HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-31, Page 121'4 ' # Clinton New-Heoord, Thursday, AiMWsttl, UW7 Flower Show Results (cpn'jtinued from page I) A sters: Mr?. AX’t Groves, Mr s. W. Col clough; Cosmos: L. Jotinston, Mrs. F. Fingland; lai ;ge zinnias, L. Jo’hnston, Mrs., Brock Olde; small zinnias, C;hayles Cook, Mrrs. Don Pullen, "plain petunias. L. johnston, Mrs. Edith Lovett; frilled pet­ unias, Mrs.P. Westerhout, Mrs. pon Pullen, pan sies, C. Proc­ tor, Mrs, Don Pullen; snapdra- gon, L. Johnston, Mrs, Art Groves, afriican marigold, • Charles Cook, L, Johnston; French marigold, Mrs. H. John­ ston, Mrs. E, Hingland; stocks? Mrs. F, Fingdand; Phlox? L. Johnston, Mrs, E. Galachiuk, White gladr, Hazel Collins? Dorothy Cplllins; red glad, C. Proctor, Mrs:, Charles Nelson; pink glad, Mrs, Elva Jenkins, C. Proctor; yellow glad, Cliff Proctor, Miiss Jean McEwen; any other cplor of glad, Mrs. Elva Jenkins, Mrs. Stanley Col- lips; three glads, Mrs. Elya Jpnkins? Mrs. .Stanley Collin?, basket of glads,, Miss Jean Mc­ Ewen, Mrs.’Stewart Middleton; peace rose, Mrs. H. Noonan, Mrs. R. B. Campbell, Mrs. Don Middleton; pink rose, D. H. Miles, Mrs, E, Mittel, Mrs. R, B. Campbell;; any other var­ iety Of H.T, , D. H, Miles, Mrs. E. Mittell, Mrs. R. B, Campbell; floribundas or gran- difloras, Mrs. Bi’ock Olde, Mrs. Elva Jenkins, Mrs. W. T. Her­ man. Assorted roses, Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs. W. T, Herman, Mrs. Charles Nelson; basket of Zinnias, Charles CookfCan* ada’’s flag, Mrs. Charles Nel. sort; coffee table arrangement, L. Johnston, Mrs. Charles • Cook, Mrs. C. Van Damme; corsage, Janet Fisher, L« John- ston, Mrs. C. Van Damme; RODEO ACTION AT ITS BEST! The Fourth Annual Mid-Western Rodeo in miniature, L. Johnston, Mrs. H. Johnston? Mrs. Stewart Mld» dleton; dininrg table arrange- ment, Mrs. De in Middle ton, Mrs. H. Johnston, Miss J. McEwen; assorted garden flowers, Mrs. Stewart Midfileton, L. Johnston, Mrs. M. Durst; flowers same color as container, L. John- sfon, Mrs, Stewart Middleton, Mrs, Don Middleton; mantel arrangement, Mrs. Stewart Middletonj, Charles Cook, Mrs. C. Van Da ,mme. Teapot arrangement, Mrs. Stewart Middleton,' L, Johnston, Mrs. Elwa Jenkins; grandma’s house, M/rs. Stewart Middleton? Charles Cook, Mrs, Pon Middle* ton; folflage plant, L. Johnston; tuberou s begonias, Charles Cook, Mrs. Don Middleton; mums, Mrs, W, T. Herman, Mrs. £ Stewart Middleton; best unusual potted plant, Charles Cunningham, P, Westerhout, Mrs. Stewart Middleton; any flowe r not listed, Mrs. Charles Nelson, Miss Emma Plumsteel, Mrs. P. Westerhout, large dah­ lia, ;Mrs, Gordon Cudmore? Charles Cook, Miss Jean Mc­ Ewen; cactus dahlia, Charles Cool;, I?.' Johnston? Mrs, Stew­ art 1 Middleton; semi-cactus dah­ lia, Charles Cook, Miss Jean McElwen, Mrs. Stewart Middle­ ton. Miniature dahlia, L. John­ ston, Mrs. C. Van Damme, K. Van Riesin; three dahlias, L, Johnston, Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton. Mrs. Stanley Collins. PEJB.LIC SCHOOL CHILDREN Large zinnias, Debbie John, ston; small zinnias, Debbie Johns ton, Billy Collins, Dianne Collins; asters, Debbie John­ ston, Bonnie Johnston, Jim Cud. more; pansies, Debbie Johnston Bonnie Johnston, Alex Wester- Jaout; snapdragon, Cathy Cud. mores; single petunia, Paul Van Dam me, Bonnie Johnston, Deb­ bie 'Thompson; table bouquet, Bonnie Johnston, Paul Van Damme, Jim