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Clinton News-Record, 1967-11-23, Page 5
REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR house, Inswl brick, CQny«n}0n»ly located on larg« lof on quiet fngyjrif* •hould be m»de to 482-6654. 39tft? DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTORS "•erel Qatari* Siiedellele** "RURAL ONTARIO SPECIALISTS" 50 Acre Farm Six miles from Qoderich, 4-bedroom brick home, 20' x 30' barn with open stabling, 45 acres work able for cash crop farm-’ ing. Never-failing spring creek crosses property. Worth your while to take a look. House Plus 4 Lots $5,900 is all that is being asked for this 1%-storey house in Goderich, with 4 good building lots/close to schools. Full kitchen, liv ing room and bedroom -downstairs with 3 bed rooms on second floor. Lots can be sold for new homes, which makes this a good buy. Thursday Special "Why not have a home and have it paid for by some one else. Redecorated and remodelled throughout, this semi-detached, 1%- storey consists of two separate 3-bedroom apart ments, plus double drive way. Top residential area in Goderich. Both apart ments have a 3-piece bath, living, room, dining room, m o d e r n kitchen cup boards, new vinyl and hardwood flooring install ed, with private entrance and separate gas furnace and hydro,5'*"5" Building Lots Three acres — 8 building lots on paved road. Make us an offer. Highway 8 — A spacious lot to build a new bunga low, yet only a few min utes from town, then this would suit you. Terms can be arranged. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE PROPERTIES CONTACT Jack Cummings 103 ST. GEORGE'S CRES. Phone Goderich 524-8951 IN MEMORIAM TURNER—In loving memory of a cfaar husband and father, Floyd Elmer Turner who passed away one year ago today, November 24, 1966. My heart still aches with sadness, The secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, Floyd, No one will eVer-know. When I am sad and lonely, And when anything goes Wrong, I seem to hear you whisper "Cheer up and carry on." Each time I see your picture. You seem to smile and say "Don't cry, I'm only sleeping, "We'll meet again some day." —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his Wife Jean and children Gayle and banriy, 47p HOY—In loving memory of a dear wife, mblher and grandmother, Mrs, William Hoy, whb passed away ten years agb, November 28, 1957. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so Well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. —Lovingly remembered by husband and family, 47p BIRTHS FERGUSON—In Clinton Public Hospital, ori thursday, November 16, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs, David Ferguson, Clinton, a daughter, LADD—In Cllhtbh Public Hospital, on Tuesday, November 21, 1967, th Mr. arid Mrs, Frank Ladd, Clinton, a son, WftlGHt-^lrr Ciintort Public Hospital, on Wednesday, November \967, th Mt, arid Mrs. Gnrnbt Wright, R.R, 1, Londes boro, a daughter, REAL ESTATE DEATHS Rvth Van D«r Mw || If, •»|efW» •14787I property, wooded, bank pf IfY’ 6-ApRE Close - field. SMALL building, without lot. summer to lake wired. 8uy with or ONE floar home at Port Albert, 3 bed rooms, insulated, 3-piece bath, wall furnact'. Furniture included; ppe •ere; ^8,000 FOUR-bedroom .hpm^ 41 Port Albert, drilled, well, 2-pipce bath, Vendpr will hdld mortgage;: $5,000. BRICK school house with furnace ar>d drilled well. FARMS 25 ACRES, close to Lake Huron, on paved road, 7-room house, barn, drilled well; $9,000, 125 ACRES, without buildings, $16,000. 100 ACRES, 8-room frame house, drill ed well, barn, hen house; $16,000. 127 ACRES, 100 acres workable, 7-room house, barn, drilled well; $21,000. 150 ACRES, 6 miles from Goderich, frame house with 3-piece bath, drilled well, large barn, new »ilo; $26,500. 200 ACRES, cash crop land, 7-room house, oil furnace, 4-piece bath, barn, silo; $40,000. 200 ACRES, Ashfield township, mod ernized house, 2 barns; $42,000. 57 ACRES, fully modernized, large brick home, 2 bathrooms, 2 «un parlors, new furnace, new drilled well. New double garage with et- tached workshop; barn. LARGE' NEW BUSINESS BUILDING WITH 12 FT. STONE FIREPLACE. MANY FEET OF HIGHWAY FRONTAGE; $35,000. GENERAL STORE with post office and library; 3 apartments; $15,000 plua , stock. RETAIL MEAT AND COLD STORAGE BUSINESS in village, on highway. 