HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-09-21, Page 8CliMten Nowe-Mocerd, * Tburedey, Safety check of older cars Ontario Department of Trans- port workers were at the weigh scales pear Holmesville l?isi week in co-operation with the Ontario Provincial Police to check motor vehicles in an attempt to weed out those in dangerously unsafe conditions. Vet's advisor here October 2 All ex-service personnel and ‘ jthelr dependents are invited to take advantage of a free Legion H,W. Moyer Service Bureau Officer from London will be at Legion Branch No, 140 on October 2 at ’ 5p.m. to give skilled advice on veterans* benefits. Anyone wltlTquestlonsonWar Disability pension, War Veter­ ans’ Allowance (Burnt-out Pen. sion), treatment, or hospit pare, is urged to call or wri H.E. Hartley, Clinton, who wi arrange ap appointment. PROMOTIONS Policemen were particularly Interested in checking elder model pars, although some newer cars were seen in the waiting lanes, some brought * purposely for the free service. Roll up your sleeve to save a life.. The car on the end* of the tow truck hoist was - considered unfit for the road by an Ontario Department of Transport crew working at a safety checkpoint near Holmesville last week. In co-operation with the Ontario Provincial Police, older model cars were flagged down and sent through the checking lanes for a complete examination by transport department mechanic?. If the car was found to be unsafe, the driver was cautioned not to drive it away but have it towed to a nearby garage for repairs. This one, branded “Puffa-Puffa Rice’’ is on its way to the mechanic of the owner’s choice, Crews looked to see that head, lights, tall lights, brake lights and signal lights were in work, ing order, tires were in safe condition, brakes and front end were satisfactory and that the car was roadworthy, generally.. | BE A BLOOD DONOI?] Promotions recently announl ced at Canadian Forces Basl Clinton were: LAC A. Turn bull (Radar Technician) pro! moted to Corporal; SergeantM Lapensee (Communication TecM Ground) and Sergeant H. FinJ lay (Communication Teel Ground) promoted to Fligh Sergeant; Corporal A. Perfit! (Telecommunication Technt cian) promoted to Sergeant, and Sergeant G, R, Coleman (School of Instructional Technique) pro. mofed to (Staff Sergeant. For Your Fall Fertilizer Requirements Reeve explains new setup ! «. Clinton Reeve Duff Thomp­ son, who is also chairman of the Huron County Library Board said Tuesday that several rate, payers in the county have been asking questions about the new library setup. He indicated that a report in the London Free Press on Tues, day, September 19, headlined “Library courier fleet begins daily service to Ontario uni ver­ sifies” might give some indic­ ation of the kind of service ,that is planned for Huron. “We won’t be that sophisticated, though” he quipped. Reeve Thompson, who has been responsible for much of the research into the project just accepted in the county last year, said the plan is to cat­ alogue all present and future books in every library in Huron and circulate, or make avail- able to everyone, everything owned by the Huron County Lib­ rary system. “It would be possible,” ex. plained Thompson, “for a book in the Bly th library to be avail­ able in the Zurich library. And if students anywhere in the county require special refer. ■" ence books which are not in the home library, it will be possible to get them very quickly if they are in the county at all,” Looking into the future, Reeve Thompson could foresee a prov­ incial library system, 'a nat. ional library system and some, day perhaps, an international ' library system. “Librarians in the future will have a new status,” the Reeve continued. “They will not be judges of reading material, but servants of the people.” Lighting systems and alignment came under careful scrutiny at the Ontario Department of Transport Safety Check ne,ar Holmesville last week in co-operation with the Ontario Provincial Police. Crews were looking for any mechanical failures which could contribute to accidents if not repaired in time. Although older model cars were the prime' object of inspection, newer cars were welcomed and checked free of charge. In the event that an unsafe car was found, the police urged the driver not to move the vehicle, except to have it towed to a nearby garage for repairs. Choice of mechanic was, of course, up to the owner of the