HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-09-28, Page 4rr 4 Clinton Nevis-Record, Thursday, September 28, 1967 CUSTOM WQRK ....... HAH!.... Ji..'.iiiiwiiiii ......... CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES (REVISED May 1, 1*M> CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75e 25c Extra will be added to each Insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 5Oo DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $ 1.40 Per Inch Repeat Claw Display. 90c per inch Birth/ Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 L ir. . ---------- -------------------1 ARTICLES FOR SALE LARGE Wood-turning lathe In first class shapa, complete with m^tor. Phone 482-9995. John Plumtree, 36ifb NOW AVAILABLE gt Anstett Jewel­ lers Limited — Portable Typevvriiers and Adding Machines, $5 down, $5 a month. 27 tfb LADIES* black Borg coat, size 40, fn new condition, too large for owner. Phono 527-0758, Seaforth. 39b ONTARIO No. 1 potatoes, 3 miles west of Hensail on Highway 84, Phone 236-4038, Zurich, 39-49b DlJo THERM space heater, good con­ dition, $35.QO, Phone 482-9636. 39p SIXTEEN foot cedarstrip boat, 40 h.p. Mercury electric-start motor; trailer, fully equipped, best cash offer; lug­ gage trailer, metal body, 600 lb. capacity, like new, best offer; car- top carrier, metal tubing construction; trailer hitch fpr Ford Falcon; % h.p. electric motor; Baby Tenda; car bed; Viking washing machine, tub type. Phone^ 482-7787. 39, 40p 30" ENTERPRISE electric stove; GM Frigidaire, 7 cu. ft.; 2 couches; rock­ ing chair; high back sink; quart seal­ ers; Wingham Clipper cook stove; dresser and wash stand; desk; 2 hot plates; 3 tables; some cooking uten­ sils and dishes. Phone 482-3380, if no answer call 482-9113, Mrs. Edith Aldington, Varna, from Thursday, Sept. 28 to October 4. 39p ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT CAPONS, oven ready. Mrs. Arnold Taylor, phone 482-9155, 39b. 3-BEDROOM apartment for rent, un- furnised, Phone 482-6675. 35tfb TWO EXPO 7-day passports for youths. Phone 482-9077. 39p OVEN ready ducks for Thanksgiving. Phone 482-9159. 39b CARPENTRY, roqfing, cpttages, hpmes built, cabinets, stairs, trim, general repairs. For a|) yqur parpentry needs/ cal( 482-7461, A. Sheppard, 39, 40b Tel. furniture Repair and Rqfinish CA8INETS NOVELTIES 15 John Street, Seaforth 527-0430 Res. 527-1223 LOUIS OOSTERBOSH * 39-41 p BRICKWORK, stqnework, chimneys, plaster, stucco, repairs. Ray Squire, phone 527-1332. __________39tfb JACKS'S FURNITURE REPAIR: Furni­ ture repaired and refinished at REAR of 84 Albert Street. John Plumtree. Phone 482-9695. lOtfb WATCH REPAIR |s a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store, tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482- 7676, Ken McNalrn.________ 52tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Re­ pair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsings Store. Henk's Shoe Repairs, 71 Hamilton St., Goderich. 38tfb help WANTED FEMALE MISCELLANEOUS PARPTIM? Christmas he|pt grade 10, selling and cashier experience pre­ ferred. Reply to 5ox 391, Clinton News-Record. 39 b GENERAL duty woman: Apply Hofei Clinton. Phpne 482-3421, .39, 409 PIANO TUNING YOUR P)ANO should be tuned and checked fpr moth damage and other defects regularly- I appreciate the continued privilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 33tfb REAL ESTATE 3-BEDROOM brick house, in good location. Phone 482-9306. 38btfb FOR SALE:'In the Village of Bayfield, a residence- and commercial building, located on the East side of Highway 21 .For inspection and particulars, contact The Industrial Mortgage & Industrial Trust Company, Forest, Ont, 36-39b DAILY CAR RENTAL, reasonable rate*. McGEE's, Goderich, phone 524-8391, Mb ^ET ys REPAIR AND MAKE yovr ringit und jewellery like pew, Dia mend rings renewed and stone* Safely securedt-dop't take chancas. jxpfot work Uqne reasonably to your Satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringinfl, Mf. N- Counter, tfb SERVICES OVER 30 YEARS dependable servlet at low cosf. John Bach, Seaforth. Phone 527-Q120. 