HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-11-09, Page 4ffl fl? REAL ESTATE 4 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Nov, 9, 1967 CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES (RCVISED M., 1, 1*M> CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum BOo DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 J FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT THREE-BEDROOM, unfurnished down­ stairs duplex, completely self-contain­ ed. 46 Princess St West, Clinton. Phone 482-9005. 44tfb TWO-BEDROOM, house, next to Parker House Motel, available now. Phono 482-6663 or 482-9568, after 5:30 p.m. 44tfb TWO-BEDROOM cottage. Apply 227' Huron St. Phone 482-9788. 43tfb 3-BEDROOM apartment for rent, un- furnised. • Phone 482-6675. ■ . 3’tfb THREE-BEDROOM house, three-piece dose to Clinton. Available now; Phono 482-7578. 43tfb THREE-BEDROOM farm house, near Varna. Phone 262-5325. 45b TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished apart­ ment ,stove and frig supplied. North­ view Apartments, North St., Clinton. Phone 482-9514. 45tfb FURNISHED, heated apartment, suit­ able for two. Apply to 93 Huron St., Clinton. 45tfb GROUND floor,; electrically heated apartment, 2 bedrooms, self-contained, all newly decorated. Apply at 204 Queen St. Phone 482-9119. 45tfb LARGE BRICK home for rent, 1% miles off No. 4 highway, 3-piece bath downstairs, oil furnace; immediate possession. Apply Ross Forrest, R.R. 2, Kippen, phone 262-5174. 45b APARTMENT far r^nt—newly decorat­ ed, centrally located, suitable for single person or couple. Availably October 1. Call H. C. Lawson at 482-9644. 37tfb ONE 2EDROOM self-cont iried, healed and water paid, newly decorated, suitable for one person or couple. Phone 482 9573, after 6 p.m. Jltfb SIX-room apartment, downtown, up­ stairs at 16 Albert St., $50 month. For further information call at Clin­ ton News-Record office. 38tfb V I 11 ! " 1 -'I—- . 1 . • 1 -T— DALE'S Sunocp, Exeter r- Tent trail­ ers, hard or soft top, Sqles —• Renta.*. Open evenings and ..oekends also. Phone 235-1/10. I9tfb TWO COAL space heaters for sale. Fred ffeHinga, Londesborq, Phone 523- 4410, Blyth. ___________45b T- ARTICLES FOR SALE SPORT SHIRTS Assorted plaids in cotton Good for hunting Dressy enough for sport? *e4T $5,95 ORDER YOUR Christm** gift early. Finest new piano* and organ* avail­ able at Garnet E, Farrier'*, White- churchy a|*o reconditioned unit* In both. Phone 357-2068, Wingham. 44-48p SIMPLICITY Washers now avai'ab'e •t T. A, Dutton App’lances, Bruce- field. Open evenings. 38|fb CURTAINS • Draperies - Window Blinds • Venetian Blinds - Bamboo Drapery Track, Drapery Pull Rod’. Read/ Made Draperier. F-ee E •imate* Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS. 5tfb NOW AVAILABLE at Arsteit Jewel- le s limi'ed — Portab e i**>'t • nJ Adding Machines, $5 down, $5 a month. 27tfb ONTARIO No. 1 pot-toes, 3 miles west of Hensa'l on Highway 84. Phone 236-4038, Zurich. 39-4?b APPLES for sale, Spy, King, Greening, Snows, etq. Phone 482 3214, Fred M-- Clymont and Sons, Varna. 42tfb BEEF and pork by the half or quartnr. Potatoes for sale.'Phone 482-7578. 42tfb WAVED ‘»hle turnips for deliver­ ed. Phone Seaforth 527 0428 42-45b WEDDING DRESS and head piece, floor length sheath with chapel train, •Ise 9-11. Phone 482-7318. 44tfb GAS stove, good condition. B. Mun- nings, phone 482-9379. 45, 46b 7" GALVANIZED furnace pipes, 1 elbow and several lengths pipe; 2 pair men's pants, size 44, $6. Call 482-3380. 