7-UNIT MOTEL, 2-room apartment, snack bar, living quarter*. SUMMER RESORT BUSINESS, accom modate* 60-75 guests, sandy beach, 2,140 ft. lake frontage, 200 acre* of land. Main lodge has 14 bed rooms, 2 rec rooms. Lookout building hat 6 motel units. Other lodge build ing with dining room, office, tuck- shop and lounge. Tennis court. Steam bath. Two cabins. Workshop • and laundry. Owner sacrificing duo to ill health. Price only $57,000. Repreaeetteg WILFRED MdNTEE 1 CO., LIMITED 43tfl» CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for cards, t flowers, gifts and visits during my stay in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. , Oakes, Dr. Flowers, Pastor Jack Heynen and nurses oh first floor,—MRS. ELIZABETH BUTLER. 47b I wish to thank my friends, neigh bours and relatives for flowers, cards, treats and visits while a patient in Scarborough Genera! Hospital. All was greatly appreciated. — WILLIAM HOWARD ARMSTRONG. 47p I sincerely thank my many friends for cards, flowers, gifts and visits; also special thanks to Bayfield Lions Club; the Rollarena girls; the UCW; the Hayman -farr^ily arid to those who contributed'to the Sunshine Box while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London.—ESTHER MAKINS. 47b I would like to thank all those who have made my recovery so rapid. Special thanks"to Dr. Addison, Dr. Flowers, and Dr. Walden who worked so hard after my emergency admission; also to Ken Tyndall Who brought me 'to the hospital. Thanks also to Rev. Heersink and the nursing staff of Clinton Hospital and to the friends and neighbours who sent cards, gifts and visited me, and all Who helped in. any .way. Thank you.—STEWART STEENSTRA. 47p I wish to thank all who sent cards, flowers and gifts while a patient in, Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Rev, Tshanz, Dr. Walden and nurses. on first floor.—MRS. KEITH HESSFL- WOOD. , 47 p We wish to express our sincere thanks to neighbours, relatives and friends for floral tributes, cards, mes sages of sympathy and all acts ‘of kindness during ‘our recent bereave- rnenf.-B. W.MUNNINGS AND FAMILY. ’ 47p The family of the late Mrs. Walter Swlnbank wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for beautiful floral ttibutes, messages of sympathy and other acts of kindness during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Father kelly, Dr, Oakes, Miss Elliott arid the riutses on thd seednd floOr of the Clihton Public Hospital, Beattie Funeral Home, and a special thanks to Mrs. Leslie Lawson and Mrs, Nelson and to all who were so klfld and helpful at this tirne, 47p The family of the laid Jdhrif Vah Loo Wish' to express their sincere thanks to neighbours and friends for flbtaf tributes, dbnationi to Cancer Society arid Gideons Bible, cards, messages of sympathy and all acts of kindness during their recent Sad bereavement. Special thinks to Dr. Thompson,- the nlirses and staff bf Clinton Hospital, pallbearers and to Rev. Knight, Rev, Hcynen, Rev, Werner, Rev. Heersink arid Ball Funeral Home, 5 47p '■** J Mil I L.J .i - V< j I Wish fo thank friends and rela tives for cards, ttdats, visits arid flow* ers While a pstfaht In Sffatfotcl hos* pffal>JlM TURNER, 47p CALDWELL, Thomas J., 61, of Gode rich, passed away at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Gode- rich, ph Monday, November Funeral service Thursday, at 2 P«m« from B?li Funerql Home, Clinton. HOY, Arthur Hunt, 79, of Goderich, passed away at Huronview,' Clinton, Thursday, November 16. Funeral service Sunday, November 19, from Bethel j’entpicpstal. Tabernacle, Gode- rich, Interment Colborne Township Cemetery. Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich, in charge. McCLELLAND, Richard Earl, 88, Gode rich, passed away at Huronytew, Clinton, on Wednesday, November 15, Funeral service from Stiles Fu neral Home, Goderich, on Saturday, November 18, SHOLDICE, William R.,. 