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Clinton News-Record, 1967-10-05, Page 5
From My Window not enjoyable Shirley Keller I’ve just returned from a 'trip, ■No, not the kind with trunks end suitcases to places like E^-po and ’the Rockies, But a trip—the kind with psychedelic sights and sounds and the true, meaningful, deep down experi ence. I hadn’t planned if. I left Suddenly, without giving it any previous consideration; Funny how some people plan for the plunge into that mysterious, ■cloud-shrouded unpredictable sort of subconscious haze’ so typical of “a .trip”. Not me. I went unawares-— and I don’t wish to 'go again, It was early evening oh Sum day when I began, At first, I though I wasn’t going-to mind. Nothing much seemed to change, I lay stark; still with an odd sensation, in the pit of iny stomach and a faint twinge in my head. The shivers were the worst part at that point. Nervousness, I suspected , They came and Went, flashing first warm and mildly feverish, then cool and decidedly chilled, When the Mf.rip” began in LAUNDRY SERVICE ( REE PICK-UP J aiodeuyeiy U Phone 482-9491 MEN'S SHIRTS HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET CLINTON (Near Drive-Li Theatre) - OUR SPECIALTY Open every Saturday morning. 10 a.crs. - 12 noon for your convenience LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY GODERICH SUNSET. OMVt-IM THEATRE P {CARLOW J, r~~f - <€> ST 1 ©HOLMES-x ^VVILLt/ CUNTObPx. ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS FRIDAY-SATURDAY October 6 & 7 Technicolor® nECHNISCOPE® imwud thru UNITED ARTISTS THE MIRISCH CORPORATION P'llinll -A# COLOR by DELUXE*’"- PANAVISION* ^UNITED ARTISTS I SQUADRON NOW THE SCREEN EXPLODES THE MOST IMPORTANT MISSION OF THE WAR! Mon., Tues., Wed. October 9-10-11 A sightless gunman... on a manhunt! ^CAMEROli'MITCHtLL TECHNICOLOR WIDESCREEN TERRIFYING! HELLS ANGELS ON WHEELS In COLOR * FANFARE FILMS PRODUCTION ■ A U. S FILMS RELEASE SUNDAY MIDNITE SHOW—OCTOBER 8 TRIPLE FEATURE HORROR SHOW 1— "BLOOD AND BLACK LACE" 2— "VILLAGE OF THE GIANTS" 3— "CURSE OF VOODOO" (All Three Shows Are Adult Entertainment) DADV THEA™ f< Iw GODERICH ■I ■ A A WHIM ON THE SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business ______ THURS., FRI.. SAT.October 5-6-7 Wakeup! fell over laughing.1!! __ ___________ Redford Fonda Boyer Natw!d« Evening ShoVvs at 7.30 and 9.20 o’clock "BAREFOOT IN THE PARK" hojds the ALL-TIME RECORD for the longest running motion picture in the 35-year history of the world famous RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL! Saturday Matinee—2.30—Children 35c "For Those Who Think Young" SERIAL — “CAPTAIN KIDD” MON., TUES., WED. October 9-10-11 TWO FOR THE ROAD" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Shows at 7,30 and 9.30 p.m. w Coming Next-----For 6 Big Days — October 12 to 18 "THE DIRTY DOZEN" One Show Per Night dt 8.00 p.m. sharp (Adult Entertainment) ■a earnest, it was late Sunday early Monday, I fprget which, My head was filled to the brim With the. most ugly thoughts about pain and suffering and anguish? My eyelids were heavy but stijl I forced them open fo peer into the night for some hint of sympathy. None came, I was alone, deserted in my misery except fpr the, sound of water running as from a tap and more water gushing, as from a toilet recently flushed. ‘ The minutes stretched into hours and then it was day, . I heard voices but I couldn’t call to them. I saw faces but they came and went like masks on All Saints’ Eve. Hands were pressed to my brow but they were cold and clammy hands, unlike the warm hands my mother laid so. gently on my forehead when I was a child. Then I remembered my child hood, when life was simple and good. I drifted peacefully for a while, recalling the warm sunshine’ in my youth a5Qd the -acres of green grass I’d scamp ered about and the feel of silk pyjamas on a hot; hot night. Soon though, I was trans ported back to the depressing dream of the “trip”. Like a black, evil wave it swept me powerless over and over to the brink of a wide, white abyss where I seemed to empty my soul time and time again until there was nothing left to give up. My head wp,s like a furn ace in which, the fire was burn ing out of control. My mouth was .like a desert with nothing to' quench the arid thirst. My arms were like cooked spa ghetti, my legs like , clipped ribbons, my back' was an over ripe banana. Shortly now, I prayed, it will end. The “trip” Will be fin ished. But