HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-09-14, Page 3HOLMESVILLE MRS LLOYD BOND Phone 482-3210 Huron 4-H girls in London to give homemaking skit *’■F^WwM^MF|FF R^f,' 'ITW- Adastral Park WA fall schedule HOLMESVILLE « .Mr, and Mrs. Les Jervis on Tues­ day for an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jervis and faintly pf Ottawa. While there they will visit Expo ’67. Mon­ treal. aft * ♦ Norma Walters, Shirley Nor­ man and Douglas Yeo left on Monday to commence their stu­ dies at Strafford Teachers’ Col. lege, * * * The Anniversary Services of Holmesville United Church will be held pn Sunday, September 17 at 2 p.m. with Rev, John, gon of Brussels as guest ■peaker. * * * eration pf Agriculture will meet on Thursday eveningjSeptem- per 21 at the Township Hall at 8:30 p.m. * * ♦ Miss Sandra Collier of Lpi> don spent the weekend with Mrs. J. B, MacMath. * * * Mr. and Mrs. N. Heard, Jim and Mary visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tay­ lor of Lucknow.* * * nay and Gary Potter enjoyed a weekend fishing trip to Res- taule, Northern Ontario. * * * The Messengers will hold their first meeting of the fall term in the Sunday School Room on Friday, September 22 at 4 p.m. SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE (HOLMES­ VILLE GODERICHj~~ SUNSET- DRIVE-IN theatre (8 I CARLOW I'— CLINTON ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS THURS., FRI., SAT. MGM presents ROY ORBISON The Fastest Guitar Alive Sept. 14-15-16 THE STORY OF THE IMMORTAL HANK WILLIAMS George HAMILTON • Susan OLIVER Arthur O'CONNELL In PANAVISION0 S8 Coming Next Thurs., Fri., Sat.: "HOT ROD TO HELL" & "3 BITES OF AN APPLE" Eighteen 4-H Hememaking Club Members will represent Huron County at Junioi' Day of Western Fair on Friday, September 15, They are as fol­ lows: Rosemary Blake, #2, Brussels, Hazel Collins, #3, Clinton, Barbara Dougall, #3, Exeter, Joype Falconer, #5, Clinton, Karen A, Gaunt, #1, Lucknow, Cpnnie Howatt, #1, Londesboro, Wanda Hunter, #3, Lucknow, Marilyn Keys, #1, Varna, Betty Jean Miller, #1, Wpodham, Beverley Passmore, #1, Woodham, Janice Reaburn, #5, Goderi.ch, BarbaraRipgling, #7, Lucknow, Carolynne Robin­ son, Zurich, Shirley Fisher, # 4, Goderich, Sandra Watson, #1, Blyth, Ricki Willems, #4, Seaforth, Judy Work, #5, Brus­ sels, Dianne Zinn, #1, Dungan, non. 4 Mrs. Una Abrahamson, Edi­ tor, Consumer Affairs, Chata- laine Magazine will address the girls following the morning jud­ ging program. Club Exhibits and Kinfolk at reunion On the afternoon of August 27, a happy family reunion was held at the Century farm of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wat* kins, Base Line, Goderich Township. Ninety-six descend, ants of the first Watkins fam­ ily to occupy the farm were present. The original family migrated from Lisnashea, near Ennis, killen, Ireland in ■ the early 1840’s. Relatives spent the afternoon renewing friendships and later enjoyed a picnic supper. The oldest member present was Miss Sadie Watkins, Clin­ ton; the person coming the far­ thest, Mrs. Alfred Mareton (Ruby Kilty) Windsor; the couple . married for the longest, Mr. and Mrs. Caryl W.Draper, Clin- . ton; the couple with greatest number of grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Robertson (Margaret Lansing); the young, est member present at supper, Baby Angela Mulhall, grand­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brant (Olive Watkins). A vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Watkins was proposed by Roger Lillie ( husband of Peggy Kilty). Members of the family were present from Windsor, Toronto, Agincourt, Islington, St. Catha- rines, Mount Forest, Hensail, Varna, Dungannon, Auburn, Goderich and Clinton. demonstrations will be present­ ed in the afternoon. Huron’s contribution to the afternoon program is a demon, ptration entitled ’’Let’s Make Tea Biscuits” to be given by Rosemary Blake and Judy Work pf the Brussels Club. Mrs. John Wheeler is their leader. A special banquet and the grand, stand performance wijl com­ plete the day. To celebrate 35th birthday The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion held its first fall meeting on September 11 with Mrs, Don McLean pfe. siding. Fall cussed xiliary 35th birthday with a Hallowe’en party on October 25. Other auxiliaries will be asked and there will be a number of prizes for best costumes and enter­ tainment, Bowling is coming up in Wing, ham on September 27 and eu. chre in Walkerton on October 5, If interested please contact Mrs. Harold Black. A motion was passed where- by the Auxiliary will cater to two banquets a month in the future, excluding any for Canadian Le. gion men. There will be none scheduled after December 15. Miss Karen MacLeanhaswon the Auxiliary bursary of $50. for history. Mrs. Wm. Jervis, won the mystery prize, and Mrs, Ed Porter the attendance draw of $5. Cake and ice cream were served for lunch.' Please note that owing to