HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-11-23, Page 3Defer decision - many items At their November meeting it was the intention of the Women’s Auxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital to decide pn exactly what equipment to purchase with the tonds raised during the en­ tire year. However there.were so many items needed it was decided to. defer the decision Until next month’s meeting when n list could be presented to order of priority, "President Mrs. Doug Bart. lift gave a thorough report on a cpnventlon which she attended October 23 and 24 in Toronto. Although she was unable to Jearn of any money raising ideas still untried and which could be on required applied -to the Clinton Auxiliary She brought back spine inter­ esting statistics. There are 213 Hospital Auxi­ liaries in Ontario with an ac­ tive membership pf 25,645 and a. total membership pf 68,964, ’ Mrs, Bob MacLean gave a final report on the proceeds !rom the penny Sale. After ex­ penses the Auxiliary realised a profit of $741, Again, on be­ half of the Auxiliary a sincere thank you to the many people Who contributed money or mer­ chandise pr time thus making the sale the success it was. Londesboro news The United Church Women met on Tuesday with 24 pre- sent and visitors from Thames Rd and Blyth, Mrs, Howatt pre­ sided, opening with a poem for remembrance day. Mrs. Pipe read the scripture passage. Roll Call ' was an­ swered with a donation for the Children’s Aid society. Mrs. Tschanz introduced the new-study book on Japan and conducted a questionaire. Mrs. Scott contributed a solo, Miss Vera Lyon gave a lot of interesting details about her work in Africa,. A social half hour and a dainty lunch was enjoyed at the close. GREY CUP DRAW TICKETS NOW ON SALE — $650.00 In Prizes ■ First Quarter Prize Half Time Prize Third) Quarter Prize Final Score Prize $1.00 Per Ticket From Lions Club Members The Sale of Grey Cup .Draw Tickets is a Major Source of Funds for Clinton Lions to carry on Welfare Work in Clinton and Area. 47> 4* - $25.00 50.00 -$ 75.00 - $500.00 PERSONALS, Mr. and Mrs, Will Harris of the Sault visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright on the arrival of a baby daughter on Wednesday, November 15. Jim Nellans was able to leave Clinton Public Hospital on Sat* urday after three and a half weeks under the Doctor’s care duo to a broken knee cap. Doug Bell had the misfortune to have his foot caught in the grain auger while at work last week but is doing nicely. Jack Lee went to-Toronto on Thursday to undergo surgery. Mr, and Mrs. BertShobbrook spent a few days last week in Woodstock and London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton of London spent the weekend - with Will Govier and Mrs. Web­ ster. Centennial bazaar money to be used at On Tuesday evening, JNovem* her 14, Mrs, R, U, MacLean welcomed to the manse mem™ hers of the Madeleine Lane Aux. illary for their November meet­ ing, There were IT ladies pre­ sent including three visitors. Two new members joined the group: In £h§ absence of president,! Mrs. James Edwards, Mrs. Robert Homuth presided over • the meeting. Mrs, Will tom cook rend the scripture and Miss Beatrice ‘ Gibson led ip prayer. Roll call was answered by a Remem­ brance Day thought. The treas­ urer’s report showed the “Cen­ tennial Bazaar” had been very successful. It wa,s decided that the Auxiliary would furnish gifts to fill two Christmas stockings to be given to patients’at the Ontario Hospital end that a donation of money be sent to Huronview to aid in the Christ*' mas festivities for the resi*5 dents there. As in previous^ years candies 'and oranges would be donated by the group to the members of the Sunday School for their Christmas party. "I Members appointed to the, Striking Committee were Mrs.' Ronald McCann, Mrs. Robert Morgan and Mrs, WilliamCooki, It was decided that the Dec* ember meeting would be in the form of a pot luck supper to be held at the church on Wed­ nesday, December 6 at 6;30/f p.m. Gifts will be exchanged at this meeting, Mrs. R. B. Rudd then gave ■ a short topic on “Remembrance Day.” Assisting Mrs, MacLean with the lunch were Mrs. Rob- Christmas ert Homuth and Mrs, Ronald McCann, Much to the surprise pf the ladies present, the hos­ tesses appealed with a lovely decorated anniversary cake, complete with candles and suit*, able inscription to commem­ orate the 110th anniversary of. the founding pf the church. Garon chides T REPORT Volland-Steep wedding HIGHEST DEBENTURE RATES THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80,000,000 ERVEJ 8,7 50_,0_00 Paid on 1 to 5 Yeans Minimum $100 Yes. I am interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. □ Please tell me more about this system of saving. □ Enclosed is triy cheque for $.....................for a....