73, Walton, passed away on Thursday, Novem ber 16, at Clinton' Public Hospital. Funeral service on Saturday, Noy, 18 from D. A. Rann Funeral Home, Brussels, Interment in Brussels Ceme tery. SWINBANK, Mrs. Walter, 83, of Clin ton ,on Saturday, November 18, at Clinton Public Hospital, widow, former Mary Ann O'Brien, Funeral service from St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Mon day, November 20, Interment in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Hullett Town ship, Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, in charge. COMING EVENTS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club, Jackpot $59.00 in 59 num* bers, 6 door prizes, 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ’ 24, CASH Bingo, in Seaforth Legion Hall, 8:15 p.m.; 15 regular games; 3 $25 specials; $75.00 jackpot to go. Sponsors, Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, BAZAAR' and Bake Sale, Clin ton Town Hall, 2 to 5 p.m. Coffee served Auspices of Fir st Baptist Church W.A. FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, Festival of carols, Ontario Street United Church Hall, 8 p.m. Ontario Street and Wes-. ley-WIllis Junior Choirs. ANNUAL HOME LEAGUE BAZAAR, Saturday, November 25, 2 to 4 o’clock, at Salvation Army Citadel. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, Open meeting of Huron Unit of Canadian Cancer Society, Huronview, 8 p.m. Films will be shown. Everyone welcome. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, Bayfield Lions Club annual tur. key bingo, Bayfield Town Hall 8:30 p.m. ;ni A^;™^nqL^TQ^^u^TLiq ■ ^LIBRARY — Cm. Mondays, comi mencing November 27, a Child, ren’s Story Hour will be held from 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. for public school children. On Friday, November 24 and Saturday November 25, a mag* .azine sale will-be held at the library, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Noon day luncheon 11:30-1 p.m. Wesley-Willis Church. Spon sored by Unit 3 of UCW. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, Fall meeting Huron County Trapper’s Association old Hol mesville School speakers, films, draw 8:30 p.m. Furs collected for North Bay. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 BAZAAft and sale of used cloth ing, former RedandWhiteStore Main Intersection. Clinton. Home baking, handiwork, pro. duce, etc., 2 p.m. Auspices Ladles’ Holmesville, Local 219, Ontario Farmer’s Union. BAYFIELD COUNCIL (Continued from page 1) Mr. Arkell is at present, out of the country. The Reeve said that at the nomination meeting afianancial report would be given and that he would give a report on what council has done in their two year tenure of office and out line what they hope to accom plish if elected again. winter can be fun this year Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Noy. 19^7 5 Members of the Clinton Juvenile team proudly display the new sweaters presented to them by W. G. (Bill) Fleischauer, owner of the Elm Haven Motor Hotel,,at the northern outskirts of Clinton. The Clinton Juveniles are pictured in the dressing room of the town’s new community • arena, following a practice on Thursday night. Their new sweaters were of no help to them Saturday night however,'when the Goderich Juveniles trounced them 7-2 at Goderich, (Staff Photo) To give demonstration of gift wrapping The regular monthly meeting of the Adastral Park Women’s Auxiliary was held on Monday, November 6. The Ways and Means con. vener, Kathy Cook expressed her thanks to ail the ladies for their help and attendance at? the Rummage Sale and Linen Bingo, She asked for volunteers to work at the gift wrap in the Roundel during the Christmas shopping time. The Entertain ment committee stated' that Mrs. McMillan of Exeter would give a demonstration of gift’ wrapping at the next meeting. It was reported that the cook book was progressing, satis factorily and that Mrs. Shuman would design the cover. A letter was read from the Air Force Wives’ Club of Prince George, which had been sent to all Air Force Wives’ Clubs throughout Canada. This Club is asking all ladies’ organiza tions to submit petitions to the. Government requesting the uni fication of education throughout Canada. It was suggested that • a petition be taken from door- ' to-door throughout the