HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-10-05, Page 7Creditor! scene of Huron WI rally AUBURN - The 45th grand- . mother’s day was held last week in the Auburn Community Mem­ orial Hall when the grand- mothers of the community were their, guests, Corsages were pinned ” on ihe guests by Mrs. Robert J, Phillips and Mrs, Torrance Tabb, The president Mrs, Doanld Haines was in charge of the meeting which opened with the Ode. the Mary Stewart Collect and Q Canada, Mrs, William J, Craig was pianist, The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read by the secre­ tary, Mrs, Bert Craig. The secretary stated that dishes had been purchased for the hall. A letter of thanks was read from. Miss Helen McKercher thanking the members for cat­ ering to the luncheon and ban- quet at the Junior Conference. Plans were made to cater to a wedding in October, Leaders Mrs. Fordyce Clark and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt were chosen to attend the training school for the course “Baking with Yeast/’ Delegates chosen to go to the. ■ County Rally were, Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs, Thomas Hag­ gitt. A letter was read from the County Treasurer re the ' proposed park at the Patter­ son Bridge and Mrs. Haines, . Mrs. Bert Craig and Mrs. Wes Bradnock were appointed a com- # mittee to attend a meeting of ■ their committee. To assist in notifying members, a telephone , committee of Mrs. Charles Straughan, Mrs. William Strau­ ghan, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and Mrs. Bert Craig were nam- ■ ed. Mrs. Frank Raithby announ­ ced that new hat samples had arrived and Mrs. Wes Brad­ nock reported that 18 members are taking the 4-H project. match with the captains Being Mrs. William 3, CraigandMrs, Frank Raithby. Mrs. Roy Easom gave out the words. Mrs. Char­ les straughan was the winner, The roil call was answered by showing your oldest Piece of jewellery and telling it’s his­ tory. Mrs, Leonard Archambault and Mrs. ArnQld Craig topk up the collection, Prices were given to Mrs, John Daer for the luqky chair, Mrs, (Major Youngblut for the lucky ser­ viette and Mrs. Torrance Tabb for having the lucky cup. Lunch was served after an auction of home-made baking, by Mrs. Roy Easom, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor and Mrs. Law­ rence Pjaetzer, A special treat was the 70 th anniversary of the WI cake served at the National convention which was served to all present for this Grand- mother’s Day, costume, acted as mistress of ceremonies. The program consisted of solos Joy Mrs, Haines, duets by Mys. Haines and Mrs. Brad, nock with Mrs, Phillips at the piano, accordion selections by Mrs. Gordon Taylor followed by community singing. Gifts were presented to Mrs, Broome, Mary Anne Weber, Mrs, Baker, Mrs. Davidson, Arthur Dale, M. T, Corless, Rpdger Gilbert, D, Barker, John Biichanan, Mrs, R. Johnston, Albert Colombe, Irvin Johnston, Rae Feay, Mrs, Dewar, Mrs. Dunn, Mr. Little, Lottie Robin­ son, Mrs. Gilpin, Mrs. Hohner, Miss McTaggart, M. J. Young- - - - Hud-blut, R. J. McKee, John son, and A. L, Smith. 4 The United Church Women of Knox United Church opened their fall meeting by celebrat­ ing Centennial year with a des­ sert luncheon at noon,held in the Sunday school room of the .church. Mrs. Kenneth McDougall took charge of the business period and opened the meeging with prayer. Mrs. M. R. Roberts was in charge of the devotional period and the hymn, was sung with Mrs. James Jackson as pianist. The scripture lesson from Romans 6:1—14 verses was read by Mrs. Ruud Koopmans.’ The Centennial hymn was sung by Mrs. Gordon McClinchey and Mrs, Norman McClinchey ac­ companied by Mrs. William J. Craig. A reading was given by Mrs. Jack Armstrong, the theme being “Man and his world and God and His World.” The hymn “From Ocean unto Ocean” and the. benediction by Mrs. Roberts brought the meet­ ing to a close. After the meet­ ing the members took a trip to the Huron County Museum at Goderich, .... ... 1 Auburn and District '*• * MRS. WES *KADNOCK--~Carr«8|ren4le«it~~Phone 524-7595 Clinton Ncws-Rocord, Thursday, October 5, 1967 5 .......... . ,iilli,«»»r.ir lor, Miss Mary Whale, Miss Dorothy Douglas, Miss Hazel McDonald of Goderich, all mis­ sionaries, Miss Lily McArthur, Mrs. John Pollock and Mrs. R. Dyke, Mrs, Pollock was in charge of tiie evening session. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs, D. Bell of Hensail and Miss Hazel McDonald of Goderich. The treasurer, Mrs, Arnold McConnell of Goderich gave the financial statement. The offering wag received by Mrs, Gordon Henderson, Mrs. Sherman Blake, Mrs. Frank Mills and Mrs. L. Govier and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Clayton Edwards, Miss Whale and Miss Taylor spoke of their work and were thanked by Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. The Lucknow evening Auxi- Dary presented a historical pageant telling the history of the Maitland Presbyterial since 1825 in costume, with twenty members taking the parts. Rev. Douglas Fry of Seaforth closed the meeting with evening devotions, after bringing greet­ ings from Huron.Maitland Pres­ bytery, ......——■n.-rnli-.-i.n.i ,-i —» Maitland Con. & 16th Goderich MRS. BILL LOBB Phon? 482-3263 sionary, and Mrs. Wes Bradk nock of Auburn. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs, R, Dyke of God­ erich, The offering was received by Mrs. William Blac- ker and Mrs. Ed Farquhar of. Clinton and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Walter ?hort- reed of Blyth, Miss Lily McArthur of God-, erich introduced the guest speaker, Miss Mary Whale of Toronto^ executive director of Overseas Missions for the Presbyterian Church in Can­ ada, She gave an inspiring mes­ sage on the subject - “Where are we as Christians? Are we fulfilling our duty todayt” She had with her Miss Elsie Tay­ lor, a missionary nurse from Nigeria^who recently escaped from the turmoil in that coun­ try. They told of the fierce fighting between the tribes and the work they are trying to do in the hospitals. Taking part in the discussions were the lead, ers Mrs. Harvey Hyde of Hen­ sail, Mrs. R. S. Kerslake, Sea­ forth and Mrs, A. Enwright of Goderich. Mrs. Earl Campbell of Hensall thanked Miss Whale and Miss Taylor for their mes­ sages. Mrs. William Sutherland of Ripley, president of Maitland Presbyterial brought greetings. Head table guests at the din. ner included .Miss Elsie Tay. W. Bradnock visited last Thur s- W. Bradnock visited last Tues* day evening with Mrs, Lloyd Humphreys at Dublin and. at­ tended the WI meeting. Over the weekend Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Tpbbutt and daugh­ ter Marilyn Visited in Font? hill with Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Tebbutt, Qn Sunday they were entertained at Skyion Restaur? ant in Niagara Falls, the world’s only revolving dining room, This was a celebration in honor pf the former’^ parents’ wed­ ding anniversary which was on Septernber 3Q. * T * Miss Elizabeth Thompson and Leonard Lobb were two of the CHSS who attended Expo on the Honor Student trip. * * * * The newlyweds, Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Jones have return­ ed from their trip to the West. Congratulations to Mrs. Mar­ garet Clark who celebrated her 95th birthday last Monday at the horn? of her nephew, William Dodd and Mrs. Dodd. Birth­ day cake and tea was served to the guests who called to con­ gratulate her,* ■ * * Mr. and Mrs. William Jtlpd- gers returned home after a hol­ iday spent in Northern Ontario, Ottawa and EJxpp.* * * Mr, and Mrs, Ross Robin­ son were pleasantly' surprised last Friday eveningwhen. friends and neighbors gave them a farewell party at Belgrave and presented them with gifts, * * Harold Asquith ofStreetsville spent .Saturday in the village. Miss Laura Wagner of Syra­ cuse, N.Y, spent the weekend with relatives'in the village. * * * We are sorry to report that Mrs. Ed Davies was taken by ambulance to Clinton hospital last Monday evening. Her friends wish her a speedy re­ covery.* * * Mrs. Emmerson Rodgers re­ turned from St, Joseph’s hos­ pital last wfedk and is .making good recovery at her home.* * * Mrs. Ben Hamilton and Mrs. W, M. S Huron Presbyterial of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Can­ ada held their Centennial rally last Wednesday,at First Pres­ byterian Church Seaforth, with large attendance at both the afternoon and evening sessions. Delegates wero present from Belgrave, Blyth, Clinton,Hen­ sail, Goderich, Auburn andSea- forth and members of Maitland Presbyterial. The president, Mrs. John Pol­ lock of Goderich,presided for both sessions, with Mrs. M. R. Rennie at the organ. Registration was,in charge of Mrs. R, S, Kerslake and Mrs. Edgar Butts and the ushers were Mrs. Robert McMillan and Mrs, Gertrude Wright. Mrs. F. Cole­ man, president of the Seaforth WMSZ welcomed the delegates and guests. The devotional period was taken by Mrs, Joe Dunbar, of Belgrave, Miss Dorothy Doug-, las of Lucknow, returned mis­ The annual meeting of the Auburn Branch of the Cana­ dian Bible Society was held in St. Mark’s