HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-09-07, Page 3Auburn and District MBS. WES • RADNOCK- > —Correspendoiit—Phone 526-7595 Mrs, Ralph D. Munro visit­ ed last week in Ottawa with her son, RobertYoungblut, Mrs. Youngblut, Susan and Bruceand also spent a day at Expo. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Plunkett spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pay mon at Jordon. # ♦. * , The 99th anniversary of the Auburn Baptist Church will be observed next Sunday, Septem- ber 10 with two special ser. vices at 2:30 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m.The guest speaker will be Rev. H. de Vries of Goderich and special niusic will be sup. plied by a male quartet from the .'Goderich First Baptist Church, Everyone is invited to attend thebe special services. ♦ v * Mrs. Stephen Medd of Ilder- ton and Mrs. Fred Rouse of Goderich visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S, John­ ston, * ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. C. McIntyre of Wingham visited one day last week with her aunt, Mrs, Al­ fred Rollinson and Mr, Roll- inson. ' * * * Reg, Jewell of Goderich vis­ ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong. * * John Wright of London visited last week with Robert Arthur ' and Miss Jayne. ♦, * * Friends are pleased to learn that John Koopmans has return­ ed from St. Joseph's Hospital, London., where he had under­ gone surgery. ♦ * * Members of the Walkerburn Club took, a trip to Colborne Township’s Centennial Home last week and enjoyed it. Tea was served at' the home of Mrs. Guy Cunningliam when they re­ turned.* * * Misses Faye and Maryanne Blake of Brussels visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon- heH. ♦ ♦ ♦ Masters Paul and Michael Haggitt of Zurich visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Haggitt and Stephen. * * ♦ Master Derrick Cartwright spent a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, William Rueger and family. * * * Mr. and Mrs, Frank Raithpv returned home last week after visiting in Ottawa and Expo in Montreal, 4 * Friends are pleased to see’ Mrs. Elmer Sproule able to be home after spending a week in Clinton hospital. * * * Mrs. Bert Craig is visiting With her sister-in-law Mrs. George McNall in Blyth, Mr, McNall is a patient in Clin­ ton hospital. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Liver­ more, Gorrie, spent the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines and Edward.* * * Mrs. James Craig returned home last Saturday after being a patient in Clinton Hospital for two weeks. * * * The Clinton Junior Farmers held a special meeting in the Clinton Agriculture park when Robert Edwards of Australia was the special guest. He dem­ onstrated his accuracy and skill in throwing the boomerang. They adjourned to the Agricul­ tural Office Board rooms where Robert showed pictures of his country which were enjoyed by all. George Townsend of the Sea­ forth cliib presented the guest with a Junior Farmer sweater and crest. Miss Barbara Wat­ kins led in recreation which was enjoyed by all.* ♦ * Mrs, Ben Hamilton visited last Friday in London with Mrs. Norman Hamilton who is a pat- ient in Victoria hospital, Lon­ don.♦ * • ♦ Mrs. Wes Bradnock visited her aunt, Mrs. Sherry Wilson London, who is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, last Fri­ day. Colin Fingland, of Wingham, guest speaker at the annual Hope Chapel Cemetery memorial service held last' Sunday, paid high tribute to early pioneers of Auburn district, Nearly one hundred descendants and friends gathered at the Cemetery to honor their departed ances. tors. Pictured here following the service are several members of the cemetery board. Left to right they are: Henry Hunking, secretary* treasurer; Harry Webster, Lprne Hunking, William Hunking, chairman; Colin Fingland, guest speaker^. (Photo by Mrs. Bradnock) Pay tribute to pioneers A high tribute, was paid to the early pioneers of this dis­ trict by Colin Fingland, Wing- The Auburn Horticultural