„.'................year debenture. Address... r..... .7.7r. . .IT.VM,'?.?............................d Standards of bronze shasta poms and lighted candelbra formed the setting for the wed­ ding on Saturday, November 4 in Wesley-Willis United Church with Dr. A. J. Mowatt offici­ ating. Married were Carol Janette Steep, Clinton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Steep, and John Grant Volland, Exeter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Volland, Goderich. Lome Dotterer, Goderich, was organist for the double­ ring ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a floor-length gown of white ’ peau de soie and appliqued lace with lilypoint sleeves, portrait neckline and a detachable chapel train appliqued with matching lace sweeping from her waist. Her pillbox headpiece crusted with seed pearls .held her French illusion veil' and she Credit Union absentees '^Anthony «Red” Garon, pre-' sident of Clinton Compiunfty Credit. Union Limited, chided absentees from the annual meeting of the 3,137 member group Thursday when only about 4Q shareholders showed up. Calling toe absentees ”un* > grateful” to a hard-wprking board of directors, Mr. Garon asked for suggestions which ■might increase attendance at future meetings. One suggestion, from guest- /speaker John Burton, of Tor- .'onto, was: “Pay the dividends at the annual meeting and see What happens.” • Shareholders who- did attend l endorsed an annual dividend - of 5 1/2 percent, and elected two directors and four credit committee members. ■ . Elected, directors are Hector ; Kingswell, and Thomas Eadie; credit committee members are , 'John Lavis, and Gerald Holmes .‘“(for three-year terms), Char­ les Nelson (for two years), and Flying Officer Ralph Kromrey (for one year). ■’ Mr. Burton, recently appoin- ' ted director of education by the our. They carried crescent bou- credit Union League, provided i k__i_ a witty and informative address for listeners he termed “fel­ low capitalists.” - For only $1 a year to dues, Mr. Burton said, the League ‘ provided shareholders in mem. ’ ber credit unions with a variety of services, organizational, legal, and educational. He added that part of the credit union philosophy was brotherhood of man and equality t regardless of race, creed, or material wealth. “Whether a shareholder has invested $5 or $5,000 in a credit union,” Mr, Burton said, “he or she gets only one vote.” quets of bronze shasta poms. . Attending the , groom were William Darrell, Clinton, as groomsman, and John Steep, brother of the bride, Clinton, and Raymond Volland, brother’ of the groom, Goderich, as ushers. The wedding reception was held at Hotel Clinton followed by a dance at the Legion Hall. The bride’s mother received her guests wearing a blue-black metallic wool dress with silver ' grey and black, accessories and - , a-corsage of pink delight roses. The groom’s mother selected a , powder blue metallic wool , dress blue and black acces­ sories and a corsage of pink delight roses. For travelling., to sNiagara , Falls and New York. Sta$e, the bride doniied a Maple Leaf tar- ....... During the period .extending from Sunday, November 12, until Saturday. November 18, OPP officers from the Goderich De* tachment investigated 17 traffic accidents and five criminal in­ cidents. Of the 17 motor vehicle accict ents, one Involved a fatality, three involved personal injuries arid 13 were property damage cases. One accident occurred Mon­ day, November 13, on No, 21 Highway, north of County Road 24, when William J, Atchinson, R.R. 2 Lions Head, was involved in a single car accident result­ ing in injuries to driver and approximately $1,000 damage to the vehicle. Four accidents took