HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-31, Page 4I. 4 ■ tn id I | RIIMNISS T1"'!—I" Clinton News-Record, Thursday, August 31, 1967 CUSTOM WORK NOTICES f classified’ ADV. RATES (REVISED M,y 1, IMS) CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each ineertion If not paid within 10 day* of the Mt lneertton. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 5Oo DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Clas* Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 ■s ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM apartment for rent, unfurnished. Phone 482- 6675. 35tfb FURNISHED, heated apart­ ment, suitable for two. Apply to 93 Huron St., Clinton. 35tfb 1 BEDROOM, furnished heat­ ed apartment, Ceriel Van- Damme, 482-6685.______34tfb HOUSE for rent — 2 bedroom, central location, available im­ mediately. Phone 482-9540 after 5 p.m. ___________ 35p ONE BEDROOM furnished ap­ artment, all utilities paid. Avail­ able Sept. 10. Phone 482-3837. 35tfb 4 ROOM APARTMENT with 3- piece bath, modern kitchen, storage room, gas heat, unfum- ished. Phone 482-9649. 24ptfb UPPER. DUPLEX in Bruce­ field, 2 bedrooms, oil heated, new stove and refrigerator, ad­ ults or with small baby .pre­ ferred. Phone 262-5047. 30tfb ONE BEDROOM, unfurnish­ ed apartment, upstairs, heated, suitable for couple, own ent­ rance. Available Sept. 30. Phone 482-9573 after 6 p.m, 34-5b SELF CONTAINED one bed­ room apartment, furnished, all utilities paid. $75.00 per month. Paul Bunyan. Motel, Bayfield. 32tfb ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apartment, upstairs, livingroom, kitchen, bathroom, heated, suit­ able for couple. Apply Mc­ Ewan’s Store. 28tfb ROOMS FOR EXPO — can accommodate family of 8, $6 for one person, $2 each addi­ tional person. Mrs. J. Bosse, 249 Hugues, Pommier, Boucher- ville, P.Q. 6558216, for further information phone 527-0598 Sea­ forth. _______ 35p FOR SALE OR RENT 10‘x48’ MOBILE HOME. Phone 482-7833. ________35b DALE’S Sunoco, Exeter — Tent trailers, hard or soft top. Sales — Rentals. Open evenings and weekends ailso. Phone 235-1710. 19tfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED HOUSE or apartment wanted to rent, 2 or 3 bedrooms. Phone 455-9053 London Collect. Peter Jones. '_____________32tffo ARTICLES FOR SALE EGGS FOR SALE 45c dozen year round Contact Mr*. Charles Houghton CLINTON PHONE 482-7434 WE DELIVER 30tfb RETIRING FROM BUSINESS ALL MERCHANDISE REDUCED Dealers Welcome! Property for Rent or Sale. BAYFIELD WOOLLEN SHOP 565-2813 35b ARTICLES FOR SALE SKYLINE Imperial TV Aerial with bace and bracket, in good condition. Phone 482-7091. 35b UPRIGHT PIANO, living room furniture and tables. Phone 482-7453 after 5:30 p.m. 35b KARN PIANO with bench, in good condition. Phone 482- 7596. ' 35b SIMPLICITY Washers now a- vailable at T. A. Dutton Appli­ ances, Brucefield. Open even­ ings. 38tfb , GOING TO EXPO? You need luggage, 20% off Dominion Luggage. Anstett Jewellers Limited. 27tfb NOW AVAILABLE at Anstett Jewellers Limited — Portable Typewriters and Adding Mach­ ines. $5 down, $5 a month. 27tfb CURTAINS' - Draperies - Win- dow Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drap­ ery Pull Rods, Ready Made Draperies. Free Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS. 5tfb SWEET CORN for sale,' suit­ able for table or freezing. Bring your own containers and pick your own. Haugh Brothers, Brucefield, phone 527-0927. 33-35b NOW IS THE TIME to order Aluminum storm windows. 75x30 or 105” for $17.00; $2.00 extra for installation. Ceriel Van Damme, phone 482-6685. 35-6b ALUMINUM — Awnings, win- dows, doors, shutters, railings and columns, siding, eaves- troughs. Phone or write for free estimates. Phone 527-0777 or 527-0032. Holmes and MacLean, Seaforth. 28-37b Back To School SPECIALS 1— BRAND NEW, Round Bob­ bin Reverse Stitch Portable, 'mends ft darns. Reg. $119.95, Now $88.00. 2— SHOP FLOOR Demonstrat­ or Machines, up to 25% Off New Price. Full warranty. 3— TYPEWRITERS -—Reduced for back to school savings. 4— REPOSSESSED CABINET Model Machine, TV Console, Automatic . Washer and Wringer Washer. Pay bal­ ance. SINGER of Canada, Goderich Phone 524-8431 #■ -- CLINTON 482-9103 34,35b i * BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CELANESE CARPET CENTRE Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. Samples shown In your horns. Free Estimates. Guaranteed Installations. * * There’s a Celanese Carpet for every room In the home. 'Quality you can trust' From BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST Hardware and Furniture Phone 482-9505 Clinton 23tfb AUTOS FOR SALE 1964 FORD FAIRLANE, 2 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, good condition. Phone 482-7866 Clinton. ' 35p 1959 STUDEBAKER % ton truck with racks, running con­ dition. Reasonable. Phone 262- 5006. 35p 1964 PONTIAC convertible, 283 automatic, power steering, brakes, recently overhauled mo­ tor. Will sell reasonable. Phone 523-4588._________________35p BOARD AND ROOM ! v__________ _ BOARDERS WANTED in quiet adult home, abstainers. Bruce­ field. Phone 482-7165. 34tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED LADY WISHES to do House­ work or baby sitting, 5 day week, excellent references; can take complete charge. Will live in. Apply to Box 342, Clinton News-Record. _____ 34-5b CUSTOM WORK Weed Cutting( Ploughing or Cultivating Call George MoGoe at Clinton Cab 482-7011 _____________________Jfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem DgtApment Wfcrk Guornnteed Write or phone Harvey Dale, Seefertli Phene 527-140S Mtfb JACK’S FURNITURE RE­ PAIR: Fumituiie repaired and refinished at REAR of 84 Al­ bert Street. John Plumtree, Phone 482-9695. lOtfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter’s Jewellery. Huron County’s Oldest Esta- bltehed Jewellery Store. tfb FOR ALL your home remodel­ ling, painting and decorating, call 482-7109, Steve Kember Construction, RR 2, Seaforth. Also roofing, bam cement work and spray painting._____19tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676, Ken McNaim, _______52tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton De­ pot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsings Store. Henk’s Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St.’ Gode­ rich. _______' 38tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem equipment used. All work guaranteed. LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, Brunels Phone 442W6, Brussels 16-35p WILL THE PERSON who took two stands and two wreaths, from Clinton Cemetery please return them to save further trouble. —Ernie Vanderburgh. 35b BUS SCHEDULES for Stan- ley, Tuckersmith and Bayfield will be the same as at the end of the school term. Any changes will be made after registration has been completed. For furth­ er information contact Huron Centennial School, Brucefield. 35b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checkedj for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv­ ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 33tfb Estate AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques & Miscellaneous Items, on the premises, 116 Quebec St., in the Town of Goderich. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by Public Auetioxi on Wednesday, September 6 at ,12.30 p.m, . PLAN TO ATTEND THIS OUTSTANDING SALE FRED LECKY, Executor for the Estate of the late Charles M. Lecky. Alvin Wulper, Auctioneer Phone Dashwood 237-3592 34-5b ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Gordon West- . lake, Bayfield, are happy to an­ nounce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra, to Ronald Gordon Snell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snell, RR 3 Blyth. The wedding to take place on Saturday, September 16, 1967 at 2 p.m. in Calvary Baptist Church, Goderich. 35b .BIRTHS REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM Brick House, in good location. Phone 482-9306 or 482-9789. 35p E. & O. CONSTRUCTION BAYFIELD BACKHOE -r- GRADING SAND and GRAVEL ' Phone 565.2734 30-35b We Specialize In . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plurfibing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing. Heating. Electric SAUDS ft SERVICE HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL OR LADY with driver’s licence for light housework. Apply to Box 330, Clinton News-Record, -33-35b PART-TIME BABYSITTER for three children, aged 1, 4 and 7; in your home. Phone 482-7566. . ' ' *35b 7li4pY;:FQR<CASHIER.’Wdrkan' |^'^ei^<s^Ote?s ^U'4:QJ>:)par^imefi L-must be available for full time if required. Apply to Box 351 Clinton News-Record. 35b HELP WANTED MALE CLASS A MECHANIC wanted. Apply to Roy Mann Shell Ser­ vice Station, or phone 482-9079. 34,35p MAN WANTED for work in bean 'elevator. Apply Cook Brothers Milling Company, phone 262-2605 Hensall. 35b CAREER OPPORTUNITY NEW SUBDIVISION — Lake­ front lots 80x320, hydro and drilled water system, $3,250. BAYFIELD Village Lots, hydro and drilled water system, 2 only, $1,000, Lauckner Real Estate, Adam Flowers, phone 565-2813. 35b i 200 ACRES, 10-room house with bath and furnace, large barns. Level land, tiled, plen­ ty water; 2 miles from Win­ throp. 175 ACRES, 8 room house with bath & furnace; barn 55x60; including crop; 4 miles from Walton. 160 ACRES, 10 room house with bath and furnace; barns 40x60, 30x50, 25x40; silo 16x50; 40 milk cows; 70 heif­ ers and steers; bulk cooler; Goderich Township. 100 ACRES, 10 room house, bath & furnace; barn 50x60; including crop; 1 mile from Auburn. 200 ACRES, 9 room house with bath and furnace; barns 60x65; silo; including cattle and implements and crop; 2 miles from Clinton. 120 ACRES, 8 room house, bath and furnace; barn 50x60; silo; Goderich Township. C. BURUMA RR 2 Clinton-—482-3287 Salesman for ' John Bosveld, London •• 34-35b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of EVELYN GERTRUDE HALL, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Librarian, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 12th day of June, A.D. 1967, are requir­ ed to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be­ fore the-11th day of September, A.D. 1967, after which' date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the ‘claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 16th day of August, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said EState. 