HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-11-02, Page 8$60,000 bridge openedAuburn and District MRS. WES •RAPNQCK—Corr.wood.nt—rhon. 524-75*5 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, November 2, 1967 Spans Blyth creek UR STRIKE IS OVER! WISH THE SETTLEMENT OF THE LABOR DISPUTE prizes they won pitching horse shoes. At the Pxford County ploughing match, they won sec- officially by Hullet reeve PERSONALS Congratulations to Ed Davies and Courtland Kerr for the HEW FORD PRODUCTS WILL AGAIN SOON BE SOWING OFF PRODUCTION LINES, i THANK YOU ©nd prize in the doubles; at the Waterloo ploughing match, Mr, Davies placed ‘second and Mr. Kerr placed third in the singles horse „ shoe pitching epntests, * ♦ Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies were Mrs, Em­ merson Sippell and Airs, Nor- val Stewart pf Stratford and Mr, and Mrs, James Hembly of Atwood. 4 * * Mr, and Mrs. Dave Smyjie Of Melfort, Saskatchewan and Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Star City, Saskatchewan, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Dodd and Mrs, Mar­ garet Clark, * 4= * Knox Presbyterian Church will observe their anniversary service next Sunday, November 5 at 2; 30 p»m, The guest speaker Will be the Rev. Douglas Fry, of Seaforth. Everyone is wel­ come. * * * FOR YOUR PATIENCE wg THANK OUR MANY LOYAL FORD OWNERS AND FUTURE OWNERS FOR WAITING FOR OUR ML NEW LINE OF '68 CARS AND TRUCKS WHICH WILL BE ARRIVING SOON Goderich Motors Ltd. CARS AND TRUCKS SOUTH SV. FORD - FALCON - FAIRLANE - GALAXIE - T«BIRD GODERICHOPEN EVENINGS Clerk's Notice of First Posting TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Karl Tiechert of Goderich visited on Sunday with Miss Laura Phillips. * * * Edwin Cartwright of Blyth spent the weekend with his son, Donald Cartwright, Mrs. Cart­ wright, David, Laurie. * * Mr. and Mrs. and son Bill of visited on Saturday with his uncle, William Straughan and Mrs. Straughan. * ♦ * Mrs. Thomas Johnston is a patient in Victoria Hospital. Her many fiends wish her a speedy recovery. * * * Misses Jean Houston and Jean Jamieson of Toronto spent the weekend with their sister, Miss Frances Houston and their aunt Miss Olive Young. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Glous- her and family of Goderich have rented the Asquith home and will move here this week. * * * Keith Robinson, of Toronto spent a few days holiday last week with his parents, Mr.vand Mrs. Ross Robinson,* * *’ Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, of Guelph spent a few days last week with her cousin, Miss Margaret R, Jackson.i * sj: Miss Mary Asquith, of Cooks­ ville and Mrs. Donald Oldrieve of Toronto spent Sunday in the village. Derrick and * Jack Bennett Amherstburg A new, $60,000 bridge in Hullett Township was officially opened last week. Built by Owen King Contractors Limited, and designed by B, M. Ross and Associates, Goderich, the bridge is a 60>-foot concrete, rigid frame structure which spans the Blyth Creek at the 14th concession of Hullett. Pictured here in the traditional ribbon-cutting Auburn WMS ceremony are, from left; George Hoggart, road super; Owen from left; George Hoggart, road super; Owen King, contractor; Hugh Flynn, Reeve of Hullett; Ross Jackson, Mun. Super; Department of High- Associates, Consulting Mrs. Bradnock) ways, Stratford; Kenn Dunn of B. M. Ross and Engineers. (Photo by AUBURN -r Hullett Township reeve, Hugh Flynn officially opened the new $60,000 bridge pn the Lime Kiln sideroad, three miles, east of Aubiirn pn Thurs­ day afternpon at 3 p.m. This new bridge over the Blyth creek on sideroads 35 and 36 is pf concrete and plans were drawn up by Burns Ross and Associates of Goderich. The construction company was the Owen King Construction Cpm- pany of Walkerton. The road was widened and the curve el­ iminated and also the creek bed lowered from the bridge on County Road 35 to this pew site. The buildjng pf the bridge was under three reeves, Tom Leiper, CJare Vincent and now. Hugh Flynn. It was started when Len Caldwell wap road super­ intendent. George Hoggart is now Hullett Township road superintendent. : Officials present with Reeve Hugh Flynn were the Township St. Marks Councillors. Leonard Archam­ bault, Donald Buchanan, Char­ les Scanlon, and Joseph Hun- king. Also George Hoggart, Leo­ nard Caldwell, George Cajtei> Assessor, and Kenneth Dunn re­ presenting Burns Ross and As­ sociates, and Township Clerk, Clare Vincent, former Town* ship Clerk, Harry Tebbutt, and Ross Hamilton of Stratford re­ presented the department of Highways, Following the cutting of the ribbon, all went to the Clinton Hptel for a dinner. Mrs.Young Missionary The Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church held their annual Thank- offering meeting with Miss Ida White, R.N. missionary nurse home on furlough from India, as guest. The