HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-10-05, Page 8I CWm Nmitawi Thiurxfoy, October », 1H7 |BMnMMWBmBlBI.«BII««Be.mi>^U*»e« . LU .1 .,...,..-I.J<,.l,.l., U....L L.. I J , I.1.1...! J. J,.,.,..! I...I BEAUTIFUL BREEZY . . , , , , By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUE ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Corretpondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864, Beyfield Subscription;, Classified Advs, and Display Advs. al|*accepted by the Bayfield correspondent, Bayfield fall fair has many events LIVING ROOM ACCESSORIES Needlepoint, cover lor chair or footstool: Mery Clairmont, Goderich; Mrs. M. Hayter, Varna. Chesterfield set: Mrs. D. Giousher, Blyth; Mrs. F. McClure, Goderich. Table Cen­ trepiece: Mrs. F. McClure, Goderich; Carol Penhale, Bay- field. Cushion complete: Mrs. J. Mayman, Bayfield; Mrs. El- don Yeo, Clinton. Tatting doi- lie: Mary Clairmont, Goderich; Carol Penhale, Bayfield. DINING ROOM ACCESSORIES Crocheted Tablecloth: Mrs. W. Colclough, Clinton; Mrs. F. McClure, Goderich. Tea towels two (hand finished and two pan holders: Mrs. F. McClure, Goderich Mrs. E. Weigand; Dashwood. Tea cloth (embroi­ dered): Carol Penhale, Bay­ field; Mrs. W. Colclough, Clin- ton.- Luncheon Cloth, (embroi­ dered): Carol' Penhale, Bay- field; Mrs. M. Hayter, Varna. Buffet set, three pieces, croc­ heted: Mrs. F. McClure, God­ erich; Carol Penhale, Bayfield. Luncheon set (runner and four place mats) crocheted: Mrs. F. McClure, Goderich. Four place­ mats and centrepiece: Mary Clairmont, Goderich; Mrs. M. Hayter, Varna. BEDROOM ACCESSORIES Pillow cases embroidered: Mrs. E. Weigand, Dashwood, Mrs. F. McClure, Goderich. Pillow cases, cross-stitched: Mrs. William Harris, Clinton; Mrs. W. Colclough, Clinton. Pillow cases, crochet trim: Mrs. F. McClure, Goderich; Mrs. Ross Merril, Bayfield. Vanity set: Mrs. F. McClure, Goderich; Mrs. W. Colclough. Clinton. Pair guest towels: Mr s. M. Hayter, Varna. Crocheted bed spread: Mrs. W. Colclough Clinton. CHILDREN’S WEAR Girl’s '-Wbdf^socksrVMrA.^ E.3 Yeo, Clinton; Mrs. W. Colclough Clinton. Girl’s wool mitts, Mrs. W. Colclough, Clinton; Mrs. M. Hayter, Varna. Boy’s wool socks; Mrs. E. Yeo, Clinton; Mrs. Colclough, Clinton. Boy’s wool mitts: Mrs. M. Hayter, Varna; CarolPenhale, Bayfield. Child’s pullover sweater: Mrs. F. Cantelon, Clinton; Mrs. J. Merner, Bayfield. Child’s car­ digan sweater: Mrs. F. Can­ telon, Clinton; Mrs. D. Glous- her, Blyth. Smocked dress: Mrs. W. Colclough, Clinton. Baby’s jacket, bonnet and boo­ tees (crocheted): Mrs. D. Glous- her. Blyth; Mrs. W. Colclough, Clinton. Baby’s jacket, bonnet, bootees (knit): Marg Talbot, Bayfield; Mrs. Colclough, Clin­ ton. Crib quilt: Marg Talbot. LADIES WORK Work apron: Mrs. E. Weig­ and, Dashwood; Mrs. D. Glous- her, Blyth. HoUsedress cotton: Mrs. D. Giousher, Blyth; Marg Talbot, Bayfield. Women’s gloves wool handknit: Mrs. Col­ clough, Clinton; Mrs. Marg Hat-, ter, Varna. Hostess apron: Carol Penhale, Bayfield; Mrs. Hugh