFLOWER, from $180.00
Matching'circlet $70.00
DORADO, from $115.00
Matching circlet $17.50
Canterbury,. from $55.00
TANGIERS, from $225.00
Matching circlet $20,00
MAGNA, from $180.00
Matching circlet $20.00
TRIBUTE, from $115.00
TARA, from $180.00
ROYALTY, from $115.00
Matching circlet $20.00
MYRIAD, from $90.00
Matching Circlet $55.00
lady Canterbury; front $2so,oo