HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-09-14, Page 5■>; Dief's delight y ■IM UM i -"ee-ob^eMe-^ew^.^-e^ JFrom My Window Shirley Keller T Ontario Treasurer invites opinions on taxation report y dMee News-Accord, Tfeuradoy, Sepfpmhor J4, 1967 * LONDESBORO ■ .1 tim doing something abso­ lutely new (to me,- a,t least) this week, J am writing this col­ umn “live’ — that is to say, as J ’ watch the Thursday evening performance of the Progressive ^Conservative leadership epnven- Rt. Hop. John G, DiefenbaRer and* his wife, Olive, are; just -arriving to the whine of zthe bagpipes and the standing ova- .tion of the crowd. Like most women in a man’s world poor Mrs. Diefenbaker is several ateps behind and almost lost in the shuffle, though to be truth*' ful, her husband does turn oc­ casionally to perhaps induce his, spouse to hurry’ along. Norman DePoe, the televis­ ion commentator with the sand­ paper vocal chords, smokes and chats and chats and smokes in much the same manner he does, for any of the on-the-spot pro- grams he does for any network that has, the price to hire him. He seems to make his Jiving being rude, interrupting any­ one anytime—like right now. DePpe is askirig Donald Flemm­ ing which candidate he would support if he would lose the nomination. A confident Fleming answers, ’‘I’m not going to lo.se”, I won- der—is that simply self-assur­ ance or does Dapper Don ‘know .something we don’t? • Now we meet some of the personalities present, . among them Premier John Robarts, who is mopping his brow and • looking for some indication here that everything will turn out air right for him in Ontario; the Hon. George Drew who once defeated John Diefenbaker in a leadership.race-in ,1948; and Dalton Camp, the beloved' scoundrel who suggested ■ that, that the old war horse “Mr. Canada John,” should retire on NOMINATING CONVENTION TRAINING CENTRE 9 SMALL CONTRACTS Duo to the cost of operating the training centre we appeal to / the people of the community to support our efforts through donations to the Goderich and District Association for the Retarded Children. Official receipts will be mailed upon receiving your cheque. HOURS a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Hourly Compensation FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED ^>HONE OR WRITE Mr. Rom Archer, Beatty Fer Supply, Training Centre Chairman Mr*. Carroll, Training Centre Manager Trainee* Will Be FJaid A Small TRAINING BEGINS OCTOBER 2 KINSMEN CLUB.HOUSE P.C. ANNUAL MEETING and ran the PROVINCIAL CONSTITUENCY OF HURON SEPTEMBER 15, 1967 fcw a.M, CLINTON LEGION HALL THE HONORABLE ROBERT WELCH Provincial Secretary, Guest Speaker Application Forms For REGISTRATION ' • For The Goderich arid District ! t-c < ■ - li.itU,, -'1 ,t' ;■ ADULT TRAINING CENTRE his Old Age JPension. cheque. ; I note this is an outstanding collection of unique -Canadians, according to the speakers who rise tp orate in either French, or English, The flattering ad­ jectives flow easily from trained tongues, but even such distin­ guished refined men and women can become somewhat vulgar at times, like Joel Aldred, the sophisticated cigarette pusher, ” - who was reported to have poked pne youthful anti-Dief man in the mouth. V Peter Lpugheed, the leader pf the PC opposition in Alberta tqlls the conyentien in Maple Leaf Gardens “the people want to vote thing? not against Hooray., He talks about sppet for the understanding of the voter”. Whoopee! The dynamic young man shouts, “Let us not merely ask the public to support us, Let’s earn that support! Let us wel­ come the young. Let us not question their motives.” Top bad he’s not running for the leadership, I muse. , talks like I map feels. i Now Mr. to the mike, smile that seems to say, “Gee, 12,000 people here and every­ one a Conservative. What an opportunity.” Will he indicate whether or- not he’ll stand for .nomination at a convention which has at­ tracted more attention than a mosquito in a nudest camp. Though he talks a whole lot in both languages, i can sense that most delegates and visitors to . the convention • wish he would get to the heart of the matter • . . . but there’s more of the actor in John George than this, . He knows he’s the man of the hour and he, wants to enjoy it a while longhr. The press gallery is waiting, Hot convention-goers ■ are wait- " ing. The nation is waiting. Could.it be that an entire world is waiting? Is he getting to the meat of , his talk now? He’s- speaking about old age and retirement. He’s saying thinks like, “I be­ lieved” and “I gave”. . ' ;,What a showman. In firey, ' .fighting'' words/ he 'faults' the Two Nation policy as. a threat ■to Confederation and begs, pleads, implores his fellow- Conservatives not to accept it. . No,' he didn’t actually give his decision, but he has set the country on its ear, Dief has given an ultimatum — either dump the -Two Nation policy or count him out of the leadership race and maybe even the party. When you read this, the con­ vention will be over and a leader will be chosen. Makes no real difference whether Dief is in or out. He has done the impossible by taking the heat off himself and_ placing it square on th.e shoulders of - the . party. Even in his most his-' toric ..hour, he surrounds him­ self with a politician’s delight —controversy. Canadian for some5 someone”!