HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-31, Page 6PORTER'S HILL H uronv iew birthday HEARING AID I Clinton News-Record, Thursday, August 31> 1967 Phone 482-7621 « MRS. DONALD HARRIS Phone 493-3342 STEDMAN'S ^CLINTON, ONTARIO BELTONE SERVICE CENTRE First Friday of Each Month 6 ITS WESTERN FAIR’S 100™ BIRTHDAY! GORDIE TARP, M.C. MANHATTAN ROCKETTES That Quick Talking Funny Man HENNY YOUNGMAN Evening Grandstand Show* Sept. 11, 12 and 13 Two Shows Nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. America's Best Known Tenor DENNIS DAY Evening Grandstand Shows Sept. 8 and 9 Two Shows Nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. You've seen him on TV. You've heard him on rec­ ords. Now here he is WAYNE NEWTON LOU PROHUT, of Don McNeil's Breakfast Club, .his family and accordion London's Favourite Son GORDIE TAPP Genial Master of Ceremonies The August birthday party at Huron view was in the charge Of the Elmvale Institute. Mrs. Qreary, their president, brought greetings from the In­ stitute and introduced Mrs. Bat­ ten, who convened for the fol­ lowing program? electric guitar selection by Miss 3. Batten; Vocal solo, Sandra Skinner; pi. ano solo; Yvonne Jacques; vocal numbers by the Hern family; a reading, Mrs. Gilbert Johns; accordlan selections, Lois Johns; guitar numbers, James Lynn; piano solo, Joan Lynn: vocal trio, the Johns family;. piano duet, Joanand Brian Pym. A novelty band was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Jorgenson was the pianist for the afternoon and entertained while the lunch was being served, Birthday gifts werepresented to Garfield Brock, Ella Daw­ son, Nellje Col borne, Mrs. Ste­ venson, Mrs. Saint, Mr. New- combe, Rachel Bell, Bessie Sloman, William Boa, Mrs. Mary Smith, Miss Butler, Daniel McLean, Mrs, Jeffery, Mrs. Benninger and Herbert Collar. STEDMAN'S VARIETY STORE September Promotion * • ' "SPECIAL" FOAM BACK RUGS- Green, Brown, Biegg. 6x9 - Reg. $21.99 — Special $18.49 9x12 - Reg. $39.99 — Special $34.95 USE OUR USE OUR "CREDIT PLAN"LAYAWAY " OR No Down Payment PLAN COFFEE TABLE and ■ END TABLE SPECIAL- Reg. $10.98 Special $8.88 THREE (3) TABLES for .. $25.00 . PORTERS HILL - LastTues- day evening the executive of Grace Church Sunday School met at the home of Mrs, T. Sowerby with the senior class as guests, Mr, Beck opened the meeting with a Scripture reading and prayer. The min­ utes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. C. Sturdy and the treasurer’s report read. This Sunday September 3 will be promotion Sunday and will be a combined service. The election of officers was taken charge of by Mr. Beck as follows for the coming year, Secretary, Larry Sturdy, as. sistant secretary, Pennies Harris, treasurer, Lorna Mil­ ler, assistant treasurer, John Cox, Teachers are as follows: Senior class, Mrs. Elgin Cox, assistant, Mrs. A. Bettles. In- termediate, Mrs. Chester Sturdy, Sharon Lockhart. Jun­ iors, Mrs. T. -Sowerby, Mrs. A, Lockhart. Primary, Mrs. W, Riddell, Julia Cox. Kinder­ garten, Colleen Lockhart and Mrs. D, Harris, Pianist, Lorna ' Miller, assistant Mrs. Chester Sturdy. Mrs. Sowerby, superintei*- dent, closed the meeting with Mizpah Benediction and a pot luck lunch was served. Anniver sary eejjrvice at Grace Church will be held Sunday, September 10 at 11 a.m,. with Rev. G. Mills, Clinton, as guest speaker. There will be special music, Trick graduates Gerald William T, Trick, son of Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Trick, R. R. 3 Clinton, is one of 157 new members to be registered by the Association pf Profes­ sional Engineers of Ontario at a recent Coppell meeting. New members can use the initial^ “P.vEng.” after their name? in connection with engin- epring work they undertake. The 24,500 member associ­ ation serves as the licensing body for the engineering pro- fession throughout the province and also informs the general public regarding the role played by the professional engineer in Canada’s economic develop­ ment. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st - From 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. HOTEL CUNTON Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Store Phono for Free Homo Appointment SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen St. S. Kitchener PLAN TO ATTEND SEAFORTH’S CENTENNIAL on LABOR DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th 2 p.m. BADAm? inc,udin9 50 F'osts, 5 Bands rArCAUL and Militia SPORTS a- Contests— Band Concert—Etc. Old-Fashioned Get-To- In Seaforth Memorial Arena—Beet and Pork Adults, IS2.00; Children, 6-12, $1.00—under 6, Free 5 to I p.m. BARBEQUE 8 p.m. MILITARY DISPLAY AND FIRING OF 25-GUN SALUTE Ufiyeiling. and Dedication of Seaforth Centennial Project (New entrance to Seoforth Memorial Arena} 9 p.m. 