HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-11-02, Page 4CUSTOM WORKARTICLES FOR RENT CUSTOM WORKARTICLES FOR SALE BETTER JOBS Clinton News-Record, Thursday, November 2, 1967 CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES (REVISED May 1, 1969) CASH RATE 3 c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not a paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 5Oo DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $ 1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 Si III — * -J HELP WANTED LADY housekeeper jand companion re­ quired for elderly lady In good health, to live in Goderich until about Noy. 30. pood wages paid. Reply stating age and salary expected to fJox 403, Clinton News-Record. 40tfb REAL ESTATE HOUSE FQR SALE—1 %-storey house, insul brick, fqnvenlently located on large lot pn quiet street, Enquiries should be made to 482-6654. 39ifb AUCTION SALE ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT THREE-BEDROOM, unfurnished down­ stairs duplex, completely self-contain­ ed. 46 Princess St. West, Clinton. Phone 482-9005. 44tfb FIVE-ROOM cottage for rent, every room newly decorated; 1 block from main street. Phone 482-3247. , 44tfb TWO-BEDROOM house, Victoria St., Goderich, . unfurnished, all newly decorated, gas furnace, garage avail­ able. , Available middle of November. Phone Goderich 524-8459. 44b TWO-BEDROOM house, next to Parker House Motel, available now. Phone 482-6663 or 482-9568, after 5:30 p.m- 44tfb TWO-BEDROOM cottage. Apply 227 Huron St. Phone 482-9788. 43tfb TWO-BEDROOM house, oil heated, 1 mile north of Clinton. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone 482-9T86. 42tfb 3-BEDROOM apartment for rent, un- ftjrnised. Phone 482-6675. 35tfb SELF-CONTAINED one-bedroom apart-, «nont, furnished, all • utilities paid, $75.00 per month. For appointment call 565-2428. 32tfb THREE-BEDROOM house, close to Clin- ton. Available Nov. 1st. Phone 482- 7578. 43tfb APARTMENT for rent—newly decorat­ ed, centrally located, suitable for single person or couple. Available October 1. Call H. C. Lawson at 482-9644. 37tfb ONE-BEDROOM self-contained, heated and water paid, newly decorated, suitable for one person or couple. Phone 482-9573, after 6 p.m. 41 tfb -SlX-room apartment, downtown, up- Mairs at 16 Albert St., $50 month. For further Information call at Clin* ton Newt-Record office. 38tfb STORAGE SPACE—We have ample un­ heated storage space for boats, motors, furniture, etc. Contact Ellwood Epps Sport Shop at 80 King St., Clinton. Phone 482-9622. 38tfb Use Classified Ads 1 For Quick Results CHAINSAWS, Garden Tillers Power Mower rentals at J. W. (former Wells Auto Electric), St., Clinton. Phone 482-3851. end Peck's King 36tfb WHEEL CHAIRS - The CJ>. & T. Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheel chairs available for loan free. Contact Harold Tyndall, 482-7409, after 6:00 p.m. or James Cox, 482-7093; FOR SALE OR RENT DALE'S Sunoco, Exeter — Tent trail­ ers, hard or soft top. Sales — Rentals. Open evenings and weekends also. Phone 235-1710. 1 ?tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE HUDSON SEAL coat, size 38, good condition. Will sell reasonable. Phone 4B2-3877. 44p TWO-BOLT ACTION Nauser rifles, 7 and 8 mm. Wood in stocks has been reworked. Very good condition, $50 and $55. Phone 565-5374. 44b ORDER YOUR Christmas gift early. Finest new pianos and organs avail­ able at Garnet E. Farrier's, White­ church; also reconditioned used units in both. Phone 357-2068, Wingham. 44-48p FOR SALE LADIES' DRESSES 10% Discount HOUSE OF BARGAINS 44b CRIB and mattress; youth bed and mattress with matching chest of draw­ ers; chrome high chair; child's stroller. Phone 482-7265 or 482-9747. 44tfb SIMPLICITY Washers now available at T. A. Dutton Appliances, Bruce- field. Opeh evenings. 38tfb CURTAINS ■ Draperies ■ Window Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drapery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS. 5tfb NOW AVAILABLE at Anstett Jewel­ lers Limited — Portable Typewriters and Adding Machines, $5 down, $5 a month. 