'Yopr IH dealer, 32tfb ARROW Gasoline and Diesel o|l — Valvoline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment ,ed, Gordon Grigg. Phone 482-9411. 39tfb AUCTIONEER arjd Appraiser' Licensed and capable In selling all types of' auctipn sales. Bruce Rafhwell, Bruce­ field, Phone 482-3384. 7tfb EXTRA garbage and junk pick-up service ,Phone evenings 482-7318 or 482-9134. 19tfb HOUSE FOR RENT, 108 Albert St. Available Oct. I. Apply to Ed. Grigg, phone 482-7414. 3?lfb UNFURNISHED, self-contained, one- bedroom apartment. Centrally located. Private entrance. Phone 482-94/7. 36tfb I,... , .. .w,...........II ill ■ MH— ■■1^ KAY ARCH top guitar with pick-up and case, excellent condition, $55.00, bargain for guitar student, Phone 482-3342, 39b SELF-CONTAINED one-bedroom apart­ ment, furnished, all utilities paid, $75.00 per month. Paul Bunyan Motel, Bayfield. For appointment call 271- 2308, Stratford or at motel weekends. 32tfb ORDER your selection of imported Dutch bulbs for fall planting now__ catalogues available at Clinton Farm Centre. Phone 482-9333. 39b We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE King Street Phone 482-7562 SEVEN-room ranch style brick house in Seaforth, nearly new, hot water gas heated, fireplace, modern kitchen; 1 acre land, garage. Priced to sell. Phone 527-1332. 38-41 b HOUSE FOR. "SALE-1%-storey house, insul brick,, . conveniently located on large lot on quiet street. Enquiries should be made to 482-6654, 39tfb FIVE-ROOM red brick home, carport, 2% acres land, VLA available, No. 4 highway. Phone 482-7651. 39p 46 WEEKEND SPECIAL—ladies' sealskins, $11.95 and $12.95, regular $17.95, at Ray's Shoe Repair, 35 Huron St., Clinton. 39b ' - Weed Cutting, Ploughing or Cultivating Call George McGee at Clinton Cab, 482-7011 tfb THREE-BEDROOM winterized cottage, 3-piece bath, garage, $5,500. Lauck- ner Real Estate, Adam Flowers, Bay- field, phone 565-2813. 39tfb PET STOCK ONE-BEDROOM unfurnished apart­ ment, upstairs, living room, kitenen, bathroom, heated, suitable for couple. Apply McEwan's Store. 28tfb GIRL'S coat, like new, size 10, red. Call mornings or evenings. Phone 482-3337. 39b APARTMENT for rent—newly decorat­ ed, centrally located, suitable for single person or couple. Available October 1. Call H. C. Lawson at 482-9644. .... . ................. • 37tfb TWO red winter coats, black fur trim, sizes 10 and 12; reversible black ski jacket, size 10; three-quarter length brown mouton fur jacket, size 12; man's brown tweed sports jacket, size 38. Phone 482-9317. 39b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 527-1406 German Shepherd Labrador Retriever PUPS Mother Registered PHONE HENSALL 262-5321 ONE-BEDROOM unfurnished apart­ ment, upstairs, heated, suitable for couple, own entrance. Available Sept. 30. Phone 482-9573, after 6 p.m. 38, 39b CCM Mustang bicycle, like new, rea­ sonable. Apply North End Store or phone 482-3323. 39b LARGE' brick house with oil heating, 4-piece bath, built-in cupboards. Im­ mediate possession Phone 262-5054. 38, 39b TWO oil burners, one with fan and controls, in good condition. Also oil tank with tap. Phone 482-7187. 39b HELP WANTED PART-TIME custodial help required for Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, Ontario. Apply stating age, experi­ ence, if any, by October 5 to J. E. Caldwell, Sec.-Treas., Box 176, Hen- sall, Ontario. , 39b 38-39p SIX-room apartment, downtown, up­ stairs at 16 Albert St., $50 month. For- further information call at Clin­ ton News-Record office. 38tfb BROADLOOM THREE-bedroom house for rent, in Brucefield, available now. Apply to Norris Sillery, 482-3368. 38, 9b CLINTON'S CELANESE CARPET CENTRE MAN or man and wife to have use of equipped housekeeping, winterized 2-bedroom cottage in exchange for half days of painting and amateur carpenter repairs. Low rent. G. Hazel­ wood, R.R. 1, Bayfield, 482-9911, 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. ' 39b THREE-bedroom house for rent, cen­ trally located, available Oct. 1. H. C. Lawson, phone 482-9644. 38tfb Wall to Wall Installations Area Carpets. Samples shown in your home. Free Estimates. Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. or HELP WANTED FEMALE STORAGE SPACE—We have ample un­ heated storage space for boats, motors, furniture, etc. Contact Ellwood Epps Sport ‘Shop at 80 King St., Clinton. Phone 482-9622. 38tfb DOWNTOWN apartment, heated 2- bedroom, electric stove. Phone 482- 9216. 39, 40p Quality you can trust' From GIRL OR LADY with driver's licence for light housework. Apply to Box 330, Clinton News-Record. 33, 34, 35b, 37tfb TWO-BEDROOM apartment for rent, heated, unfurnished, available Octo­ ber 1. Apply Clinton Electric, phone • 482-6646. 39b BALL & MJTCH LTD. CREST Hardware and Furniture Phone 482-9505 Clinton 23tfo HAIRDRESSER-must be experienced and reliable, full or part-time. Apply to Box 370, Clinton News-Record. 37tfb The position at News-Record office has been filled. Thank you for your applications. TWO-BEDROOM furnished and heated apartment, private bath, washing facilities, close to uptown. Phone 482-3329 at noon or after 5 p.m. ____ 39p ARTICLES WANTED LARGE desk in good condition. Phone 527-1587. 39-40b FOR RENT—2-bedroom cottage. Phone '482-9512. 39b BROWNIE uniform wanted, hew style, complete set, Phone 482-9410. 39b FOR SALE OR RENT SET of bunk beds wanted, in good condition. Phone 482-9192. 39b DALE'S Sunoco, Exeter — Tent . trail­ ers, hard or sdft top. Sales — Rentals. Open evenings and weekends also. Phone 235-1710. 19tf b ARTICLES FOR RENT SMALL HOUSE on James St., 2 bed­ rooms, gas heated. Phone 482-7160. 39p- ARTICLES FOR SALE CHAINSAWS, Garden Thiers and Power Mower rentals at J. W. Peck's (former Wells Auto Electric), King St., Clinton. Phone 482-3851, 36lfb AUTOS FOR SALE STENOGRAPHERS $2,848 - $4,256 TYPISTS $2,779 - $3,269 Required for DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE Clinton, Ontario No Experience Necessary Typists will be required to pass a typing test at 35 words, per minute and, in addition stenographers will be required to pass a shorthand test at 80 words per minute. Application form? PSC 100, obtainable at Canada Manpower Centre and Post Offices, should be forwarded to the Public Service Commission, 395 Dun­ das Street, London, Ontario, not later than October 6, 1967, Stenographers, competition 67-T-3097 Typists, competition 67-T-3098 SIMPLICITY Washers now available at T. A. Dutton Appliances, Bruce­ field. Open evenings. 38tfb BLACK Hudson Seal fur coat, size 18. Phone 482-9374. 39p 1962 CHEVELLE If automatic, in per­ fect conditiPn, low mileage, Reason­ ably priced, bhone 482-7829, after 6 p.m. 39b The Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board MclNTOSH riow being picked; also Cortlands; 7 days a Week, 9 a.m. to 9 p.iTi.; also windfair Macs, Follow No. 8 to Holmesville, turn towards store, follow signs, Art Bell's Fruit Farm, 524-8037, 38-9 196Z CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hardtop/ Sports coupe, V-8, automatic, power steering rtnd brakes, push button tadlp, reat Speaker, whitewalls, heavy duty suspension, tinted black, $3,200 or best offer. Financing Can be arranged. Phohe 482*7113. , 39p COLEMAN spade oil heater with filter, like new; electric two-plate with overt; electric 4-burner Chef­ master stbve. ■ Nbrris Sillery, phone 482-3368, 38, 9b 1958 CHEVROLET bus, can be used for converting to camper. Phone 565- 26/4. . 39b CURTAINS - Draperies « Window Blinds « Vehrttfen Blinds - Batnboo • Drapery Track, Drapery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free EitirtiSfes Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS, 1963 DODGE, black, red and white inferior, V-8, automatic, power brakes. Phdne 482-3245, 39, 40p Use Classified Ads Per Quick Results Refoirrts INSTRUCTORS FOR NIGHT CLASSES Ta Be Hold At central Huron secondary school CLINTON, ONT. as advertised in this issue Applications to be forwarded to the undersigned not later than October 1H7. Mr, R. J. Homuth, B.A., Principal, Central Huron Socondary School, Clinton, Ontario. 