president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson presided, and Mrs. William J. Craig was the or­ ganist The meeting was opened with a call to worship followed by the hymn, “Sing to the Lord of the Harvest," The scrip­ ture lesson, Dueteronomy Chap­ ter 8 was read by Mrs. Wal­ ter Shortreed of Blyth, follow­ ed by meditation by Mrs. Wil­ liam Dalrymple on the theme “Man does not live by bread alone," and closed with the poem, “Time to be Thankful" and prayer. Mrs. Sanderson welcomed the visitors from Clinton, Blyth, Westfield, Dungannon and Bel- grave and the ladies from the other churches in the village. Mrs. Wes Bradnock in­ troduced the guest speaker, Miss White who told in an in. teresting way her work in the hospitals and the travelling clinic in India. Mrs. Jack Hal­ lam thanked Miss White for her inspiring message. _ After , the, meeting the ladies ‘went to 'the Sunday school room of the church where Miss White showed pictures of the work in India. She was assisted by Miss Hazel McDonald of Goderich, from India heard also a returned missionary. Thanks were expressed by the visiting organizations for the invitation to attend by Mrs. Robert Ho mi th of Clinton, Miss Margaret Jackson, Knox United UCW; Mrs. Charles Smith, Westfield, UCW; Mrs. Walter Shortreed, Blyth WMS; Mrs. Joe Dunbar, Belgrave WMS; Mrs. Robert McAllister, Dun­ gannon WMS; Miss Marguerite Chopin, Guelph; Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, St. Mark's Anglican Guild; and Mrs. Robert J. Phil­ lips, Auburn Baptist Church, Mrs. Sanderson replied. Mrs. A. Popp to attend convention wins prize AUBURN - The Walkerburu Club held their monthly meet­ ing at the home of Mrs. Leon­ ard Archamabult with a good attendance. The meeting was opened by singing “O Cana­ da" followed by prayers by Mrs. ■ Lloyd McClinchey. The president, Mrs. Ted Hunking took charge and the minutes, which were read by the secretary, Mrs. Elliott Lapp were accepted as read. The treasurer, Mrs. Walter Cun­ ningham gave the financial statement. Roll call was answered by each giving ideas how they could celebrate their 50th anniver- holds meet St. Mark’s Anglican Church Guild met for their October meeting at the home of Mrs, Thomas Haggitt. The hostess had charge pf the meeting which opened with the singing of .the hymn “Pass me not O Gentle Saviour." Pray­ ers were led by Mrs. Haggitt. The scripture lesson was read from Psalm 24 by Mrs. George Schneider. A piano solo was played by Mrs. Robert J, Phillips. The missionary theme “What Lut­ her means to me," was given by Mrs. George Schneider. The president, Mrs. Orval McPhee took charge of the business session. Minutes were accepted as read by the sec­ retary, Mrs. John Daer. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, the trea­ surer, gave the financial state­ ment, Thank you notes were read. A letter was read from Rev. de Vries saying he would come to Auburn on November 19 to show pictures of Nor­ way House. The travelling apron receiv­ ed a penny for each letter in Thanksgiving Day. The roll call was answered by each member naming"something to be thank­ ful for. The meeting closet with the hymn, “Abide With Me;" and a successful auction, was held. The hostess served ' ; lunch assisted by Mrs. Orval McPhee. sary next year, The draw prize . which was donated by Mrs, Leo­ nard Archambault was won by Mrs. Worthy Young. Plans were made for the next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Joe Hunking, The program will be in charge of Mrs. Leonard Arch­ ambault and Mrs. Walter Cun­ ningham and the lunch com­ mittee is to be Mrs. Worthy Young and Mrs. Lome Hunking. Plans were made to hold a variety night in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall with euchre and crochinole added, on November 17. This evening Is planned to raise finances to sup­ port their adopted Korean or* phan. Mrs. Cunningham report­ ed that the Christmas gift money and her support had been sent for this month. The program of the afternoon was in charge of Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey. Mrs. Lapp conducted contests and Mrs. McClinchey gave a reading “The Miracles of Nat­ ure". The hostess servedlunch assisted, by Mrs. Walter Cun- | ningham and a social hour was j enjoyed. Members from Seaforth and Blyth Women’s Institutes were guests of the Clinton W.I. on October 26, After the presi­ dent Mrs. W. Col clough opened the meeting a minute of silence yas observed in memory of a departed member, Mrs. Myrtle Tyndall. Roll call “Name a new pro­ duct on the grocer’s shelf" was interesting and helpful. It was decided to accept an invitation from Goderich W.I. to attend their meeting on No­ vember 2. Mrs. A. Popp was named ■the delegate to attend the Lon­ don Area convention in London gon November 7 and 8.' Mrs. W. Colclough, ’the* West Huron district president will be atten- ding both days. Any members wishing to attend are to get their names in as soon as pos­ sible as a bus will be going from Goderich on November 7. Mrs. F.Cummings reported on the rally at Crediton which she attended as a delegate. Mrs, M. Batking reported on the curator's workshop day held in Clinton, October 23 by the Provincial Curator, Mrs. R.C. Walker. Mrs. W. Hoggart gave the topic on Home Economics.Mrs. M. Wiltse reported on the pro* ject '‘Baking with Yeast'* and invited all interested members to her home on November 9 at 1 p.m, where she and Mrs. C. Elliott will demonstrate. Mrs. Erlin Whitmore of Sea- forth W.I. -favoured with a hu­ morous reading and Mrs. Ger- ■” trude Crossin of Blyth W.I. read one of Edgar Guest's poems. Mrs. Ray Connell showed colored slides of Expo and Mrs. M. Batkin was com­ mentator. The centennial quilt was on display and tickets were sold. A penny sale was held. Lunch was served by Mrs. G. Grigg and her committee. Three carloads of members spent a very enjoyable evening October 25 as guests of the Hurondale branch at Exeter. 4-H news A And ! hereby call upon all voter* to take immediate proceedings to Stave any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the fea? day of appeal being the 14th day of November, 1967. County of Huron WOVICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 n? The Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Brucefieid, on the 31st day of October, 1967, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Election* end that such list remain* there for inspection. COLUMBIA PICTURES FRED ZINNEMANN’S ITI,MOK — MODEL T27 MODEL T47 Deluxe all-wood cabinet In Swedish Walnut; 19" portable. Instant picture and sound. Automatic circuit stabiliser protects components from power surges. Pre-set fine tuning. Side-mounted 5-lnch speaker. Lighted channel indicator. $249 MERRILL TV service RADIO & APPLIANCE REPAIRS CLINTON, ONT. 482-7021 ■:: Thurs. - Fri. and Sat. ■ Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Sated thia 31*1 day of October, 1967. MEL GRAHAM, Clerk of the Township of Stanley & Service SUPER PIENAMIN VITAMINS » SPECIAL 1$ Still Available Buy 288 Size and get 144 Free $13.98 Buy 144 Size and got 72 Free $7,98 Buy 72 Size and get 36 Free $4.98 Super Plenamin'i Liquid Tor Children $2.25 - $3.75 CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW ON DISPLAY Make Your Selection Early Boxed Cards 59c to $1.98 Children'* Card* 59c •Ht Wrap — Tree Decorations —■ Candle* — Christmas Tree light* •nd lamp*. PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVES WON 6 OF THE 8 MAN FOR M MM HMM MlM JUImJ SEASONS From tl.c play by ROBERT BOLT- Due to Hie magnitude of the feature "A Mari For All Seasons" the Chifdrbrt's Matiness on Saturday the 4th of November will ba cancelled to alhw ari extra showing. Watch for a Special Children'* ahciw November 11th. ONE SHOWING EACH EVENING AT 8:00 KM, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES AT 2:00 KM. , ADMISSIONS - EVENING SHOWS ADULTS $E50 « STUDENTS $1.00 -• CHILDREN $1.00 - NO PASSES ALLOWED ~ MATINEE SHOWS: ADULTS $1.00 - STUDENTS 75c - CHILDREN 75c Coming Next: THE WAY WEST Phone 482-95TTPRESCRlPTIONSciinton The Auburn Sewing Sallies 4-H Club held their seventh meeting with the president, Brenda Archambault in charge. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary. Marie Plunkett. The girls studied room ar­ rangements for furniture and toilet articles to be placed on the dresser. The girls worked on their continuous binding sam- on their continuous binding samples and corded piping. The meeting was closed by all repeating the 4-H Creed. PHILIPS PORTABLES @ INTRODUCING THE '68 MODELS IF YOU BELEIVE IN CORN SILAGE Increase daily gains by 1/2 lb- lower feed conversion 20% with ■GAIN 40% Beef Silasupplement " and SHUR- A” - top the This supplement combined with quality corn silage provides all necessary nutrients to make a com­ pletely balanced ration* silage and SHUR-GAIN See your SHUR-GAIN* Feed Service Mill operator now I CLINTON FEED MILL For more profit from your from your beef cattle, use Beef Si la suppleme nt "A"- CLINTON 482-3484 PAUL KERRIGAN takes the worry out of home heating with FURNACE SERVICE * FREE annual burner and furnace cleaning g * FREE emergency service | at any time Your oil is nit you pay for. Tt's guaran- toed, too, because it is high-heat, clean- burning HEATING Skirt golfing oitr Udilblo-frco hcatintf ocrvico today, Telephone: 48^9653 PAUL KERRIGAN AtrEftT 379 VldtdRiA StRtET ClINTON, ONTARIO ONLY $199 "An all new 19" portable with automatic feature* . . . plus a cabinet with flair . . . unparalleled in beauty and function . . . sleek, Imaginative curves ... a truly modern piece. A rugged metal cabinet in saddle tan, black and coffee. Automatic stabilized sweep circuits. Pre-set fine tuning. Four-inch top-mounted speaker.