HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-31, Page 10Clinton NewRecwi, Thursday, Auguat 31> 1967 MRS. WiS BRADNOCK—Conwspwn4owt~-Phons 524-7595! Auburn and District I -■ Mrs. Hamilton celebrates 93 years Mrs. George Hamilton, one of Auburn’s grand old ladies, celebrated her 93rd birthday at >hsr home here. During the day many friends called and a birth­ day party was held at the home of her son Thomas Hamilton ' .and Mrs, Hamilton in Goderich. Her 500 Club also honored her ’ with a birthday cake and lea- cream at the home of Mrs. George Millian. Mrs, Hamilton was the for­ mer Isabelle Wilson and was bom on the farm where Mr1, and Mrs. Fred Toll now re­ side. Her parents were early pioneers of this district. Mr. William Wilson, her father, •• came from Yorkshire, England and settled in Nobleton, On. tarto before coming here 96 years ago. Her mother came from Rossshire, Scotland and her A family settled at, Kleen. burg, a small village 12 miles from Woodbridge, Ontario,* Ninety-five years ago he- brought his bride here and set­ tled down. On January 2, 1901 Isabelle Wilson married George Hamilton who had gone to the Yukon in the Gold Rush Days of 1898, coming back to Ontario in 1900. In March, 1901 they left for Vancouver where Mr. Hamilton left with a load of cattle for Pat Burns (Burns Meat Com­ pany) and drove them over the ice on Lake LeBarge, then load­ ing them on barges to take them to Dawson City (about 300 miles) in time for the ’^ooT/nMlwl^TnJuI^Mrs7 Hamilton left Vancouver by boat and they resided in Dawson - city. Many are the stories that She relates about the life in this northern country when she visited the mines at that time. In September 1910 they returned to Ohtario with their son and resided on the Boundary in West Wawanosh before purchas­ ing the McDonald farm iW owned by Clare Longhurst). in 1912. They retired to Auburn in • 1947 where My. Hamilton died in 1949, She has ope son,Thomas of Goderich, six grandsonsand one granddaughter and is great • grandchildren. Mrs. Hamilton is a member of St, Mark’s Anglican Church and a member of the Guild, a charter membey of the Aub­ urn Women’s Institute and a member of the Horticulture Society. Her, hobby is reading and she still enjoys a game of cards with her friends, Mrs. Hamilton was thrilled recently when Pierre Burton’s secretary called for an inter­ view with her. She declined the offer to go to Toronto. She knew Mr. Burton’s mother when she taught school in Dawson many years ago. * * # AUBURN - The annual memo­ rial service at the Hope Chapel cemetery, Hullett township will be held this Sunday, September 3 at 3 p.m. with Mr. Colin Fingland ' of Wingham the guest speaker. * ♦ ♦ Mr. Benson Walters as ................... of Toronto visited last week with his sister, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Misses Jennifer and Shelley Grange. AUBURN- - Miss Myrtle Phillips of London is visiting this week with her cousin, Miss Laura Phillips and other rela- tlves here, ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Mac. Kay left on Monday morning for thei? home in Sault Ste. Marie after spending the sum­ mer months here, ♦ * ♦ Allan Craig, Peter McDonald and John MacKay are camp­ ing this week ip Northern On­ tario, ♦ ♦ Miss Frances E, Houston re­ turned from a trip to the East Coast with London friends last Monday. ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Diane Kirkconnell of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. An­ drew Kirkconnell. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs, Archie Bryce of London visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies.♦ ♦ ♦ Ed Davies with his partner, George Boa of Staffa won first place in the doubles in the Horseshoe pitching competition held last Saturday at Zurich in connection with the Bean Festival. • * ♦ * Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Roberts/ Margaret and William and their nephew Ian Roberts of Wales returned home after a month’s vacation spent in the Maritimes and at Expo 67: * * * Miss Judy Arthur has accep. ted a- position on the staff of Huronview while she is await- ing her call to train at Owen Sound hospital as a nurse. Master David Cartwright is visiting this week with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. William Rueger and family at Clinton.*■ t Guests last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Cartwright, David, Derrick and Lorie were Mr. and Mrs. William Rueger, Donnie, Ronnie, Carol, Ray, Dennis, and Miss Dolly Berley, all of Clinton and Mr, and Mrs. George Rueger and Danny and Terry of Lucan,* * * The hopi’e of Mr. and Mr Sandy Andrews and family was the scene last Sunday of the reunion of Graduates of 1957 of W’ngham hospital, About 35 graduates and their families were present, Games and races were in charge of Mrs, Mar /in Scott of Lucknow and Mrs, Andrews, Winners of the races were: two year-olds — Brent Andrews, three year olds - Dougie Thompson, four year olds - Cathy Thompson, five year olds - Bradley Andrews six year olds — Jackie Bushell seven year olds - Paul Bushell, eight year olds — Joan Bushell, Oldest childpresent-Don Bush, ell, Youngest child — Robert Kerslake, ladies' kick