7, DEAD STOCK AAARLATT. BROS. pay %c per lb. ’on 500 tbs. over for dead or disabled cows horses. Please phone promptly Phonu Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE LICENSE 390C65 Will and and 7tfb BUY BARGAINS in Farm Research by the ton or by the bag from your Purina dealer. See for yourself the outstanding results fo be gained. Clinton Farm Centre, 482-9333. 30tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. 18)fb Dr. AA. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V,S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding PHONE 524-8573 Goderich, Ontario Use Classified Ads For Quick Results ATTENTION FARMERS’ FOR SALE----------------------------- ----j WE HAVE a good supply of grass seed and Pfister corn. George Wraith ana Co,, Highway 8, 1'/a miles south of Goderich. Phone 524-6511. 18tfb FARMWAY '' barn cleaners — have your barn measured now for spring installation. Hallman Silos - place order early. For the best silo un­ loaders and bulk feeders, see Van Dale. Versatile swathers and grain augers. George Wraith and Co., High­ way 8, 1%'miles south of Goderich. Phone 524-6511. 18tfb APPROXIMATELY 6-ton of feed barley for sale. Art Bell. Phone 524-8037. 38b TWO-ROW bean puller with new knives to fit front end of Ford or Ferguson tractor.. Apply Calvin Bas- back, 228 Isaac St., Clinton, across from Hudie's Sawmill. No phone. 39p BALED OAT straw for sale; also wood for stove or fireplace. Phone 482- 3221. 36tfb Fall Fertilizer Bag and Bulk Fertilizer for wheat and plow-down. Phone CLINTON FEED MILL 482-3484 37, 38, 39b 9tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FREE quiet saddle horses with saddle and bridle for their winter keep. Apply Frank Little, 320 South St., Goderich. Phone 524-8429. 39, 40b 15 PIGS, 9 weeks old. Phone Blyth, 523-4220. 39b 45 PIGS, ready to wean. Phone Hensail, 262-5351. 39p CONSIGNMENT Stocker Sale—at Luck­ now Community Sale on Monday, October 2 at 1:30 p.m. Over 400 head to be sold. Emile MacLennan and Allan MacIntyre, auctioneers. WANTED 39b IMMEDIATE CASH for good standing timber and bush lots. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig. 29tfb WANTED—A manure spreader with power take-off, not more than 4 years old. Write Box 390, Clinton News-Record. 39b CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM white-washing, blowing cob­ webs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ken' Weber, phone Brussels 442J4 38 43p CUSTOM corn combining, 36-inch rows Ervirte Sillery, Brucefield. Phone 482-7590. 39p CUSTOM corn picking with self un­ loading boxes and elevator. Apply to Larry Fisher, R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone 524-9864. PLOUGH for sale, 3-furrow Interna' tional, in good condition, slightly used. Priced reasonable. Phone 482- 3462, F. W. Andrews, Clinton. 38-39b 40 Clinton Community Auction Solos EVERY FRIDAY EVENING at 7:30 pjn. Government IhOHOtoa toe lee Cottle 80ld by Weight TERMS: cash We ere ahlpping pattle every Monday for United Co-operotives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 52^0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 lebw I' AUCTION SALE of Household Efforts of fofl ' Esfofo of Mrs. Gartruda A. McVittie, from fou county .road oast fo fha VILLAGE OF LONOESBORO on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27 •t 1 p.m, foa following Household Effects — 3-piece chest- erfield suite; 2 platform rockers; 4 antique side chairs; foot stool; piano smd bench (good condition); Victorian chair; t 3 upholstered chair.?; end tables; foleyisfon (2)-inch); magazine rack; studio couch; wicker rocking chair; 3 rocking chairs; oak table; 6 oak chairs; china cabinet; several small tables; 2 large rugs; scatter rugs and mats; 2 oak beds complete; iron bed complete; dressers; wash stands; console table; TV serving’ trays; card tables; hall rack; large mirror; stand; wall i clocks; lawn lamp; ironing stove (A-1 condition); ,2 kitchen cup­ boards; mantel clock; kitchen clock; lathe; band saw; 8-inch planer jointer; carpenter's tools; garden fools; platform scale; cook stove; work bench; extension tedder; other lad­ ders; kitchen dishes; fancy and an­ tique dishes including Bridal Wreath Jimoges; silverware; glassware; cook­ ing