Morenz, Dashwood. Lady’s sweater handknit wool: Mrs. Jack Merner, Bay­ field; Carol Penhale, Bayfield. Lady’s skirt: Marg Talbot, Bay- field; Mrs. E. Weigand, Dash­ wood. Ski mitts and hat to match: Mrs, S, Keys, Varna. Millinery: Mrs. M; Scott, Belgrave; Mary Clairmont, Goderich. Baby doll pyjamas: Mrs. E. Weigand, Dashwood. Ladles’ blouses: Mrs. B. Keys, Varna; Mrs. D. Giousher, Blyth. MEN’S WEAR Pyjamas homemade: Mrs. D. Giousher, Blyth; Mrs, M. Hay­ ter, Varna. Mitts heavy hand, knit: Mrs. M, Hayter, Varna; Mrs, W. Colclough, Clinton. Gloves fine handknit:* Mrs* W. Colclough, Clinton; Marg Tal­ bot, Bayfield. Socks, diamond: Mrs. W, Colcough, Clinton, Socks| heavy handknit: Mrs, El­ don Yeo, Clinton; Mrs. W. Col­ clough, Clinton. Socks/ine hand­ knit: Mrs. Jack Merner, Bay­ field: Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Clin­ ton. Jumbo Knit sweater: Mrs. Jack Merner, Hayfield; Mrs. Colclough, Clinton. OTHER LADIES WORK Quilt applique: Mis. Col­ clough, Clinton; Mrs. H. Moreni bashwood. Quilt cotton patched: ttrd. ft. Morenz, Dashwood, Mrs, Colclough, Clinton. Afghan crocheted: Mary Clairmont, Groderich. Afghan knitted: Mis. D, Giousher, Blyth; Mrs, W, Colclough, Clinton. Hearthrug (hooked yarn): KathleCh Sieit- Serna, Bayfield; Carol Penhale, Hayfield. Hearth rug (hooked wool rags): Mrs. D. Giousher, Blyth; Mrs. E. Weigand, Dash- wood. House slippers: Mrs. E. Weigand, Dashwood; Mrs, J. Merner, Bayfield. Braided mat: Mrs, S. Keys, Varna. Centennial quilt: Mrs. D. Giousher, Blyth; Mrs. H. Morenz, Dashwood. Centennial mat; Mrs, D. Glous- her, Blyth; Mrs. A, Armstrong, Varna. Village Guild special prize for most points in Ladies''Wqrk, Mrs. Wilfrid Colclough, Clin­ ton. CHILDRENS EVENTS SCHOOL DISPLAY Projects and booklets: Grade 6, Booklet on your community; Brenda Findlayson, Holmes­ ville. Grade 5, Adaptation of birds: Jane Harris, Holmes­ ville; Laurelanne Bond, Hol­ mesville; Catherine Wise, Hol- mesville; Billy Whiteley, Hol­ mesville; Brenda Taylor, Brucefield. Grade 4, Collection of pictures to show progress of inventions: MarilynneCleave Brucefield; Tony Bird, Holmes­ ville; Linda Coleman, Bruce­ field; Therese Van Dyk, Bruce­ field; Brenda Cooper, Bruce­ field; Jo Ann Cantelon, Bruce­ field. Grade 3, Uses of water: Jill • McLellan, Brucefiedl; Linda Blake, Holmesville; Betty Orr Holmesville; Carolyn Porter, Holmesville, Patsy Taylor, Brucefield; Elaine Gingerich, Brucefield. Grade 2, Travel in early days: Mark Belanger, Hol­ mesville; Danny Weber, Hol­ mesville, DiannaWiennink, Hol­ mesville; Danny Eckel, Bruce­ fiedl; Bobby Fuller, Holmes­ ville; Fred Schilbe, Holmes­ ville. Grade 1, Return of birds in spring: Dianne Smith, Bruce­ field; Beverley Coleman, Bruce field; Steven Johns, Brucefield; Timmy Bird/ Holmesville; Phil* lip Potter, Holmesville; Robert Orr, Holmesville. ART Grade 8, Canadian clothing over last 150 years: Darlene 'Hayter,' ‘-Brucefield; -'Grade 8, class project, Brucefield. Grade 7, Modern art, any media: Dianne Tyndall, Holmesville; Cathy