27tfb ONTARIO No. 1 potatoes, 3 miles west of Hensall on Highway 84. Phone 236-4038, Zurich. 39-49b APPLES for sale, Spy, King, Greening, Snows, etc. Phone 482-3214, Fred Mc- Clymont and Sons, Varna. 42tfb BEEF and pork by the half or .quarter. Potatoes for sale. Phone 482-7578. 42tfb WAXED table turnips for sale, deliver­ ed. Phone Seaforth 527-0428. 42-45b DEER SEASON is November 6-7-8 Farmer's deer licence $2.00; resident deer licence $5.00. Slugs and heavy shot. Merv. Batkin, 75 Princess, Clinton. 43, 44p BABY buggy, like new; boy's bunk beds, good condition, reasonable. Phone 565-2726. 43, 44b ELECTRIC motor repair equipment and stock for sale. Phone 482-9937. 43, 44p FOR SALE MEN'S FOREST GREEN WORK PANTS Compare $4.25—Sale $2.85 HOUSE OF BARGAINS 44b WEDDING DRESS and head piece, floor length sheath with chapel train, size 9-11. Phone 482-7318. 44tfb LLOYD baby carriage, excellent condi­ tion, navy and white. Phone 526-7249, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. TIMEX WATCHES . . Sold end Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 tfb November Special MEN'S TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS Reg. Io $120.00 •«. Plaint—Checks—Venetians ORDER NOWI ONLY $79.50 We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phoae 482-7651 WATCH REPAIR.Js. a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store, tfb PART TIME •interesting and remunerative complet­ ing Insurance reports In your area, 1-2 hours daily. Reply to Box 440, ■Clinton News-Record. 44b HOUSE FOR SALE EXCAVATING LOST AND FOUND 2 Suits for $155.00 Herman's Men's Wear .Phone 482-9351 Clinton 44-48b Weed Cutting, Ploughing or Cultivating - Call George McGee at Clinton Cab, 4B2-7011 ' ’ tfb WOOD for stove or fireplace. Phone 482-3221. 36tfb- Broken or Cracked Windows? FOR SALE MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS Special $3.49 HOUSE OF BARGAINS 44b, COPIES of "A Centennial Concotion of Verse, Fact and Fiction" by Mac Thompson at $2.00 each. Available at News-Record Office, Clinton, Mc- Clinchey's Store, Varna and Bayfield Barber and Beauty Shoppe. 44b GLENDALE Mobile home, 41' x 10'; 2 bedrooms with automatic washer. Phone 482-9009, . 43tfb APPLES for sale, choice quality Spys, Delicious, Macintosh and Courtlands, picked or bring containers. Pick your own and save. Prices from $1 bushel and up. Ross Middleton's Orchard, 1 mile east of Bayfield on old Clinton- Bayfield highway; 482-9136. Come anytime before dark. 43, 44b FREE—Cinders free for taking away. Apply Sherlock .Manning Piano Co. Limited, Clinton. 44b Philishave Cordless ________ Philishave Triple Head ____ Philishave Speed Ffex______ Phijishave Speed Shaver __ LAY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS $39.95 $29.95 $26.95 $17.95 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 tfb DOWN-FILLED SLEEPING BAGS Formerly listed at 24.95 - FOR ONE WEEK ONLY - Special at only 19.95 at ELLWOOD EPPS 80 Sport Shop KING ST. PHONE 482-9622 CLINTON 44 ARTICLES WANTED USED METRONOME. Phone 482-7423. 44b or Aluminum Sash ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE Crest Hardware Ball & Mutch Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 4Ttfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482- 7676, Ken McNairn. 52tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 527-1406 24tfb JACK'S FURNITURE REPAIR-Furniture repaired, also general woodworking and wood turning at REAR of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695. 40tfb STAFFEN ELECTRIC - Electrical and maintenance service, domestic and commercial wiring. 123 Erie St., Clin­ ton. Phone 482-9937. * 44-52p done with TRACTOR BACKHOE, Dump Truck FRANK POSTILL R.R. 3, CLINTON PHONE 482-9101 LOST—White samoyed dog, resembling husky. Strayed from Seaforth area home. Clinton dog tag No. 41. Please call collect, 527-0349. 