HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-11-09, Page 12J 12 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Nov. 9t 1967 JI'I..!!1!11 i!!"""11"1111"111!""”.......... BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , . .4B .« BAYFIELD PERSONAL ITEMS > CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES > VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. Mrs. Newton Brady ofHamil- ton, was the guest of Canon and Mrs. F. H. Pauli, for several days last week. ■JA n Mr. and Mrs, George Budden, of Woodstock, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, F.P. Arkell over the weekend. WEDDING By BELLCHAMBER About a dozen volunteers were on hand Friday night to assist in the renovation project at the Bayfield community centre. The men poured concrete flooring in two dressing rooms and the boiler room, while a group of ladies con- ferred on where to place appliances and cup- boards in the new canteen. Above, volunteer helpers seem happy at their work. (Photo by Bellchamber) Veterans at church attend service and cairn The Library Committee en­ tertained at the home of Mrs. ,E. A. Clift on Tuesday after- nopn. The pleasant occasion was in honour of two retiring mem­ bers, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer and Mrs, H. H. Ormond. The ladies were presented with gifts as a small mark of appreciation of their many years of Library service. Work progresses The approach of winter doesn’t appear to effect the enthusiasm of the Communityiw centre volunteer workers-Fri-' day night, about a dozen of them were hard at work in the Arena addition, mixing and pouring , cement, completed that night: were two dressing rooms and boiler room floors, Some of the ladies were there also, deciding where the appliances and cup­ boards .^hBuld go in the new canteen.;- The village is very w fortunite to have such a ded­ icated group of men and women working for the community. The Community Centre fund has' grown by $200 the past two weeks. Anonymous, $50; “Act Fast” $95; Anonymous, $50; Ger­ rards, Goderich, $5, * * * F/L R. A. Simons returned to Downsview onSaturday, after spending several days at “Shan­ gri-La” his village residence. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Shep- pard of Albany, Oregon, spent a few days last week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of the Bronson Line. The 1967 Remembrance Day Parade of veterans formed up at the marched to Trinity Anglican Church service, the address was given by Rev. Canon F.H. Pauli. After the church service the parade reformed and marched to Clan Gregor Park for a short service at the Cairn. Prayers were offered by Donald Beck, St. Andrew’s United Church; Pastor B. H. Eaton, Bayfield Baptist Church; Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, Trinity Anglican Church and benediction given by Canon Pauli. The roll call was read by Lyle Albion Hotel and for the, memorial Hill, wreaths were laid on be­ half of the Province of Ontario, by Mrs. George Hopson; Vil­ lage of Bayfield by Councillor E. W. Odeleifson; Royal Can­ adian Legion Branch 140, J. E. Hovey; Bayfield Baptist Church Mrs.’ Russ Kerr; Knox Presby­ terian Church, Mrs. B. R. Men- Maitland Con. & MRS. BILL Phone 482-3263 erey; St. Andrew’s United Church,Ted Dunn; Trinity An- glican Church, Fred Arkell; LOL 24 Malcolm Toms; Bay- field Lions Club, Harry Baker; Scouts and Cubs, Ricky West­ lake and Jeff Beck; Guides and Brownies, Wendy Greer and Valerie Merner. 15th Goderich LOBB * * * Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Moore were in Detroit for sev- " eral days last week. Donate to assoc. The SS No. 4 Community Club met November 1 at the home of Mrs, Bill Lobb for the monthly meeting. The vice president, Mrs. R.E. Thompson opened the meeting with the Creed and The Lord’s Prayer. Roll eleven tors. The minutes of the October meet­ ing. The treasurer reported the club had a balance of $136. Mrs. Donald Forbes will be hostess for the December meet- ing on December 6 at which an exchange of gifts held. A motion was made the Retarded Children tion of $10. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served with Mrs. Harry Oakes and Mrs. Jack Tebbutt assisting the hostess. Call was answered by members and five visi- secretary read the The Holmesville “Bedroom Belles” have been meeting every Saturday for the past seven weeks. Roll call at the last meeting was, “A new sew­ ing technique I have learned”. Eighteen members were pre- sent. The rest of the time was spent working on the projects. Miss Carroll will be at the next meeting to be held Saturday, November 4 at 9 a.m. * * * Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lobb on the birth of their third son who was born in St. Joseph Hospital, London, on Friday, November ❖ ❖ * The eighth meeting of the Holmesville “Bedroom Belles” was held November 4. Minutes were read by Nancy Ginn. All members were present. The Roll Call was “How I improved my bedroom”. Miss Carroll attended and explained the process of judging the cotton accessories for the bedroom. When Clipton Lions convene next Tuesday evening at St, Paul’s Parish Hall at <5s3O p.m. they will have as their guest speaker, the District Governor of Lions International, Lion? John W, Taylor, of AUlston, Ontario. Lion John W. Taylor has been a member of the AUlston Lions Club since September 1954, and has maintained a perfect attend, ance record. During the past twelve years he has steadily ’ progressed in his club and pls» trict. . While serving as president in his 1964-65 term of office, Lion John was awarded the Melvin Jones Medallion for member­ ship. He has personally spon­ sored ten new members and holds a Membership Advance, ment Key. > Lion Taylor served with the Canadian Armoured Corps for six years and was wounded in Europe in 1944. He was in­ valided home to Canada after • hospitalization in France and England. KING - TURNER White , and fall-toned shasta mums and lighted candelabra decorated Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, Saturday evening for the wedding of Shar- on Gayle Turner and Bryan Alfred King, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Bayfield, and the groom is the . son of Mr. J.E, King of Bur­ lington. The double ring candlelight ceremony was performed by the Rev, E.J.B, Harrison. Mrs. Donald Johnston was organist and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Mary Lou Smith, aunt of the groom, when she sang, “The Voice That Breathed O’er Eden”, “O Perfect Love’’ and “The Wedding Prayer”. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a formal gown of cloud white delustred satin peau-de-soie fashioned in Empire style, with long lilypoint sleeves. Mini­ ature lace daisies edged the tiny yoke from which fell a chapel train. Her full length, four tiered, silk illusion veil was held in place by a crescent of satin and lace flowers. She carried a cascade of white shasta mums, orange delight roses and olive green ribbon. Mrs. Nancy Mullholland, Stratford, matron of honor, and bridesmaids, Miss Judy King, sister of the groom, Burling­ ton, and Miss Doris McKay, Stratford wore original floor­ length gowns of orange paisley chiffon over taffeta. The gowns were accented at the empire waistline with olive green velvet ribbon. Their headpieces were matching chiffon and velvet bows, and they carried cas­ cades of white shasta mums and green velvet ribbons. Miss Wendy Turner, Bayfield cousin of the bride, as flower girl wore a full length illite chiffon ovex’ taffeta dress, styled on Empire lines, featur­ ing tiny puffed sleeves. Her headpiece was of olive green­ velvet ribbon and white shasta mums, and she carried a mini­ ature replica of the bride’s bouquet. Thomas Sager, Goderich, cousin of the bride, acted as ring bearer. Best man was Wayne Smith, London, uncle of the groom and guests were ushered by Ronald Hart, Brantford, and Philip Turner, Stratford, bro­ ther of the bride. Receiving guests at the recep. tion held in the Trinity Parish Hall, the bride’s mother wore a mink-toned silk ribbon knit suit, a velvet hat in autumn shades, brown accessories and a corsage of orange delight roses. A two-piece beige wool suit with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow roses was the choice of the groom’s mother. The hall was decorated with standards of fall flowers. The bride’s table was centred with a four tiered wedding cake flanked by silver candelabra. For' a wedding trip to New York State the bride wore a two- piece suit of winter white wool, with royal blue and navy ac­ cessories and a corsage of white orchids. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan King . will reside in London. Huron County Warden Donald MacKenzie and his wife, Florence were honoured at a Warden’s Banquet, heldWednesday, November 1, in the dining hall of North Street United Church. Above, Mrs. McKenzie tries out the handsome lounge chair presented to them by fellow members and employees of Huron County Council. (Staff Photo) Ag rep shows trip slides Hurondale ladies Members of Clinton and Clandeboye Women’s Institutes program^ and the roll call was were entertained by Hurondale a ----- WI at the October meeting held clipped suitable for a scrapbook, in Caven Church recently Agricultural Repres- Douglas Miles showed and commented on his the. British Isles and The motto “The past Huron entative pictures trip to Europe, cannot be changed but the future is in your hands” was discussed by Mrs. Bev Morgan. Miss Bar­ bara Dougall favored with piano solos. Mrs. Edwin Miller chaired the answered with a current event Mrs. Gerald McFalls gave a talk • on the province of Prince Edward Island. Mrs. Harry Strang and Mrs. , Garnet Hicks were honored with WI life memberships, the for­ mer being addressed by Mrs. Alvin Moir and presented ■ by • Mrs. Hicks while Mrs. Arthur Rundle spoke to the latter and Mrs. John Pym made the pres­ entation. BE A BLOOD DONOR entertain Mrs. William Dougall and Mrs. Mervyn Dunn reported on the local leaders’ training school for the short course “Baking with Yeast”. Meetings will be arranged in the near future to take the course. Summary Day is in January. A busload is being arranged to attend the London Area Con­ vention at the Carousel Motel, London,, Tuesday, November 7. The convention also extends to Wednesday, November 8. Mrs. Harry Strang is area president and will chair the sessions Decorations 59c I McEWANS * * * CHRISTMAS 1966 PONTIAC PARISlEj V»8 engine, automatic fra ing, power brakes, radii 1964 OLDSMOBILE CUW automatic transmission, fl with console, power ItM seats. An extra clean SEVERAL OTHER '61fl| choM * * * Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sprague, Detroit, spent Wed-, nesday until Sunday at “Holley Lodge.” * * * Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, Janice and, Charlie, of London, spent the weekend at their cot­ tage.* * * Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Parker, Charlie and Kim, London, vis­ ited his parents, Mr. and Mrsa W.E. Parker for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Flowers returned last week from a months vacation. Visiting their son, RCMP Constable Ron Flowers and Mrs. Flowers, in Vancouver. They accompanied them on a motor trip to Cali- fornia, where they visited Los Angeles, Sandiago, Mexico and other points of interest. to give a dona- will be f REMEMBRANCE SERVICES NOVEMBER 11th 9:30 A.M fcOYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL KIRK ST. - CLINTON 10:30 A.M. PARADE TO CENTOTAPH 10:45 A.M* * * Please, please, ScoutandCub mothers search your basements patios, closets, or whereever the travelling Scout basket got relegated to in the summer rush ■ and return it to Mrs. G. Bellchamber. SERVICE AT CENOTAPH UNDER AUSPICES OF: ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 140 AND THE CLINTON MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION * * * Bayfield Hockey Club is off to a good start in their 1967-68 games. Last Tuesday they play­ ed the Ontario Hospital team, and tied the game 2-2. On Wed- . nesday they played Holmesville and won, 8-5. MAKE YOUR BOOKS on making decorations STYROFOAM TRIMS in rounds, balls, flat, cones, pedestal, etc. 25c to 89c GLITTER in green, red, gold, silver and multi color 49c pkg- DESIGN TRIMS, sequin, bead, reindeer, candle, etc. 29c to 49c METALLIC STARS in gold silver, red and multi colors 10c and 2 for 25c BALLS, PEARS, BANANAS, CONES 10c to 39c HOLLY SPRIGS 15c to 59c POINSETTIAS 35c to 59c Our reputation rides with , every ® used j car we sell A That's why we take such care in inspectin^^M re-conditioning and road-testing where before we tag a car 1966 CHEVROLET BEL AIR four-door sedan, V-8, automatic transmission, radio, whitewalls. One local owner. 1969 BUICK LI IABRE, MrUfop, full? •quipped. 1966 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Station Wagon, automatic, power steering, V-B engine, electric tail gate window, with many other features. Lome Brown Motor Your Frjondly Chevrolet, OldemoMloj 482-9321 CUN Open each evening until 9 for your q