Clinton News-Record, 1967-11-23, Page 9Huron Anglicans helping to establish new missionary Anglicans in Huron County during November are helping to establish a new missionary pro­ gram In Venezuela through Ang­ lican World Mission, Each par­ ish will be asked to contribute • money toward the support of the Rt. Rev. Guy Marshall who was consecrated recently as Bishop in Venezuela. Bishop Marshall is best known in Canada for the many years he has spent as a chap­ lain to seamen along Toronto’? waterfront. He did similar work fpr 14 years in South America and speaks Spanish fluently. Since 1962 the Rev, William A, Collins, a Canadian priest and graduate of Huron College London, Ontario has been a chaplain to English speaking people in Venezuela. He has expanded his work to include native people, and it is ex­ pected that two other priests now in training will join the . Anglican mission there. X. r NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP Will close for the Winter Season after , SATURDAY, DEC. 2 AT 5:00 P.M. And will remain closed until further notice James I. McIntosh, . Clerk. A At the moment Bishop Mar-, •shall is a bishop without a diocese or a synod office. He is «a missionary in episcopal orders,” heading a task force aimed at identifying witli, and serving among, the Spanish, speaking Venezuelans. Opera­ ting out of Caracas, Bishop Marshall’s will be almost com™ pletely a pioneer episcopal min­ istry. He is Canada’s contri­ bution to South American work, supported by AWM funds. In a recent study of world Christianity, South America is described as “the neglected continent.” While it has been regarded as an exclusively Roman Catholic country, the study indicated that the Church has been barely “scratching the surface” in bringing the message of Christianity to the native people. Several Protest­ ant groups have been develop­ ing strong missionary pro­ grams there, The Anglican Congress of 1963 recommended that the Anglican Church increase its work in many parts of South America, Situated in the nor­ thern part of the continent, Venezuela has over 7 million people, and a density of pop­ ulation more than twice that of Ontario. It is an important oil producing country, as well as being a source of several agricultural products such as coffee, cotton and sugar cane. In its large cities new sky­ scrapers and freeways contrast sharply with tin-roofed shacks. . Venezuela has beenindependent since 1830, but, like much of South America, has suffered from revolutions and dictator­ ships, The new bishop will work under the Bishop of Trinidad and within the Anglican pro­ vince of the West Indies. w i few 1 &1 At a recent meeting of the 1st RCAF Clinton Group, Sgt. Ernie Bradshaw, leader of the “Mowhawk” Cub Pack, conducted eight cubs up to the Scout Troop. Shown front row, left to right, are Terry Dumont, Richard Lapensee, Doug Sackett, Sandy Porter, back row: Keith Arnott, Derek Poire, Donald Abbott and Michael McFarland. Scout Leader, Sgt. Les Priestley guided the new scouts through initiation ceremonies, (Ganadian Forces Photo) * . * Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Nov* 23, 1967 9 STANLEYpital. We wish him a speedy recovery, The executive of the Sunday School met at th© home of Mrs. Lockhart last week when Mrs, Sowerby superintendent, opened the meetingwlthapsalm and prayer. It'^as decided to have th© White Gift service combined with the church on December 10 with Miss Claire McGowan as guest speaker and gifts to go to the Children’s Aid, A Christmas party was plan­ ned for Saturday afternoon Dec­ ember 9. In charge of the pro­ gram are Lorna Miller, Colleen •Lockhart, Mrs. A.' Bettles and Mrs. W. Riddell, It was decided to haye both Christmas! and New Year’s Sundays as com­ bined services. Meeting closed with prayer and a pot luck lunch was en­ joyed. . ________ PORTERS HILL - The UCW of Grace Church met at the home of Mrs. A, Lockhart last Wednesday afternoon for theii’ November meeting. In the absence of the presi­ dent, Mrs. C, Sturdy conduct­ ed the meeting which opened with hymn 164 after which all repeated hymn 699 A reading entitled “This is the Holy Land” was read by Mrs. T. Sowerby. The study book was taken by Mrs. Jonge* jan on the book of “Ruth’”. Secretary’s report was given by Mrs, Townshend and the treasurer’s report by Mrs. Sowerby, It was voted to give a dona­ tion to the M and M Society and the Bible Society* The visit­ ing committee was asked to visit the shut-ins in the eommunity before Christmas, The December meeting will be held at Bayfield parsonage on Friday evening‘December 15 when Mr. Beck will conduct the election of officers. The roll call will be the exchange of a fifty cent gift. Meeting closed with the Mizpah Benedic­ tion and the hostess served lunch. Sorry to report Laurie Cox is sick in Clinton Public Hos- ucw The November meeting of the Stanley United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. H, Taylor* Mrs. Stuart read a poem on remembrance. Mrs. J. McGregor gave, the, study “The Church and the World, East and West.” A story on Japan was read by Mrs, Tay­ lor. Roll call showed 19 members present, The Chyistmns meeting will be held on December 13 at the home of Mrs. D. Triebner. Roll call will be a Christmas verse and gifts will be exchanged. The hostess and her helpers served lunch at the close of the meeting. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON EXETER —■ SEAFORTHCLINTON Phone 482-72II Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP -r. 482-6642 . 0 B I TU A R Y MARY ANN SWINBANK Mrs. Mary Ann .Swinbank, 83, of 22 Cutter St., Clinton, died Saturday, November 18 follow- , ing a seven week illness. Born on New Year’s Day, 1884, in Etobicoke Township, pear Toronto, Mrs. Swinbank was the daughter of Thomas and Ann O’Brien, early settlers in the area. She married Walter Swinbank November 6, 1907, and cele­ brated her diamond anniversary . just two weeks ago. . Mass was held Monday at St. Joseph’s Church, Clinton, fol- lowed by interment in St. Jo­ seph’s Cemetery, HullettTown. ' ship. Pallbearers were Harry Plumsteel, Fred Anderson, Fred LeBeauj. L. Mathews, Jerry Wien and Lyle O’Brien. Mrs. Swinbank is survived by 'her daughter, Mrs. Anthony (Irene) Bazinet, of Toronto; bro­ thers Harry O’Brien, of Killam, .Alberta, and William, of Lon- w,don; a sister, Mrs. L.F. ^Teresa) Barnes, of Clinton, a Siece, Mrs. Wallace (Elizabeth) Smith, of Ottawa, and anephew, Eldon O’Brien, of Clinton. ^.Funeral, arrangements were • ' sdnade by Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton. m NEW! SHUR-GAIN BEEF SILASUPPLEMENT Beef feeders using silage as the main-ration b^v’e 'it'1 to CLINTON "A" TORONTO • Conquer Fear speak effectively CHOOSE THE ii •k • ■ 'fit Victoria St. CLINTON lively new Kroehler Signature Chair NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY OR 1AY-AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS Mrs. Dalrymple 100th birthday The November birthday party at Huronview was held on Nov­ ember 15 with the Londesboro Institute in charge. Mrs. James Howett was convener and intro- IBM||b ■ Increase daily gains from corn silage. Feed 40% Beef Sila supplement "A". This new beef supplement is designed to supply the protein required when feeding corn silage which is high in grain and energy content. themselves to learn all the details about'SHt^vGATN ^SildSUDOlSIlWIlt 40% Beef Sila supplement ''A”. CREST HARDWARE & FURNITURE BALL & MUTCH LTD. 71 ALBERT ST. 482 '+ OOAUTY VOU CAN MUST FROM FtOFlE YOU KNOW + celebrates at Huronview. duced Mrs. Tom Allen who played several numbers on her accordion and later showed slides of a recent trip she and her husband had taken to Eng­ land. Community singing was en­ joyed under the leadership of Mrs. Edwin Woods and Mrs. Josling. Mrs. Dalrymple had celebra. ted her 100th birthday this month so was given special mention. Birthday pictures were taken and gifts presented to Mrs. Dalyrumple, Mrs. McElroy, Mrs. Tabb, Mrs. Patton, Mrs. Holt, Joe Miller/Mrs. Varcoe, William Wright, Mrs. Arthur, Robert Allen, Louis Wild, Thur- loe McDonald, Mrs. McCartney, Mark Sproat, Kate Barrett,, Zora Dickson, Mrs. Bicknell/' Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Trewartha and Mrs. West. „ A delicious lunch was served. Ask about convenient departure •nd return times Far Information, jrfiona the local CN Fattongor Salsa Office O\J CANADIAN NATIONAL CONTACT US FOR ALL YOU REQUIREMENTS OF STOVE'OIL FURNACE OIL and-' INDUSTRIAL OILS "THE LOW COST WAY OF HEATING ■ ■ . ' • . ' ■ ■ FOR YOUR SAFETY OUR DELIVERY TRUCK CARRIES FUEL OIL ONLY CLINTON & HAIR PIECES Friday, November 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M deal with people successfully! MISS JENEY from GREECE will be at our salon, she brings with her a large selection of POS- TICHES, FALLS and WIGS, from one of the world's foremost suppliers. Drop in and have a coffee while you fry them on. This is your opportunity to see for yourself what a hairpiece can do for you — ,of course there is no obligation; BEAUTY SALON DALE CARNEGIE In today’s competitive life — you either go up or down. You do not stand still! If you are in a “rut” —- you owe it to yourself and your family to investigate the world-famous Dale Carnegie Course. This course will give you an entirely new slant on yourself. It will show you how to I DEMONSTRATION meetings Dale Carnegie Course in Effective Speaking* Human Relations, and Leadership Training speak effectively —how to inspire confidence — how to meet and deal with people success­ fully. It will give you the training you need to start moving forward. So why wait? Now is the time to act and 'prove to yourself what Dale Carnegie train­ ing can do for you! W Things the Dale Carnegie Course Will Help You Do... • Develop Self-Confidence • Speak Effectively • "Sell" Yourself and Your Ideas • Improve Your Ability fo Remember Names * IncreaseYour Ability fo Deal with People • Win Moro Friends • Improve Your PersonaiHy • Prepare for LEADERSHIP • Incrods© Your IrtcOrtie iiii wabm VICTOR LAURISTON SCHOOL BRITANNIA RD. W. GODERICH Speaker: MR* FRANK WARD For 22 years Mr. Ward, has sponsored Dale Carnegie Courses in Canada and the West Indies. The Kihsmert Club is making the Dale Carnegie course available to the people of Goderich and District and endorse it for the high reputation it has in this community; w—ii h I ■«! wfciniiwl w ■ b