utensils, Numerous other articles including • 1948 Chevrolet coach, Please note this is a large sale will start at 1 o'clock sharp, Terms — Cash Harry Oakes, Roy Eatom, < Executors of the Estate Edw, W. Elliott, Auctioneer 3/-30O tri-light; ha|l free; smokers sewing machine; foot stool; mirrors; fernery; 2 electric extension table; kitchen chairs; chairs; 2 brass lamps; blue brass extension lamp; trunk; board; refrigerator; electric and AUCTION Sale of Household Effects from 110 Huron Street, Clinton, on Saturday, September 30, at 1:30 p.m. the following: Household Effects: Early Victorian walnut couch; Victorian double roll walnut couch; Bell piano and bench; oak' round lamp table; chesterfield chair; 3-piece chesterfield suite; small tables .including magazine tables; end tables; console table; coffee table; floor lamps; table lamps; wall lamps; walnut glass cupboard (antique-cherry and butternut); Wilton rug, 9' x 12'; green nylon rug, 9' x 12'; oak dining room extension table (large); 4 dining room chairs; arm chair; oak small chest; cherry serving table (antique); sewing cabinet; 3 chest of drawers; Jenny Lynd walnut bed, complete; bedroom chair; 3-piece bedroom suite; 3 metal beds, complete; 2 commode stands; cherry drop leaf table; 2 drop leaf tables; high boy chest; 4 rocking chairs; 5-piece breakfast- suite; other tables and chairs; 2 studio couches; 2 pair po.tiere drapes; kitchen cabinet; Moffat electric stove; Kelvinator re­ frigerator; Simplicity washing machine; General Electric floor heater; 4 TV • luncheon tables; dishes; picture frames; oil lamps; pictures; toilet set and part toilet set (including an­ tiques); quantity of’'book's; carpenter's tools; .garden tools; nufoerous other articles. Terms: Cash. No reserve as Mrs. Marion Edward W. AUCTION SALE Qf Property and Household Efforts frqm 95 Streep Clinton, on Saturday, Psfober 7.th at .1 P m- th® following: Property: The property consists jpf spacious for yyith approximate frontage of 90 foef .and depth pf 350 feet on which ,js sltMffod a 1% stprgy 9-rpgm ?9lfo bdch house with ? synrqpm, a 3-piece bathroom up- jstairs and. .6 2-piecp bathroom down­ stairs, byilt-in kitchen cypbpsifos, foil basement, a nearly new oil for* and, a garage attached to tfaq house, A|sp on this property is fl frame barn, W x 24> The house hfo been adopted to be used as a duplex. Household Effects, etc, -- 3-piece vefoyr velvet chesterfield spite; daven­ port (nearly new); studio couch; yp* bolstered swivel chair; Dy Mont 21- inch TV with rotor control; combina­ tion radio and record player; records; knee hofo desk; desk (antique); hall tree; hall mirror; hall table; book case; books; mpsic cabinet; TV serv­ ing table?; card table; end fable; small fables; 4 Utility .tables; oak sideboard; combination chfo.a cabinet flnd buffet; oak library table; 4 metal folding chairs; large cherry chest of drawers; large oak chest of drawers; upholstered arm chair; twin beds, complete (nearly new); wogden bed springs, and inner spring mattress; iron bed; box springs and inner spring mattress; large wardrobe; dresser; 3-drawer chest; commode; table lamp; wall lamps; tri-light; floor lamp; nylon rug 11'6" x 9*; nylon rug 12' x 17'; Axminsfer rug 9' x 12'; Roll-a-way bed; foot stool; scatter mats; 2 oak arm chairs; sewing ma­ chine; 5-piece chrome breakfast suite; Frigidaire refrigerator; Findlay enamel ejectrjc range with timer control and window oven; Beach electric range; electric Washing machine; laundry tub; electric vacuum cleaner; electric floor heater; clothes hamper; clothes horse; dishes; glass; cooking utensils; Choremaster roto-tiller; Johnson Lawn Boy 21-inch self-propelled power mower; garden tractor; wheel barrow; extension ladder; garden tools; steel posts; numerous other articles. Terms and the property Terms Cash. For view of the property or further particulars apply to Edward W. Elliott. Phone 482-9676. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer, Ray Fear, Proprietor, 39, 40b BIRTHS HAYTER„Jn Sjtrfltfprd General Mb pltfll^ on Monday, September £ 1967, Jo Mr. Mrs*. Allan Hayfo Stratford, a tfa.uphforl Tfocpy, J anne, a .sister for Lori, HESSELS—r-ln Clinton Public Hosplta on Wednesday, September 2 196?, to Mr. and Mrs, John Hessel ^Jyth, fl ?lflughter. HOGGART—In Clinton Public Hospita pn. Thursday, September ?1, 196, to Mr, snd Mrs. John Hoggart, R.r Londesboro, a son. ' PIPE—In GlintPrt Public Hp?pitfll, p Monday, September 18, 1967, t Mr. and Mrs, Jphn Pipe, Brussels a son. CARD OF THANKS W§ wish to take this ppportunit to thank all our friends and neighbor apc| anyone who helped fo any wa at the time of our barn fire, witl thanks to the Clinton Fire Departmen who responded so quickly; also to tht Bayfield Department.__Sincerely, JAC| AND MARION SMITH AND FAMILY. 391 Charles Vodden and family wist to thank their many friends and neigh' bors for their many kind expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, donations to Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Heart Foundation, Gideon Bibles and cards extended to them in the loss of a loved wife and mother, Thanks to Roy. Tschanz, Mr. Lloyd Tasker, the pallbearers and flower bearers. Special thanks to Dr. Street; the nurses of the second floor of Clinton Public hospital, also those who sent cards, treats, flowers and visited her while her stay in the hospital. 39b I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for cards, flowers and visits while J was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Street and the nursing staff.— MRS. W. A. VOLK. 39p on property, 10% down balance in 30 days with the sold subject to reserve bid. on household effects, etc.: STOCKER and Feeder Cattle Sale of 1,400 head at Brussels Livestock Ltd., Brussels, Ontario, on Tuesday, October 3 at 1 p.m. Jack Bryane and Hugh Pearson, proprietors, Emil McLennan and’ Allan MacIntyre, auctioneers. 38, 39b the properly is sold. Seeley, Proprietress, Elliott, Auctioneer. 38, 39b Base p.m. run- not ESTATE AUCTION SALE of property, machinery and household effects, lot 43, concession 13, Hullett Township, 1 mile south of Auburn, on the Line, on Friday, October 6 at 1 Machinery: Dodge sedan in ning condition; Plymouth sedan, in running condition; Case tractor on rubber, not in running condition; 3- furrow International plow; quantity of scrap iron; Portland cutter; set of sloop sleighs; some household effects, glass cupboard, extension fable, kit­ chen chairs. Property: At the same place, 3 p.m., property will be offered for salt subject to reserve bid, 93 acres more or less, clay loam land, all workable except 5 acres, frame house and barn. Terms: Chattels cash; property 10% down, balance fo 60 days unless other arrangements made. Estate of the late John Wagner William J. Wagner, LUella Wagner, Executors of the estate. Donnelly & Murphy, solicitors for estate, Harold Jackson, auctioneer. 38, 39, 40b I wish to express my thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Thompson, nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital; also for flowers, cards and visits while I was a patient in hospital.—MRS. JAMES BOYLE. 39p The family of the late Elmore A. Keyes wish to express their thanks and sincere appreciation to friends, relatives and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, floral tributes, donations of Gideon Bibles and' to the Ontario Heart Foundation during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Pastor Ivor Bodenham, the pallbear­ ers, the ladies of Emmanuel Baptist Church and to Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home. 39p CLEARING AUCTION SALE of choice 150-acre farm, livestock, hay and grain on the premises, Lots 13 and 14, Concession 1, West Wawanosh, % mile east of Nile store or 6 miles west of Auburn, Thursday, October 19s,at 1 o.'clock; :> 3. ' Farm has two sets of buildings, one house with modern conveniences, one barn with pressure system and water bowls and is all workable except 5 acres of bush. Inspection invited. Terms on real estate 10% day of sale, balance in 60 days. Chattels: cash. Fred Horton, Proprietor. Emile McLennan, Auctioneer. 