HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-31, Page 5“Fishing is my favorite sport now!” This was 5-year-old J. J. Beechie’s comment after catching this 16-inch pickerel which he pulled from the Bayfield river last week. Using a boy’s traditional and primitive but somehow effective angling gear of switch-rod, a length of string and worm-baited hook, “J.J.” landed his first pickerel with the help of his two sisters. “J.J.” catches pickerel merely for the fun of it; he admitted that he didn’t like the taste of fish. (Photo by Bellchamber) w . Clinton News-Record, Thursday. August 31, 1967 Local youths praised on Expo 67 trip The biggest, best fish he'll ever catch By Audrey Bellchamber This is the story of the 16 inch pickerel that didn’t get awayi Master J.J. Beechie, aged 5, told me last week of his very first fishing trip. Using as a rod, aslender tree branch, a piece of string, and a hook and worm, “J.J.” caught his fish in the Bayfield river last Tuesday. He admitted his two sisters helped pull it in and then they didn’t know what to do. They just “left it in the air to die”. When I asked what he was going to do with it (having an idea I might be asked the name of a good taxidermist!) “J.J.” said that they were going to have it for dinner, but ad­ ded, he “really doesn’t like fish”. But he said very feverently, of course, “fishing is my fa- vorite sport - now!!” % BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , , , . , , By BELLCHAMBER Jk VI?T 1% j ■ t t PERSONAL HEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES > VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Adys. and Display Adys, all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. I ......>"■. .1. . !.......I.l. .1. . .1 ."-1"111 1... ,1 ......1 I.. HIMr Honorable Paul Hellyer a guest at Morgan Smith garden party “Eblapa”, home of, Dr. and Mrs. G. L, Morgan Smith,was perhaps one pf the most beau­ tiful settings for apolitical rally ever chosen in Huron County. Hon, paul Hellyer, Minister of National Defence, accompan­ ied by Mrs. Hellyer, on the occasion of their first visit to Bayfield, demonstrated the sup* port of the Federal Liberal Party for Dr. Smith, the lib* BAYFIELD - Mrs. J.E. How ard is a patient in Clinton Hospital.* * * Dr. Paul Chapman, Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chap­ man and family of Chicago are visiting their parents, Dr. and Mrs. A.L. Chapman at their summer home on LouiseStreet.* * * The ladies of the Rollerena Committee entertained mem­ bers and friends of the Com­ munity Centre Committee at a barbecue on Saturday night * * * Mrs. Charles Bell accom­ panied by her granddaughter, Miss Janis Galbraith, was a guest of Mrs. Beakhurst and her son, Graham, in Montreal from Friday until Tuesday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. BiH Barber Jr. Paul and Brian Minden are vac­ ationing with the former’s par- ents at their cottage. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Mc­ Laughlin and Megan, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. F. Le Beau for the weekend, * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Nancy, Susan and Jimmy, Kit­ chener, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. R. Elliott.* * * era! candidate for the Provin­ cial riding of Huron. Mr, Hellyer said that 1967 is an outstanding year for Can­ ada, He recalled that another small community which lin­ gered in his mind was St. Pauls Alberta) where the citizens have stirred the imagination of thousands by installing a land- ing platform for visitors from Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hutchin­ son and family, Stratford, are spending several months at their cottage. * * * Mrs. G. Heidemah and Miss Isabel Heideman, Toronto, spent the weekend at their cot­ tage. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Anis Okab, from Jersualem, Jordan, and Paul Hohenbrink of Detroit, Mich­ igan, were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. HaroldE. Prim at “Holley Lodge.” * * * Miss Brenda Blair and Miss Carol Grange, of New York, came on Thursday to visit the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Blair.* * * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell, Cheryl and Colin, who have spent several weeks with the former’s brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mitchell returned to their home in Dart­ mouth, Nova Scotia, last week. * * * F/L and Mrs. R. A. Simons, Randy and Danielle, Ottawa, visited friends in the village from Tuesday until Thursday of last week.* * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cliff, London, spent the weekend at their cottage. outer space and which he had opened. Mr. Hellyer said that this was his first visit to Bayfield andvthat he and his wife were looking forward to revisiting it as tourists when time permits, Adding his personal recom­ mendation for Dr, Smith as liberal candidate for the Pro­ vincial Parliment, he referred to Dr, Smiths distinguished car­ eer in the Canadian Forces and Bayfied CC Donations Bayfield Community Centre Committee report that the house to house canvas for funds to build the arena extension and install an artificial ice plant was most successful. The fund has now risen to $6,348.48 as of August 28. Last week’s total of $1,013.15 was raised as follows; JV. Layton, $50; L. Scotch- mer $5; W. Parker, $20; Pioneer Park Association $300; J. Fraser, $10; George Bell, $15; Keith Brandon, $20; Russ Davidson, $20; K. Brandon, $50; Michael Beatty, $50; Lloyd Huff­ man, $2; Jack Tillmann, $25; Alice Drovin, $10; Mabel Wal­ lace, $10; Anon, $1; Don