place Tuesday, November 14, On No. 5 sideroad, Usborne Township, east of No. 4 highway, Mervin Lloyd Bell, R.R. 1 Hensail, was involved in a single car accid­ ent resulting in approximately $1,000 damage to his vehicle. A passenger, Ted Stoneman, of R. R. 1 Cromarty, received in. juries, John Raymond Dunn, of R. R. 3 Bayfield, was involved in a single car accident on .No. 3 • County road, west of No. 4 highway* Dunn’s vehicle was damaged to the extent of $350. Ottilie Lois Wise, R.R. 3 Clin, ton, was involved in a single car accident on No, 13 County Road. Th'e vehicle she was driving received approximately $600 damage, Glen Mathers, R.R, 2 Blue­ vale, was involved in a single car accident on No. 4 Highway, south of Brucefield. The car he was driving received $500 damage. Three accidents happened Wednesday, November 15. Ernest Sainbury of Clinton CFB, was involved in a minor ' accident with Charles Clarke also of Clinton CFB. The two vehicles collied on the parade square. Total approximate damage was $125, Wilma Doreen Cook, 1369 4th Avenue, Owen Sound, was in­ volved in a single car acci­ dent on No.- 8 highway, west of Clinton North Limits. Damage ChWpn News-Record, Thursday, Nov. 23, 1967 3 . ‘-"I-—1 I' —- - ■ to the -yehlcle she was driv­ ing was’ estimated at $150. Cornelius Greydanus, R.R. 4 Clinton, was involved in > single car accident on No. 4 Highway, north of No. 3 County road, resulting in $150 damage to hi^ vehicle. Five motor vehicle accidents were investigated Thursday, Lawrence Aidham, 80 Picton St., Goderich, was involved in a single car accident on No. 8 highway,, east of Benmlller side­ road, resulting in $350 damage to his vehicle. Helen. Allin; pf Egmondvllle, was struck by an unknown vehicle on No, 8 highway, east of No. 15 County road. The unknown vehicle damaged the All ip car to the extent of $300, James Savoy, of 62 Welling, ton St., Clinton, was involved in a single car accident on No. 8 Highway, west of No. 27 County road. Savoy’s vehicle sustained $300 damage. On No, 21 Highway, south of No, 20 County Road, George Ernest Schaeffer, 705 Victoria St., Kincardine andRay Francis Dalton, R, R. 7 Lucknow, were involved in a car-farm tractor accident resulting in approx­ imately $3,200 damage. Both drivers were injured and pass­ engers Anne Schaeffer, of Kin­ cardine and Jean Scott, R.R. 5 Kincardine, were injured. Four'accidents occurred Sat­ urday November 18. Leonard Bedour, of 126 Wolfe St., Goderich was fatally in­ jured in a single car accident on No. 8 highway at TayloPs Corners. Total estimate of dam­ age to the vehicle was $3,000. Raymond Drager, of 1(352 Francis St., London and Donald Duff, of R.R. 5 Goderich, were involved in a two car accident resulting -in $25 damage to the Drager vehicle. Alexander Maclnnes, R.R. 1 Belgrave and David Priestap, ' R.R. 1 Bornholm, wereinvolvoa to a two oar accident on No. $ lilgiiway, east of Seaforth, resulting to $75, damage to the vehicles. On No, 12 County road, at intersection of Jlth concession, Tuckersmith Twsp. Anthony Vandenhengel, R.R. 5 Seaforth, was involved in a single car accident resulting in $95. to the vehicle he ‘wp.Si dr lying. Charges numbering 16 were laid by members of tlie Goderich OPP detachment last week. Twelve of them were infrao trlons of the Highway Traffic Act and four were breaches of the Liquor Control Act, of which two were minors. Ten warnings were also is­ sued to area motorists. CLOUD “9” ROOM Now Features SING-A.LONG ENTERTAINMENT YOU'LL ENJOY OUR HOTEL CLINTONS SMORGASBORD SUNDAYS 5 - 7 P.M. Reservations PH.: 482-342J ............. ............ ..............................................................Tel................................. Complete and mail this coupon to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street at Market Lane, London Ont. Or call; 432-4158 525 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ont. Or call: 633*0950 453 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont. Or call: 539-2051 u15 Member; Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation GODERICH On The Square First With The Finest FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business - - - ------------- ■ ; ----------- ------------------- THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY November 23-24-25 I The year’s #1 best seller picks you up and ! never lets you down. a PAKULA-MULLIGAN Production a mr\UL A" MULLIGAN ProductionuPTheDOWit<e sraiRcase Starring Academy Award Winner) bikaufmaIi-W MOSEL SANDYDENNB - -pfLoouctorr. .. . ... WRtCTtOWALAN J. PAKULA-ROBERT MULLIGAN TECHNICOLOR* FROM WARMER MOS. Show Tinies: 7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. November 24th DANCE CLINTON LEGION HALL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1st Music By BLUETONES Proceeds Bayfield Community Centre — Admission $2.00 Each — Lunch .