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Clinton News-Record, 1967-08-31, Page 7
From My Window Summer viewing - ugh ! Shirley Keller OBITUARIES Clinton News-Record, Thursday, August 31, 1967 T ' Bummer time"’ television ip 1 Canada, at least, is perhaps the saddest excuse for entertain' njent that I can. imagine. It seems to. me that the television stations—especially the CBC— send everyone" on a two-month vacation and leave a stack of filmed reruns to play and Play and play for the audience. I ’suppose the reasoning be hind this trend to' rebroadcast everything from Madam Benoit’s ' carrot souffle to Matt Dillon’s shoot-out with the Calico Kid is a belief that the television Viewers take a hot-weather holi day from Boob Tube looking. And while it may be abso lutely correct that most Cana dians are on vacation some time throughout the summer and that some watch less tele vision then than at any other seaspn of the yeuhi I wouldn’t wonder if there are more folks like me who enjoy television just as much in July as in Jan- uary-rr-and have more time in the summer to relax with a favorite TV program. . The other night, fpr instance, I pulled' on a comfortable robe, made a pot of tea and headed' for my own soft. chair by the television.. Happened that I • was tuning in at the middle of the program, but that didn’t matter, I soon realized I’d seen the show and even though it was half over, along nicely, . I told myself hour would be ’all, that, show had been a popu lar offering and I really didn’t 'mind seeing it again, ‘something like reading a book I could follow the next h^lf better. After It was CKNX CENTENNIALX J BARN 8 FEATURING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 34, 35 DANCING 10:00- 12:00 P.M. CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE The Rhythm Masters and Many Other of Your CKNX Favourites CONCERT 8:0.0 - 9:30 P.M. DANCE BACK-TO-SCHOOL TIMEX WATCHES From $7.95 up > M V CARAVELLE WATCHES SHEAFFER PENS ^*0 rfi:/I 4’ ' X < ■■’ ••’*?■» & A '.’’Vx • ‘ 4 r W ? FREE BOOK COVERS ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. ALBERT ST—CLINTON—PHONE 482-9525 from back to front. font I wasn’t complaining. Everything can’t please everybody all of the time, I thought, After the commercials (which incidentjy seem io be the (timely bjts on the picture traption) I was elated to note the familiar -theme of the Hob Hope Theatre. One of my favorite people^ Bo.b Hope can always bp d<?T pended upon for topnotch view ing. Just two minutes into the performance and I knew' the plot' from last winter when 1 was surprised to learn the sec retary was the murderer. My kids tell me the daytime shows are re-runs, too. understand, because day- m.OJit con- This V can understand, because day. time viewers are probably dras tically cut by swim lessons, golf, sun bathing,: shopping, visiting, appointments, chores, strolling and similar activities that go on in’ a normal household. ’. Come evening, though, when all the spendable dollars are gone after vacation; when the kids are in bed and the phone is silent; when the drapes are drawn and the evening is cool, I’ll take bets that a large per centage of the Canadian popu lation is at home with their feet up in front of their 'idiot' boxes waiting in vain to be en tertained. Advertisers should know that- most viewers are intelligent enough to remember a program they have seen before. If they haven’t seen it, chances are they don’t look at much tele vision even in the peak peering months. And since the public pays for their television entertainment—• ■either directly or indirectly — surely We have a right to de mand more than repeats of a show which was loo bad to last more than one third or fourth helping of a program which was good but grows stale after’ five years. Just a thought. With, Canadian talent moving south of the border to work, why not begin a campaign to provide these youngsters jobs during vacation and viewers schedule of summer? season,or a with a brand programs More C.C donations totalled with home new next forNew donations received the Community Centre Build, ing Fund pushed the total re. ceived to date to $43,097,10. Persons who still wish to donate may leave their don- ations with the Town Clerk, John Livermore at the Clin ton town hall or with the Cam- paign Co-ordinator, Ted Mc Cullough, at the office of Huron Co-operative MedicalServices, 82 Albert Street, Clinton. The new donations included: Huron Fish and Game Cons er* vation Association, $200; Alex Inkley, $200; Miss M. Easom, London, $10; E. Beecher Men. zies, $160; Stedman’s Variety Store, $100; George Cantelon, R. R. 3 Seaforth, $100; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colclough, $5. It’s Butler’s new economy Model - 299-E. You get Butler qualities—but at a new low price. No frills—no special features -* just safe, long-lasting storage anyone can afford. Check us today for all the details. ONLY ’319! I BATCHDRY IN THE BIN AS PASTAS YOU HARVEST Now, you can actually keep pace with a 2-row combine-with a single drying bin and, heater thanks to Butler Stor-N-Dry’s hew 1,500,000-BTU in-bin batch drying heater. You get full safety controls, constant .ignition and an exclusive dual burner ar rangement that makes layer drying practical in the same in stallation. You