44b bedrooms, living room, dining room, hew furnace and new water heater; brand new bathroom; outside chimney. Good condition. Four PIANO TUNING EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL do babysitting in my own home, near CFB Clinton. Phone 482- 9478. j 44b /OUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for mo'h d mage and other defects regularly, I appreciate the continued privilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George w. Cox, phone 482-3870. 33tfb 213 VICTORIA ST. Phone 482-7661 - 482-6608 42 tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE a MISCELLANEOUS 3tfb Ruth Van Der Meer 5$ Montreal St. — Goderich 524-7875 Of Telephony equipment, tools one truck for McKillop Telephone System at Winthrop,, Saturday, NhY. 4th • 1 p.m. International %*ton truck, J 961 model, ,A-1 ppn<Jitipn; adding machine filing cabinet, Poles: Seven 30 ft, poles, treated] two 20 ft., treated; 46 polps 16' - 251 20 used poles. I Wire: No. J30 Cross quantity blocks; 12 screw anchors (new); cable; quantity bolts 8" quantity lead pable; several (new). Equipment: 1 axe, bolts, spoons, washers, 100" steel tape] crow bar, tool box, bolt clippers] aluminum ladder, 2 block and tackld sets, bob jack and chain, oil stove 2 - 31 DC nicopriss sleeve tools] acetylene, tank and soldering outfit] NE 500 DC dial tester, 2 lineman'] belts and safety stops complete spiers Guy stretchers, arrow staplers] pioneer chain saw (400). Other articles too numerous to mention, Terms Cash, Auctioneer, Harold Jackson] 43, 44t 1 poll drop wire; 11 coil A wire; 3 coils No. 85 wire Arms: 200 - 10 - 6 X, micropuss sleeves; ]75 to dial sidi uses 14'1 set hammei NEAT APPEARING hotel diriing room girl wanted. Apply in writing to Box 441, Clinton News-Record. HELP WANTED MALE TURNKEYS WANTED FOR HURON COUNTY JAIL Written applications will be receiv­ ed by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Friday, November 10, 1967, giving particulars including age, marital status, previous employment, salary expected, when available. Excellent employee benefits. John G. Berry, Clerk-Treas., County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 44, 45b EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL CARE for child, age 3 or 4, my home, five days weekly. Phone 482- 7197. 43tfb HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED waitress, full time. Kum» In Restaurant. Apply in person. 44b ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE DAILY CAR RENTAL, reasonable rates. McGEE's, Goderich. Phone 524-8391, lET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and |ewe|lery like new. Dia rnond rings renewed , and stones »afely secured—don't take chances, expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W- N, Counter. tfb 6-ACRE wooded summer property, south of Bayfield, close to lake bank. wooded summer property,AUCTION SALE SERVICES Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.SX, D.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding PHONE 524-8573 Goderich, Ontario 9tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. 18ifb BRICK school house, West Wawanosh, drilled well. 25 ACRES on paved road, close to Port Albert, 7-room house, barn, drilled well. Close to lake and vil­ lage. Price $9,000. Open to offers. 100 ACRES, 8-room frame house, drilled well, barn 36 x 60, hen­ house 12 x 36. Full price $16,000. 150 ACRES, --6 miles from Goderich, frame house, 3-pieca bath, drilled well, large barn, new silo; $26,500. 200 ACRES, Ashfield township, fully modernized house, two barns; $42,000. 200 ACRES, 7-room frame house, oil furnace, 4-piece bath, barn 36 x 56, silo 12 x 37. Price $40,000. BUSINESS LOCATION with PROPERTY FOR SALE 1OT and building on Erie St., Clinton. Lot 35 x 106.5 with building, suitable for storage or workshop. Tenders to close on Nov. 15, 1967. For full particulars phone 482-9035. Huron Fish and Game Conservation Associa­ tion. Mail replies to Box 711, Clinton. 43, 44, 45b REAL ESTATE House Plus 4 Lots GOOD lerge amount of highway front- •0»- now pletely modernized brick workshop. Barn; 57 acres of land; $35,000. 