45p HALL TREE, cedar chest, colthes hamp­ er, platform rocker, gray; bed and mattress, large dresser, electric heater with fan, Bridal Rose tea set of 6, wash stand, two pair drapes, 3 yards long; brown mouton coat,, size 42-44. Mrs. Carl McClinchey, 482-3844. Call lafter 5 p.m. 45b TREAT YOUR feathered friends to the Special Assortment of wild bird feed, available at Clinton Farm Centre. See also the redwood and disposable feeding stations. N. W. Durst, 482- 9333. 45, 46, 47b USED FURNITURE TWO-piece Kroehler chesterfield, ‘rose, beige. Excellent condition .... $80.00 3IX-piece Walnut bedroom suite, in­ cludes ‘spring, night table, vanity, chair, dresser and mirror, chiffonier and double, bed ..................... $65.00 USED 7-piece chrome suite, table and chairs, in like new condition $59.00 USED 6-piece mahogany dining room suite $90.00 i ma- $20.00 WOOL SHIRTS Assorted plaids and colors From $6.95 to $10.95 MOOSE CALLS—-$3.95 MOOSE CALL RECORDS-$2.49 at Quality L££m.' oo cL EPPS We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installation^ Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES a IERVICI 4B D*fl Street Pbesse M3-76M Weed Cutting, Ploughing or Cultivating Call George McGee of - Clinton Cab, 482-7011 ifb WATCH REPAIR I» a job for expert*. Opt work assures your .satisfaction. Cpun.tpr't Jewellery. -Huron County's O dost Estab.ifeed Jewellery Store. tfb WATCH REPAIRS and ENGRAVING 2 Certified Watchmakers ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 43tffe ~ FULL TIME SALESMEN and COMMISSION SALESMEN fpr UQUIFEEDS LIMITED 1»S Wlnn.n Slrm Woodstock, Ontario Tai.; A/C S1p-5$7-56S1 HOUSE FOR SALE-P/a-storay house, ki|»ul brjck, conveniantly Igcatad pn large Iqt on quiet straet. Enquiria* should be mode to 482-6654. FARM FOR SALE—100-acro form for «»le. Apply to Mr*. John R.R. 3, Bayfield, phone 565-5227. ....... 45b IT'S TOY TIME AT Crest Hardware Bal! & Mutch Ltd. BIGGER and BETTER 482-950* SELECTION CHOOSE NOW I I THAN EVER BEFORE A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS TILL CHRISTMAS 45, 49b TIMEX WATCHES ... Sold end Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482.9525 tfb November Special ■DM'S TAILORED-TO-MEASURB IUIT8 Reg. to $120.00 ea. , Plain*—Chock*—Veneti**** ;>i> ORDER NOWI ONLY $79.50 2 Suit* for $155.00 Herman's Men's Wear Phone 482-9351 Clinton 44-48b Salary — Good Commission Broken or Cracked Windows? Wood or Aluminum Sash ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERR Crest Hardware Ball & Mutch Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 41tfb GARDENS ploughed. Cell A, I. Shane* Kan, after 4:30 p.m., 482-3802. 44, 45p EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOUSEWORK or babysitting fqr .after­ noons and evenings. Apply to Box 452, Clinton News-Record, 45p Available for sales of our product* direct to farmer*. All deliveries made yle our own transport. We need full- time salesmen or if you are already galling on farm* you mey wl»h to carry our prqducts es an extra. Write or telephone as ’ above for further details. 45, 46b RELIABLE man to ryn grain dryer on night shift, Bruce Roy, Londesboro. Phone 523-4237. 45tfb HELP WANTED REGISTERED NURSE Registered nurse needed immediately for interesting position with Huron County Health Unit. Duties will In­ clude immunization program and in­ spection of nursing home*. Applicant must have a car and will work out of Clinton. Car allowance end usual fringe benefit*. Apply giving detail* of training and experience to Director and Medical Officer ef Health Keren County Health Unit Court House Gederich, Ontario HELP WANTED FEMALE PART TIME, neat appearing hotel din­ ing room girl wanted. Apply Hotel Clinton or phone 482-3421. 45b WE REQUIRE a woman as short order cook and general kitchen duties. Ap­ ply In person to Bartliff's Restaurant. 