Cudmore, Debbie Johnston, Cathy Cudmore. Animal, Paul Van Damme, Chr istiane Marshall, Paul Gal* achiuk, Brenda Galachiuk, Mar. nie Middleton. Best glad, Mrs. Elva Jenkins. Best dahlia, Mrs. Gordon Cud- more. Dungannon semi-cactus dahliaThese three dahlias were judged the best in their classes at the Clinton Citizens’ Horticul­ tural Society Flower Show in the Council Chamber last Friday. On the left is the best dahlia in the show? entered by Mrs.. Gordon Cudmore. That particular bloom also took first prize in the large display dahlia class. In the middle is and on the right- is the best eactus , dahlia, both shown by R, C. Cook. In selecting a winner, the judge was looking for uniform color, perfect petals, fresh foliage, and general healthy appearance. DUNGANNON -Bi 11 Blake and Bob Eedy accompanied by Ronald Black dhd George Finnigan of Goderich are spend­ ing the weeK at Expo ^67? 'Y A group of eleven young people from Nile and Dungannon Hi Qs accompanied by Rev. Qlep Wright, left by train from Lon. don on Tuesday morning for a few days at Expo’67. They will return on Friday, * * ¥ The sympathy of the commu­ nity is extended to Mason Mc­ Allister and family In the death of Mrs. McAllister in Victoria hospital, London on Monday, * * * * The Womens institute will meet on. August 31 at 8:30 p.m. at the home pf Mrs, Jack Cae­ sar. Home Economics is the topic. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Pon Aubin at­ tended the wedding of Mrs, Aubin’s sister, Sandra Peach, man to Verdun Reid in Knox Presbyterian church, Acton.on Saturday, Lyn Aubin, neice of the bride was flower girl, Irene Nickel pf Wlarton vi­ sited with Rosemary Eedy at the weekend.♦ ’ ♦ Harold Sproul and Mrs, Warner Sproul of Davidson, Sa. skatchewan are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Elliott and other relatives. * * * Mrs, Cepll Blake and Barbara are spending this week at Expo ?67,* * ♦ Congratulations are extended to JCaren Dawson, R.N. who was one of the 1967 graduating class of twenty-six ladies at South Waterloo Memorial hos- pital? Galt and was also vale- EXETER Sat., Sept. 2, Sun, Sept. 3 races, daring rodeo clowns and all the action of the biggest r odeo in Western Ontario. Starts at 'f:00 p.m. each day. Covered grand stand. Life is like a mirror; it never reflects more than we put into it. Remember, you can’t lift yourself by downing others. SERVICE AND SUMMER CLEANOUTS Make Your Arrangements Now Before The Fall Rush Gordon Grigg Ltd Phone 48'2-9411 , Clinton Contact Us For All Your Fuel Oil Needs OIL. BURNER SCHOOL SUPPLIES BACK-TO-SCIHOOl KIT— Total Value 4.07 __;___ Special 2.75 3-RING BINDER with 1 Yz" Ring and Clip inside ____ _____ 3.50 each BRIEF CASES in Leather ith 3 Inside Sections .... 6.95 - 7.95 - 9.95 SCHOOL B/AGS in Plastic and Lea ther .................. 3.50 - 3.95 - 5.95 SCHOOL LUNCH BOX with genuine Thermos Bottle_____......______. 3.98 BALL PF;NS ----------------------------- 10c to 5.00 nylon, tip pens ...... .................... 29c to 98t 3-RINC; PAPER - 250 sheets ................... 98c 3-RING BOOK REFILLS 1. 15c - 25c ■ 49c - 69c. JUMP.O STORM BAG—size 18x16 . ... 1.25 MAGIC MARKERS—assorted ictorlan at the graduations Karen is spending a week^s vacation at the home pf her parents, Mr, and Mrs, K.K, , Dawsen before returning to Galt where she is going on the nur- sing staff of the hospital. At­ tending the graduation fTorr here were Mr, and Mrs, K, K. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. David Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson and her grandmother, Mrs. Straughan of Goderich.*" ♦ * Mr, and Mrs. J. Reive and David of Thamesvllle visited with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Irvin and called on other friends on Sunday. * * * LUCKNOW BLYTH - CLINTON LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE FOOTWEAR LUCKNOW - There will be fun for all at the Lucknow Fall Fair September 15 and 16. Friday evening at 8 p.m. the hall will be open and all are welcome. Saturday at 1 p.m, the mam­ moth narade down Main Street After a full afternoon of enter­ tainment an evening of fun is planned. At 8 p.m. the doors will open and games of chance; dancing to two orchestras, and the final results of the Beauty Queen contest, for a good even­ ing of fun for all. Sunday a community church to bring to a climax Lucknow’s Centennial celebrations. Will Meet September 12 at 8:30 p.m, at the Former Crown Lane Alley. Anyone wishing to bowl and is unable to attend, contact Ward Knox or Trudy Wilson, Clinton president. For GYM SHOES BOYS' from 2.29 MEN'S from 2,59 up 0 s.. DESERT _ 5.95 8.95 to 11.95 AIKEN'S CLINTON Our Spacious Lot May Look A Little Bare BUT . . WE CAN OFFER YOU A CHOICE IN irr i 66 CHEVELLE MALIBU 4-Door Sedan 63 CHEVY II 61 CHEVROLET <1 To Browse Around Anytime Men's are clean... Some have added such as automatic, White­ radio. 64 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-Door Sedan Automatic Transmission. "BETTER'' USED CARS ’’WILD WILD WINTER” Showing at 8.30 Gary Clarke — In Color BOOTS - Boys' . 4-Door Sedan Automatic Transmission. SEE US FOR THE LATEST STYLES IN . MENS' and BOY'S SHOES These extras walls, Why not look therh over? Prices are right You'll get top allowance for your present car and terms to suit your particular budget Feel Free Showing James Coburn — Lee J* Cobb Jean Color 66 CHEVROLET BELAIR 4-Door Sedan V8 Engine, Automatic Transmission, Radio. BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 Hale Chlrtobh ’MODESTY BLAISE’ GhbWlhg tit 8.30 Monica Vltti Dirk Bogtirde u Terence Starhp Color Cartoon 4-Door Sedan Automatic Transmission, 6-Cylinder Engine, s. 482-9525 A Few Vacancies For The FALL TERM INSURE YOUR PLACE IN THE 1967-68 CLASS GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE / FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Sth CHOOSE YOUR PERSONAL CENTENNIAL PROJECT TYPEWRITERS Ih order to obtain the best results, we Urge ell students to commence on the opening d*te. Senior Courses issued by the ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 1966-67 Graduates have obtained positions arid other centres. PREPARE YOURSELF FOR A BUSINESS CAREER at London, Strafford, Kitchener, Clinton, 'Griderich The color was tangerine, the flowers were glads and roses and the class was mantle arrangements. Mrs. Stewart Middleton won first prize with this entry which featured eucalyptus branches and a tiny artificial bird at the edge of the bottom rose. Standing about two and a half feet tall, the arrangement won praise from the large crowd which flowed through the Council Chambers to view the colorful display of flowers placed under the direction of the local Horticultural Society. OBITUARY CHESTER LOUIS PARSONS , HENSALL - Word has been received by Mrs. Edith Rich, ards of the death of her