7-UNIT motel anack bar, take house trade. GENERAL STORE with post offlca and library; 3 apartments; brick build­ ing; $15,000 plus stock. COLD STORAGE and retail meat store In village. Price $13,500. Representing WILFRED MclNTEE & CO., LIMITED Large business building used as antique store. Com- with 2-room apartment, living quarters. Would or income property In AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and! household effects for the estate oU the late Mrs. W. Shobbrook on Satl urday, November 4 at 1 p.m. IPart lot No. 26 Hullett. Township, %| mile north of Clinton on Highway 4| on the west side of road. I Real estate includes 11% acres lands small barn, 8-room frame house, insul] brick siding with bath and town] water. | Household effects: Two-tone modern! bedroom suite with double dresser and chest of drawers; antiques includ­ ing desk, paper rack, table and chair, 2 glass china cabinets, table with eagle claws and glass foot, cherry chest of drawers with mirror; treadle Singer sewing machine; Frigidaire 4- burner electric stove, like new; Beatty refrigerator, like new; modern clothes hamper; 2-piece chesterfield and chair; extension day bed; round dining room table with buffet and chairs; 2 matching dresser and stand sets; drop leaf table; 2 Coleman lamps; record rack; White gas Coleman heater; 3 beds and mattresses; settee, and chair; 3 rocking chairs; one desk; bookcase; kitchen cupboard;- washing machine;! electric toaster; frying pan and tea] kettle; pots, pans and dishes. Lawn] hammock, garden tractor, plow, disci and cultivator; lawn mower; garden tools and 250 gal. fuel tank, I Property .to be offered for salel subject to reserve bid at 3 p.m. ifl not sold previously. 10% down orl property days. Terms on day of sale, balance in 31 on chattels: cash. I Richard Lobb, Auctioneer Joe Corey, clerk. 43, 44 ' 4’’ '» ..AA ■ NOTICE TO CREDITORS WE HAVE . a good supply of grass seed and Pfister corn. George Wraith and Co., Highway 8, 1% miles south of Goderich. Phone 524-6511. 18tfb FARMWAY barn cleaners — have your barn measured now for spring installation. Hallman Silos - place order early. For the best silo un­ loaders and bulk feeders, see. Van Dale. Versatile swathers and grain augers. George Wraith and Co., High­ way 8, 1% miles south of Goderich. Phone 524-6511. 18tfb FIVE acres cob corn, will sell in field, from picker or combine; also 26 pigs, 8 weeks old and sow to farrow in 2 weeks. Apply to Ernie Crich, 482- 7507. 44b MOfO-SKI SNOWMOBILES, Pioneer and Canadian chain saws. Oregan Sabre saw chains, bars and sprockets for most saws. Used saws. Robert Glen Pioneer 'Saws, Clinton, phone 482-9292. 44-52p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE THIRTY pigs, 7-8 weeks old; 2 collie pups, 8 weeks old. Jamieson. Phone 482-9828. border Arnold 44b DURHAM-HEREFORD Stocker steers, 700 - 800 lbs. Phone 482-3221. 44b TWO and three-month-old purebred Landrace boars and gilts, highest qual­ ity. First-cross Landrace-York gilts up to market size. Also one 2% year old registered Yorkshire boar, for sale only, because we have many of his gilts in the herd. For full information contact Mac Thompson, herdsman for Hilholm Farms, phone 262-5417, Varna, Ont. G. L. Hill and Son,, proprietor. 44, 45b TH]RTY pigs, chunks. Gladwin West­ lake, phone 565-5272. 44b CUSTOM WORK SERVICES SERVICES 24tow ® MERCURY .WHITEWASHING, cleaning barns. Jim Leishman, 354J6, Brussels. 43-45p 1961 Dodge, V-8, automatic, radio, mechanically good; needs paint; best offer. Phone 482-9843. 44p ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvoline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment »ed. Gordon Grigg. Phone 482-9411. 39tfb FARM HARDWARE, water bowls, parts, feeders, sanitation and veterinary products. See your Purina Feed and Farm Supply Store, Clinton Farm Centre. Phone 482-9333. 43tfb NEW IDEA corn picker, No. 310, only 3 years old. Phone 482-7474. 44p Huron Automotive & Supply 263 Huron Rd. Goderich, Ont., Phone 524-6271 Cliiton Representative GEO. CUTLER 482-9782 1957 DODGE, 4-door, push-button,.. automatic. Enquire at 178 James St., Clinton. 44b AUTOS FOR SALE CUSTOM WORK GARDENS ploughed. Call A. L. Shana­ han, after 4:30 p.m., ’ 482-3802. 