HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-10-19, Page 7Photo by Harvey McDowell LAWRIE - THOMPSON INGLIS -SIMPSON My C*lnton N«w»-Record, Thurtdty, OctoUr 19, 1967 7 Swiet&Mty new Several showers-tea prior to marriage ~ 7 HENDERSON -JACKSON Egmondville United Church was the scene recently for the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Beverley James Henderson. The bride is the former Dorothy Helen Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson, R, R. 2 Kippen, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henderson, R. R. 5 Seaforth, are the parents of the groom. The couple will reside in Hamilton. (Photo by Msyk Photography) Variety Night featuring Huron Centennial Choir ' Directed by George Cull Local talent plus one act comedy "SWINDLED" FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th-8:00 P.M. WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH Admission: Adults $1.00 — Children 50c Sponsored by Starlight Unit Play directed by Rev. Andrew Mowatt APPLICATIONS HULLETT TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL AREA Application will be received by the Hullett Township Public School Board for the position of secretary for the Central School in Londes- boro. The salary offered is $1.50 per hour and will be on a part-time basis. Applications are to be submitted to Mr. Donald Miller, principal Clinton, Ontario, not later than October 28 1967. B1'.n Iin a ■■ 'W in ■|in ’V diiiil r/ Se ver al parties have peen held in honor of Rosemary Elda MacDonald whose‘.marriage to Donald Grant Qesch took; place October 7. Mrs. MacDonald held a trous­ seau tea at the nome pf her sister, Mrs. Frank Cook, They were assisted receiving the guests by Mrs. Oesch and the bride-elect» Miss Debbie Cook was ip charge qf the guestbook. The tea table was covered with a lace cloth and centred with an arrangement of mums flanked by pink candles. Presiding during the after­ noon and evening were the ’ groom’s grandmother Mrs, Ezra Kinfer. and aunts, Mrs. Norman Oascho., Mrs. Richard. Taylor Jr., Miss Emma Mac­ Donald, Mrs. Mona Caldwell . and aunts of the bride, Mrs. Edgar Munn and Mrs. Nelson Hood. Showing the trousseau and gifts were Miss Catherine Pot. ter, Mrs. Don Diehl, Mrs, Paul ‘ Hurley, Miss Nancy Oesch and Mrs. Ross Carter. Serving the guests, were Mrs. Robert Cook, Mrs, Paul Weido, Mrs. Leonard Hoffman, Miss Judy Regier, Miss Nola Lee, Miss Joyce Roth, Miss Sharon Dowson and Mrs Ron Worth. Assisting Mrs. Grant Roth in ip the kitchen were Mrs. George Rupiball, Mrs, Deloris Lee and Mrs, Vic Hargreaves. Other hostesses who pave en­ tertained the bride-elect: Mrs. Deloris Lee at per Pome.assis­ ted by Mrs. Jim Brown, Mrs. Ken Lee, Mrs. Robert Lee and Miss Nola Lee; Miss Catherine potter and Mrs. Ross Carter at the former’s horne; Mrs. Ken Scott, Brucefield at her home and the staff at General Coach Hensall. The groom-elect’s parents entertained the bridal party'fol­ lowing the wedding rehearsal at their home on Joseph Street House of Bargains PHONE 482-7735 Linda Lou Thompson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Londesboro, and John Andrew Lawrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrie, Bly th, exchanged rings and mar­ riage vows recently in Londes, boro United Church with Rev. Robert Tscjianz officiating. The bride given in marriage by her father, chose a gown of peau de soie trimmed with French lace and seed pearls with matching train. A crown of flowers held her three tiered veil and she carried a bouquet of orange roses and ivy. Miss Beth Thompson, Lon- don, was her sister’s maid of honor. Miss Lois Thompson Kitchener, cousin of the bride and Miss Agnes Lawrie, sis- . ter