HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-09-14, Page 9I J,-JI !..!!!!!!'!!,'JIB N«w>-ltetor4, ThvrtAiy, SugteoilHr 1< 1447 ■s> We knew this color tv produced an putstandlna picture, Elliott Research Corp, proved it in a recent study, We'd like to show you personally why Philips Fiddle-Free Color TV with 10 au tomatic features was over­ whelmingly preferred above all others tested of Streetsville, Reg Asquith and George of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oldrieve, Jannett and George of Islington spent the weekend in the village.♦ ♦ ♦ ;■ Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell of New Westminster visited witii Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Craig and all visited with their sister, Mies Jeap Hamilton at Oshawa. 4 ♦ * n« 525-7595 Baptist Church 99th year marrfee to Earl Lawson on September 5,1917, They qmietly observed their 50th wedding anniversary with their family on Sunday, September 3 in Clin, ton jpubli q Hospital, A faltliful member of con- stance United Church until June 1960, when Mr, and Mrs. L^w- spn retired to Clinton, she then became an active member of Ontario Street United Church. She is survived by her hus- . band; a daughter, Mrs. E, F. (Doris) Warren of London; a Son, peg T, Lawson of Hullett Township; brothers. Will and Laurence of Victoria, B.G,; Harvey of Hullett Township; sis. ters Florence of Victoria, B.C Mrs, Verne (Annie) Dale of Hul­ lett Township; also four grand, children. Funeral services were held on Wednesday September 6 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Grant Mills ' in char gef at Ball Funeral Home. Burial took place in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were, George Webster, Murray Dale, Laur­ ence Taylor, Harry Brydges, Robert Lawson, Andrew David, son. Flower bearers were, Cliff Henderson, Stuart Chamney, Howard Johns and Arthur Col« auburn AUBURN — Grand mo tlier’s day at the Auburn Women’s In­ stitute will be held on Septem­ ber 26 instead of September 19 as the Branch will be going, to Huronview to entertain at the monthly birthday party. On September 26 all grandmothers in the community are invited and everyone, is to wear her oldest’ piece iX jewRUav. TIrtfw wiBr also be a bakeMle.', t „ „,. >. t •» 7 ” 777 * ''7"7 .777 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Leather^ land of Acton fitNBt On Leatheriaad and sister, Joyce. 7.7‘ Miss Margaret Sandersonen» tered Her carets erf purling when she registered at Victoria hospital, London on Monday. w i!"‘ 1967 ** FORD MODEL CLEAROUT SALE OPEN EVENINGS Serving Huron County Since 1937 f Public Hospital on Monday, September 4. Born April 26,1893 a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tay- lor of Hullett Townshipjshe was Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Lawson quietly observed their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, September 3, 1967. rc^^lpFALCQN-eighhcylinderclub-coupe* '2-MUSTANG two-door hardfops. 1—CUSTOM Fordor, six-cylinder. 1— CUSTOM 500 Fordor. 2— GALAXIE 500 two-door hardtops. Celebrate golden anniversary STARTING OCTOBER 2nd. CHOICE LOMBARD - GREEN GAGE — PRUNE CULVERHOUSE PLUMS 5 ««1.00 FILM We ere now giving « fr<» film With 124 - 127 . 120.- 420 film left for proceuing. Both color and black and white. • No Coupons To Worry ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert McFar- lane attended the funeral of the Ude Mr. Newton Howlett at Lambeth last Sunday.t,.* 4 4 . Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen visited last Sunday with Mrs. Jilt Castles of Bayfield, s-v.........' .4. ♦ I Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rober- Mr. “>0 Mrs. Clayton Robert­ son'of popper Cliff spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Straughan and his father, Mr. J,J. Robert. 'fion,,«-> .• ■■ :-7 ■ * * *, /iklss Plane Kirkconnell is holidaying for a few days at home after working for the ' summer at London, 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Tabb arrived home after a three- week vacation in British Colum- ■bla. .4 .4 4 Mr. and Mrs. James Hembly at Atwood visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies. 4 ♦ ♦ Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips were Mrs. Dora Jewel) and Rev. and Mrs. William Maines of Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. William Stiles spent the weekend in London visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Weir and Bob Weir. ♦ 4 ♦ and Mrs. Harold Asquith First meeting for 4-H pirls AUBURN - The first meeting Of the Auburn 4-H Club was held for the fall project, cot­ ton accessories for the bed­ room. The leader, Mrs, Wes Bradnock, assisted by Mrs, Frank Raithby, outlined the pro­ ject and spoke of the differ­ ent types of dresser scarves, bedspreads and cushions and chair pads which they could make. A study on color com­ binations was held and samples of different rooms shown in pictures. The election of officers took place. They are: president, Brenda Archambault; vice-pre­ sident, Brenda Ball; secretary, Marie Plunkett. The next meeting will be held September 23 owing to the Jun­ ior Institute Provincial Confer­ ence being held on September 16 in Auburn. .