- ”re-- He think the average Diefenbaker steps He’s smiling that i I Wedding Pictures Provincial Treasurer Char­ les S, MacNaughton has laun­ ched a major public discussion pn government and taxation re­ form in Ontario, says a re- lease issued by the treasury department. The Huron MPP, in a state­ ment following release of the report of the Ontario Commit­ tee on Taxation, has invited in­ terested parties across thepro- vince to voice opinions on any or all of the report’s 350-plus recommendations. "He win welcome written submissions from individuals, as well as groups and agencies, op the sweeping changes advoc­ ated by the committee, which focus on relief of real pro­ perty taxes,” said the release. The Treasurer said this will "involve the preparation and tabling of a White Paper to outline the Government’s policy with respect to implementation of the Committee’s proposals and the most effective and efficient means of staging stich implementation?* Mr» MacNaughton announced adoption by the Government of two major recommendations which will help to cut property taxes in 1968. These are the basic shelter exemption grant, whiQh will directly reduce pro­ perty taxes from the bottom, and provincial take-over of jus­ tice administration costs, which Will put expenditures at county council and local levels. Both these measures, he said, pan be financed through revenue growth at the present levels of taxes, aided by effective new measures of economy being un­ dertaken by the Government. No increase in personal income or sales taxes will be neces­ sary. But he warne'd that further relief for the municipalities won’t be that easy. ■ ”1 would remind the people pf Ontario,’* the Treasurer said, "that further measures of relief in the narrow-based field of property taxation can only result in the search for equitable means of increasing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders and Dr, and Mrs. Bryon Stone of Sarnia with their families visited the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame last weekend. It was (he occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Saunders* wedding anni­ versary and the celebration was held at the Cuninghame lake­ side home in Bayfield} where the wedding reception was held 17 years ago. ♦ * 1 ♦ ,Miss Diane Caulfield return­ ed to her home in Etobicoke on Monday after spending the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Bridle. * * * Huronic Rebekah Lodge will hold a meeting on Monday, Sept­ ember 18 for a draping the char­ ter ceremony in the Lodge rooms. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mal­ colm, Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lei- bold and family, R. R. 2 Clin, ton,and also visited the ladies’ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leppington, Spencer Street, Clinton. . * * * Mrs. Viola Lampman has re­ turned from visiting friends in Moncton, New Brunswick.* ’ The Mary and Martha Unit of Wesley Willis United Church will meet on Tuesday, Septem­ ber 19 at 8 p.m. in the church, parlor. The program committee is Mrs. Doug Andrews, Mrs. John Hamilton and Mrs. Wil­ liam Craig. ♦ The UCW ley Willis on Monday September 18 at 1:30 in the church. * * executive of Wes- Church will meet Ontario street unit hears Mrs. N. Trewartha Unit 3 of Ontario Street Unit­ ed Church Women held its monthly meeting on September 11 with eleven ladies present. In the absence of the Unit lead- er, Mrs. George Potter pre­ sided. Miss Olive Johnston led in devotions, the theme being based on Psalm 46. business discus- sions, an interesting report was given by Mrs. Norman - Trewartha on the four-day lead­ ership training course she at­ tended at Alma College in Aug- ust. ^Following To end the evening, a tasty served by Mrs. C. and Mrs. C. Van lunch was , McPherson Damme. members of the Clinton in’ the minds of Penny sale upcoming Only ten Women’s Auxiliary to Public Hospital were present for the season’s first meeting held September 5. As all but essential business was suspend, ed during the summer months, there were only a few reports and a brief discussion about some correspondence which had been received since the June meeting. ..................... - —■ ■■ Clinton Memorial Shop Foremost Auxiliary members is the an- nual Penny Sale to be held in the Town Hall on Saturday, September 30. Preparations for it are going full speed ahead and donations of merchandise or money from the business and professional people of Clinton and neighboring communities will be most gratefully received by the canvassing members. T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER SEAFORTH Phone 482-7211 Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP — 482-6642 revenues from the broader— based fields of federal and pro- ( vinciaj taxation.” He was referring to the rep­ ort’s recommendations for higher