Thanksgiving the October meet­ ing will be held on Monday, October 16. activities were dis. and planned. The Au. will be celebrating its The first meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary, Adastral Park, was , held on Tuesday September 5 in the Commu.' nity Centre. The president, Mrs. Carmen Lawson welcomed all. old and new4 members to the meeting, She then introd, uced the new Base Comman­ der’s wife, Mrs, Rita Ryan, •to the ladies and called upon each lady to introduce herself, as there were many new ladies present, The secretary read the min. utes of the previous meeting, and, in the absence of the treas­ urer, her report was read by the president. The Ways and Means Com. mittee convener, Mrs. Kathy Cooke, reported there would be a rummage sale on October 14, in the Clinton Council Cham­ bers,' A letter was read from the “Save the Children Fund’’ stat­ ing, that the subscription had peen increased from $60 to $84 per annum on all new subscrip, itions^or if a subscription is renewable between September 1 and March 1 it can be renew­ ed at the old rate, but effec­ tive March l}the rate of $84 will become compulsory. It was moved by Rene Kelly and sec. onded by Mel Pageot that we renew at the old rate and con­ sider renewing at the new rate prior fo March 1. New members for several committees were required and the president called for ypjun. tyers, Mrs. Bernice Ritchie volunteered to be Assistant Ways and Means convener; Mrs. Lizette Parsons and Mrs. Pam. ela Warner volunteered to lpok after the Immunization Clinic; and Mrs. Sue Hester voluntee. red to be Assistant Entertain, ment convener. Mrs, Lawson reminded all ladies of the coffee and donut party on September 15 and the “Nearly New Sale" ■which will take place at the same time. The door prize of a sham, poo. and set donated by the Base Beauty Salon was won by Mrs. Jpanne Johnson. Following adjournment of the meeting, euchre and cribbage were played. The next meeting will bp held on October Z. BROWNIES AND GUIDES There will be registration pf Brownies, Guides and Rangers from 10 a.m. at the Community Centre on Saturday^ September 16, There will alsp be an L.A, meeting on Tuesday,September 19 at 8:15 p.m. at the comm, unity centre. All mothers pf interested Brownies, Guides and Rangers are urgently requested to at­ tend. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Maher, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, were recent visitors at the residence pf their daughter and son-in-law, Flights gt. and Mrs. H, Finlay. * * . * Mrs, Bpnnle Aspen is a pat* lent in Clinton Public Hospital, ONLY *319! Butler's new economy Model-r299-E, You get Byt|er qualties—but at a new low price. No frills—no special features—just safe, long-lasting storage anyone can afford. Check us today for all the details, RECEPTION and DANCE > :' < i ■ i v .-.t In n? ■ VARNA FRED McCLYMONT Phone 482-3214 DADV THEATRE IB ■< l\ GODERICH ■b al 11 *ni on the square f FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business / 1 CLUB Annual Rummage Sale TaVOA? TED DAVIES, Chairman Lion* Rummag* Sal* Giant Auction CLINTON Thurs., Sept. 14 to Wed., Sept, 20 SEAN CONNERY IS JANIE At 7:30 P.M. in CLINTON'S NEW COMMUNITY CENTRE Bake Sale at 8:00 p.m. Auction Sale All Evening Appeal For Rummage and Auction Articles In order to make this a success and hiise much-needed funds for the Lions Club, We are asking all citizens of Clinton and District to contribute their unused articles of FURNITURE and HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, DISHES and KITCHEN UTENSILS, AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES, SPORTS EQUIPMENT, GARDEN and SHOP TOOLS, AND CLOTHING for Ladies, Men, Children and Babies — anything you are not Using, but which could be used by someone else. Take Used Articles to Community Centre There will be Lions at th* Community Centre on Monday arid Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 o’clock until Wednesday, Sept. 20th, to accept good used articles for the Rummage and Auction Sale. Ariy of the above articles will be accepted, plus any item you feel someone else could us*. Call These Lions for More Information TED DAVIES .................. 482:70*2 PAUL AGGERHOLM ............... 482-7344 Harold bondy ........ 482-6612 Gladstone Qrigq ................................................, , ' ’.........4Bi.9558 Howard brunsdon ......................................... 