Monday became Tuesday and still it continued. Slowly, ever so slowly, reality returned. First my ears picked up 'the faint sound of a door opening, way .off in the dis tance. Other senses wore re cording the unmistakeable quiv- .er of my surroundings, like feet padding to and fro. My eyes, squinted at the light and caught the outline of my "son and daughter peering down at me as I rested in my own bed at home. “■Feeling better mom?”, they asked, almost’ in a whisper.' <se, M th e.'Z'.tri P ”, M ^Xo^ef, 'ana.another*battle wHK tfic'flq- bug almost won. ---------------0--------------- or Socks are hung up On the hustings recently, it is like Christmas Eve. Not a creature is stirring, put the stockings are hung. , In our riding, tlfe. longest sock belongs to the Conser vatives. Although the Hop, Charles MacNaughton has kept all toe holes mended, the stock ing appears.to be filled wito all sorts of gpod things like new industry, better roads, finer schools, improved hospi tals, the works ... an no in crease in taxes! The oldest sock is owned by the Liberals} who have, beep battling for. year? and yeprs to unseat the Tory government. After so many campaigns, the Liberal footwear is getting a little thin but Dr. MorganSmith is reinforcing it with the threads of goodwill and hard work, two unbeatable materials. The cleanest sock was hung by John Boyne of the New Dem ocratic Party. It is freshly knit and highly styled of a yarn woven from grievances heard from disgruntled citizens un happy with the performance of the two major parties. All three are pinned to a mantel labelled October 17 and they wait for the voter to come. LAC T. T, Brisbane, CFB Clinton, received the Reg Stevens* Memorial Trophy form W/C O.E. Warner, Acting Base Com. mander, fpr the best individual score during the pistol com petition held at the base. The trophy is named after the late Reg Steyens, a former military police sergeant at CFB Clinton. Huron TB Assoc. consider equipment Rally delegates The Blyth WI accepted ap invitation to attend the October meeting of the Clinton WJ, Mrs. M. Wiltse and Mr?, C. Elliott were appointed to attend the coarse on Yeasty to be rooms. A numbt to attend to ... . rally to be held in Creditop on October 2_wlth Mrs. C^ “Working with •’ Jn the board x members plan Huron County WI Holland and Mrs. Frank Cum. mlngs, the voting delegates. Mrs, A. Crich had Mrs. S, Whittington take the topic on Education, Mrs. M. Njyins en. tertained with several selec. tions pn the mouth organ. Mrs. Amy Crich held the lucky ticket on the draw. The meeting closed with a delicipus lunch being served by Mrs. E. Radford's group, KEEP FIT AND ENJOY DOING IT BADMINTON FOR CLINTON AND DISTRICT I AS PART OF AN ADULT RECREATIONAL PROGRAM chest x-ray survey in the coun ty would begin on October 2, 1967, Mrs. Follis reported 107 chest clinic x-rays and 14 em ployment x-rays had been re ported since the last meeting. G.A. Watt of Blyth, associa tion president, visited patients in Sanatorium in August and reported that the medical dir ector, Dr. J.B. Robinson had commended the Association for their constant interest and help. E.C. Boswell, Seaforth, gave the Christmas Seal Campaign report and E.E. Walker preside ed. Dreamy The Huron County Tubercul osis Association is considering the purchase of a compressor pump for inhalation therapy in the treatment of chronic pul monary disease, particularly emphysema it was indicated at an association meeting in Clin ton recently. The pump con sists of a face mask which car ries medication in a fine mist to the lungs with the air pres- ‘ -■.$ sure being supplied by the pump •’ , , itself. The equipment, if purchased, -------------: * to patients whose physician has V prescribed this type of therapy. One to two weeks treatment :^ with a pump will stabilize a patient’s condition for a lengthy 5 period of time; two treatments ■ per day of 15 minutes each will be taken by the person. The equipment is simple, rug ged with sealed lubrication and no fire danger according to in* formation included in the Edu cation Committee Report given by Miss Eileen O'Brien the chairman. Miss O’Brien said 41 school principals in the county had received the booklet “The .Story of the Christmas Seal" plus a simple Crossword Puz- zle on TB with answers. The principals are now requesting these materials for their teach, ers. •• Mrs. Anne Follis, Case Find ing chairman, said an industrial --------------------- ------ ■ I CHSS Donate to M. D. A. The Clinton Women's Insti- _______ ____, __ r_______j tute met in the board rooms WjH pe loaned free of charge, of the Agricultural office, on September 28,with a good at tendance. Mrs. W. Colclough, the president, opened the meet ing. This was followed by a min ute of silence in remembrance of a former member, Mrs. E. Lawson. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Art Groves, and Mrs. M. Bat kin gave the treasurer's re- • port. The correspondence was read and it was moved to send $5 to the Muscular Dystrophy Society and to have a wreath placed on the cenotaph, as in former years. It was also de cided to sponsor a one-day bus trip to Owen Sound, Colling wood etc. on October 11. All members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade are volun teers, ;,In /Cana.da?!!the,JBri.’gade is. >made up o‘f> more than ,11’000 men, women, and teenage cadets. designers The second meeting of the Clinton 4-H Homemaking Club held on Tuesday, September 26 at the home of Mrs. Keith Tyndall resulted in the club being named “The Clinton Dreamy Designers?’ Mrs. Tyndall and Mrs.- Hol* land* showed the girls how to make continuous bias and mit* ered corners. They discussed the types of fabrics which could be used for the various pro. jects, a bedspread, a dresser scarf, throw cushions, chair pads and waste basket covers. ,»«>• ,■■■ ft.' eiatev'-* .<■ ) 4; ■V THE CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD AND ITS Advisory Vocational Committee OFFERS ADULT NIGHT CLASSES ■nd Thursday, commencing 7:30 p.m., October 17 19, in the following subjects providing sufficient received in each course and instructors are available. Each Tuesday ■nd October enrollment is Registration will be by coupon below and fees collected' at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 17 and Thursday, October 19. Fees shall be $5.00 for Business and Recreation courses, $10.00 for •■ch academic course, and $15.00 for Technical courses. Materials will be provided for Business/Technical subjects. An additional $1.00 will be charged each person for insurance coVerage while on Board premises,- in accordance with Board policy. Business - Recreational — 7:30 - 9:30 TUESDAY Typewriting Sawing ■ Baric Oil Painting Bridge THURSDAY Bookkeeping Sewing - advanced Millinery Rug Hooking Technical ~ 7:30 - 9:30 Auto Servicing Drafting > advanced Welding Drafting * Baric General Carpentry Academic —■ 7:30 - 10:30 Fhyrici 11 Mathematics 11 English 13 History 13 English 13 Other courses may be made available should there be sufficient demand. In order that tha Board may have an indication of interest in the subjects being offered, please register now using the coupon: l” “ Central Huron Secondary School, I | Evening Classes, ■ 1 CLINTON, Ontario. | II am interested in attending Evening School next October1 ■ ■nd hope to register in the following subject (»): ,a | | SUBJECT (s): I- Name: . Address: - Telephone: ___________ ___ ____ _______ _ h * ■ ■ ■ ■ at at w ■ p, an ■ ■ 39, 40 I GYMNASIUM Any Wednesday Night 8 to 11 p.m BEGINNERS* WELCOME • Coach In Attendance • Come Out and Try The Game Running Shoes Only Equipment Necessary For First Couple of Nights. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: BILL and MARY HEARN 482 3893 KEN and JANEEN CLYNICK 482-9971 39-40 Keep A Good Man Working For Huron — And For Ontario Progress has a As’Treasurer of .Ontario, Charlie MacNaughton bears the responsibility to continue this Province’s sound financial management. Here are his comments: “All of us are proud of the progress Ontario has made under the positive programs of the Robarts Government. We are proud, too, that Huron riding is sharing in these achievements.”. “But we must remember that there is a price tag as sociated with progress and we must keep our taxes at a sensible level.” “It’s time to put the lid on taxes, to. keep them in check, to maintain a realistic level which reflects the income of our people”. This is the responsible^view of a senior member of the Robarts Government — a man who champions the com mon sense outlook of the people of Huron. price tag MocNAUGHTON X A strong voice for Huron on the Robarts team 17 - YOUR DATE WITH PROGRESS You are invited to hear The Hon. James C. Auld Minister of Tourism & Information The Hon. Charles MacNaughton Treasurer of Ontario Friday, Oct. 13, 8:30 p.m. Harbourlite Inn, Goderich Published by the Huron Progressive Conservative Association ■»