45b MEAT WRAPPER wanted. Apply in person to Corrie's Red and White, Clinton. 45b 45b EMPLOYMENT WANTED THREE-piece table grouping, in hogany .................................... C USED walnut buffet, in good condition .................................................... $25.00 USED 9' x 12' Viscoe rug, blue green .................................................... $45.00 THREE—Used 4*6" bed springs $5.00 Beattie Furniture Ltd. Clinton, Ont. 482-9521 I Ww-Jl) f -r -i -e o; thep.ace. Phone 482 3221. 36tfb GLENDALE Mobile home, 41' x 10'; 2 bedrooms with automatic washer. Phone 482-9009. 43tfb BABY'S BASSINETTE, plastic lined, with mattress; baby sitter with pad, $6. Phone 482-7614. 45b Phitishave Cordless ................ Philishave Triple Head ------- Philishave Speed Flex ........... Philishave Speed Shaver —_ LAY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS $39.95 $29.95 $26.95 $17.95 EIGHT-PIECE walnut finish dining room suite, including china cabinet, 3-piece velour velvet chesterfield suite, other miscellaneous items. Phone 482-9251. STORAGE SPACE—We have ample un­ heated Stonge spica for boats, motors, furniture, etc. Contact Ellwnod Epps Sport Shop st 85 King St, Clinton. Phone 482-9622. 38tfb ARTICLES WANTED AUTOS FOR SALE LIGHT OR DARK 44, 45b BAKiERY and RESTAURANT 482-9727 CLINTON USED PIANO, guitar and trumpet. Box >51, Clinton News-Record. 45b 1956 FARGO Vj-ton truck, in good condition. Fred McCool, R.R. 1, Lon­ desboro. Phohe Blyth, 523-4220. 45b PIANOS wanted, new or old. Reply to Box 450, Clinton News-Record, stating size and asking price. 45-51 p 1960 DODGE Seneca, V-8, automatic, ohc driver, tires, muffler, battery and other parts recently replaced. Reliable transportation; asking $550. G. N. Rivers, Bayfield, 565-2821, Holiday F JUICE APPLES wanted. Phone 367- 4471, Mildmay Lobsinger Bros. 45p ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 *• sure to tee our display of CHRISTMAS CAKE MADE IN OUR OWN BAKERY WITH THE BEST OF FRUIT RICH IN QUALITY Baked with Pride 1963 FORD Galaxie IHT, V-8, power Steering, power brakes, radio, winter­ ized, in good condition, Reasonable. Phone 482-3384. 45b 1957 CHEVROLET’ sddah, 6, automatic, excellent Second car. Best offer. Phone 482-6676, after 6 p.m. 45b ONE-OWNER* 1963 Plymouth, auto- I malic, V-B, price $tj50 dr best offer. Phone 565-5230, 45, 46b REMODELLING, end floor odd jobs cupboards 7676, Ken renovations, roofing laying, expertly done. All around the home. Kitchen a specialty. Phono 482- McNairn. 52tfb LAUY housekeeper and companion re­ quired for elderly lady in good health, to Jive in Goderich until ab ’ut Nov. .30. Good wages paid. Reply st ling age and salary expected to Box 403, C'inton New* Record. 40tfb r-— HELP WANTED MALE WILL CARE for child, age 3 or 4, my home, five days weekly. Phone 482- 7197. 43tfb REAL ESTATE SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH FHONI $17-1406 24tfb Thank You JACK'S FURNITURE REPAIR-Furnitura repaired; also general woodworking and wood turning at REAR of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phono 482-9695. 40tfb TURNKEYS WANTED FOR HURON COUNTY Mil I peved road, close »• 7-room house, barn. Close to lake and vll- Ruth Von par Mmi +ACRE wooded summer property, •outh of Beyfield, doae to lake bank. URICK school house. West Wewenoeh, drilled well. 15 ACRES on Fort Albert, drilled well. 1ege. Frice $9,000. Open to effete. IDO - ACRES, 8-room frame hou*A drilled ‘ well, barn 36 x 60, ban­ house 12 x 36. Full price $16,000. 150 ACRES, 6 mlloe from Goderich, frame house, 3-plece bath, - drilled well, large barn, new *ilo; $26,500. 