Schilbe, Holmesville; Gary Young, Brucefield; Rick Schilbe, Holmesville; Barbara Giousher Brucefield; Karen Fredin, Brucefield. Grade 6, Original cartoon on current ev­ ents: Lillian Manderson, Hol­ mesville; Mary McFadden, Brucefield; Betty Brindley, Hol. mesville; Doug Glanville, Brucefield; Jim Middleton, Hol­ mesville; Linda Anderson, Brucefield. Grade 5, Original drawing depicting a moment in history: Catherine Wise, .Hol­ mesville; Beth Rathwell, Hol­ mesville; Helen Postma, Bruce­ field; Heather Brandon, Bruce­ field; Brenda Giousher, Bruce­ field; Brian Glanville, Bruce­ field. Grade 4, Three dimensional art. using paper techniques: Patty Carter, Brucefield; Linda Coughtrey, Brucefield; Rodney Cox, Holmesville; Karen Fer­ ris, Brucefield; Jamie Thomp­ son, Holmesville, Brenda Coo­ per, Brucefield. Grade 3jScene from pieces of finger painting: Gwen Pickett, Holmesville; Lin­ da Blake, Holmesville; Deborah Rodges, Holmesville. Grade 2, Paper bag puppett: Louise Mar­ ten; Lois Brandon; Ann Marie Heard, Gary Higgs; Connie Tal­ bot; . Linda Campbell, all of Brucefield. Grade 1; Pupil cen- tred painting: Steven Butt, Brucefield; Susan Fuller, Hol­ mesville; Sandra Freeman, Hol­ mesville; Timmy Bird, Holmes­ ville; Robert Orr, Holmesville; Faith Renner, Brucefield. Kin­ dergarten: Plasticine models: Mrs. Westlake’s Class, first arid second. CREATIVE WRITING Grade 6; Poetry, Mary Me. Fadden, Brucefield. Grade 5, Paragraph: Jane Harris, Carole Weber, Laurelanne Bond, Kath­ leen de Jong, all of Holmes­ ville. Grade 4; Paragraph: Sheila Montgomery, Holmes- Ville; Linda Bell, Brucefield; Candy Robinson, Brucefield; Jamie Thompson, Holmesville; Karen Gemelnhardt, Bruce- field;Eldon Amoroso, Holmes­ ville. Grade 3; SafOty rule thyme: Debbie Biggins, Hol- mesville; Shirley McFadden, Brucefield; Rusty Ortriandy, Holmesville, Peter Wise, Hol­ mesville. Grade 2^ My favorite person: Sharon Findlayson, Brucefield; Joanne MeCllnchey, Holmes­ ville; Ralph Elliott^ Brucefield; Charles Cook, Holmesville, Ken McBride, Brucefield; Rhonda Per rot t, Holmesville. Grade i«; My pet: 'Helen Hartman, Hol- mesville; Unknown, Holriies*-* Ville, Dianne Smith, Brucefield; Brian Wise, Holmesville; Mari- anne Kalbflelsch, Brucefield; Steven Johns, Brucefield, Kin­ dergarten A personal expet* ionce: Dale Simons, Kathy Mar­ tens; Kathy McFadden; Sue Anne Fipdlayson, all of Bruce­ field. VEGETABLES Spanish onions: Jo Anne Col- lips, Holmesville, George Col- lips, Holmesville; Billy Collins Holmesville; Diane Collins, Holmesville; Janice Turner, Brucefield; Gayle Turner, Brucefield Onions, A.O.V,: George Collins, Holmesville; Jo Anne Collins, Holmesville;.. Gayle Turner, Brucefield; Jan­ ice Turner, Brucefield; Billy Collins, Holmesville; Diane Collins, Holmesville. Potatoes, white, Ricky Penhale, Holmes­ ville, Potatoes, red: Diane Col­ lins; George Collins; Jo Anne Collins; Ricky Penhale; Billy Collins, all of Holmesville, Field corn: Gayle Turner; Janice Turner, Winnifred Arm­ strong, JamesArmstrong,allof