44, 45p WATCH REPAIRS and ENGRAVING 2 Certified Watchmakers ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 43tfb ORTHOPEDIC arid general Shoe Re­ pair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amslngsj Store. Hank's Shoe Repairs, 71 Hamilton St., Goderich. 38tfb CARPENTRY, roofihg, cottages, homer- built, cabinets, sjalrs, trim, general repairs. For all y^ur carpentry needs,., call 482-7461. A, Sheppard. 43, 44b- I960 DODGE Seneca, V-8, automatic, one driver, tires, muffler, battery and other parts recently replaced. Reliable transportation; asking $550. G. N. Rivers, Bayfield, 565-2821. 44, 45b AUCTIONEER and Appraiser' Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Bruce- field. Phone 482-3384. DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. pay %c per lb. on 500 lbs. over for dead or disabled cows horses. Please phone promptly Phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE LICENSE 390C65 We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We .will pick up at your farm. iPhone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 leaw $5,900 is all that is being asked for this 1%-storey house in Goderich, with 4 good building lots, close to schools. Full kitchen, living room and bedroom down­ stairs with 3 bedrooms on second floor. Attached ga­ rage. Excellent opportun­ ity. Lots can be sold for new homes, which makes this a good buy. Say Goodbye To The Boss and buy this small town grocery store. Brick con­ struction, oil furnace, 5- bedroom, living quarters attached Large store area, with all the equipment you need. Gross sales $37,000 with higher than average income net return for the owner. Large yard and parking area. Owner is in hospital after heart attack and wife wants to sell now. This is the reason you can have everything for the low asking price of $18,000. The home alone is worth that. The man can work in Goderich while the little woman r-uns the store. AUCTION SALE At Orange Hall, Albert St., Clinton, next to Kingswell Welding, on Satur­ day, November 11, at 1:30 p.m. Consisting of donated articles, also articles may be consigned to this sale with 10% commission rate, minimum of $1. Articles already donated: half ton of cob corn, coal and wood heater, baking, used clothing, furniture, vege­ tables. For pick of donated articles on sale day phone one of the committee: Harold Crlftenden, Tom Deeves, Bob Glen, Harry Watkins. To have articles listed in next week's paper, phone 482-9128, Frank Falconer by November 6th. Terms: Cash. Richard H. Lobb, Auctioneer. 44 IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN WALTER M BEATH, late of the Village of Bruc] field in the County of Huron, Retire] Lineman, Deceased. | All persons having claims again] the Estate of the above-named, wh| died on the 11th day of Septembe] A.D. 1967, are required to file fu] particulars thereof with the unde signed on or before the 6th da] of November, A.D. 1967, after whia date the assets will be distribute] having regard only to the claims a which the undersigned shall then hav notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 11! of October, A.D. 1967. E. B. Menzie, Clinton, OntariJ Solicitor for the said Estate. 42, 43, 44 day OUTERWEAR Classically, militarily, newly styled outerwear... warm and rugged . . . a great look for those cold days ahead. Windbreaker, Hipster or Car Coat Lengths. Corduroys Suedellas Wools Gabardines Suedes FROM $18.95 UP FALL COATS All weather and wool weights. Sizes from 34 to 44. Shorts, Regulars, Tails. FROM $19.95 UP Country Home $5,500 is all that is being asked for this stone house in the country that is fit for a king; 14 rooms in all. Stone work is in excellent condition. A piece of land gives peace of mind. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE PROPERTIES CONTACT Jack Cummings Phone Goderich 524-8951 Representing Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-973 "Rural Ontario Specialists" Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY EVENING Government Inspected Scelee Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CA8H jJOE COREY, Sales Manager REAL ESTATE LTD REALTORS