Society will hold their first meeting Of the fall season on Monday September 11th at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Reg McGee of Goderich, director for this area will be in charge of the speaker. A mus­ ical program is being planned and an invitation is extended to all-* ♦ * The first meeting of the 4-H club for the fall project will be held next Saturday morning at 9:30 a,m. at the home of the leader, Mrs. Wes Bradnock. A cordial invitation is extend­ ed to all girls 12 to 26 to attend. # $ # Auburn Horticultural will hol'd their first of the fall season on September 11th at The Society meeting Monday 8:30 p.m. Mrs, Reg McGee of Goderich, director for this area will be in charge of the speaker. A mus- ical program is being planned and an invitation is extended to all, ham,the guest speaker at the annual Hope Chapel Cemetery a. service held lastSunday. Nearly a hundred descendants and friends gathered to honor those who had labored on this earth- * Mr. Fingland spoke on the text “What mean ye by these stones?” which was the ques­ tion asked about the memorial placed by the Children of Israel when they entered the promised land. He spoke of the hardships of the early settler in Hullett Township and stated that they were great men and women of faith, full of courage and not afraid to sacrifice, but wor- 1 shipped God and they have passed the torch on , to suc­ ceeding generations. In closing he asked if these memorials meant what they should and urged all to do their duty as faithfully as the early pioneers to help build the Kingdom of God. ■ The choir was led by the organist,- Mrs. Elgin Josling, and the offering was received by Kenneth Hunking, Taylor's $ ’ CH»9»«e NawHfareN, Thwredsy, faphreiber MW $ OBITUARIES MRS, MADELINE KING Funeral services were held last Saturday. September 2,1967 for Mrs. Russell King at the Arthur Funeral Home, The for­ mer Madeline Youngblut, she Was born in Auburn, the daugh­ ter of the late John Young­ blut and Ida May Shultz, She was ip her 57 th year. Mrs, King was a piember of Knox United Church and a mem­ ber of the UCW. She was pre­ deceused by her husband in 1966. She is survived by four step­ children, Mrs. Harry .(.Mar­ garet) Phalen, Acton, Stewart Unusual King, Toronto, Mrs, Warren (Pauline) Mitchell, Sarnia, and Dopald ofStratliroy; one brother, Percy, R. R. 1 Auburn and two aunts, Miss Clara Shultz pf Huronview and Mrs. George James of Goderich, five grand­ children and two great-grand­ children. Rev, M, R. Roberts officiat­ ed for the service and burial took place in Ball’s Cemetery. The pallbearers were William Moss, Reg, Hamilton, Donald King, Stewart King, Douglas YoiingWi0 Gary Youngblut. D ADV reunion If has been said "The nose knows”, In the case bf Thomas Lepp* ington, 177 Spencer Street, Clin­ ton, th® oesb of a friend of ever 50 ye aim ago was the dlstin- guishing feature which helped, him to identify Bert Rivers, ExeterThe two World War" 1 sol­ diers were at Westminster hos­ pital in London recently under­ going checkups. They met quite by accident while waiting fo see the doctors. Mr, Rivers sat down begide Mr. Leppingtpn whoremember. ’ ed his old army buddy’s nose, ........................—— IS THE SHERIFF . 1 FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business -------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------------- ■ ----------------------------- 4 * X OiMCftO AUO reoouejo «r VU»’CKO«<O*T•—*.