save money, too, because the storage space is in cluded as a bonus-not an extra as with portable batch dryers. Come in today for a free estimate bn the system that’s best for you. We offer a complete plan ning and construction service. Plus low-cost; flexible financing. i I For Complete Automation Equipment And Supplies For Beef — Dairy — Poultry —Hogs BARN BUILDING — HOME RENOVATIONS ’— CEMENT WORK — SPRAY PAINTING — GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STEVE KEMBER SALES & SERVICE RR 2, Seaforth Munm 482-7109 oh Hwy. 8, 2 miles west Of Seaforth (John Softoron Fam) Badger Farm Equipment ,, i. I JOHN WERNER WAGNER Funeral services were held last Wednesday for John Werner Wagner who died following a brief illness in Clinton Hospital. He was born in Hullett Town- ship, the son of the late Jacob Wagner and Anna Youngblut and was in his 87th year, He far med in Hullett Township and. continued tp reside fhore until his death, He is survived by four bro thers, Walter and William, R,R. 1 Auburn, Carl, Glen Willow, Ohio,Louis, Masselon, Ohio,and six sisters, Mrs. Andrew (Rose) Herman, Tavistock, Miss Luella Wagner, Auburn, Miss Minnie Wagner, Auburn, Mrs. Wilfred (Berthe) Sanderson, Auburn, Miss Laura Wagner, Syracuse, New York and Mrs. Fred (Doris) Youngblut of Wood- stock. Huronview sponsors picnic The Huronview Ladi.es* Aux iliary again sponsored the An nual Resident Picnic on August 8. Joe Murphy provided a large bus and the wheel chair resi dents were taken by cars. This year they motored to Seaforth Lions Park by way of Bly th and Walton. Mrs, Meilis, Mrs. Wilde and Mrs. Johnston had planned a program of- sports, and Orval Jantzi and Jack Heyman had Charge of the following games and contests at the park: drop the handkerchief, farmer in the dell, passing the ring on a rope and clothespin relay. Women’s spot race was won by Bessie Stokes; men’s’spot race, Alvin McLeod; men’s kick the slipper, Orval Jantzi; wo men’s kick the slipper, Joan Kelly; wheel chair race, Mrs. Carter; ring toss, Mrs. Chaison and Mrs. Plumb; guessing num ber of beans in jar, Mr. Maw- hinney; most number of buttons (men), Mr. Leishman; most num ber of buttons (women) Mrs. Stapleton. Ninety-two sat down to supper in the pavilion to a bountiful lunch of a variety of sandwiches, pickles, tarts, cookies, dixie cups and tea and coffee prepared by the kitchen staff of Huron view. The funeral service was held at the Arthur Funeral Home with Rev, G. L. Royal of God erich officiating. Burial took plape in Ball’s cemetery. Pallbearers were John Hal lam, Arthur Hallam, Roy Daer, Worthy Young, Harry Beadle, and Harry Webster, Flower bearers were two nephews, Earl and George Youngblut of Wood, stock. EDWARD BOYES Edward Boyes, aged 94years, died in Clinton Public Hospital last Thursday, August 24, Born June 4,1873in Stanley Township, the son of Edward and Mary Ann Boyes, Mr..Boyes hadbeep ill fpr only two days prior to his death, A retired farmer, My. Boyes had lived in Clinton for the past 16 years. Hewas a member pf Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Clinton. His wife, th© former Eliza Jane Armstrong, predeceased hlme. Survivors include one son Bert of Clinton; three dapgh*s ters, Mrs. Wilbert (Eva) John, son, Goderich; Mrs,, Frank (Florence) Fowler, Seaforth; Mrs, Wflmer (Mabel) Reid, Varna; and one brother, Nor man Boyes, London. Funeral was from theBeattie Funeyal Rome on Sunday, Aug ust 27 with Interment in Bay field Cemetery. Officiating min. ister was Rev. Lockhart Royal, Goderich. Pallbearers were Alpert Shaddick, James Mair, Alex Boyce, George Clifton, Elgin Thompson and Fred Boyce, Flower bearers were. Bud Boyes, Don Kay, RalphStephen. son and Don McClincpey Join THE CKNX RADIO MONEY TREE Listen in 9:45 A.M. MONDAY TO FRIDAY FOR VALUABLE PRIZES Pick up Your Sales Slips Here SCHOOL OPENING SPECIALS LOOSE LEAF REFILLS LINED 190 sheets reg. .95 for .75 SHEAFFER CARTRIDGE PEN with 5 pack refill reg. L49 for .98 LEATHERETTE EXERCISE BOOKS 36 pages each with Margin 6 books' — .59 FOR THE BEST SERVICE Plain to comeand enjoy your.alf in '^2 wfKf EiRi Cawl this Weekend Saturday, Sept. 2 Dance Arena, 8:30 p,m. Sunday, Sept. 3 Open air interdenominational church car- vice. All are welcome. Monday, Sept. 4 Barbecue operating all afternoon, 2:00 p.m, parade, 3 p.m. Introduction of guests and speaker, 4:00 p.m. Tug-of-war and Children's races, 4:45 p.m* soap box der by, 8:30 p.m. two street dances — two bands, one old time, one modern. There is no charge and all are welcome. 34-35 61/% -NOTICE- Tuckersmith Municipal Dump ... . \will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.m. NO WIRE FENCING, OLD CONCRETE or CAR BODIES PERMITTED James I. McIntosh Clerk. 15tfb AT THE LOWEST COST SEE Clinton Community '■ . I Credit Union Ltd. 70 ONTARIO STREET 482-3467 Large parking lot off the street PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIHCAIES • issued 3 to 5-year term. • earn the above indicated interest payable half-yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. \STERLING TRUSTS/ 1 fiOHMMAYMN > Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 372 Bay St. 35 Dunlop St., 73 Misslssaga Toronto Barria Orillia This summer/ enjoy Carling Cinci Lager Beer, It goes down a little easier, satisfies a whole lot more!