of the groom were brides­ maids. The girls were gown­ ed alike in moss green inver­ ted peau de soie with matching trim. They carried cascades of bronze shasta daisies and tulle. Groomsman was Robin Law­ rie, Blyth, brother of the groom,. Keith Allen, Londesboro and Bill How son, Blyth, were ushers. A trio comprising Misses Barbara, Bonnie andBettySnell sang and Mrs. T. B. Allen was organist. A reception followed in' the church parlor where the parents and the wedding party received the guests. The bride’s mother chose mosaic blue shantung suit dress corsage of pink roses and blue cut-velvet hat with black acces­ sories. The groom’s mother received in irridescent brown brocade with brown feather hat bronze corsage and brown accessories. The bride changed to a brown two-piece suit with orange fig. ured shell brown feather hat, brown accessories and corsage of white carnations for a trip East. Guests were present from Hamilton, Guelph, Kitchener, Toronto, Brantford, London, Collingwood, Moorefield, Chat­ ham and Stratford districts and the local area. The bride is a graduate of Stratford General Hospital School of Nursing and the groom is a graduate of the Western Ontario Agricultural School, Ridgetown. The young couple will reside in Kitchener. CLINTON, ONT. "THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE" GIRLS1—Snow Suits Car Coats—Ski Jackets* All Sizes 2 to 14 Priced $9.95 to $21.95 BOYS'-Snow Suit* Car Coats—Ski Jacket* All Sizes 2 to 18 Priced $8.95 to $13.95 MEN'S Winter Jackets Windbreakers—Strollers Car Coats—Ski Jackets All Sizes 34 to 46 Priced $15.95 to $20.95 LADIES' Car Coats Ski Jackets — Strollers Priced $14.95 up Ladies' Dresses All Sizes Priced $6.95 to $29.95 Men's and Boys' Thermal Underwear All Sizes—Special Prices Men's Green Work Pants Reg. $4.25 Extra Special—$2.85 Ladies' or Teenagers' Golden Crown Shetlies Cardigans—All Sizes Wool and Mohair Priced $6.95 ... Also PULLOVERS Priced $5.95 Boys' Casual Pants Perma Press — Regular Priced $2.98 to $6.98 Men's Rubber Boots Special—$3.49 Candelabra and a basket of gold and bronze mums and gla­ dioli decorated Bethel Presby­ terian Church, Marsville, On­ tario, when Helen Marguerite Simpson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simpson, Marsville became the bride of David Gor­ don Inglis, son-of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Inglis, Walkerton. Rev. Wayne Maddock of Hilleburgh officiated at their double-ring ceremony. Mrs. Thomas Loldwell, of Hamilton, sang “The Wedding Benediction” and “O Perfect Love”, and was accompanied by Donald Alexander Fergus, brother-in-law of the bride. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an em­ pire style A-line, formal gown of silk linen, styledwithascoop j ;. neckline and x*eBow-ieng£h sleeves. An overskirt and de­ tachable train falling from the neckline, were edged with daisy lace. Her wedding ring head- dress of silk linen, trimmed with matching daisy lace, held a waist length silk illusion veil, embroidered with seed pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of orange delight roses, step- hanotis and ivy.* Mrs. Donald Hillock, New­ market, was matron of honor. Miss Nancy Simpson, Grand Valley, andMrs.KennethSpray- son, Guelph, were bridesmaids and Miss Marilyn Alexander, Fergus, niece of the bride, was flowergirl. They were simil­ arly gowned in floor-length A— line gowns and elbow-length sleeves. The empire waistlines were softly gathered at back creating the effect of trains. Matching imported French ( border lace accented the em­ pire waistlines and fell to the floor at centre back. Their head- dresses were wedding bands of the same material, trimmed with matching lace and held short silk veils. They carried a cascade bouquet of gold daisy chrysanthemums, fern and orange wheat. The ringbearer, Brian Alex­ ander, nephew of the bride, car­ ried the rings on a heart-shaped cushion. Morgan Inglis, Walkerton, was his brother’s groomsman. John Inglis, brother of the groom and Howard Simpson, Guelph, brother of the bride, ushered guests. For the reception at Mars- ville Community Hall, the bride’s mother received the guests wearing a gold jacket dr^ss.