39-40 ESTATE AUCTION SALE of property and household effects in the town of* Clinton, 1 September 29th at 1 p.m, Some antique furniture and china; ;l 3-piece chesterfield suite; small size Bell upright piano and bench; 10 x 10 !j rug; mirrors; pictures; pedestal; occa- sional chairs; rocking chairs; settee; 2 antique rockers; small tables; oak J dining rbom suite; round table; oval glass china cabinet; 6 chairs; Chester- ‘l field bed; oil ■ space heater; mahtla radio; drop-head Singer sewing ma- !| chine; 7*ft. Frigidaire rahgette; chrome kitchen table; kitchen chairs; 8-day I kitchen clock; kitchen electric clock; J 2-bedroom suites; chest of drawers; ! trunk; bedding; drapes; flortr lamps; I vacuum Cleaner; extension table; set 1 bf dishrts; English china; ornaments; I kitchen Utensils; electrical appliances; : toaster; iron kettle; washing machine; : tubs; carpehtry tooli; garden tools; ; oil tank. Property at the sBrrte plrtce al 3:00 p.tn. The property will be offered for sale; S-tdbrti frbrrie Cottage; sun porch; full basement, All modern convert!* ences, terms 10% down, balance 30 dayi, Sold subject fo reserve bld, Irhmedihtrt possession. Chattels: Cash. Estate ot the late Edward Bbyes. Fbr further particulars apply fo Mrs. Eva Johrtsbrt, Goderich, phoifo 524- 7992, executrix of estate. Harbld Jacksort, Auctioneer, fMel Graham, Clerk. Executrix: Mr*. Eva Johnson, Mrs. Florence Fowler, Mfs. Mabel Reid. 38, 39b 132 Victoria 'Street, Friday, DEATHS TENDERS WANTED GLIDDON—Passed away in Goderich hospital on Tuesday, September 26, 1967, John Gliddon, formerly of Holmesville, in his , 80th,..year, fu­ neral service from 'Beattie Funeral Home, Cliqton, on Thursday’, Septem­ ber 28 with interment in Clinton Cemetery. WOOLFREY—At Joseph Brant Me­ morial Hospital, Burlington, on Wednesday, September 20, 1967, , Mrs. W. J. Woolfrey, wife of Rev, W. J, Woolfrey, Burlington, former Ontario Street United Church minister, Clinton, in her 72nd year. Funeral service from Southhall Fu­ neral Home, Burlington, on Friday evening, September 22 with inter­ ment in Bethesda Cemetery, Moore­ field, on Saturday, September .23. Tenders will be received by the undersigned by 5 p.m., October 6, 1967, for wiring and installation of heaters at Clinton Cemetery Mauso­ leum. Town Plans may be obtained from Clerk's office. Signed, John Livermore, Secretary. 39b TENDERS Sealed tenders for a 15,000 G.V.W. truck chassis only will be received by the undersigned until September 30, 1967. For further particulars contact DOUGLAS ARMSTRONG, Superintendent, Zurich Public Utilities. 39b BIRTHS GROSS—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, September 19, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gross, Londes- bOro (nee Marguerite Scott), a son. COMING EVENTS Thursday, Sept. 28 —• BINGO a' Clinton Legion Hall, 15 regular game for $5.00; 2 share-the-wealth games 1 special game for $25.00, the firs letter "L" and first letter "T" applie on this game for $2.00 each; 3 share the-wealth games; jackpot applies oi ihose 3 games $55.00 in 55 numbers 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admis sion 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 fo $1.00. tft Holland, Corps; between election, , Teeswater Fall Fair—Come early or Saturday, September 30th to CAN­ ADA'S LARGEST RURAL FAIR. Horse races, Klompen dancers from Mocha Temple Motorcycle Bantis; Log-sawing contest candidates in forthcoming Auto show; Horse show; 4-H; famous Silver Dollar Competition; Rides; Ex­ citement and thrills. All and more at TEESWATER on SATURDAY, SEPTEM­ BER 30th. FREE GRANDSTAND. Stage Show and dance to The Debonnaires irt arena Saturday night. 38, 39b MAKE PICKETT & CAMPBELL LTD YOUR MONEY TREE STORE SEND YOUR SALES SLIPS TO CKNX, WINGHAM AND BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE $500 MONEY TREE PRIZES. AND SCORES OF WORTHWHILE NEWER! SMARTER! BRIGHTER! Our Fall Lines of Men's Clothing Ate Now Arriving. BUY Now While Selections Are Best. SUITS - SPORT COATS - SLACKS - SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS - CASUAL SLACKS - SWEATERS Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9732