♦ * St AUBURN — Bouquets of sum- mer flower s adorned the Auburn Baptist Church last Sunday for its 99th anniversary. Rev. Hen­ ry de Vries of First Baptist Church was the gqest speaker at both services. Mrs, Ella Donaldson of Goderich was the organist. A quartette composed of Paul Howe, Dojiald McMil. lap, William Chase and Philip • Main of Goderich sang several numbers at both services, tin. accompanied. Rev, H. de Vries chose for his theme, “The most import­ ant factor in the Christian’s life to-day”, and based his mes­ sage on the 4 A’s - Acknow­ ledgement, Ask, Accept His Promise and Act - and spoke on the infilling of the spirit ,in the Christian’s life. After the service a social . time was held in the Sunday school room of the church where supper, was served. At the evening service, Rev. de Vries spoke on the subject, “A faith for today”. He paid tribute to those who had carried on the church,which had been established in this district 99 years ago. He stressed the im­ portance of the church today and closed his remarks by sta. ting that the Christian’s moral must be a high one if we are to witness for Christ in to- day’s modern world. ♦ t*___ -4 ' A reception was held in the Auburn Community Memorial hall for Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Leatherland of Acton. Edgar Daer read an address of con­ gratulations and Don Plunkett presented a purse of money. Gary Rodger presented money also on behalf of the stag party. Both Mr. and Mrs. Leatherland thanked their friends for the gifts. MRS. HELEN LAWSON Mrs, Helen Lawson, 74, of 113 Rattenbury Street, E., Clin­ ton, passed away at Clinton Classified Ads, ng Quick Results We ve got the color tv proven best by comparison test! Merrill TV Service 215 Victoria St.—Clinton CORRIE'S HITE ’ FOGl /B’ FEATURE BUYS — Wednesday, Sept. 13 to Closing Saturday, Sept. 16 BEEF WEEK AT CORRIE’S (WE HAVE DEMONSTRATORS, TOO) LOW DOWN PAYMENT - LOW PRICES SEE US TODAY FOR BEST SELECTION Goderich Motors Ltd Huron County's Ford Headquarters Knox WMS meets AUBURN - The Woman’s Missionary .Society of Knox Presbyterian Church held their. September meeting in the Sun. day school room of the church with the president, Mrs. Wil­ fred Sanderson, in charge. The meeting was opened with _.,the„.calh.,to„-worship.,JMinutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secre­ tary, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland. It was announced that Huron Presbyterial rally will be held on September 27 at Seaforth. Plans were made to entertain guests at the Fall Thankoffer­ ing when it is hoped that Miss Ida White, missionary on fur­ lough, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Sanderson was in charge of the devotional period. Roll call was answered by a verse beginning with “I”. The offering was received by Mrs. Donald Haines and dedicated by Mrs. Sanderson. The study book on “The Church to-day” was taken by Mrs, Wes Bradnock. The different lives of the young person, the apartment dweller, the family man and the older • person Were discussed and con. eluded with a brief description of those individuals who are asking what can the Christian faith mean to them all. GET LUCKY! PLAY REXALLS i •OVER 8000 LUCKY WINNERS OCTOBER ALONE! easy to enter 5 .>& IT’S COMING TO THIS REXALL STORE! WATCH FOR IT! P.S, REMEMBER FALL^SALE STARTS OCTOBER 12 Specially Selected*1 Value Check'd Branded Red Brand Beef Blade Roasts or Boneless Pot Roasts Short Rib Roasts DX CAaJ". “Thick Cut”KID ur li6aKS Always Tender FOR BURGERS -GROUND BEEF CHUCK lb. 69c ESSEX BRAND SKINLESS WIENERS ESSEX BRAND SAUSAGE Mild Seasoned 2 lb. pkg. 99c — Mild Seasoned 1 lb. tray 59c FOR QUICK MEALS or SNACKS ALWAYS TENDER HOLIDAY FARMS BEEF STEAKETTES lb. 65c GOTTA FREEZER? lb. 59c lb. 99c PRODUCE ONTARIO NEW Potatoes Sunkist Large Size 40's Sunkist Size 138’s Oranges 5 lbs. White Sugar Purchase of 4 G.E. Light Bulbs at Regular Price 7 BALLET Tt TISSUE f 14-61 STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY WAGSTAFFS JAMS 45< About. No Postage To Pay. No Money Order To Buy. You Pay Only For The Printa You Receive. 24-Hour Service on Black and White Film. CHAS. ABEL IS OUR photo finisher - Ona of the largest and equipped plant in Canada LEAVE YOUR PHOTO FINISHING WOW US wmuioiiiiiiiu ii i.mil, irrr'n I j , 5 loaves 1.00 ■Z^Hprescri pt-ionsrsfKKf—----— SOL6 PARCHMENT - MB. COLORED MARGARINE 4 * RED & WHITE - SAVE 10c - APPLE PIES CLARKS - to-Ot TOMATO SOUP CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE HEINZ Tomato Catsup