Park to, ensure a complete representa-- tion from this Base. »n'SI‘trint 'll xniy.t.rt; to j ClintW Celts w WO Palmer, Chairman of the Entertainment Committee of the Sgts’ Mess had been approached to ascertain if they planned to hold a Christmas Party for the residents of Huronview again this year. He stated they were Brownies hold ceremony On Wednesday, November 15, the Second Clinton CFB Brownie Pack held an Enrolment Cere mony and the following .eight girls were welcomed into the Pack: Tena Leger,- Kelly Rooney, Corinne Hardy, Julie , Ann Danford, Mona Paquet, Donna Salter. Following this, a Golden Hand ceremony took place and Gold en Hands were presented to Gail Johnson and Dawn Bogseth. After a happy sing-song, reu freshments were served io the parents and Brownies and the evening closed with the Brownie prayer and Taps. The 'leaders wo’lld lxke io thank the parents who attended as their interest is very mern'i i. app-'eclated or.j..- dr i open Thursc^y | against Listowel j>. Clinton Colts will be facing 'off in their new home at Clinton and District, Community Centre this Thursday at 8:30 p.m, for the first regular game of the schedule.. Their opponents will be the Listowel team, whom they have mot in several exhibition games this fall. Fans are asked to tell their friends about the fine brand of hockey being played by the Colts Arena manager Doug Andrews reminds everyone that there are spacious heated facilities where spectators can go between per iods to warm up and get the blood . circulating if this is what keeps them at home. The Colts need the support of all Clinton and district hockey enthusiasts if they are going to thrive! Triple header ; A giant triple header hockey night, is set for Clinton and Dis- trictCommlinity Centre on SaU urday evening, November 25, beginning at 6 p.m Goderich and Clinton Ban tams will battle it out in the first game with Midgets from the same two towns taking the ‘ ice for the second contest. Uj Jump aboard the rugged SltfO-HAWK and see what /Un really means. Designed with many new features for year comfort. Your choice of power plants. See therti today hnd erijoy them tomorrow. ........Z.,,, EPPSl 6 fi' ,t a jt j o’’—-'””'' i i. .J Kln« 4814622 Mustard stars for Midgets Stewart Mustard provided the scoring thrust for Clinton Mid get All-stars as they downed exhibition Goderich Goderich 7-2 in an encounter at the arena. Mustard collected team’s seven goals. The single marker was obtained by Bob Langille. For Goderich, it was Russell Pruder, assisted by Mark Ryan who notched their firstcounter. Bill Duckworth found ah un guarded corner of the Clinton net at 14:08 Of the third period. He was assisted by Paul Pa- (luette and Randy MCLean. The gaime was markerfby fre quent penalties. Of the 16 pen- al ties charged, six Of them were Clinton infractions, the other nine were Goderich offensesk PORTRAITS Fof Christmas Gifts six of his and Cards Yes, th6re ate still a few appointment openings left for child and family portraits Photos taken in your home or in studio JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 planning one, but asyetadate had not been decided upon. The President asked any ladies with talent to come forward for the Personals FS and Mrs. D. Capeling and Jeff visited with Mr. and Mrs, Paul Baker of Rodney on the weekend. Wayne Turnbull isapatientin Clinton Public Hospital. Miss Lori Wardell has re turned home after being a pat ient in Clinton Public Hospital. Congratulations to Cpl. and Mrs. W, Govenlock on the birth of their daughter. Juveniles lose entertainment for this party. Mrs. Vi Cassie and Mrs. Kathy Cook volunteered to serve as the Nominating Committee for next year’s executive. The Christmas party will be held In conjunction with our next meeting on December 4, and, as in the past, the ladies will exchange gifts. Gifts .are to be of up to $1. in value. The Girl Guides will enter tain the L.A. with a short skit at this pai?ty. After the adjournment of the meeting, an interesting demon stration and talk on wigs, pos- tiches and hair pieces was pre sented by Mr. Jonathon of St. Thomas, who was brought by Mr. Andari of the Base Beauty Salon. The door