car, AGRICO FERTILIZER on Wheat, Pasture, Hay Fields and LONOESBORO LONDESBORO - The Berean Unit of the United Church Women conyened on Thursday. Mrs. Pipe gave the Bible read- ing, Mrs. Wood gave a paper “Meditation on the LordsPray. er” and Mrs. Townsend presen­ ted a reading entitled a “Violin Sermon”. Mrs' Mabel Scott favored with a vocal number, a skit was conducted by Mrs. Ts.chanz and Mrs. Townsend and a contest naming familiar faces was led by Mts. Tschanz. A social cup of tea was en­ joyed at the close. Bert Brunsdon, who has been a patient in Ontario Hospital Goderich, returned home on Saturday for a week, but will CLINTON CHAPTER NO. 266 ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR 3 FALL BALL MRS. BERT ALLEN Phone 523-4570 return to hospital for further care. Bert’s health is much improved.* * * Mrs. Robert Scott and Ab yodden of Clinton were Sun. day visitors with Mrs. Mabel Scott.* * * The village was again sad. dened by the passing of a good , neighbor in the person of Mrs. Charles Vodden. She had been in failing health for the past year and her passing was not unexpected. She will be sadly missed by her friends and neigh- bors. Sympathy of the com. munity is extended to the family.* * * John Bromley is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. We hope John will soon be feeling better.* * ■ * Miss Flossie and Miss Est­ her Jamieson and friend Miss Queen Campbell called on friends in the village on Mon­ day evening.* * * Baptismal Service was ob­ served on Sunday when Lisa Marjory, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duizer was bap­ tised. The great grandparents,' Mr. and Mrs. William flunk­ ing and Mrs.- Bell attended the service. Staff shortage to blame for unfavourable report Assistant superintendant at Huronview Orval Jantzi said that a temporary staff short, age was to blame for the some, what unfavorable report filed by the Grand Jury following a tour of the premises on Sept, ember 5. Mr, Jantzi explained that the regular cleaning woman in the women’s bed care wing, where the delegation was making its inspection, was off work with a sprained ankle. To further complicate matters, no substi. tute help could be located al- though nursing staff did make every effort to help with the cleaning chores during the week. The Home employs three full-, time cleaning women and three fulltime male cleaners, respon. sible for halls, waiting rooms, dining rooms, sitting rooms, offices, etc. The Grand Jury report said, “It is our recommendation that more care be devoted to a better cleaning and dusting pro­ gram, and also that bed frames should be washed more regularly.” £ Jantzi admitted it was pos. sible that there was “some dust under the beds,” but he was hesitant to agree with the report which implied that the bed frames were dirty. Huronview head nurse Mrs. Dick Jacob who was on vac­ ation at the time of the in­ spection, said she was “shocked” at the report. Mrs. Jacob, interviewed by a News-Record reporter daring a personal visit to Huronview last Monday, pointed out several beds as they were being strip­ ped and washed with a dis. inf ectant. “It is a weekly routine,” she insisted. “Each bed is comp, letely torn apart and disinfec­ ted by the nursing staff.” “We try to- keep a home­ like atmosphere here,” Mrs. Jacob continued. “Many of our patients are up and about dur. ing the day, moving from room to room. The floors do get scuffed but they are not dirty.” Mrs. Jacob came to Huron. • view when the Home was jUst beginning. “This last opening was my third opening,” she said, adding that never before has there been any question about the cleanliness of the premises. “It is unfortunate that they (the Grand Jury) had to come when we happened to be short staffed. Fall Plow-Down BAG and BULK DELIVERY Spreader Rental (5-ton capacity) SOIL SAMPLING SERVICE (before fall plowing if possible) CONTACT YOUR LOCAL AGRICO DEALER OR ROBERT TAYLOR, Sales Representative R.R. 3, Clinton — Phone 482-9144 BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT Phone 482-7241 or Robert Taylor, 482-9144 HOUSE of BARGAINS CLINTON s THE STORE THAT CAN Maximum Energy Gasolin— Burn's - Constance - Londesboro Churches Presents At LONDESBORO UNITED CHURCH BOY'S CASUAL PANTS Sizes 3 to 6X and 8 to 18 PRICED 2.98 to 5.98 PERAAANENT PRESS AND REGULAR DIESEL FUELS MOTOR OILS BOY'S FALL JACKETS Sizes 2 to 6X and 8 to 18 30% DISCOUNT PHONE 482-7735 SAVE