100 ACRES, Ashfield lownthlp, fylly modernized house, twe berne; $42,000. >00 ACRES, 7-room frame house, oil furnace, 4-piece both, born $6 x 5$, ..olio 12 x 37. Frice $40,000. BUSINESS ’ LOCATION with emount of highway fronf- Large buslnea* building used o* antique store. Com- GOOD largo ego. now _TT_ „ ____________ ___ pietely modernized brick, workshop. Born; 57 ecree of lend; $35,000. 7-UNIT motel with 2-room apartment, •ruck bar, living' quortoro. Would toko house or income property In trade. GENERAL STORE with post office end library; 3 apartment*; brick build­ ing; $15,000 plu* stock. COLD STORAGE end retail meet afore In village. Price $13,500. RepreMoffng WILFRED MclNTEE * CO., LIMITED AMGTIQH ULIl',1'. 'll! -!"1.,J '"I...■». Al Orange Hall, Albert CUntosv IMht tp, ICingswell gelding, 'on Satyr- dey, November 11, at b30 p.m. Consisting of donated ertldoa, aim article^ may ba consigned to thia sale with 10% commission rate, miiMmwm «f $1, Article* already donated JW»d consigned: half ton of cob corn, ooal and wood heater, bunk bed* end spring*, (baking, wjad clothing, fumk Sure, vegetable*. Ofher article* jsrpmle-' •d by sale date. ■ For ’ pick of donated ertldp* on eale day phone onp of tfte committee: Herold Crittenden, Tom Daeva*, Bob Glen; Harry Watkin*. Term*; Cash, Richard H. Lobb, Auctioneer. Frank Falconer, Clerk. 44, 45b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL STACK- HOUSE, late gf the Village of Bruce- field, In the County of Huron, Widow, dBCOBMd, ALL persons having clelm* ageing the Estate of the above-named who died on the 6th day of September, A.D. 1967, are required to file full particulars thereof .with the under­ signed on or before the 20th day of November, A.D. 1967, after which having regard only to the claim* of date the asset* will be distributed, which the undersigned *hall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, thi* 27th day of October, A.D. 1967. l$C.W wt winwi, vynTvriO; inie of October, A.D, 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the - sold Estate. 44, 45, 46b CARD OF THANKS 4 wish to extend my sincere thanks - to the many friends who remembered me while I was a patient in Clinton hospital. A special thanks to Drs. Street, Newlands and the staff of Clinton hospital. - MRS. ROBERT TSCHANZ. 45p We wish to express our sincere thanks to relatives, friends end neigh­ bours for the beautiful floral tributes nd expressions of sympathy extended o us during our recent bereavement, pecial thanks to Rev. R. U. McLean, loctors and nurses at Ontarlp Hos- >ital, pallbearers, friends and neigh­ tours who helped in other ways at tome, the Ball and Mutch Funeral tome, Huronic Rebekah Lodge, and adles at the Presbyterian Church.— AR. NORMAN BALL AND BOTH FAMI­ NES. 45b 43tfb FROratTY FOR SAU LOT and building on Erie St, Clinton. Lot 35 x 106.5 with building, suitable “for storage or workshop. Tenders to dose on Nov. 15, 1967. For full particular* phono 482-9035. Huron Fish and Game Conservation Associa­ tion. Mail replies to Box 711, Clinton. 43, 44, 45b LOST AND FOUND LOST—Black key case, containing aev- •rat key*. Urgently needed. Please I leave at Police Officer or Newt- Record office. 4Sx r*,***J**r.r.*.r *** PET?)"STdCk-.rctfUrrtr Kt 1 he??on BEAGLE pup* for sale, darting to hunt. Charles Eeat, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone 482-7578. 45b PIANO TUNING 1 YOUR PIANO should be tuned arid I checked for moth damage and other defect* regularly. 