prize of a postiche was won by Mrs. Char* lotte Daly. Clinton wins 10-4 The ice traction of Milver ton’s ”4-whe el-drivers” was useless against the swift-footed Clinton Colts as they trampled the Milverton hockey team 1(M in a WOAA Intermediate C ex* hibitlon game Thursday nlghtat Clinton. By the end pit the first period the Colts had out-distanced the “4-wheeL-drivers” 3-Q, When the second, period was over, the Colt? had increased their lead to 7-2. Clinton again out- scored Milverton in the final period three goals to two. Dube, No. 9 (whose name should be pronounced as though an accent were over the <‘e” yras the leading Colt pacer with three goals. Boyce, No, 14 and Allen, No. 10, placed next in the scoring honours with two goals apiece. Single markers went to McDougall, No 12, Yeo, No- 7 and Dale, No.7B, Milverton hockey team’s cap- tain, Murray Kerr, led his team mates in scoring with two goals. Singles were added by BuncU . scho and Dietz. Nine penalties, eight of them, minors, were assessed during the game by referee Gus Bous- sey. He was assisted by lines* man Lou Heinbuck, The five-minute major pen. alty was charged against Mil verton’s G, Nargang at 7:33 of the second period when Nar. , gang’s high-sticking knocked out Clinton’s Joe Livermore as he was penetrating Milverton's defense line, Livermore was unconscious for several moments on the ice before being carried off to the Colts’ dressing room, ’’Little Joe” as he is known by Clin, ton fans, returned to the game several minutes later amid cheers from the spectators. More seriously injured was . another Clinton intermediate,. Bud Yeo, No. 7, who sustained a wrist injury after colliding heavily with a Milverton player early in the second period.A series of minor hockey games was played Saturday night at the Goderich Memorial Arena, between Clinton and God erich minor hockey league teams. In the exhibition contest be tween Goderich and Clinton Juveniles, Goderich topped the Clinton team 6-2. Don Crawford led the Goder ich Juveniles’ attack by scor ing two goals • and assisting on •'another. ■ • '•’’ '• Floyd Rosebuse also contri buted to1 Goderich’s victory with a goal and two assists. Single markers were credited to Doug Stoll, "Wayne Fisher and Ron Miller.. Marksmen for the Clinton Juveniles were Rick Lepping- ton and Sterling, MEANS SO MUCH AT • CHRISTMASTIME! THE PERFECT GIFT You ere invited to see our new selection of DIAMOND RINGS * Special discount on cash sales. MR. AND MRS. JOHN COUNTER'S JEWELLERY ZURICH ARENA The final game of the even, ing will be between the Goder ich and Clinton Juveniles. A real good night of hockey for fans. Deception TALBOT (nee Linda Armstrong) SATURDAY, DEC. 2 Music by Ken Ducharme and MclNTEE CO. LTD Ok PHONfe B61-227O 46, 47b AND DANCE lb Manager leaves V.M. Pyette, manager of the Bank of Montreal in Hensail for the past five years left on Mon day of this week for his new appointment as manager of the Bank of Montreal at Belleville. Mrs. Pyette and family hope to move within the very near future. The staff of the Bank held a presentation for Mr. Pyette at the Bank on Friday evening and presented him with a beautiful desk set. The Blue Water Playboys - EVERYONE WELCOME - ' 47, 48 SEVEN APARTMENT BUILDING FOR SALE (Formerly known as Commercial HoteO—Cash $35,000—This being less than six years' rent. Five of the apartments furnished. Hot water system, baseboard heating, furnace good as new; cost over $5,000. All storm windows; one-car garage, centrally located. Apply C. Van Damme 108 ONTARIO ST. - CLINTON A well established teal estate company requires a salesman to wqrk in th© Clinton and district ated. An experienced salesman preferred; how ever, training Will be given.'We provide hun dreds of listings, pay all advertising and give personal assistance, fidX 549, WALKERTON Beauty and value beyond compare in smart 18K gold settings. See our % carat solitaires in a wide range of beautiful styles at most reason able prices. This Christmas give her a diamond ring LAY-AWAY NOW ANNUAL MEETING REPORT DECLARED 5%% DIVIDEND $78,700 OR RETURNED AS DIVIDENDS TO THE MEMBERS OF CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED