HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-11-02, Page 5NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL STACK- HOUSE, late of th? Village: of Bruce- fleld, in th® jCounty of Huron, Widow, deceased, ALL persons having c|ainr>s against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 6th day of September, A.D. 1967, are required to file full particulars thereof with the under­ signed on or before the 20th day of November, A.D, 1967, after which having regard only to the claims of date the assets will be distributed, which the, undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 27th day of October, A.D. 1967, E. 8. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 44, 45, 46b TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Service, 32 Wellington St., Stratford. For all air­ lines, steamships, rail, hotel reserva­ tions, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for -elatives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr*. Archie Armstrong express their sincere thank* to friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness; and messages extended to them during their recent bereavement, They extend sincere thanks to the Bayfield neighbours and ladies of Knox Presbyterian Church and all who helped in any way, 44b We, the brothers and sisters pf the late Lorne Toll wish to express our sincere thanks to neighbours, friends and relatives for floral tributes, mes­ sages of sympathy, donations to the Cancer Fund and all acts of kindness shown during our recent sad bereave­ ment, Special thanks to Dr. Street, Dr, Oakes, nurses and staff of Clinton Public hospital, Rev. W. Mather, Rev. R. MacLean, L, E. Tasker Funeral Home, pallbearers and ffowerbearers. All was greatly appreciated.—RUBY, ERNIE, IRA, NELDA AND DINAH TOLL. 44b COMING EVENTS as to TENDERS WANTED Defence Construction (1951) Limited • PROJECT Interior painting of 3 build­ ings, CFB, Clinton, Ont. File: C216-5 SEALED TENDERS, marked content addressed to the undersigned will be received until 3:00 p.m. E.S.T. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1967 Specifications and tender forms will be on view at Construction Associa­ tions at Chatham, London, Hamilton, Kitchener and DCL Toronto Branch ■Office and may be obtained by Prime Contractors only from DCL Plans Sec­ tion, Ottawa, at the address below on deposit of $25.00 payable to Defence Construction (1951) Limited. Security deposit as called for in the ' Tender Documents must accompany tenders. N. J. Smith, Secretary, 6th Floor, Kenson Building, 225 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario. 44b ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Armstrong, Bayfield, wish to announce the en-' gagement of their daughter, Linda Darlene to John William Talbot, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewar Talbot, R.R. 3, Bayfield. The wedding to take place in November. 44p BIRTHS iPICKETT—In Clinton Public Hospital, -•-on- Saturday^ October 28, ;‘1967, "to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pickett, Clinton, a I son. I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincerest thank you to all those who assisted so much during the recent loss of my wife. As a result of your help, both my family and myself were very much comforted. Thank you to the families who sent food, to those who offered transporta­ tion, the Physical Training staff, Base Commander and staff. Thank you to all who joined me in prayers at the funeral home and chapel and to a|l who sent cards, the Corporal's Club, South Huron Umpire's Association, Amateur Radio Club, Women's Aux­ iliary, Mr. and Mrs. Sinker, CWL and Protestant Chapel Guild, Recreation Centre staff, for the beautiful flow­ ers, the Base Padres, altar boys and choir of CFB, Father Kelly, Clinton; the hospital staff and Beattie Funeral Home. I wish also to express a special thank you to my wonderful family who travelled from Nova Scotia and were such a comfort to me during this time. Thank you all, I shall never forget your kindness.—RICHARD HUB­ BARD AND FAMILY. 