YOU MONEY LADIES GOLDEN CROWN CARDIGANS Wool and Mohair — Everyone Welcome — SUNDAY, SEPT. 24, 1967 - 7:30 P.M. ' FURNACE -nd STOVE OILS BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS AND JERSEY T SHIRTS Long Sleeve PRICED 1.98 to 2.98 GIRL'S DRESSES AU SIZES - 2 to EX and S to 14 PRICE 2.98 to 8.95 WE CASH ALL BABY BONUS CHEQUES COME IN AND CHECK AND BE CONVINCED THAT YOU CAN SAVE AT OUR STORE Plus a Full Range of Special Lubricants and Grease* PAUL KERRIGAN Your BP CANADA Limited Agent in Clinton Area 379 VICTORIA STREET — PHONE 482-9653 GIRL'S SLACKS - JERSEY TOPS - BLOUSES - CARDIGANS - PULLOVERS - UNDERWEAR SOCKS, ETC. MEN'S FOREST GREEN WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS SPECIAL PRICE 2.85 EACH LADIES' DRESSES All Sizes PRICED 5.98 to 22.95 PRICED 6.95 and Donuts Thurs.-Fri.-Sat Priced 2.95 to 11.95CRAFTMASTER SETS "STAR DUST"—The new touch of velvet art; 2 pictures 2.25 set "MAIS" world famous artist series. Size 12 x 20 2.98 each NEW ARTIST SERIES-Two 6x12 pictures 1.50 set "BRUSH STROKE" pre-embossed numbered...... oil set. Size 9 x12 2.50 each "MOSETTE" boutif kit; sparkling 7 X 9% in mosaic wall plaques 1.49 each "GOLDEN TONES"—Gold antiqued back­ ground for oil painting, size 10 x 8 1.49 each Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, OldtmoWla Bauler 482-9321 CUNTON Open each evening until 9 for your convenience- I LIONEL THORNTON CLUB Annual Rummage Sale Friday Evening, Sept. 22 PAINTINGAt 7:30 P.M. in "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" BROWNIE’S DRIVE THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 A program of recognition featuring music of the past and present and a social hour of reminiscence. CLINTON'S NEW COMMUNITY CENTRE Bake Sale at 8:00 p.m. Auction Sale All Evening AND HIS CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA CHSS AUDITORIUM - CLINTON DANCING FROM 9:30 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. FRIDAY, SEPT. 29 EVERYONE WELCOME ADMISSION $3.50 Per Couple Sandwiches and Coffee Provided Sale Giant Auction OlcShobiles are . coming your wa ' Appeal For Rummage and Auction Articles In order to make this a success and raise much-needed funds for' the Lions Club, wo are asking all citizens of Clinton and District to contribute their unused articles of FURNITURE and HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, DISHES and KITCHEN UTENSILS, AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES, SPORTS EQUIPMENT, GARDEN and SHOP TOOLS, AND CLOTHING for Ladies, Men, Children and Babies — anything you are not using, but which could be used by someone also. Take Used Articles to Community Centre There will be Lions at the Community. Centra on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock until Wednesday, Sept. 20th, to accept good used articles for tha Rummage and Auction Sale. Any of the above articles will ba accepted, plus any item you feel someone else could use. FRIDAY & SATURDAY — DOUBLE FEATURE — Country Western Music "SECOND FIDDLE Call These Lions for More Information TED DAVIES ................................................... 482:7092 PAUL AGGERHOLM .............................. 482'7341 I. B. MENZIES ...................................................................................482-3475 HAROLD BONDY ............................................. 482-6612 GLADSTONE GRIGG .......................................... , ........ 482-9558 HOWARD PRUNSDON .................................. Z?. 482-9690 Tha Clinton Lions Club would like to thank all parsons who com tributed to this year's Rummage Sale and Giant Auction Sale, and Invite all persons in Clinton and District to come to the Community Centre on Friday evening, Sept. 22 and purchase some of the good Used articles. Edward Elliott will contribute his services as auctioneer for the Giant Auction Salo. MAYNARD CORRIES, President Clinton Lions Club TO A STEEL GUITAR" Showing at 8:30 All Star Cast of Top Western Music Stars In Color —r Plus "The Poppy Is Also A F ower Showing at 10115 Yul Brynner >- Senta Berger Jack Hawkins Color Cartoon n TED DAVIES, Chairman Ilona Rummage Sala ' Coming Hext: ■ ! IFri., — Sept. 29-30 J; "DEVIL'S ANGELS” (Restricted) arid ■ J "Trunk To Cairo” j:McEWANS FREE Coffee We proudly invite you to a special announcement showing off the 1968 Chevrolet and Oldsmobile cars and Chevrolet trucks beginning Thursday September 21st in our showroom at