Clinton News-Record, 1967-10-12, Page 11Clinton News-Record, Thursday, October 12, 1967 BELL BEAUTIFUL BREEZY . . .-f £■ <IODE to meet in Kingston by W.W. Haysom your tolophono managar Numbers mean a lot of different example, the number 7 has importance 11, 13 and many more in particular awe. For customers of the Goderich exchange, the number 1-271-3911 will have particular significance as of October 16. That’s the number you'll be dialing to contact your Bell Canada business office. And there'll be no toll charge attached to it, either. things to different people. For for many, while others hold 3, * ** residents of Ontario. We are democracy instead of merely election, October 17, provide? October 17 is an important day for given the privilege of really working at reading or talking about it. Our Provincial the opportunity for all of us to share the responsibility of living in a free ' land. Use your vote — it's too precious a privilege and responsibility to ignore. * * * I How much can you say in a three-minute phone call? A lot. Slow J talkers can get in about 450 words, while people who talk fast can whit i through about 750 words. Many important ideas can be expressed in three minutes, Just consider: Lincoln needed only 267 words for the Gettysburg Address and Shakespeare used just 363 for Hamlet's famous soliloquy "To be or not to be." So when you have something to say to someone far away, do try Long Distance — a real bargain. Especially if your calls are within Ontario and Quebec and you call any evening after 8 o'clock or anytime Sunday. Pleat* apply it our Head Office in Flint 1 Stratford or telephone to arrange an interview in Mitchell. RUBBER PRESSMEN Steady work in a modern plant at $1.85 an hour plus incentive. Off-shift premium tic an hour. Hospital, medical, weekly indemnity and life insurance premiums company paid. Ten paid holidays per year. Generous vacation plan. 271-3360 Beans & Corn For Our Plant 4 Mitchell Standard Products (Stratford) Ltd 1030 ERIE ST., STRATFORD WE ARE ALSO IN THE MARKET FOR OATS AND BARLEY THAT WILL MAKE SEED. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE YOU SELL For Highest Prices Paid Contact W. G. Thompson PHONE 261-2527 - MfeHSALL 39, 40, 41 Mb PERSONAL ITEMS e CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER —- Phone 565-2864*, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs, and Pisplay Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent.— Dr- and Mrs. R.G. Hunter, Miss Sally Beth Hunter and Mrs. Charles Regers, Toronto, were at their village home for the long weekend. * ♦ Miss Minnie Rpbinson and Miss Phyllis Adams, London, spent the weekend at “Prim­ rose Cottage”, * * * Mr. and Mrs, E. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs, J. Merner spent the weekend at Expo ’67. * * * Mrs. Lloyd Makins is a pa# tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. ' Maitland of Winnipeg, * * * Miss Karen Larson, London, spent the • weekend with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, R.J. Larson,* * * Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rowse and five children, Welland, visited the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Smith for the holi­ days. * * * Miss Mary Hovey, London, was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Hovey. * * * Mrs. Elva Metcalf returned home on Friday after spend- ing the past three weeks in Montreal. * * * Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Stur­ geon, Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon and family, Hespler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, St. Mary’s, and Mr. and Mrs. D, Bisback, Clinton, joined' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sturgeon for Thanksgiving Day. * * Rev. and Mrs. and son, friends day. $ A.G. Pease called onEmbro, in the village on Sun. * * * and Mrs. John Mac- were joined by their Mr. Kenzie, son and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. MacKenzie, John and Margo, of Toronto, for the Thanksgiving weekend. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Land, and Robert, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Land and Chris­ topher, London, were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Land. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J.R.R. Willock and'“fa'mily) Torohto, were at their cottage over the holiday weekend. * * * Guests at the Albion Hotel' for the weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. Buck Rolland, London, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones, Port Credit, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil. Ham Smale of Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. •fc Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Cooper andRenouf Johns, Mount Clemens, Michigan,spent the weekend in the village. * * * Spending the Thanksgiving weekend at their summer homes in the village were, Mr. and Mrs. R.E, Ashton; Mr. andMrs. T.. Orton Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown and Mrs. Jack- son; Mr. and Mrs. J. Beechie and family; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gregory and family; Dr. and Mrs. W. Tillman and family, all of London; Mrs. Leon Dug. gan, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. John R, Cook, Philip and Janice, Ingersoll and Ray Farr, Strat­ ford, accompanied mother, ton. Mrs. by his Davidson, Clin. * * received at the * was of the death of Mr. Word weekend Earl Johns of Madoc. Mr. Johns was manager of the Bayfield