^Wjith beaded collar, multi­ colored feather hat, brown ac­ cessories and a corsage <of orange sweetheart roses. The bridegroom’s mother assisted wearing a deep blue dress with matching pill box hat, black ac- ■ cessories and a corsage of white, blue-tipped carnations. For the wedding trip to Nor­ thern Ontario and northern Unit­ ed States, the bride changed to a pale yellow jacket dress of silk shantung, brown feather hat, brown accessories and a corsage of orange delight roses. ■ The newlyweds will reside "• in Clinton where the groom is . employed by the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. Guests were present from Walkerton, Wiarton, Paisley, Clinton, Windsor, Nanaimo, B.C., Peterborough, Toronto, Guelph, St. Catharines, Grand Valley, Orangeville, Fergus, Hamilton and Marsville. Your Support, As Always, Is Deeply PRODUCEAppreciated 5 for 99c 8 for 5 for 99c 5 for 99c 99c24-OZ. PKG.FOR GROCERIES MEATS 55c 45cLB. Beef or Pork Liver 33cLB.49c 49c69cLB. 1.39 lb. 59c TERMS- RINDLESS SMOKED SIDE BACON •69c PILLSBURY MAGICAL ONE-MINUTE - 15-OZ. Angelfood Mix UPTON'S MIX ■_ 4^-OZ, - (2 ENVELOPES) PER PKG. Chicken Noodle Soup 2 PKGS. 49c NO. 1 IMPORTED PINK Grapefruit WEST'S - 24-OZ. BOTTLE Vegetable Oil SUPER SAVE 59c BREAD 24-OZ. LOAVES 5 TERM INSURANCE WEEKEND SPECIALS EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 19,20, 21,1967 ________ DELMONTE PRODUCTS . BEANS, 14-oz. green or wax 69 C CREAM CORN or FANCY PEAS, 14-oz. PEAS''CARROTS, 14-oz. FROZEN FOOD HIGHLINER - HADDOCK FISH & CHIP McCORMlCK'S - 1-LB. PLAIN, SALTED OR SALTlNES SODAS 2 'or ON THE BEST PROTECT YOUR CAR FROM COSTLY RUST DAMAGE WITH 89 ALBERT ST. PRO-TECTYL RUST-PROOFING COMPOUND Catling hours weekdays till 9:30 A.M. For Sunday service phone Saturday 6-8 P.M. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Secretary-Treasurer. 42, 43b at your service david s. McDonald OCCIDENTAL LIFE PHONE 235-0154 176 SANDERS STREET EAST EXETER, ONTARIO 482-9025 The Cost $10 For Popular Makes DORY’S SUPERTEST For further information telephone Mr. Donald Miller, 523-4201 after 11 o'clock a.m. Thank You CHARLIE MarNAUGHTON IMPROVE YOUR GET YOUR MANY, MANY OTHER ITEMS - COME IN FOR YOUR WINTER NEEDS AND SAVE MONEY - WE CASH ALL BABY BONUS CHEQUES. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND - NO OBLIGATIONS FOOD BARGAINS DAUGHTER PROVEN DAIRY SIRES Rated for ability to transmit < Milk production S Body type / CERTIFIED Test / MEAT SIRES Proven For Beef Steer S6ns tested for gaining ability and Cutout WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASS’N Waterloo Cattle Breeders Assoc CLINTON 482-3441 - ZENITH 95650 Winter Changeover NOW!! We'll check your battery, install your snow tires, or give you the best deal on new ones if you need them. Your starting problems will end when your car has had our thorough winter tuhe*up. Now is the time to have your car's cooling system checked—anti freeze installed. While your in we'll lubricate your car with winter grade greases, drain and flush the crank cate and Install winter prade oil. SMOKED Picnic Shoulders KING SIZE TIDE deal pack KADANA TEA BAGS ’o°’s deal pAcK 59c PURE PORK Sausage Meat fORK . BUTT CHOPS