1 appreciate the continued privilege of servicing many of the instrument* in thi* area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 33tfb MISCELLANEOUS Srtb J DAILY CAR RENTAL, reasonable rate*, f McGEE's, Goderich. Phone 524-8391. * 1 LET US REPAIR AND MAKE yout 3 ring* end jewellery like new. Die mond ring* renewed *nd stone* » sefely *ecured—don't take chance*. - Expert work done reasonably to your » satisfaction. Welch - repair* *nd pearl rest ringing, W. N. Counter. tfb ' SERVICES » Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V.S. VITIRINARY SURGfON Large and Small Animal* Boarding FHONI 5244571 _ Gederich, Ontario 9tfb * ELECTROLUX Centde Ltd. Selee end / Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 . Lighthouse St., Goderich. tBtfb "I The response we had for the stone mansion adver­ tised in last week's paper was overwhelming. We need your help. If you are thinking of selling your place, or you know any­ one who has a large home within 5 miles of Clinton or Goderich please give us ; a call, as wehave several bu.yer^zrwfe re­ quire a large, old7 type home in the country. I wish to thank *11 my friends and relative* for flower*, gift*, card* and all who vl*lted my during my *tey in hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Dr. Newland, Dr, Flower* and nursing staff on fir»t floor of Clinton ho»- pitsl. Your kindness- was deeply ep- predated.—-MRS. JUDY LAYTON? 49p Written epplication* will be receiv- , od by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., i Friday, November 10, 1967, givin* p«riivui«ri mciuuiny syc, marnai •laiwS, previous employment, salary expected, when evaitoble. ■ A -> r,© • ,* 9 * i* * “ *-* •« ’ ’• k«WftnW'°’3’s fsfK s County of Huron, Court Houep, Goderich, Ontario. 44, 45b OTAFFEN ELECTRIC —• Iloctrlcal and' particular* including ege, marital *tatua, W**intan*nco aarvlca, domptfic and aonunardal wiring. 123 Erla St., Clin- Ion. Phono 482-9937. J4-52p ORTHOPED.IC',land general Shoe Roj pair. Our Clinton Depot is *t 55 Albert Street at Amslngs Store. Henk's.Shoe Repair*, 71 Hamilton St., Goderich. 38tfb l. My thenk*. to atl -my relative* «n< riendsywhoHsent me •"A hospital, London. Aho a special thenkej o Drs. Oake* and Busby and the! iur*e* on the »lxth floor ■ we*t.-l 3EORGE A, WALKER. 45d ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE WE HAVE a good supply of gras* •eed and Pfister corn. George Wraith • nd Co., Highway 8, 1 Vi mile* south, of Goderich. Phone 524-6511. lfitfb FARMWAY barn cleaner* — have your barn measured now for spring installation. Hallman Silo*- - place order early. For the best silo un­ loader* and buik feeders, see Van Dale. Versatile swathers and grain •ugers. George Wraith and Co., High­ way 8, I ’/a mile* south of Goderich. Phone 524-6511. 18tfb MOYO-SKI SNOWMOBILES, Pioneer end Canadian chain sews. Oregan Sabre saw chains, bars and sprockets for most sawr_ Used saws. Robert Glen Pioneer Saws, Clinton, phone 482-9292. 44-52p NEW IDEA corn picker. No. 310, only 3 years old. Phone 482-7474. 44p SERVICES ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvoline motor oil* and grease* — delivered to farm — new implement loaned. Gordon Grigg. Phone 482- 9411. 39tfb FARM HARDWARE, wafer bowls, parts, feeders, sanitation and veterinary products. See your Purina Feed and Farm Supply Store, Clinton Farm Centre. Phone 482-9333. 43tfb AUCTIONEER Snd Appraiser' Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sale.’, Bruce Rathwell, Bru *• field. Phone 482-3384. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Building Lots Three acres — 8 buil lots on paved road, price $4,700.00. House Plus The family of the late Frederic Anderson wish to express their slncer thanks to neighbours, relatives an friends for floral tributes, cards, me] sages of sympathy and all acts « kindness during their recent sa bereavement. 