branch of the Bank of Commerce in the 1930s and is survived by three sons, Laurie, Nigeria; Peter, Bancroft; and Dion of London, * * * Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth returned early last week from a trip to Expo and Quebec City. Joining them at the week­ end were Mr. and Mrs. James The Provincial Chapter of Ontario, I.Q.D.E,, will hold the semi-annual meeting at the La Salle Hotel, Kingston, October 18 and 1?, 1967, when members from chapters throughout On­ tario will meet. Mrs, w,R. Morrison, Hamilton, President pf the Provincial chapter, will preside. Mrs, ,1, Neil Gordon, Presi­ dent of the National Chapter of Canada, I.O.D.p,, will be an honoured guest and bring greetings. The Provincial Executive Committee will meet in Kings­ ton on October 17. Ontario membership of the Order is approximately 14,000 Which is composed of 13 Muni­ cipal Chapters, 391 Primary Chapters Junior Chapters. All I.O.D.E. members and friends are welcome, Coin Hunters Meet Nov. 12th Huron County Numiamatlc Society is presenting their sixth annual coin exhibition on Sun­ day, November 12 from 12 noon to 9 p.m, nt the Elm Haven Motor Hotel, Clinton. The feature exhibit will be a showing compatible with the celebration of Canada’s 100th anniversary, Competitive dis­ play classes will include Can. adian coins, foreign coins, paper money, miscellaneous, juniors (17 and under) and the special award for the best in the show. While their parents were vi­ siting in Tennessee, Charlie and Kim Parker of London, and Pam, Jack and David Parker of Dorchester spent the Thinks, giving holiday with their grand­ parents, Mr, and Mrs. W.E, Parker. Also guests of the Par­ kers on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, Robert Reid of Lucknow. weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Aif Scotchmen. * * * With Mr, and Mrs. Fred Le Eleau for the hqliday weekend were Mr. and Mrs, Bob Cluff, mr. and Mrs. Paul Moss, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Fiet, cher McLaughlin and daughter, Megan, of Toronto. * * * Members of Mr. and Mrs. F.P, Arkell’s family spending Sunday with them were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sager and sons, Goderich, Gayle and Phil­ lip Turner, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. R. Turner, Chris Tomkow icz, Goderich and Brian King, London. Mr. Make sure Hwt your home isn't- one of them CARRICK -K. W. ColquhounERICKSON INSURANCE 14 ISAACOffice 482-9644 Residence 482-9787 INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 4* and Mrs. Russ Kerr spent the weekend in Petrolia as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith,* * * Mr. and Mrs. HaroldSimpson and family. London spent the At a double ring ceremony in . Trinity Church, Bayfield, on October 7, Sandra Irwin Erickson, Bayfield, became the bride of Wilson Harvey Carrick son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Carrick, Lucknow. Rev. E.J.B, Harrison officiated. Given in marriage by her step-father, E, W. Erickson, Bayfield the bride was lovely in a floor-length gown of white net and lace over organza. Her . bouffant skirt flowed from a fitted lace bodice encrusted with aurora borealis sequins. A rhinestone tiara held her three­ tiered silk illusion veil, and she carried a crescent bou- • quet of pale pink tea roses. Mrs. Pat Taylor, of Goderich as matron of honor, wore a floor-length gown of pale blue broacade, featuring a plain bod­ ice and full-draped skirt. She carried yellow and white shasta1 mums in around colonial bou­ quet. As bridesmaid, Miss Cheryl ■ McNall of Blyth, wore a floor­ length empire waisted gown of pale blue brocade, featuring an A-line skirt. Her bouquet was of pale yellow and white shasta mums. Mrs. Donald Johnston, at the organ, played traditional music during the ceremony. The best man was James Taman, Goderich, brother-in- law of the groom. Ushers were Richard Graham, Bayfield, and Robert Irwin, Seaforth, brother of the bride. For a reception held at the. Cedar Grove, Mrs. E. W. Erickson, mother of the bride received her guests, wearing an ensemble of orange ice lace over taffeta, with brown acces. sories and a corsage of white ( sweetheart roses. Assistingher was the groom’s mother, Mrs. Harvey Carrick} who chose a pale pink gown with matching accessories and a corsage of white sweetheart roses* For travelling the bride don ned a pale blue suit and a black and white street-length coat, and white accessories. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Carrick will reside in Strat­ ford. Following the reception the bride’s parents received guests at their home. l-M; “Jafter, Tens of thousands of Canadian homes will be struck by fare this year. Most of these fires will be caused by carelessness and neglect. NOW 5 Rattenbury Sf. E. CLINTON, ONTARIO There is an alternative to the 24 years of "Conservative" Policies which are responsible for HIGHER TAXES BALLOONING GOVERNMENT SMALL COMMUNITY STAGNATION INCREASING LOCAL EDUCATION COSTS VOTE SM IBERAL "NOW"HI HNw HMR ■ wk Ji ■ xR W w A VOTE FOR SMITH IS A VOTE FOR NIXON AND HIS LIBERAL TEAM PROVINCIAL DOMINATION OF LOCAL DECLINING FARM INCOMEOIL BURNER SERVICE No Waiting On Cleanouts Pick Your Date Now Ask For 0 SPRING AIR HUMIDIFIER Only $32,95 Installed For your safety 6ur delivery truck CARRIES FUEL OIL ONLY PHONE 482-9411 ClINtON Contact Us For All Your Petroleum Needs COUNCILS AND SCHOOL BOARDS Robert Nixon and his team will form a government that will correct these injustices "NOW"