- •i CLINTON TURKEY BINGO GODERICH HARBOURLITE INNAT 8:30 P.M. IN LEGION HALL 15 GAMES FOR TURKEYS 9 - ? Nov. 30Thursday, LEGION December 9th GODERICH TOWNSHIP COMING IN SOON SKATING PARTY THE CLINTON ARENA HAS BEEN BOOKED FOR NOVEMBER 24th FROM 8:00 P.M. . everyone welcome’ Commencing, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1967—2 - 4 p.m 20 Sessions — 2 Hours Each New Car Trade-Ins ^carried a sheaf- of^range^d^^?»^‘ta-m|Utt^bro^ac^bss<ffi@fe and -Maid -of honour. Miss Susan ' Bartliff, Clinton, chose a lust- • rous green floor-length gown of peau de soie styled with an empire waist, square neckline and pleats at back falling from a bow at the waist. She wore a matching headpiece and car­ ried a crescent bouquet of bronze shasta poms. Bridesmaids Mrs. William b Darrell, Clinton, and Miss Rita I McMichael, Kitchener, wore I gowns and headdresses of gold I v peau de soie styled similarly to I those worn by the maid of hon- th(Woujj^Wk up residence in Exeter. , ‘ .'■< Prior to her marriag&j the bride was feted.-at .-powers , at the home of- Mr's* Elliott Bartliff, Clinton, where Miss Susan Bartliff and Mrs. William ‘ Darrell' were hostesses to \ friends of the bride; and at the home of Mrs. Irene.Finlay- son, Hensail, for the groom’s relatives. Mrs. Steep entertained at a 4 trousseau tea in her daughter’s honour and was assisted by • Mrs. Volland at this event. JACKPOT - 3 SHARE-THE-WEALTH BINGOS 2 DOOR PRIZES- IXTRA CARDS 25c IACH OR 6 FOR $1.00 1967-68 Centennial i Principles Of Decision Making" CLINTON-BOARD ROOM Department of Agriculture and Food Commencing, Monday, Nov. 6, 1967—2 - 4 p.m. CENTRALIA AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL Registrations should be mailed to Ontario Department of Agriculture •nd Food accompanied by a $10.00 registration fee by November 1, 1967 — Farm wives ar* invited. This is not a course on "How to Farm?' This course is conducted by Extension Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture *>n inquiry. and Food, Clinton — Further details Everett Biggs Deputy Minister . Hon. W. A. Stewart, Minister Admission by ticket* only ’/• For tickets or information, ask any of the Centennial Commi MONDAY > TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY November 27-28-29 BEAUTIFUL...BUT DEADLY! ] POLISHERS VACUUM CLEANERS TAPE RECORDERS RECORD PLAYERS ELECTRIC CLOCKS ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES ELECTRIC SHAVERS ELECTRIC FRY PANS ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC BLENDERS You may not see just what you want on the Lof. Why not talk to our friendly salesman. Fresh new trades are coming in every day* We may have what you want by the end of the week. One Owner, well cared for Cars move out fast! ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS ELECTRIC KNIFE SHARPENERS BUTANE CANDLES ELECTRIC HEATERS One Show Per Night At 8.00 p.m. FEATURE 1? PLUS SECOND HILLS RUN RED' (Adult Enteritainment) nJ fa—i COMING NEXT: ]; i Jerry Lewis aS "THE BIG MOUTH" < r W ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUSHES ELECTRIC KNIVES DOOR CHIMES TOASTERS HEATING PADS ELECTRIC BLANKETS ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES Clinton Electric D. W. Corhlsh -*-* Your Westinghouse Dealer Albert Street CLINTON Phone 482-6646 Come in and Talk deal to us. We‘ve a pretfy nice selection of NEW CARS AND TRUCKS: Our Used Car stock is down! Why not get top allowance here *— today! »* • " »•Your Friendly Chovroloft Oldtmftbilo & Envoy Doolor. Ontario Street —CLINTON — Phone 482*9321 Open *ach evening until 9 for your convenience w iiiW.n>ifalldwufawfawfawiiiifairtiiAii.iiiH-nili.itt Ini.. .