44p I would like to express my sincere thanks to my friends, relatives and UCW of Kippen United Church for flowers, cards, visits and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Dr. Wallace, Miss Claypole and nursing staff. Rev. Stuart and Rev. Mills.— ROSS LOVE.____________________44p I wish to thank everyone who sent flowers, gifts and cards, and visited me during my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Robert Tschanz, the Scouts, Young People's, and the U.C.W. of Londesboro United Church, also to Dr. Street, Dr. Walden, Dr. Flowers, and the nursing staff on 1st floor of Clinton hospital. Your kindness was deeply appreciated.— ROBBIE SNELL.____________ 44p I wish to express my sincere thank* to all friends and relatives who visited me, sent flowers, cards, gifts and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. ' Special thanks to Dr. Jean Campbell and the nurses on 6th floor; also Dr. A. J. Mowatt, Clinton. Your kindness was greatly appreciated. — MRS. EDITH TCBBUTT.^ -- .. 44p Thursday, ^Novambar 2 — BINGO af Clinton Legion Hall, 15 regular game* for $5.Q0; 2 share-the-vyea.th games; 1 special game for $25,00, the fir*! letter "L" and first letter "T" ppplie* on this game for $2.00 each; 3 share- the-wealth games; japkppt applies on those 3 games $56.00 In 56 number*, 2 door prizes for $2,Q0 each, Admis­ sion 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for $ 1.00.__________________________tfb Tuesday, November 7 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $56.00 In 56 numbers, 6 door prize*, 8:30 p.m. tfb Friday, November 3—Cash Bingo, in Seaforth Legion Hall, 8:15 p.m.; 15 regular games; 3 $25 specials; $75,00 jackpot to go. Sponsors, Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion. 44b Saturday, November 4~ Centennial tea and bazaar at St, Andrew's Pres­ byterian Church, miscellaneous booth*, homemade baking, 3-5 p.m. Auspice* Madeleine Lane Auxiliary. 38, 43, 44b Huron Fish and Game general meet­ ing at Alma Grove Club House, Nov. 6, 9 p.m. All past members and in­ terested sportsmen welcome, Special speaker. 43, 44b Wednesday, November 8—Bazaar at Holmesville United Church and Town­ ship Hall, 3 p.m., bake booth, sew­ ing, produce, tea tables, etc. Auspices UCW. 42< 44b Thursday, November 9 — Annual meeting and banquet of Hullett Fed­ eration of Agriculture, Londesboro Ha|l. Guest speaker, Douglas Miles, 6:30 p.m. Tickets $1.75 from directors. 44b Friday, November 3 — Centennial dance, Londesboro Hall. Prizes for costumes, lunch counter. Admission $1.00, under 14 free. Sponsored by Hall Board. 44b Mark Thursday, December 7th NOW. The best turkey bingo in the area, Seaforth Legion Hall at 8:30 p.m., 15 regular games; five share-the- wealth; two door prizes. Admission $1.00. Extra cards 25c each, 5 for 50c, 7 for $1,00. Sponsored by the Seaforth and area Knights of Columbus. 44, 48b Sunday, November 12—Sixth Annual Coin Exhibition, Elm Haven Motor Hotel, 12 noon to 8 p.m. Sponsored by Huron County Numismatic Society. 44, 45b Tiger Dunlop Inn will be serving roast duck dinner, Sunday, November 12th and Sunday, November 19th, 4 to 7 p.m. Make reservations early if possible. Phone 524-8601, Mrs. G. Kaitting. 44 Saturday, November 25—Bazaar and sale of used clothing, former Red & White Store, Main Intersection, Clin­ ton. Home duce, etc., Holmesville, er's Union..- baking, handywork, pro- 2 p.m. Auspices Ladies* Local 219, Ontario Farm- tT - 44, ,47b rAYLOR—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, October 31, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Taylor, R.R. 3, Clinton, a daughter. DEATHS JVINGSTONE—In Westminster Hos­ pital, on Tuesday, October 31, 1967, Harold Murray Livingstone, Londes­ boro, in his 72nd year. Funeral service from Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth, on Thursday, November 2 at 2 p.m. Interment in Dorchester Cemetery. kNDERSON—In Clinton Public Hos­ pital, on Sunday, October 29, 1967, Frederick Anderson, R.R. 5, Clinton, in his 95th year. Funeral service from Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, on Tuesday, October 31, with inter­ ment in Clinton Cemetery. ARMSTRONG—In Clinton Public Hos­ pital, on Thursday, October 26, I 1967, Mrs. Archibald Armstrong, I Bayfield, in her 85th year. Funeral I service on Saturday, October 28, from Knox Presbyterian Church, I Bayfield, with interment in Bay- I field Cemetery. IeID—In Clinton Public Hospital,., on Saturday, October 28, 1967, Nelson I Ferris Reid, Brucefield, in his 79t'n I year. Funeral service from Ball I Funeral Home, on Monday, October I 30 with interment in Baird's Ceme- I tery, Stanley Township. ■ALL—In John Noble Home, Brant- I ford, on Saturday, October 28, 11967, Nora Hutton, in her 86th ■year, widow of the late John Hall, ■formerly of Kitchener; dear mother Mf Mrs. Douglas E. (Margaret) Kogers of Toronto; Mrs. Albert ^■abel) Finch of R.R. 3, Brantford, ^Md Kenneth B. Hall, Kitchener; also ^■rvived by 5 grandchildren and ^Hgreat grandchild. Rested at Hill Robinson Limited Funeral Home, ^Klson and Queen Streets, Brantford ■htil Monday. Service in chapel at W p.m. with interment in Woodland ■cemetery, Kitchener. CARD OF THANKS F I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbours who visited me and sent cards and treat* while I was in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Mills, Dr. Ad­ dison/ Dr. Oakes and nurses on first floor.—ALLEN HOWES. 44p We wish to express our thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes and ex­ pressions of sympathy extended to lis during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, Stuart, Rev. Dr. Mowatt, L.O.L. 1035, Ball Funeral Home, Unit 3 of Broceffeld U.C.W,, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Addison, nurses on first floor, pallbearers, those who loaned cars and helped in other ways at home. If was all much appreciated, -Jack and marY mustard and FAMILY, 44p Shouldn ’t you know how much it costs to borrow money? At Household Finance we think you should. That’s why we suggest that wherever you plan to borrow, you should check and make sure you’re not paying more than you would at HFC. It’s also why, at Household, we always tell you in advance what your loan will cost. . . with no hidden charges, no surprises. We’ve always believed that borrowing money is a serious business, something nobody should do without careful consideration. That’s why for years we’ve said. ’’Never Borrow Money Needlessly.” But when the need is there, we are, too. When you’ve considered carefully, and checked costs, we believe you’ll find that you can borrow with confidence from Household Finance. Borrow up to $5000 Take up to 60 months to repay Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group rates HOUSEHOLD FINANCE GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 (abovethe Signal Star) Ask about our evening hours COMING EVENTS Saturday, November 4 —Rummage Sale, at 1:30, p.m. Salvation Army, Goderich. 44b, Don't miss ^'Christmas Country Fair", craft display, sale, Cpiborne Township Hall, Carlow, Wednesday, November 8 -and Saturday, November 11, 2-9 p.m. Home baling, art show, tea. 44p OPP Ontario Provincial Police from the Goderich detachment report that on Sunday, October 22 on the 12th concession of Hullett Township just west pf County Road 8, Helen Johnston, R, R. 1 Londesboro, received slight injuries in a traffic ac­ cident. She was a passenger in a car driven by Neil Wright, Exeter. Onlv one car was in. volved and damage was esti­ mated at $700. Caller complains Four-footed friends fend for themselves The vpice on the other end Of the telephone was unmistake- ably angry. The caller wished to cornplain about the extreme cruelty to animals on th? part of various citizens in and around Clinton, Certain folks are dropping half-grown dogs and cats onto t|ie streets in the town and leaving them there to fend for themselveg. We have no doubt that some “kindly” souls feel they will put the little four- footed friends out in the world to be seen and perhaps,adop- USE CLASSIFIED ADS TO SELL UNWANTED ITEMS Clinton News-Record, Thursday/ November 2, 1967 ted by passing strangers who might otherwise not have a pet, People can convince themselves of almost anything, it seems, when they are desperate. In absolute fairness to the animal, it would be better that it was tied in a bag with a stone and dropped into a pail of water- or that it was <<put to sleep’’ on the exhaust of a car. To be tossed onto the street in hopes of being invited home with some child or fed by someone in the neighbourhood js pome­ thing worse than death for a defenceless, witless animal. Our caller accused the ani­ mal abandonees of being thoughtless persons who raised the kittens and puppies from in. fancy through the warm summer months, when they were very little trouble and lots of amuse- 5 ment, and then left them un­ protected in the streets to starve or be mutilate and kil­ led, when tire cool autumn even- .Inga are ushered in by Mother Nature, We agree this might be the case. And we concur with the caller, that people who get rid of their problems by thrusting them on others are a breed this town does not need, SALES * INSTALLATION • SERVICE CLARE VINCENT, Clerk Treasurer, •ox 293, LoncWsboro, Ontario.17 Rottenbury — CLINTON TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT WHAT KIND Jane Parker Sliced Reg. Price loaf 25c SAVE 10c 3'-65/OF Value-Priced! I hereby call on all Voters to take immediate proceedings to Rave any omissions or errors corrected according to Law; the last day for appeal being the 13th day of November, 1967. VOTERS' LIST 1967 NOTICE of FIRST POSTING FARM SERVICE CENTRE FOR COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT COFFEE MAKER DO YOU USE? It really doesn’t matter. Any coffeemaker can give you a good cup of coffee, providing you use a fine fresh coffee that is ground exactly right for your coffeemaker. We’ve always known&tlfat the correct grind is important to coffee flavour. Tnat’s why, years ago, we developed Custom-Grinding. That’s why'we don’t have just one or two grinds but seven different grinds ... to fit any coffeemaker, including electric percolators, of course. (Ask for medium-fine grind for electrics). Custom-Grinding means a little extra work for us and a little extra time for you. (It takes 15 seconds to grind a pound). But what a difference in flavour those few seconds make. You know, ther.e's only one reason we insist on selling custom ground bean coffees . . . We CARE. Notice is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up in my Office , at Lof 27, Concession 10, in the Township of Hullett, on the 30th Day of October, 1967, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. WHITE oa.l, READ “#TH) Fancy Quality A&P CORN cream style Rose Brand (Parchment Wrapped) MARGARINE Facelle Royale (White or Coloured) TOILET TISSUE Betty Crocker (8 Varieties) CAKE MIXES Green Giant CORN NIBLETS A&P Brand Reg. Price 2 tins 33c — SAVE 33c 8 10-fl-oztins 99. FEATURE PRICE! 1-lb pkgs ( Reg. Price roll 35c — SAVE 16c pkgs of rolls £ Reg. Price pkg 49c — SAVE 9c 2^ 19-oz-pkgs-^J'Cj^C";' Reg; Price 2 tins 49c — SAVE 9c 12-fl-oz tins 89. MILK EVAPORATED 4 69‘ Jane Parker Reg. Price each 49c — SAVE 10c PEACH PIE full 8-inch 24-oz pie 39< Jane Parker Reg. Price each 39c — SAVE 28c SPANISH BAR CAKE 3 89< Sale! A&P Coffee! (MILD & MELLOW) 3 POUND BAG SAVE - 30c SAVE 24c 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE l POUND BAG 65 q89 SAVE - 10c EIGHT* 3HOUWO T«O’CLOCg COFFEE (VIGOROUS & WINEY) BOKAR COFFEE £79.^2-” Fresh Produce! Large Size Fruit, No. 1 Grade BANANAS 1*2 ■ K NoneH ' Priced Higher atAzP Dependable "Super-Right" Meats! FRESH SHANKLESS PORK SHOULDER FRESH, LEAN, MEATY □ 5 PORK BUTT ROAST 45 SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, Smoked, Cooked, Picnic Style — 4 to 6-lb Ayer, —• SLICED lb 47$ PORK SHOULDERS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY - FROZEN CHICKEN WINGS SX BRAND WIENERS vac pac 2 99 All prices in this ad guaranteed through Saturday, November 4th, 1967 VAC PAC LB c lb 29c SHOULDER OR BUTT PORKCHOPS 55 3 ME 81 West St., Goderich, .......... .............-.......................................