income and sales taxes, as well as other tax adjust­ ments, which, the Treasurer said, would require intensive, study. "We cannot subscribe to the rathey forbidding series of tax changes proposed at the prov­ incial level without time for ad. equate evaluation. "At the same time, we .should set a course based on’ a rigorous planning of govern­ ment expenditure consistent With the maximum growth and development of our Province, recognising that ultimately our revenues should be based on our prosperity and an enlarging of the tax base rather than to rely solely on increasing tax rates." The Treasurer said the re­ port underscores " in emph­ atic terms” the Ontario Govern­ ment’s oft-repeated requests to the Federal Government for more tax room in the progres­ sive tax fields. , "Its findings also stress the need to establish priorities for the expenditure of public funds and the prudent economies that would be associated therewith.” 1 The Huron MPP cited five major considerations develop­ ing from the exhaustive 1,300 page report: The need to achieve greater order and integration in the total Federal-Provincial-Mun­ icipal tax scene is re-affirmed. Consideration must be given the matter of equity in terms of the individual taxpayer. Individual taxpayers are en­ titled to some opportunity to assess the costs of the part­ icular services they are re­ ceiving. An effective system of con­ trol over the combined expend, itures of Provincial and Muni­ cipal Governments should be sought. More efficient forms of Gov­ ernment across the Province of. Ontario must also be sought with objectivity and with good- will Mrs. Laura Lyon spent Sat­ urday with her daughter, Mrs. • Ron Neal of London,. * The community extends deep­ est sympathy to Nelson Lear- and his family in the passing of Mrs. Lear who was highly respected by her many friends, She has left a record of kindly thought and acts which will long be remembered. * # " IF" Miss Edith Beacom entertain­ ed Miss Olive Johnson and Miss Luella Johnston of Clinton on Saturday evening, , * * , * Mr, and Mrs. Murray Lyon spent Saturday at Western Fair, * * ♦ Mrs. Morgan Jones, Mrs. MabeJ Spott and Mrs. M, Allen visited on Monday with friends in Wingham, SHOWER bride I LONDESBORO Mrs. Donald Scruton of Clinton entertained Saturday evening at a shower for Miss Linda Thompson, bride-elect. Contests were enjoyed and Linda received many lovely gifts, A dainty lunch was served1 by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Keith Allen, Londesboro, and Mrs. Wayne Jackson of Ridge- * town, , The first wagon road through the Alps was begun in 1338 and' led through the Septimer pass. Many ojd German mining terms orginating inSaxony have been adopted in other languages, FOR GREATER GAINS PER POUND OF FEED MLM BACKED BY RESEARCH AT MASTER FEEDS FARM ATTENTION DAIRY FARMERS A bus trip is being arranged for TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, to tour The Master Feeds Research Farm, Thornhill. A program on the latest dairy feeding research will be given. Bus to leave CLINTON FAIR GROUNDS at 8 a.m., Tuesday, and return early in the afternoon. The^sum of $2.00 will include your noon meal and bus fere. Tickets available at WETTLAUFER’S FEED MILL. Phase leave your name and phono number when you purchase your ticket. We would appreciate having tickets purchased by September 16. HAROLD WETTLAUFER PHONE 482-9792 - CLINTON 36, 37 i; 4, NEW High-strength concentration NEW Non-staining formula NEW Longer-lasting lower cost treatment Il you have small contracts such as , small packaging—^envelope stuffing—advertising flyers for folding—any small contract jobs you have please adviso us.Phone 482-7006 JERVIS STUDIO "Your Color Service Dealer COLOR TV new SHUR-GAIN Iron shur-gain Injectable Iron affords swine men the ultimate in protec­ tion against profit-robbing iron de­ ficiency anemia. Only 1 c.c. per pig does the job. __ _ A product of Canada Packers Re­ search —one of the many hew shur- gain Animal Health Service items* Available now at your local shur-gain Feed Service Dealer V'• A iqifkUrM- 482*3484 *—- CLINTON SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO MEET CANADIAN STANDARDS Color Television has achieved perfection with the Electrohomo Centurion Color Chassis. Features such as the "Automatic Color Control" circuiting stabilises the color intensity at the level adjusted by the viewer. o SUPERB CABINETRY □ COLOR SENTRY □ 50% BRIGHTER COLOR □ SIMPLE TUNING ELECTROHOME TV w/tm me o/rref?0/vce ■' !-Month Warranty c<xo« tv GALBRAITH TV Cor. Albert & R.Henbury Sts. - CLINTON VACATION 239. wt. / 13 Cu. Ft. in Antique copper As Low As IN A BETTER MOOD THAN EVER FOR THE BEST DEAL EVER BACK FROM GIBSON RANGES FREEZERS REFRIGERATOR 52444*4 13 CU. FT. AUTOMATIC DEFROST APPLIANCE^ - tv ltd. Thl« Is ■ two-door refrigerator and i» I* finished in Antique Copper. One Only LIMITED QUANTITY FROM 15 CU. FT. 188. THE SQUARE O' ......I il Inn YOUR GIBSON DEALER GERRY'S GIBSON REFRIGERATORS AUTOMATIC DEFROST GIBSON REFRIGERATORS THIS IS A STOREWIDE SALE GET THESE BARGAINS WHILE THEY.