43 TWO and three-month-old purebred Landrace boars and gilts, highest qual­ ity. First-cross Landrace-York gilts up to market size. Also o.ne 2% year old registered Yorkshire boor, for sale only, because we have many of hie gilts in the herd. For full information contact Mac Thompson, herdsman for Hilholm Farms, phone 262-5417, Varna, Ont. G. L. Hill and Son, proprietor. 44, 45b 4 Lots 150 20-week-old pullets, vaccinated and debeaked. Bruce Roy, Londesboro, 523-4237. 45tfb 25 PIGS, nine weeks old. Fred McCool, R.R. 1, 'Londesboro. Phone Bly th, 523- 4220. 45b $5,900 is all that is beir asked for this li^-stori house in Goderich, with good building lots, close schools. Full kitchen, livir room and bedroom dow stairs with 3 bedrooms < second floor. Attached g rage. Excellent opportu ity. Lots can be sold f new homes, which mak this a good buy. We wish to express a very since] thank you to the friends, relatlvJ neighbours and the family for tl surprise 25th wedding annlversei party held In our honour on Novemhl 4th. Also for the lovely gifts end cars received. It was greatly appreciated! CLIFF AND CELIA ADAMS. 4l IN MEMORIAM 50 PIGS for sale. Rosa Feagan. Phono 482-9207. 49 THREE DURHAM-HEREFORD steers, 550 to 600 lbs. Robert Glen, phone 482- "9292, 45b 12 HOLSTEIN heifer calves, 400 lbs., from good producing cows and Water­ loo Unit bulls. Must sell because of loss of barn by fire. Phone 482-9808. 45b FREEMAN—In loving memory of dear wife and mother, Lydia Fa man, who pasted away Novem 13, 1962. A cluster of precious memories, | Sprayed with a million tears, I Wishing God had spared you I If onlv a few more years. I You left a beautiful memory I And sorrow too great to be told,! But to ut who loved and lost yel Your memory will, never grow el —Sadlv missed and ever rememl ed hv husband Joseph H. and farl WANTED WANTED—Accommodation for 10 to 12 head young cattle by the month or on gain. Frank Potter, phone 482- 7449. 45b CUSTOM WORK Clinton Community Auction Sales WHITEWASHING, cleaning Leishman, 354J6, Brussel*. barn*. Jim 43-45p 5 M M M --------• SERVICES EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON at 1:30 P.m. Government inspected Scale* Cattle Sofd by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE CORIcY, Sales Manager DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. pay y^c per lb. on 500 lb*, over for dead or disabled tow* horse*. Please phon*r promptly Phohe Collect 133 Brusiol* 24-HOUR LICENSE Will And ■ Shd SERVICI 390C65 7tfb Family Project Variety and grocery stor with snack bar and living quarters, electric heatec iy2 years old. No corr petition, only business ii area serving tourists am local residence, located on Highway 21, north of Grand Bend. Open all year around. Business has doubled in the last year. Tremendous potential, all equipment and stock in­ cluded in price of only $31,500.00. Owner hat other interest and must sell due.to health but will hold the mortgage. FOR MORI INFORMATION ON THBBI FROFERTIM CONTACT Jack Cummings in st. Giorgis cr$$. Pbosso Goderich 524-89$ I ' loprooMtiog DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTORS Use Classified Ads For Quick Results BIRKMYRE—In lovino memory < dnitr wife, Annie Louise Birkr who passed aw»v one year November 11, 1966. Th- deaths of sorrow we cennol Of the hs< of one we loved sol And while she sleeps e peaceful! Her memory we shall always kel —Alwavs remembered by hfl LEST W£ FORGET’ RESPECTFUL W REMEMBRAN® OF 1 OUR FRIENDS AND 1 BUDDIES WHO PAID THE SUPREME SACRIFICE. PICKETT BOB CAMPBELL Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phono 482-9732 *.........ii ........... *............. ■■■ i■■■■hii ■"4 W—