HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-09-21, Page 3Shirley Keller Women weaker? Anniversaries Autumn sale Entertainment Is Our Business Sept. 21 "22-23 From My Window “You certainly aren’t ...... Tell you I’m dreadfully SATURDAY MATINEE — 2:30 p.m. Seriol: "CAPTAIN KIDD" — Children 35c CIwWm Newt-Record, Thursday, September II, JfW for color prime * Kodacolor-X MON., TUES., WED TECHNICOLOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Showtimes: 7.00 and 9.20 FEATURING' THE CLOUD “9” ROOM SMORGASBORD SUNDAYS 5 ■ 7 P.M. Reservations PH.: 482-3421 a/te. ' ■ •. x/k ^rve 1/V\ <244^4 J Coming Next: Sept. 28-29-30 "COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG" ..................................................... I I I I I.B.—II.IB—I. ......— • III/ ✓•km: ieo, mo, itr Summerhill ladies club They {usually men) say that women are the weaker sex, and though the original thought, was purely a physical, reference; the inference was there that women were alsp a little light ‘when it came 'to mental ability. It was interesting to observe on the final day of the 'Progres­ sive Conservative convention how this weaker sex was palled upon to save the day for their male towers of strength. Strangely enough, co-chairman Eddy Goodman even had to .throw a bouquet to the ladies BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN ; THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00* MMmnmnnmmnMnmmHmmHnMeMMa ! FRIDAY & SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE — ; Country Western Music ; in ^'SECOND FIDDLE TOASTEEL GUITAR" Showing at 8:30 I All Star Cast of Top ! Western Music Stars In Color — Plus The Poppy Is Also A F ower" Showing at 10:15 Yul Brynner — Senta Berger Jaek Hawkins Color Cartoon w Coming Hext: . Fri., Sat — Sept. 29-30 "DEVIL'S ANGELS" (Restricted) <! and ;! "Trunk To Cairo" ■: who, he said, were the “real workers” in the party. Take, for instance, the role of Mrs. Robert Stanfield. In the first place, it is more,than likely that she and her husband sat down before he submitted his name for nomination and1 had a talk much the same as other families. The couple would consider how much time Robert would have to be away from the family; how much money they would have left over at the end of a year; how >it would affect the children; and whether or not the neigh-, bors would gossip. At the end of the discussion, Mr. Stanfield probably said to his wife, “Well, it is up to you, honey. Just say the word and I’ll stay home.” Obviously, Mrs. Stanfield told her man to move forward with her blessings and support. It was evident on the Saturday of the convention when she sat by his side the whole long day, probably offering courage when he needed it most and inspiring the right proportion of self-con­ fidence to help, him win the race. .. Another great lady during the convention was Mrs. Olive Diefenbakei> I can almost imagine the con­ versation in the Diefenbaker box at Maple Leaf Gardens when'the third ballot came in. John: “That’s loyalty fdr you. Let’s' get out of here, Olive.” .Olive: “Not now,, John. You < have an obligation to these peo­ ple. They expect you either to withdraw from the race proper­ ly or sit here until you have been eliminated in due pro­ cess.” ... John: ‘[All right. I will with­ draw and then we’ll go home for supper and to bed. At least-I won’t have to face my successor.1 Olive: ‘ yourself today, John, what we’ll do. re­ tired but we’ll go back to the ■suite, have .dinner and a little rest, and then we should come back to the convention to ex­ tend best wishes to whichever map is the winner. That's your duty .as one of the finest states­ men this country will ever. know.” . Jt is .history what happened, Although John George Diefen­ baker was supposed, to be in his ’suite asleep, before the evening was over he was back with the crowd,” ' defeated but distin­ guished. Who would argue 'that Olive urged her husband to re­ turn? It is something a woman would do. And the third woman worthy of mention is the little lady who came to 'the rescue of the entire convention when the adding machine broke down. Though she has no public honor, this gal typifies that kind of reserve fortitude women maintain and. instinctively* draw from when the male world goes awry. In a man’s domain, compu­ ters and gadgets_are depended, upon Io show them in good- stead. . So dependant on ma­ chinery are men that before millions of Canadian and Amer­ ican television viewers they stood like a bunch of lost souls aroung a' tiny table where a calm, competent woman added the figures man’s machine re­ jected, If the PC convention did nothing else, it proved for pos­ terity that women possess the superior minds and that men would be helpless and unable to cope without them. .So, which is the weaker sex? The Summerhill Ladies Club held its September meeting