Hir- ston, $5; Anonymous, $25; A. E. Hetherington, $5; Mrs, Mar­ garet Scotchmer, $2; Donald Lance $20; Arthur Ford, $25; Mrs. Arthur Ford, $50; G. L. Morgan Smith $25; Mrs, Eva Firter, $25; Mrs. Ann Fergus­ on, $25; G. N, Rivers, $25; L.B. Smith,; $5; Mrs. R. W. Bristol, $10; Mi’s. Jack Cook, $10; Mrs. Carl Dalton, $1; Prof. H. K. Kalbfleisch, $40,15; Dr. William Tillmann, $50; Clare Merner, $25; Mrs. Rose AnnScotchmer, $5; Mrs. Bertha Turner, $10; Mrs! Norma Wallis, $10; Ed Sturgeon, $2; Russell Heard, $5; Mr. and Mrs, John Stur­ geon, $10; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sturgeon, $10. emphasized that considerable team work was required of all Liberal party members to en­ sure his success if and when the present government have the nerve to call an election. The Zurich Town Band play­ ed during the afternoon. Historic Soc. meeting at Cobb home The Bayfield Branch of the Hur on C ounty Hi storical S oci ety met at the home of Mrs. Helen Cobb last Wednesday. Twenty members were in attendance. To replace the Antique Show which had been scheduled for the month, it was decided to show, next year, colored slides as a review of the Centennial Year. Brigadier F. A. Clift gave a report of the June 15 opening of the' Archives Room at the Goderich Museum and said that a number of the Bayfield mem­ bers had met with the presi­ dent of the Huron Society, Mr. McLaren, at which meeting the Bayfield members had agreed to staff the archives room each Tuesday in August.. Mrs. Elva Metcalf, reporting on the Hasti-Notes, saidanum- ber of boxes are still avail­ able and that the new order had been received. The mem­ bers discussed the possibility of an insertwith seasonal greet­ ings being included in the new hasti-notes. E. W. Oddlifson reported on the progress of the standards for the village street signs. It was agreed to subscribe to the Ontario Historical Mag­ azine for the year 1967-68. Following the meetingrefres- ments were served by the hostess. In a world which so often criticizes young people for a lack pf good spnse, oyer 300 kids between the ages pf 10 and 20 from this part of Huron County wore singled out for special praise by the officials Who attended the Lions Club Expo camp in Montreal, Over 100 Clinton and area youngsters and their chap­ erones were on the Lions Club train to Expo 67 when it left town Tuesday, August 15, In pll, 39Q passengers including per­ sop from Goderich, Stratford and Kitchener were on the rail­ way cars whiQhretprnedalmost one week later, Monday, Aug­ ust 21, after a' tour of the world’s fair. R. E. Crawford, 93 Picton Street, Goderich, principal of the Senior Public School there, assisted with the organization of the trip for students from this area. He noted that the younger children on the excur­ sion were kept in groups while touring Expo though most of the older travellers were free to move at will on the Expo grounds. “After their money was spent at La Ronde,” Mrs. Crawford ' remarked, “they started s to learn something.” Garnet Harland, R. R. 5 Clin­ ton, who travelled with the group as a chaperone said, “It’s a Pipers here on Friday Pipers from Lucknow will be in Clinton on Friday night to join the Clinton Pipe Band in a concert on the Library Lawn about 8 o'clock on Sept­ ember 1. Citizens are invited to call around to hear the music of pipers and drummers, so sweet to so many ears. Percy Brown wins olds Percy Brown, R. R. 5 Clin­ ton , got home from Expo 67 this week to learn from his neighbours that he had won a brand new 1967 Oldsmobile in a- draw at Port Burwell. Mr. Brown held one ticket on the vehicle. The draw was sponsored by the Port Burwell Lions Club. tremendous thing die Lions have done.” The local teacher was refer­ ring in part to the Kitchener Lions Qiub which built a special barrack block in Montreal to accommodate students touring Expo. The facilities were styled sirnllaj’ to military barracks and students got “a taste of army life”. Food was prepared and ser­ ved in the dining hall at the barracks, and while there was a few complaints about the food, officials on the trip felt the meals served were adequate. The $65 fare for the trip included accommodation adn included accommodation and meals at the camp, passport to Expo, travel expenses to and from Montreal, and bus fare to and from Expo each day. Remarks of the students on the trip and letters and com­ ments from parents of young people attending were “100 per­ cent favorable”. Mr. Crawford remarked. Mr. Crawford also made special mention of the fact that the group of youngsters from this ' area, received commend­ ation by workers at the Lions’ barrack camp. “It was a terrific bunch of kids,” Mr. Crawford explained. “They were well-behaved anda real credit to the community. I feel people should know that these youngsters were highly praised for their fine showing while at Expo,” VARNA FRED McCLYMONT Phone 482-3214 VARNA - Frank Postlll had charge of the services-in the Varna and Goshen United Churches last Sunday. ♦ * * Rally Day andPromotlonSer- vice will be held next Sunday in the United Church. The Rob­ ert Raikes certificates will also be presented during theService, Rev. M. Morrison will be in charge assisted by the Sunday School superintendents. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCIymont and Michael of Guelph spent the weekend with relatives at Clinton and Varna. «bomrr i CLINTON i. .awi-xe* PROP. SOUTHEND BP VICTORIA STREET COME IN AND GET YOUR FREE COFFEE MUG OR BOWL LICENSED MECHANIC REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS PETER JONES SPECIALISTS IN EUROPEAN CARS 482-7820