bro. ther, Chester Louis (Chuck) Parsons. Mr. Parsons, who had been ailing for some time, died at the University Hospital, Ed- monton, Alberta. He was in his 72nd year. The son of the late Mary and Sampson Parsons, the de- ceased spent his early life on the homestead now owned by his brother, Roy. He later took up ranching in Alberta and was married to Molly Wickenburg who predeceased him in 1957. Of this marriage, there were two sons, Albert of Tees, Al­ berta, and Roy of Red Deer, Alberta; and one daughter, Mrs. Cameron (Gladys) Lasdell, Prairie Valley, Alberta. Also surviving are his wife, the former Margaret Ferguson; brothers Roy of Exeter, Reg of Wisconsin and Frank of Hen. sail; and sisters, Mrs. Edith Richards of Exeter and Mrs. William (Corsina) Gardiner, Meaford. Funeral service was in La­ combe, Alberta. Attending from this district were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parsons, Ailsa Craig. Do not allow passengers to ride on your tractor. A trac­ tor is a dangerous place to have a backseat driver, warns Farm Safety Specialist H. Wright, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, There is no place for a passenger to hang on safely and could prove fatal. We Still Have , 88th birthday Mrs.' Gifford Crich celebra­ ted her 88th birthday on Aug­ ust 28 at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crich, R. R. 3 Seaforth, where she resides. The octogenarian is in good health and very much alert to modern day trends. She enjoy, ed Monday’s celebration with her family including several of her grandchildren. Masons picnic at Bayfield The annual Summer Parfy of the 1966 Worshipful Masters of London District, of the Masonic Order, was held once again at the stimttier residence of John and Olive Carson in Bayfield. The rhihy day became a sunny day in time fbi’ the masters with their' faftiilies to enjoy some swimmihg, boatihg and water skiing. The eiitire party Of fifty or more climaxed the day with ah informal buffet sup. per on the spacious lawn of “Jolli-Home” on Tuyll Sti-eef. Two of the past District Dep­ utyGrand Masters were in at* tendance, Mr. Ernest Hord and Mr1. Herbert Hudson, With their secretaries, Blake Kennedy and Leslie Salmon. Jon Hall, secretary for the group,organized the successful affair. All present were delighted With the beatify and serenity Of Bayfield. THURSDAY - FRIDAY August 31 - September 1 - DOUBLE FEATURE - Alfred Hitchcock’s "TORN CURTAIN Showing at 10.15 (Adult Entertainment) Raul Newman and Julie Andrews Color ' Cartoon SAT., MON.? TUES. September 2-4-5 <! — DOUBLE FEATURE — ‘TEXAS ACROSS I THE RIVER’ | Showing at 10.15 ;! DEAN MARTIN <! Alain Delon — Joey Bishop d In Color — Plus ]> "BRASS BOTTLE" ■: Showing at 8.30 Tony Randall — Burl Ives Color Cartoon- £ SUNDAY MIDNITE ( September 3 5 — DOUBLE FEATURE 2 "SERGEANT | DEADHEAD" : Tommy Kirk-Elsa Lancaster J In Color —■ Plus "WAR ON THE ZOMBIES" John Barrymore Jr. Color Cartoon WED7THUR7ERU SAT September G-7-8-9 ** DOUBLE FEATURE — See Arnerida’s Super Agent, Derek Flint, in U| 'IN LIKE FLINT” at W45 ; Limited YOUft FRIENDLY CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE rind ENVOY DEALfek Ontario Street^ Clinton , Phone 482-9821 Opbrir Eath Evoning Until 9 for Your Shopping Convaniorice. Diplomas for Junior and BUSINESS EDUCATORS’ NEW ADLER 9 Waterloo St. • GOdbHch, Ontario Twfephohte 524-8521, 7284, or 6307 for an appointment