'till next day PROGRAM DANCING In Seaforth Memorial Aren* With Music by ROYCE RIEHL end HIS COUNTRY COUSINS Admission SLOB . Antique Display by Seaforth Women’s Institute The dead classroom A startling and proven fact: one classroom of high school students is wiped out every week because of car accidents. It is an unbearable statistic, but true. More young Canadians are killed in automobile accidents than by any other cause. Ydung drivers as a group are involved in more automobile accidents than any other drivers. This is the simple.reason insurance rates are higher for them. We, in thO autorhobile insurance industry, pro­ vide training courses, bursaries and technical assistance, to high school instructors to help them teach safe driving to their students. Students who pass; approved high school driver training courses earn lower insurance premiutnS. At present, only 14% Of high schools across Canada have these driver training courses. Parents, teachers — just ask yourselves: Must a classroom be Wiped but next week? You can help prevent such tragedies by sup­ porting driver training programmes in your community. I. All Canada Insurance Federation bn behalf of THE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE INDUSTRY Evangelist Jack West will speak at the Clinton Pentecos­ tal church on Friday evening at 7:30 p.m.. This Centennial year is also the 20th year in the ministry for Rev. West, who spent his boyhood days in Clin­ ton and attended the Clinton Public School and the Clinton Collegiate Institute. “Jack” served for nearly four years in the Canadian Armed forces and was stationed in England, Holland, Germany and theAleu- tian Islands. He entered the ministry after the War and has served pas- torates in Hamilton, Ontario, • and in Springfield, Missouri. A new church was built in Springfield, Missouri during his ministry there, seating 1,600 people and costing about a half million dollars. In 1963 he returned to Can­ ada and has since travelled extensively in both Canada and the United States conducting “New Life Crusades.” This year he has conducted speak- ing engagements in Ottawa, Modeling the new Canadian Forces uniform at CFB Clinton are Cpl. C. F. Keating (right) and Sgt. G. E, Smith (left). Cpl. Keating and Sgt. Smith are part of a group of 400 service personnel throughout the Canadian Forces who are participating in the evaluation study of the new uniform and they will wear the uniform during the trial period of approximately nine months. Evangelist West to visit Clinton Montreal, Winnipeg, Halifax, Fort William and Sarnia as well as numerous cities in the U.S.A, In February the New Life Crusade in San Fernando, Trin­ idad drew a closing Sunday night audience of over 6,000 and over 1,000 “decisions for Christ” were made including Mohammedans and Buddists, Rev. West will show a color film of the West Indies Crus­ ade as well as speak on the subject “God’s Plan for Man’s Deliverance.” He will be ac­ companied in the .service by his wife and two daughters. His older daughter Sharon is currently visiting with her family from Nebraska. A former music major from Evangel College in Springfield, Sharon will present a piano instrumental in the Friday night service. Pastor Werner extends a warm welcome to friends in the Clinton area to attend the Friday evening ser- ' vice with Evangelist JadkWest. Hubert Castle's World Renowned ■a a ■ EVENING GRANDSTAND SHOWSINTERNATIONAL CIRCUS ______________ Sept. 14 and 15 at 3 p.m. and Sept, 16 at 2 p.rii. AFTERNOON grandstand shows FRIDAY, SEPT. 8, AT 4:30 P.M. WAYNE NEWTON — CHIEFTDNES Plus Variety Acts SATURDAY, SEPT. 9, AT 2 P.M. GORDlE TAPP and the O.P.P. Motorcycle Precision Ride and LOU PROHUT and Special Guests *—t LONDON'S NIGHTHAWKS BARBERSHOPPERS following Warriors' Day Parade and 3rd RCR Centennial Guard Cercniohy MONDAY, SEPT. IT, AT 2 P.M. LUdies' bay — Fashion Varieties '67. GORDIE TAPP DENNIS DAY. Miss Dominion of Canada DONNA BARKER. Spacial Guests LONDON'S MAPLE KEYS, Ladies' Barbershop Quartet/ O.P.P. Motorcycle Ride. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPt, 12 arid 13, AT 3 P.M, GORDIE TAPP O.P.P. MOTORCYCLE PRECISION RIDE —■ ARTHUR ALLEN'S Famous Working Collies Plus Selected Variety Act*. DAILY CENTENNIAL YEAR CAR THRILLS • STARS FUN • SPECTACLE for the whole family ADULTS $1 CHILDREN 25c at all times * Gate Admission Covert the Whole Show Continuous Entertainment arid Special Events on the Fair Grounds • Under the Silver Dome • The Debutantes — Saturday, Sept. 9 • The Little Sisters *— Monday, Sept. 11 • The Brothers-lri-LaW -* Saturday, Sept. 16 • Horste Show Nightly at 7:45 p.m, • .Livestock Competitions — Safes • Midway and Kiddieland • Home and culi­ nary Arts • Farm Machinery Show • Warriors' Day Parade • Art and Photography Competition • Commercial, Government and Educational Exhibits • Daily parade through grounds, 6:30 p.m. • Rbving Singers • Labatt's Wun- der-Baride -— Courtesy Labatt's On. tario Breweries Ltd. • Chieftones « Canada's All Indian Band • Gal­ lagher Motors, Sdtiarb Dancing and Old Time Fiddlers’ .Competition • Go-Go Dance Party Sponsored by Cofca-COIa Ltd. • Trout Fishing Pond • Pearly Q's Roving Bana • Canadian Wild Animal Display • Francarro And Estreleta • Fash­ ion ShOws Nightly • The Sponge Plunge • POny Pulling Contests • Allen's Famous Working Collie*. AWARDS —8 RAMBLER REBEL 770s Western Ontario's Showplace of Agriculture • Industry ♦ Education * Entertainment since 1867