482-9690 Clinton Lirins Club would like to thank all persons who con­ tributed to this year’s Rummage Sale and Giant Auction Sale, and invite all person* in Clinton and District to crime to th* Community ’ Crintr* on Friday evening, Sept. 22 and purchase tome of the good Hiclris, Edward Elliott will contribute hie service* as auctioneer for the Giant Auction Sale, MAYNARD CORRIES, President Clinton Lion* Club CLINTON ... Phone 482-34867 Rattenbury Street.... finance Corp., ltd. if ill < Showing at 7.30 and 9.20 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE—Sept. 16 at 2 30 JERRY LEWIS in "YOU'RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE Serial "CAPTAIN KIDD" — Children 35c Coming Next: "RELUCTANT ASTRONAUT Sale Friday Evening, Sept. 22 The friends of Nelson Reid are sorry to hear that he is a patient in Clinton Public Hos­ pital. * * * The sympathy of this com- munity goes out to the family of the late Elmore Keyes of Exeter in their recent berea­ vement, Mr. Keyes was a for­ mer resident of this commun- SKATING EVERY WED., FRI., SAT., 7:30 - 10:30 P.M. I CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE SKATES FOR RENT To enjoy the convenience of paying all your bills with one monthly payment. ASK GAG INTERNATIONAL Add up the bills you’re now paying, month after month... and pdy them off with cash from GAC International. Then you make only one payment each month ... and chances are it will be considerably lower than the total you are now paying. That one budget-fitted monthly payment lets you plan ahead . . . provide for extra spending money out of every paycheck. Stop in or call for prompt, personal service. Get a cash advance from GAC International to pay your bills... or for any good reason. LOANS UP TO $5000 GAC INTERHATIONAL For Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dale No* Elsie Petersen FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Londesboro Community Hell FEATURING THE HOTEL CLINTON BATCH-DRY IN THE BIN AS FAST AS YOU HARVEST Now, you can actually keep pace with a 2-row combine—with a single drying bin and heater — thanks to Butler Stor-N-Dfy’s new 1,500,000-BTU in-bin batch drying heater. You get full safety controls, constant ignition and an exclusive dual burner arrange­ ment that makes layer drying practical in the same Installation. You save money, too, because the storage space is included as a bonus—not an extra as with port­ able batch dryers. Come in today for a free estimate on the system that’s best for you. We offer a complete planning and construction service. Plus low-cost, flexible financing. For Complete Automation Equipment and Supplies for Beef—Dairy—Poultry—Hogs BARN BUILDING—HOME RENOVATIONS—CEMENT WORK-SPRAY PAINTING-GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Music By Jim Scott's Orchestra S' Ladies Pleas* Bring Lunch CLOUD “9” ROOM SMORGASBORD SUNDAYS 5 - 7 P.M. Reservations PH.: 482-3421 STEVE KEMBER SALES & SERVICE R.R. 2, Seaforth—On Hwy. 8, 2 miles west of Seaforth—Phone 482-7109 (John Segeren Farm) Badger Farm Equipment '’“i» C'% Premium Assistance? Your medical coverage could cost you less than you think! If you have no medical services insurance and because of your income you felt that you were unable to afford the premiums, you can still afford to join the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan—because OMSIP gives premium assistance to persons who have lived in Ontario for 12 consecutive months or more, based on the amount of their taxable income. f * What is Premium Assistance? By Premium Assistance, OMSIP means either a greatly reduced cost of coverage, which you pay in low installments once every three months, or where applicable, complete payment of your premium by the Ontario Government. How to tell if you are eligible for Premium Assistance: Premium assistance is based on the amount of your taxable income for the year ending December 31 last. Check your completed Income Tax return for the past year under "Taxable Income’’ (that’s the reduced amountof money on which you pay tax after taking off any exemptions for your wife, dependants, charitable donations, etc.). You may be eligible on the following basis: (a) Single: You are eligible if your taxable income was $500 or less. Your OMSIP premium will be $7.50 every three months, ' (b) Couple: You are eligible if your combined taxable income was $1,000 or less. Your OMSIP Premium will be $15.00 every three months. (c) Family: You are eligible if your family’s total taxable income was $1,300 or less. Your OMSIP premium will be $15.00 every three months. . . If you had no taxable income at all last year, your OMSIP coverage maybe paid in full by the Ontario Government. When to apply for Premium Assistance: You may apply for Premium Assistance when you join OMSIP, or during the annual renewal period. Premium Assistance is not automatically renewed. Even if you had no taxable income, you must still reapply annually when you receive your personalized application arid renewal form which is mailed to every contract holder prior to the July renewal date. So if you have no medical services insurance and because of your income you felt that you were unable to afford the premiums, then obtain an application from any bank, or from OMSIP, 135 St. Clair Avenue, West, Toronto 7, A free brochure “Premium Assistance" is available from OMSIP. OMSIP HELPS PAY YOUR DOCTOR’S BILLS... J^7 > OMSIP PAYS 90% OF O.M.A. SCHEDULES FEES. I V I