HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-09-21, Page 15V BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , , .. . . By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS > CLUB ACTIVITIES > VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. and said that she could read a daily newspaper through some of the slices of England’s fa­ mous roast beef!* ♦ * On Tuesday, Mrs, B, Mene- rey, Mrs. Carrie Heard, Mrs. Walter Westlake, Mrs. J, Hut­ chins, Mrs. Fred Mote, Mrs, Tom Bailey, Mrs. Olive Van- Fleet and Mrs. George Hopson ‘ joined die Mary Hastings Clin, ton group on a day trip to Toronto, ** * * Nigel Bellchamber left on Friday last to continue his stu­ dies at the University of West­ ern Ontario. Neil Bellchamber left on Tuesday to begin his first year at the university.♦ * * Phillip Turner, Stratford,was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner for the weekend.* * * Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill and family were Mrs. Lou Phillips and Fred of Mitchell; Helen of Ham­ ilton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phil­ lips and family of London; Faye Merrill also of London; .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merrill; Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. George Colclough and family, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snary, Toronto. A family dinner was enjoyed, in Clan Gregor Park. The men arid children had a good garne of ball while the ladies visited.* * * Mrs. J.B, Higgins spent last week G.M. wife, gins, i PERSONAL Ten members of the Bayfield branch attended a meeting of the Huron County Historical Society held at Wesley Willis Church, Clinton, last Thursday.* ♦ * . E.J. Pongracz, Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. W. Gmeiner, Birmingham, Michigan, spent the weekend at their cottages.♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and'Mrs. B.E. Foyston of Landon were at their cottages for several days last week. Recent guests of theirk were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Foyston of Hull, England.* ♦. * Mrs. Fred LeBeau spent se­ veral days in London last week. Accompanying her on her re. turn was her daughter and hus- band, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Moss. Other members of their family joining the LeBeau s for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher McLaughlin and Me. gan, Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Cluff, London.♦ * * ’ Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Nicholls of Bexton-on-Sea, England are guests of Mrs. Fred McEwen. Mr, Nicholls is a former re. sident of Bayfield. Doctors R. W. and Doris Nicholls joined their parents for the weekend. ♦ * ■* r Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner spent last week in Port Huron, Detroit and Windsor.♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Arkell attended the Western Fair, Lon. don, on Thursday.♦ ♦ * Mrs. Emerson Heard re. turned home on Saturday after, spending the past three weeks in England visiting relatives and friends in Luton. Wallasey, Chester, Leicester and other points of interest in the Mid­ lands. This is Mrs. Heard’s first visit to England in 31 years. in Toronto visiting Mrs. Chesney, her son and his Mr. ,and*Mrs. James Hig-These standard roses are shown in the garden of Mrs. Ella Castle, Bayfield. Mrs. Castle has some 51 bushes in her garden including flora bunda, climbing and standard varieties. 7 RECEPTION -nd DANCE DAWN ROBINSON AM BRUCE RATHWELl (Bridal Couple) 9 - 12 P M. on SEPTEMBER 30 At Zurich Community Centro - EVERYONE WELCOME - Music by the "BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS" Lunch Provided CMfri NuwaBmfrd, TburUay, September 21,1967 Roy Mann Cars 1964 Meteor sedan, radio. 1965 Pontiac Parisienne, 2-door hardtop, radio, heater. Workmen push ahead with the extension to the Bayfield Arena Saturday. The work which is • being done by volunteer labour has pushed steadily, ahead all summer under the direction of Mert Merner. • nImmunize ,says Minister 1962 Pontiac 4-door hard­ top, V-8, with radio. Miss Gayle Turner, Strat­ ford, accompanied by her fi- aned*, Brian King of London were with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Arkell for the weekendus ■ 4' * * Mrs. George Hopson is back home again after a whirlwind three-weeks*. tour of Scotland, Ireland and England. Mrs. Hopson who has a keen interest in old architecture, spent considerable time visiting churches, cathedrals and old buildings. She thinks that the English are expert at carving meat * * * Robert Aitken and Mrs. Tho- ‘ mas Lennox, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. S. Bryant last week. With Mrs. Bryant for the weekend was her ganddaughter, Miss Janie Myers, and Mrs. William Lumley and children London.♦ ♦ * Miss Delores Sinkiewiecz of Detroit, spent last week in the Jowett cottage area. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John MacKenzie visited their daughter and family, Professor and Mrs. Manley Thompson in Chicago from Friday until Wednesday of this week.* * * Mr. andMrs. Stanley Rumble, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil.. liam Murdock-attended the fun­ eral of the late J. W. McBeath.* * * Victor Hargreaves is con­ fined to his home having been injured at the sales barn.* * * ■ Nelson Reid is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Bayfield UCW met Thursday The United Church Women of the United Church in Bayfield met on Thursday evening' of last week in the basement of the church with a good atten­ dance.' Mrs. Penhale was in charge and conducted a discussion of • finances and the redecoration of the Sunday School rooms. An auction of homemade art. icles, jelly, jam, pickles, ■ cookies, etc., was held at the close of the meeting Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dunn re­ turned Wednesday evening from a trip around southern Ontario, which included Algonquin Park, North Bay; Ottawa, Upper Can. ada village and Niagara Falls. Ont. Liberals postpone meet The President of the Liberal Party in Ontario, Gordon Blair, announced today that the Party’s annual meeting scheduled for September 29 and 30 in Toronto has been postponed until after the Ontario general election. The decision was made by the .Party’s provincial executive. • Mr. Blair said that “the Lib. eral Party is eager to meet the challenge of the long-delay. ' ed' provincial election and en­ ters the campaign confidently under the leadership of Robert Nixon.” He said the executive’s de. cision was taken “in response to a general opinion within the • Party that all its efforts should be devoted to the current cam­ paign. ” After the election, the execu. tive will fix a new date for the annual meeting. Training Program BAYFIELD FIRE HALL VISIT YOUR 7:00 P.M. TUES., SEPT. 26 HUNTER SAFETY 17 Rattenbury MEN'S SHIRTS BAYFIELD FALL FAIR Dr. Morgan Smith The Liberals are TRACTOR OPERATORS HURON LAUNDRY " 154 BEECH STREET CLINTON (Near Drive-In Theatre) SAFETY CONTEST Contestant* May Be 16 to 20 APPLICANTS CONTACT ROBERT STIRLING, Sac. 38 f FREE PICK-UP 6^ AMDDEUVERY W Phone 482-9491 FARM SERVICE CENTRE FOR COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE Publiihad by The Huron Liberal Association . earning back in Huron" LAUNDRY SERVICE - OUR SPECIALTY Open every Saturday morning 10 a.m. - 12 noon for your convenience LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY TUES., WED., SEPT. 26 -27 PARADE At 1 or 2 O'clock Led by Band • 4H CLUB WORK • PONY CONTEST • TUG-OF-WAR MIDWAY ON GROUNDS • ** Arena Opens Tuesday, 7 to 10 p.m. Allan J. MacEachen, Minister of National Health and Welfare says, “National Immunization < Week reminds us that, the price of safety — in the maintenance of health, as in other areas — is eternal vigilance. . “We tend to forget the tragic loss of life at one time asso­ ciated in Canada with diphthe­ ria and smallpox, when it was ¥ Needed •••••••• BE A BLOOD DONOR • ••••• • • not unusual for several mem- bers of a family to die in a single epidemic. Closer to us is the memory ofpoliomyelitis. Many among us still suffer from its effects. Thanks to wide­ spread programs of immuniza­ tion, these diseases have al­ most been eliminated from our part of the world. Their occa­ sional occurrence, however, de. monstrates with painful clarity, the need to maintain the attack. v “Whooping cough is another potentially serious disease, the Mr. and Mrs. V. Terryberry of Goderich visited friends here last Wednesday.'* ♦ * Orval McClinchy is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. I . incidence of which'has been ra­ dically reduced through immu­ nization programs. And now, jneasles, which is- one more health hazard so often asso­ ciated with childhood; can be brought under control. “Immunization against teta­ nus is a precaution which none of us can afford to . neglect. Everyone is exposed daily to injury of one type or another and to the accompanying danger of infection.z “I am Iiappy to endorse the current effort of the Health League of Canada to bring these facts before our people arid to remind us that if we are to maintain our modern-day free­ dom from the communicable diseases of the past we must make full and continuous.use of the means provided by mo- dem-day medicine. 1962 Chevrolet Impala, 2- door hardtop, V-8,x radio. 1966 Mercury l/^-ton pick up, long box. Like new. One—4-wheel drive Jeep with snow plow. Roy Mann SHELL SERVICE STATION Clinton—482-9079 - 68^OLDS CEE HERE 30 ONTARIO ST,, CllNTON, ONT,PHONE 482*9321 ‘ EVERY OLDS HAS TO MAKF BEFORE WE MARK n NINETY-EIGHT LUXURY SEDAN IS AN AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE DEALER IN CLINTON . BROWN MOTORS LIMITED 68 1OLDS -H