Anglican Church with the chairman Mr. Fordyce Clark in the chair. The meet­ ing was opened with a hymn and prayer by Rev, M. R. Rob­ erts of Knox United Church, Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as read by the secre­ tary; Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. It was moved by Robert J, Phil­ lips and seconded by Frank Raithby that reports be accep­ ted. Mr, Andrew Brndjar of Lon- don?was the guest speaker of the evening. He spoke on his interesting display of Bibles and read from the new English translation which has been re- cently published. He also show­ ed the film, “The Leaves of the Trees.” Plans were made to hold the annual Carol service in con­ junction with a community con­ cert which had been proposed as a Centennial project. The collection will be given to the Bible Society for it’s work. The election of officers was held with Mr, Brndjar in charge. The new officers for the com­ ing year are as follows: presi­ dent, Oliver Anderson; secre. tary-treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; collectors, Westfield, Miss Jann'etta Snell; North Road, East Wawanosh, Mrs. William Empey, Mrs. Jack Armstrong; West Wawanosh, Mrs. Harold Webster; Col- , borne, Mrs. Donald Haines; ' Blyth Road, Mrs. Roy Easom; Baseline, Mrs. Brian Hallam, Mrs. Lloyd Penfound; 13th Hul- lett, Nancy Lapp, Cathy Schnei­ der; Auburn, Mrs. Oliver An­ derson; Mrs. Ted Mills; Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall,’ -Mrs. Thomas Hag­ gitt, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and Guy Cunningham. |bEA BIPOD PONO/?*! “”V Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY CHOICE FROZEN PORK lb i The Auburn Women’s Insti­ tute was in charge of the Sept­ ember birthday party at Huron- view on September 20. Mrs. Open Local Representative A. W. STEEP — 482-6642 Party t r \1 Park Ian* —Phone 482*9601 . EXETER — SEAFORTH Phone 482-7211 Afternoon Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, convener of the card commit­ tee reported the cards sent and read the thank you notes she had received. Mrs. Roy Easom read the motto on “Be Kind to the Aged, Your Turn will Come,” which had been prepared by Mis? Margaret R. Jackson. She also gave the ten beatitudes for the aged and the Ten Command.. ments of Happiness. A duet ’“Down by the Old Mill Stream” was sung by Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Wes Bradnock dres­ sed in Centennial clothes. They were accompanied on the harp by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. A reading was given by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer. The highlight of the. after­ noon’s program was a spelling Donald Haines f in " Centennihi ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th 1967. SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, PICNIC STYLE DADIf smoked rvlUv cooked „ CANADA GRADE "K" - EVISCERATED FROZEN TURKEYS s JlOSHOULDERS ' MAPLE LEAF BRAND SAUSAGE MEAT 53 THE PERFECT MATE FOR ANY MEAT Reg. tin 27c — SAVE 9c 2 14-oz tins 45c Ocean Spray Whole or Jellied CRANBERRY SAUCE VAC PAC ALL SIZES 6 TO 20 LBS ONE LOW PRICE NO CONFUSION AT A&P 39 CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, 6 TO 14 LB. AVERAGE FRESH TURKEYS 49 Fresh Produce! . READY TO SERVE SMOKED U A IK cooked nAIvlJ PORTION lb BUTT PORTION y49 59 CENTRE CUTS OR HAM STEAKS WHOLE HAMS FULL CUT HALF HAMS AVAILABLE AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER RETAILS Mo centre slice* removed J<rr< Parker 'Reg. Price each 55c — SAVE 6c full 8-inch pie 49 Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade McIntosh apples 6 QUART BASKET NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P California, Fresh, Green, No. 1 Grade, Large Original Bunch BROCCOLI NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P1 Holiday-Quality Grocery Values! PUMPKIN PIE Ja«e Parker SPANISH BAR CAKE 3 89 Jane Parker CRACKED DDE AH WHEAT DKEmU A&P Fancy Quality Choice Quality A&P PUMPKIN A&P Pineapple — c Reg. Price each 39c — SAVE 28c c Rig. Price IW 25? SAVE 10c 24«ot loaves 65 c Reg. Price tin 37? — SAVE Tic 4841-oz tins Reg. PHCe 2 tins 43? — SAVE 4c 28-fhoz tins 9< Reg. Price tin 37c — SAVE 11? GRAPEFRUIT d«ihk 3 - Monarch SHORTENING Detergent SAIL LIQUID Ann Page SALAD DRESSING Mild & Mellow — 3db bag $1.89 SAVE 36c 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE Reg. Prieto pkg 39c — SAVE 6c 14b pkg 33c Reg. Price btl. 99c — SAVE 10o 64-fboz plastic btl 89c Reg* Prieto jar 35c *— SAVE 4o U-fl-oz jar 3t SAVE 10c i-i^6Se YOWS’ AWSO 81 West St., Goderich,