Brucefield, Table morn: James Armstrong; Winnifred Arm­ strong; Julia Armstrong; Jan­ ice Turner; Gayle Turner all of Brucefield, Beets: Janice Turner, Brucefield; Gayle Tur­ ner Brucefield; Diane Collins, Holmesville; James Armstrong Brucefield; .George Collins, Holmesville; Jo Ann Collins, Holmesville. Carrots,, long, Jeff May man, Brucefield; Jan­ ice Turner, Brucefield. Car­ rots, short: Gayle Turner; Jan­ ice Turner, both of Bayfield. Maple cream candy: James Armstrong, Brucefield; Julia Armstrong, Brucefield; Ricky Penhale, Holmesville; Mary Cantelon, Brucefield. Shut-in box: Winnifred Armstrong; Brucefield; Julia Armstrong, Brucefield; Mary Cantelon, Hol­ mesville, Mary McFadden, Hol­ mesville; Ricky Penhale, Hol­ mesville; Jeff Cantelon, Hol­ mesville. Unbaked cereal cookies: Patti Greer, Brucefield; Dar­ lene Hayter, Brucefield; Bill Collins, Holmesville; Julia Armstrong, Brucefield; Ricky Penhale, Holmesville; George Collins, Holmesville. Essay competition: Anne Hayter; San­ dra Graham, Mary Lou John­ ston; Sharon Keys; Sharon Oesch; David Landsborough, all of Brucefield. Special Kinder­ garten: Tornado story: Dale Simons, Doug Gaddis, both of Brucefield, Making Butter: Debbie Sallows, Debbie Grid- zak, both of Bayfield. SPECIAL EVENTS (Public School) Pony or horse and rig; Rob­ bie Wise; Pat Payne. Tug of War: Boys, Holmesville; Girls, Brucefield. Foot races, boys: Tom Whitman; Ken Tiebold; Gerrit Voskamp. Girls, Kathy Malcolm; Dianne Filion; Ros- anne Middleton. Boy’s relay; Rick Cameron, Wayne Hartman David Bettles and Andy She­ pard; Jamie Thompson, Den­ nis Powell, Ernie Lobb arid Tony Bird. Girl’s relay: Cheryl Boak, Kathy Wise, Hatty Idsinga, Sandra Freeman; Glenda Blake, Lynda Blake, Brenda Forbes, Marjory Thomp son. Best Pony outfit: Dayle Scot- chmer; Louise McVean; Karen Brandon; Wendy Miller; Sadd­ ling Contest: Louise McVean; Lynda Wise; Dayle Scotchmer; Wendy Miller. Musical chairs: Marie Bettles; Wendy Miller; Lynda Wise; Louise McVean. Potato race: Pat Payne; Har- Vie Cleave; Dayle Scotchmer; Wendy Miller. Potato race,’ under 21 years: Harvie Cleave; Lynda Wise; Fred Bird; Wendy Miller, Pony race: Marie Bet­ tles; Louise McVean; Pat Payne; Dayle Scotchmer. Pony race, under 21 years: Pat Payne; Harvie Cleave; Marie Bettles. Tractor safe driving compet­ ition: Walter McIlwain, G. Arm­ strong; Jim Grainger; Bill Mc­ Gregor. domestic science; Baked beans: Mrs. K. Mc­ Laren, Cromarty; Mrs, Sam Storey, Seaforth; Salmon loaf; Mrs. S. Collins. Clinton. Veg­ etable salad: Mrs. Bill Harris, R, R. 3 Clinton, Fruit salad', Willa Taylor, Clinton, Sand­ wiches, six, two of each: Mrs. D. Giousher, Blyth. Chocolate fudge: Willa Taylor Clinton; Mte. S. Storey, Sea­ forth. Dipped chocolates: Willa Taylor, Clinton; Mi’S. S, Storey, Seaforth. Scones:Mrs.M.Scott, Belgrave, Bran muffins: K. Siertsema, Bayfield: Mrs. M. Hayter, Varha. Baking powder biscuits: Mrs. M; Hatyer, Var­ na, Peanut butter cookie: Mrs. M» Scott, Belgrave; Mrs. H. Beierling, Zurich. Shortbread Cookie: Mrs. E. Weigand,Dash-: WOod; Mrs, S. Storey, Seaforth. Chocolate chip Cookes: K.SierU Serna, Bayfield; W. Taylor, Clinton. Drop cookies, fruit and nut; Mrs. Ross Merrill, Bay- field; Mrs, K, Beierling, Zurich. Oatmeal date squares: K. Siertsema, Bayfield; Mrs. E. Weigand, Dashwood, Dutch apple pie: Mrs. E. Weigand, Dashwood. Raspberry pie: Willa Taylor, Clinton. Strawberry pie Mrs, M, Scott, Belgrave; Mrs. B. Storey, Seaforth. Raisin pie: Willa Taylor, Clinton: Mrs. M. Scott, Seaforth. Sponge cake: Mrs. K. Mc­ Laren, Cromarty; Mrs, S. Storey, Seaforth. Orange cake: Mrs. W. Colclough, Clinton: Mrs. K. McLaren, Cromarty. Angel food cake: Mrs. K. Mc­ Laren, Cromarty; Mrs. W. Col­ clough, Clinton. Home made white breadi Mrs, E. Weigand, Dashwood; Mrs. K, McLaren, Cromarty. Home made brown bread: Mrs. E. Weignad, Dashwood; Mrs. S. Storey, Seaforth. Buns (plain): Mrs. M. Hayter, Varna; Mrs. K, McLaren, Cromarty. Box of treats: Mrs, D. Glous- her, Blyth. Canned strawber- yies: Mrs. J. II. Johnstone, God. erich; Mrs. E. Weigand, Daslt. wood. Canned raspberries: Mrs. E. Weigand, Dashwood; Mrs- J* H, Johnstone, Goderich. Canned peaches: Mrs, H. Beierling, Zurich; Mrs. W.‘ Weigand, Dashwood. Canned Plums: Mrs. E. Weigand, Dash­ wood,. Canned pears: Mrs. E, Weigand, Dashwood; Mrs, Eldon Yen, Clinton, Canned Prunes: Mrs. S. Collins, Clinton; Mrs, S. Keyes, Varna, Canned corn: Mrs. E. Weig> and, Dashwood; Mrs, K. Me- Laren, Cromarty. Canned tom-, atoes: Mrs, Eldon Yeo, Clinton; Mrs. K. McLaren, Cromarty, Pickled beans: Mrs, K. Mc­ Laren, Cromarty; Mrs, S, Col­ lins, Clinton. Canned beans: Mrs. K. McLaren, Cromarty; Mrs. E, Yeo, Clinton. Pickled beets: Mrs.H, Beier­ ling, Zurich; Mrs. Ross Mer­ rill, Bayfield. Canned beets: Mrs. H. McLaren, Cromarty. Cucumber pickles (sweet): Mrs. M. Hayter, Varna; Willa Tay­ lor, Clinton. Chili Sauce: Mrs, E. Weigand, Dashwood:K.Siert­ sema, Bayfield. Maple syrup: Earl Schilbe, Bayfield; F, McClymont, Var­ na. Strawberry jam: Mrs. Rose Merrill, Bayfield; Willa Tay* lor, Clinton. Grape jam: Mrs, K. McLaren, Cromarty, Apple jelly: Mrs. W, Colclough, Clin­ ton; K. Siertsema, Bayfield. Currant jelly: Mrs, E. Yeo, Clinton; Mrs. R, Merrill, Bay- field. Tomato juice: Mrs, K. McLaren, Cromarty; Mrs. M. Hayter, Varna. •Special prizes, Bayfield Agri­ cultural Society, light fruit cake Mrs. A. Armstrong,, Varna; Mrs. W. Colclough, Clinton. Dark fruit, cake: Mrs. K. Mc­ Laren, Cromarty; Mrs, A, Arm­ strong, Varna. Fry Cadbury.Limited: double layer chocolate cake: Mrs. Col­ clough, Clinton; Mrs. Arm­ strong, Varna; Mrs, E. Weigh, and, Dashwood. Ogilive’s Five RosesJLimited best loaf white bread: Mrs, E, Weigand, Dashwood; Mrs. McLaren, Cromarty. Plain ban- ana layer cake: Mrs. E. Weig­ and, Dashwood, Blueberry Pie; Willa Taylor, Clinton; Mrs. S. Storey, Seaforth, McCormicks Limited: Gra­ ham cracker pie: Mrs. A. Arm­ strong, Varna; Mrs. E, Weig­ and, Dashwood. Arva Flour Mills: chopolate brownies; Mrs, M. Scott, Bel­ grave; Caro) Penhale, Bayfield; Mrs, K. McLaren, Cromarty, Date and nut loaf: Mrs, A, Arm­ strong, Varna; Mrs. Giousher, Btyth; Mrs. Wt Taylor, Clin­ ton. Apple pie: Mrs, E. Weigand, Dashwood; Mrs. W. Taylor, Clinton. Coconut tarts: Mrs, W. Taylor, Clinton; Carol Pen­ hale, Bayfield; Earl Schilbe, Bayfield, Schneiders: Red cherry pje: W. Taylor, Clinton; Mrs, E, Weigand, Dashwood; Donna Klopp, Zurich, Crumb cake: Mrs. D, Giousher, Blyth; Donna R100P, Zurich; Mrs, S, Storey, Seaforth. Butter tartsr Mrs, Earl Schilbe, Bayfield; Mrs. Wendy Bird, Clinton; Mrs* Willa Tay«« lor, Clinton. Ida McClinchey Special; best spice cake; Mrs, Colclough, Clinton; Donna Klopp, Zurich Benmiller Flour Mill: cho­ colate cake: Mrs. Colclough, Clinton. White layer cake, Mrs. Colclough, Clinton. Rolled oat cookies; Mrs. M. Hayter, Varna; Mrs. E. Weigh- and, Dashwood; Mrs, D, Glous- her, Blyth. Peach pie: Mrs. Schilbe, Bayfield; Mrs. W. Tay­ lor, Clinton. Centennial Special Maple leaf cake: Mrs. E. Weigand, Dash­ wood. _ _ Special Commerical feature: apples; Mrs. E. Weigand, Dash­ wood; Mrs. A. Bettles, Bay- field; Mrs. E. Yeo, Clinton. VEGETABLES Basket red potatoes: Harold Penhale, Bayfield; S. Collins, Clinton; F, McClymont, Varna, gobbler potatoes? Ff McCly­ mont. Varna. Any other var­ iety/ parly jiotato: H. Penhale Bayfield; Mrs. J. H, Johnstone, Goderich, Kathadln potatoes: McCly­ mont, Varna. Any other variety late 'potato: Harold Penhale, Bayfield; F * M cCly mont, Varna; Mrs; J. II. Jphnstone, Goderich. Table turnips, Mrs. A. Bettles, Bayfield; H. Penhale, Bayfield; table carrots, long: Mrs. S, Mackay, Clinton; Mrs, E. Tur­ ner, Varna; Carl Diehl', Bay- field. Table carrots, short: John Semple, Bayfield; Mys. Ross Merrill, Bayfield; Mrs. H. Bair* ling, Zurich, Table beets: Mrs. H, Beirling, Zurich; Mrs. E, Turner, Varna; ft. penhale, Bayfield. Parsnips: John Sem­ ple, Bayfield; Mrs, E. Turner, Varna; Mrs. R. Merrill, Bay- field. Winter radishes; Mrs, H. Beirling, Zurich; Mrs. K. Mc­ Laren, Cromarty; Mrs. J, H, Johnstone, Goderich. Head pound cabbage; F. McClure, Goderich; Mrs, K. McLaren, Cromarty; K* Siertsema, Bay- field. Head flat cabbage, (white) Mrs. M, Hayter, Varna; Mrs, E, Turner, Varna; S. Collins, Clin­ ton. Red cabbage: F, McClymont, Varna; Mrs, E. Turner, Varna, Onions white: F. McClymont, Varna. Onions, yellow: Mrs. K, McLaren, Cromarty; F. McCly­ mont, Varna; Mrs. S, Keyes, Varna, Spanish onions: S. Col­ lins, Clinton; Mrs, E, Turner, Varna, Red tomatoes; Harold ■Penhale, Bayfield; S. Collins, Clinton; Mrs. W. Colclough, Clinton, Tomatoes, red: J. Mayman, Bayfield; Mrs. E. Turner, Varna; E. Schible, Bayfield. Tomatoe, green: Mrs, E. Tur­ ner, Varna. Collection of fruit tomatoes: Mrs. H. Beirling, Zurich; S. Collins, Clinton; John Semple, Bayfield. Green peppers, sweet: S. Col- Jins, Clinton; Mrs. E. Turner Varna; F, McClymont, Varna Rot peppers: Mrs. K, McLarei Crptnarty, 'Vegetable noveitj Ivan McClymont, Varna; F. M< Clymon^ Varna; Mrs, H, Bely ling, Zurich. ButternutSquasi F. McClymont, Varna. Peppe