the slip., per - Mrs. Marvin Scott, men’s kick the slipper—Clare Bushell, Couple weighing the most - Mr, and Mrs. Clare Bushell Mrs. George Hamilton, one of Auburn’s grand old ladies, celebrated her 93rd birthday at her home recently. She is pictured here with two other charter members of Auburn Women's Institute during a presentation of charter mem­ berships held recently. From left are: Mrs, Charles Straughan, Mrs. R. J/Phillips and Mrs. George Hamilton. KIPPEN MRS. NORMAN LONG Phone 262-5180 KIPPEN r- Mrs. Russell .Con sitt, Mr, and Mrs. William Con sitt and Mr, and Mrs. Ton Qonsltt, Varna, attended fun • era! services recently at Mar ' lette,' Michigan, for Mrs, Mat tie Erway, formerly of Detroi and St. Petersburg, Florida * * ♦ ’ • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries tap of Mitchell were Sundaj visitors of the latter’s fathei Robert Thomson * * * Mr, and Mrs, Louis Kirk, Louise and Paul, spent Sunday in Ridgetown with Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Kirk. ♦ * ♦ Miss May Sonimerville of Winnipeg,who has been holiday­ ing with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Hood, returned to her home Monday, ♦ * ♦ Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N, Long included a niece, Mrs. Joe La Gard and her daughter and son-in-law, Mrs, Jack Chainelli and Jack of Downsview. Guessing macaroni in jar—Ken­ neth Ker slake, coming the far­ thest - Mr., and Mrs. Valentine Thompson, Orillia, and Mr. and M.vs. Ray Arthur, London., A picnic lunch was served on the —ir—— «............■ ■ *........... lawn and all enjoyed their first reunion with their 1957 class­ mates. * * * Mr. John Hamilton and Miss Jiinia Corcoran of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton, * * * Around 40 members of the Hamilton family enjoyed their annual picnic last Sunday at Harbour park, London. The games and contests were in charge of Mrs, John Howard. A picnic lunch was enjoyed by all. Next year’s convener will be Mrs. Frank McDonald of Clinton. > Value-Priced! Advisory Vocational Committee GRADES 11 and 12—Report to th* Cafeteria at 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, September 5. GRADE 13—Report to the Library at 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, September 5. All Students Should Bring A Pen Dismissal at 11:45 a.m. Jamo> Taylor, Chairman Advisory Vocational Committee 4 NOTE: I. Bum* for Clinton area students will operate I hour later than usual for open day only. Book store will be open for Grade 13 students after dismissal on September 5. Welter C. Newcombe, Chairman ’ CDCI Board 1 GRADES 9" and 10—Report to the Auditorium at 10:15a.m. on Tuesday, September 5. Announce the Opening of Classes for the School Year 1967 - 68 Rs Outlined Below: r. GARRY, RODNEY and RUSSELL OATS. —BARLEY that will make seed . ./ HERTA, KEYSTONE and YORK. NOW AVAILABLE For Fast Service and Quality Grain . . Contact HENSALL PHONE 262-2527 35,36,3>b 7 * u*:; Seed Wheat Contracts TALBOT or GENES3EE . . . Whichever You Prefer PLEASE BRING A SAMPLE OF THE OATS OR BARLEY WITH YOU. highest prices paid for white beans Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board AND ITS ATTENTION FARMERS WANTED A&P QUALITY PEACHES Halves FEATURE PRICE! 319-FL-OZ $*1.00 T'NS | A&P Fancy Quality “New Pack” ASPARAGUS A&P (Orange*Grapefruit) BLENDED JUICE Q.T.F. Tropical FRUIT SALAD Solo (Parohment Wrapped) MARGARINE Plain or Garlic, Sliced TIPS THIS IS 49c — SAVE 9c 89< SAVE 11c 100 McLaren s dills 3 Oral Antiseptic COLGATE "100" Soft Rite (White or Coloured) . TOILET TISSUE ABOUT PEOPLE. Reg. Price tin 12-fl-oz lins Reg, Price tin 37© — 3^ 48-fl-oztins Reg. Price 2 tine 57c — SAVE 15c 14-fl-oztins Reg. Price pkg 31c — SAVE 35c Z|l 1-lbpkg.s Reg. Price jar 33c — SAVE 10c 15-oz jars 89< Reg. Prioe btl. 98c — SAVE 19c 14-fl-oz bll 79. Reg. Prioe pkg 57c — SAVE 4c pkg of Dedicated men and women. Eager teen-agers and experienced Newcomers and old-timers, full-timers and part-timers. Store clerks and managers, truck drivers, warehousemen and secretaries. 4 53< \ Marvel Brand (Assorted Flavours) Reg. ctn. 95c — SAVE 6c ICE CREAM .< Jane Parker Reg. Price each 49c — SAVE 6c LEMON PIE . . .43. Jane Parker ' Reg. Price each 69c —•. SAVE 14c CHERRY PIE « P . Jane Parker Orange, Lemon or Banana Reg. 59c — SAVE 10o CHIFFON CAKE 49< Jane Parker Reg, Price loaf 25c — SAVE 10c BREAD Cracked Wheat 3 24-oz loaves 65< Fresh Produce! adults. Butchers and bakers and "Fish Stick" makers. They do a great job for you. They all work for A&P. They are A&P .. . and we're proud of them. This Labour Day, we have a message for all our employees: "V/e Care About You, Too." Ontarib Grown, No. 1 Grade, Guaranteed Good Cookers POTATOES 69 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P 2 5-LB BAG California Late LeGrand Variety, Sweet Full of Juice, No. 1 Grade NECTARINES 25 NONE PRICED HIGHER At A&P Ae Ilt27*1tt7 "Super-Right" Meats! FRESH FOR 40 YEARS ise/Tige/I ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER* 2ridK 1967. 81 West St.,Goderich, Ont. TURKEY CUTS WHOLE BREASTS lb WHOLE LEGS 59 49 NECKS & BACKS 45/ CUT INTO 9 TO 11 CHOPS PORK LOIN ZQUARTERS 07 WIENERS - 1-lb vac pac SX BRAND ASSORTED