**• HOWARD HAWKS • NELSON RIDDLE’-TECHNICOLOr• A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Showtimes 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. THEATRE GODERICH. ON THE SQUARE Thurs-. FrU Sat. — Sept. 7-8-9 IS THE GUNFIGHTER ’-‘•v. ’’W Arthur Youngblut and Fred Seers spend last week at Expo. CARLO1 GODERICH SUNSET^ THEATRE CARLOW^ i DRIVE-IN THEATRE ft CLINTO ejrtOLMES- VILLE ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS Thurs- - Fri. - Sat. — t I I , Jmmorta^Qdventure! The'World's > September 7-8-9 PLUS . . . "THE COOL ONES" Coming Next Thurs., Fri., Sat.: "FASTEST GUITAR ALIVE" plus . . . "YOUR CHEATIN HEART" The University Of Western ( Ontario Clinton and Stratford Extension Classes 1967-1968 (For University Credit) CLINTON French 20 (First Year) begins Saturday, September 30, 9:30 a.m. Geography 39 begihs Saturday, September 30, 1:30 p.m. Classes meet in Central Huron Secondary School English 49, Philosophy 20, Psychology 20, Psychology 39 begin September 25, at Centra) Secondary School, Stratford. STRATFORD English 49 (Lit. of the 20th Century) begins Mon., Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m. Philosophy 20 (Introduction) begins Sat., Sept.' 30, 9:30 a.m. Psychology 20 (Introduction) begihs Sat, Sept. 30, 1:30 p.m. Psychology 39 (Exceptional Children) begihs Sat., Sept 30, 1:30 p.m. Classes meet in Central Secondary School. Other Clasiei -ire offered in Clinton, London, Owen Sound, Woodstock. ' , All the above. credit courses meet far 16 three-hour sessions and ,e, b9th credit jinid non-credit students. Credit courses Z* $100.00; th* non-cradit courses Is $50.00 add i* non-refundable. Student* previously admitted fa the University 1 ^tension Classes. Registration form* *b.“ ,he Summer School and Extension Department, University of Western Ontario, London ueparrment, ♦ * * The first meeting of the 4-H club for the fall project will be held next Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. at the home of the leader, Mrs. Wes Bradnock. A cordial invitation is extend­ ed to all girls 12 to 26 to attend. RECEPTION store I Saturday Matinee 2:30 p.m. Sept. 9 Children 35c A general store in the village of Auburn, operated under the Taylor name for the past 43 years, was sold recently and the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson, formerly of Belgrave, took over the business last Friday Here, Mrs. Taylor, is shown extending a greeting to the new proprietor, Mr'. Robinson. Mrs. Taylor has moved to her new home on Maitland Crescent. (Photo by Mrs. Bradnock) I /*■--.....,llrl "The Black Knight” Serial CAPTAIN KID" MICHAEL Maximum Energy Gatolin— For ’’•0 PHONE 482-9653Bayfield Pavilion NOMINATING CONVENTION rot THE SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE 9th The closer you are to a per­ son, the more, tact and courtesy you need. Music by KEN DUCHARME And Bluewater Play Boys — EVERYONE WELCOME — FURNACE and STOVE OILS MIL AND MRS. WILLIAM SCOTCHMER (neo Pam Hussor Sept. 11-12-13 VIS T YOUR hNiColor* Showtimes 7:30 - 9:15 p.m. 17 Rattenbury CLINTON changes hands . After 43 years in business, Taylor’s Store, Auburn,opened . for business last Friday with the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson of Belgrave. The new owners have both operated store businesses and are’ well known in this district having lived for many years in East Wawanosh township near .Bel- ■’sucd'essfuily' Sarrfedfdh tfre$|us- iness since the death of^her husband, Gordon R. Taylor, in February, with the assistance of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ben Hamilton, who has clerked there for the past-eight years, Mrs. Taylor lias moved to her new home on Maitland Crescent, DIESEL FUELS MOTOR OILS Pius a Fu.ll^Hang&mf Special Lubricants and Greases *" "’P'A U L' K E R R1 Gf'ANiVD” Your BP CANADA Limited Agent in Clinton Area 379 VICTORIA STREET "------------------------ SOUTHEND VICTORIA STREET (HWY. NO. 4 SOUTH) PROVINCIAL CONSTITUENCY OF HURON SEPTEMBER 15, 1967 8:30 P.M. CLINTON LEGION HALL THE HONORABLE ROBERT WELCH Provincial Secretary, Guest Speaker FARM SERVICE CENTRE FOR COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT booking discount still on for liquid manure tanks-20% off,- water bowls UP TO 20% DEPENDING ON QUANTITY CLINT ON f OPEN and READY TO OFFER YOU THE TOPS IN FOR YOUR ♦ LICENSED MECHANIC SERVICE CAR Repair* to all make* bf ear* and truck*. If you're tired of getting half-heeded, inexperienced *«rvica far ycnir European cat bring it ih fa u». We Were tailed an them, elpecially Austin*. COME IN COME IN FOR , : YOUR FREE COFFEE MUG OR BOWL PETER JONES, Prop