squash? Mrs. H. Morenz, Dasl wood; J. Mayman, Bayfield; J McClymont, Varna. Butter cu squash; H, Penhale, Bayfielc J. Mayman, Bayfield; F. McClj mont, Varna, Hubbard squash, yellow: Mrs T. Penhale, Bayfield; F. McCly mont, Varna; H. Penhale, Bay field. Hubbard squash, green; Mrs. J. H. Johnstone, Goderich F. McClymont, Varna; Mrs, K. McLaren, Cromarty. Vegetable marrpw: J. Mayman, Bayfield; F, McClymont, Varna; Mrs, K. McLaren, Cromarty. Pie pumpkins, round, Mrs. Ross Merrill, Bayfield; Mrs, H, Beirling, Zurich; J. Semple, Bayfield, Pumpkin or squash for feed; Mrs. A. Bettles, Bay- field. J. Semple, Bayfield; Mrs. J. H, Johnstone, Goderich. Gherkins: S. Collins, Clin, ton; Mrs. E. Turner, Varna, Cucumbers for table use: J. Semple, Bayfield; Mrs.H. Beir­ ling, Zurich; J. Mayman, Bay* field. Sunflower: J. Mayman, Bay- field; Mrs. H. Beirling, Zurich; Mrs. J. H. Johnstone, Goderich. Special collection vegetables not over three feet square: Mrs. K. McLaren, Cromarty; F, Mc­ Clymont, Varna; Mrs. H. Beirl­ ing, Zurich. Watermelon: E. Schilbe, Bayfield. Muskmelon: E. Schilbe, Bayfield. Judge R. Truax. ARTS AND CRAFTS Original oil landscape: Mrs. M. Talbot, Bayfield, Mrs. Nan Howard, Bayfield. Original oil seascape: Mrs. Sherlock Keyes, Varna; Mrs, W. E. Parker, Bay­ field. Original oil, flowers: Mr's. W. Harris, Clinton; Mrs. Sherlock Keyes, Varna. Orl- continued on page 9 CORRIES "THE FRIENDLY STORE" Just Heat & Eat ■ Fully Coak-tl HAM SLICES 79c lb. Ideal for Poultry Stuffing SAUSAGE MEAT 49c lb. MiM Seasoned - By The Piec- BOLOGNA 2 lbs. for 89c 49c lb. 59c lb. FEATURE BUYS - Wednesday, October 4 to Closing Saturday, October 7 THANKSGIVING AT CORRIE'S WHERE QUALITY COMES FIRST YOUNG UTILITY HEN TURKEYS 6 to 10 lb. Average 39c lb. ClUlOUFDt 141 A JUlC "Ful|y Cooked" Short Shank Jlvl VIVEI/ 11 Alvl) Skinless - Whole or Half Burn's Sweet Pickled S.P. COTTAGE ROLLS 59c lb. Country Style Pure Pork FRESH SAUSAGE 2 lbs. for 89c Simcoe Brand Rindless BREAKFAST BACON 79c lb. EXTRA PRICE BUSTER VALUES l; WEDNESDAY ONLY ii MINCED BEEF THURSDAY ONLY SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 39c Ih i| FRIDAY ONLY--------------------------- s BEEF STEAKETTES SATURDAY ONLY------------------- | LOIN PORK CHOPS GOTTA FREEZER? 10 LB. LOTS OR MORE MINCED BEEF $4.98 Pure Pork FARM SAUSAGE $4.79 PORK LIVER $2.89 PRIME RIB STEAKS $7.89 PORK LOIN QUARTERS $7.49 1 • 10 lbs. : 10 lbs. : 10 lbs. : 10 lbs. : 10 lbs. ------3^5------------------------ -------- ------ ------ DUCEJS l FLORIDA NEW CROP : GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 49c : ONTARIO • SQUASH....................... 2 for 29c : home crown :TURNIPS 2 for 19c : MacINTOSH APPLES ,.4 qt. 79c M BURN'S SPORK UBBY'S - 18-OZ. tomato catsup HEINZ FANCY - «-OZ, TOMATO JUICE 49c 3 for $1.00 free 5 lbS, sugar free WITH PURCHASE OF 4 G.E. LAMP BULBS At REGULAR PRICE FIRST GRADE creamery butter lb. 65c iAVEX - 64-OZ. LIQUID BLEACH 39c MAXWELL HOUSE 10-OZ, instant coffee $1.39 OCEAN SPRAY 14 OZ. CRANBERRY SAUCE 21C