at the home of Mrs. PeterWester- hcut with 16 members and one visitor present. Mrs, Jim Snell opened the meeting and the roll call was answered by each member pay­ ing a penny for each size of her .shoe. A thank you note was read from the family of the late Mrs, T, Mason, It was decided to have Secret Travelling par­ ties. Mrs, L. Ellis conducted a word contest won by Mrs. Rob­ ert Gibbings, Mrs. Neville For­ bes gave a reading and also conducted a humble word con­ test won by Mrs, Clayton Ellis, The raffle* was won by Mrs, Norman Wright, The October meeting will be at the home of Mrs, Harry Watkins. Those in charge of the program are Mrs. Robert, Gibbings, Mrs, Bill 'Gibbings, and Mrs. P. Gibbings. Lunch committee is Mrs. Garnet Wright, Mrs. George Wright and Mrs. Norman Wright, DADV THEATREGODERICH ■I ■ A MW MM ON THE SQUARE [ FIRST RUH FILMS IH AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT v THURS., FRI., SAT. the Maddest a Mixiip [* inSpac History ' TeCHNICOLOR* A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Showtimes: 7.30 and 9.20 . — Sept. 25-26-27 OTTO PREMINGER MICHAEL CAINE JANE FONOA JOHN PHILLIP LAW DIAHANN CARROLL ROBERT HOOKS FAYE DUNAWAY BURGESS MEREDITH HURRY at Brucefield Unit three of Brucefield United.Church Women held its meeting on September 13 in the church basement with 19 mem­ bers present. President Mrs. Anne Walters opened the busi­ ness part of the meeting with the secretary’s report read by Mrs. Eunice Aikenhead\and the treasurer’s report was given by Mrs. Donna Broadfoot. The card report was given by Mrs. Anna Aldwinckle, with the study and worship conduc­ ted by Mrs. Jean Taylor, Mrs. Doris Cantelon and Mrs. Bes­ sie Leppington. , . ’ " A film' was shown' depicting ^I^Aan life and'^^dp'eh^dilsi'-'^^ ^bussibn followed. All members were reminded of the group’s bazaar to be held November 4 and were urg­ ed to have their donations in before too long. Mystery prize was won by Mrs. Eunice Aikenhead. Mrs. Joan Allan was in charge of entertainment for the evening. Lunch. was served by Mrs. Olive. Broadfoot and Mrs. Dor- other McGregor. Mrs. Ken Scott will be the hostess for the October meeting. at LOL Hall The 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Fal­ coner, Brucefield, and the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Erline Whitmore, R. R. 3 Seaforth, was celebrated at LOL hall in Clinton on Friday, Sept­ ember 1. Progressive euchre was play­ ed. Ladies’ high was Mrs. George Falconer; ladies’ low, Mrs. Harry Torrance, Bayfield, men’s high, Jim Bell, Hensail, men’s low, Frank Falconer, R. R. 5 Clinton. The . guests of honor were escorted to the front, where . Miss Lynda Torrance and Mrs. Ron Clifford read the addres­ ses. Both couples were the recipients of many lovely gifts. A lovely lunch was served with the special guests seated along a head table decorated with flowers and candles and a three-tiered wedding cake for each couple. Guests were present from Picton, Sombra, Ilderton and immediate vicinity of Clinton. THURSDAY Welcome to the Auto Show, going on SEPT. 21 FRIDAY GODERICH ARENA 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.NITELY , Sponsored By The St. John Home Nursing Course consists of eight two- hour lessons, taught by Reg- istered' Nurses, and teaches simple nursing procedures that can easily be carried out by a layman in the average home. The course includes the most recent patient care procedures for home accidents, disasters, and emergency childbirth. CLINTON I YOU’LL NEVER BUY i I ------ --------------------- ANOTHER ROLL OF FILM FOR YOUR CAMERA AT Wo give you a FREE ROLL with every Roll Film brought In for developing and printing s • quy♦ lowest prices z ■PRESCRIPTIONS n ' your local authorized dealers for ■■■>• ■ ..-.je.-A .....if., .1, , -.-M li see the world of the future, here today in the great new ’68 models. See new luxury and glamour, new dash and verve, in the great new ’68’s. See new safety features, too ... and see for yourself. Now you can have that’s personalized to your particular your individual needs. See variety, see See the best of ’68-and see it soon. a car tastes, value CKNX MOBILE BROADCAST FROM THE FLOOR OF THE ARENA FREE COFFEE and DONUTS EACH EVENING TO ALL WHO VISIT THE AUTO SHOW COMPLIMENTS OF INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORP. BAIRD MOTORS (Goderich) Limited Division General Motors GODERICH Division General Motors Representing Chev.-Olds. McGEES - Representing Pontiac-Buick GODERICH Representing Ford Division Ford Motor Co. MOTORS MILLS MOTOR SALES Representing All Chrysler Products ABERH ART'S GARAGE Representing Volkswagen HURON AUTOMOTIVE Representing Mercury-Mateor Division Ford Motor Co. GRAF A HARRIS Repretenlative American Motors 100 FREE ROSES EACH EVENING A FREE ROSE TO THE FIRST 100 LADIES COMPLIMENTS OF TRADERS FINANCE the Great