34,35,36b_______ Notice To Creditors In the Estate of GERTRUDE AMELIA McVITTIE, late of the Village of LondeSboro, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 30th day of July, A.D. 1967, are requir­ ed to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be­ fore the 11th day of September, A.D. 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 16th day of August, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 34,35,36b BARWELL—In Regina on Mon,, day, August 21, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Gord Barwell (nee. Nancy Schoenhals) Regina, a daughter, Jody Fay, a sister for Jay. DYKSTRA —In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, August 24, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Dykstra, RR 2 Bayfield, a son. HOORNAERT—In Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital on Monday, Aug­ ust 28, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hoornaert, RR 2 Kip­ pen, a daughter, LAMBERS —In Clinton Public Hospital on . Friday, August 25, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Ray ' Lambers, RR 2 Clinton, a son. SCOTCHMER—In Sarnia Gen­ eral Hospital on Monday, August 28, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scotchmen, Sar­ nia (nee Jeanne Etue, Gode­ rich) a daughter, a grand­ daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Alf Scotchmer, DEATH BOYES — In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, August 24, 1967, Edward Boyes, Clinton, formerly of Stanley, Township, in his 95th year.‘ Funeral service from Beattie Funeral Home on Sunday, August 27 with interment in Bayfield Cemetery. Hotke T@ Creditors REAL ESTATE \ WANTED ^AN^O^f’XR^W'RENT With option to buy, 100 to 150 acres with good house. Apply to Box 350 Clinton News-Rec­ ord. ; ■ 35b SERVICES Due to advance in our organi-. zation we have an opening for an aggressive man who is in­ terested in above average in­ come. Must be neat and clean and willing to work some even­ ings. Leads supplied and guaran­ teed salary per week.. Equal opportunity for advancement. Transportation supplied. Singer Company of Canada 40 West St. Goderich Ontario EXTRA garbage and junk pick­ up service. Phone evenings 482- 7318 or 482-9134._______19tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St, Goderich. lStfb SHARPEN UP WITH E. R. Doucette 168 Queen Street, Clinton 1 Block East of Hospital Saws, Skates, Knives, Planes, Scissors, Snips, Shears, etc. 31tfb Notice To Creditors. In the Estate of ELLA MAY MASON, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims ^against, the Estate of the above- ignamed, who died on the Sth day of August, A.D. 1967, ate requir­ed tp.yfilejull particulars ^thereof wi$i the-undersigned pnj..or;.?be-; fok® the- 8dly of ^Sept'em oer; A.D&1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard Only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED' at Clinton, Ont., this 16th day of August, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 34,35,36b In the Estate of THOMAS HORNBY CAMERON, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Farm­ er, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 7th day of June, A.D. 1967, are requir­ ed to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be­ fore the Sth day of September, A.D. 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 21st day of August, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 34,35,36b fem WOKE SERBS f W® MSES | WMT ROS fcxrW Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.VJM., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding Phone 524-8573 GODERICH, ONTARIO Mb MEMOS FOR SALE & IS MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea- Banable rates. MCGEE’S, Gode­ rich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb STAMP COLLECTOR would like to trade stamps with other collectors. Write to Joe Kort- endyk, c/o Bill Dykstra, RR 2, Bayfield. 34-37b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don’t take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re­ stringing. -W. N. Counter. Itb We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont, We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 ________ ________________leow ’13 ACRES Standing Second Cut ■Hay, alfalfa. Robert Lawson, jphone 482-9947. -•_______34-5p. 1,500 BALES of stacked oat straw. Apply William Jenkins, phone 482-3290. 35b MASSEY CLIPPER combine’ :$75. Call 482-9265 after 6 p.m. 35p RABBIT CAGES; Hallman slab sijo, 14’x35’ in Al condition. Call Gordon Elliott, 433-9120 London or 482-7572 Clinton. 35b MILDMAY Threshing Machine, size 38x48, in good condition. Eldon O’Brien, RR 5 Clinton,’ phone 482-3223. 34,35p NEW BEAN KNIVES for all types of bean pullers. Contact Basil O’Rourke, blacksmith and welding shop, Brucefield, Ont. Phone 482-9131. 34-37b WE HAVE A good supply of grass seed a.nd Pfister com. George Wraiith and Co., High- ,way 8, 1% miles south of God­ erich. Krone 524-6511. ISfcfb FARMWAY bam cleaners — have your bam measured now for spring installation. Hallman ’■Silos - place order early. For the best silo unloaders and bulk feeders, see Van Dale. Versatile swathers and grain augers. Geo­ rge Wraith awl Cb., Highway 8, 1^ miles south of Goderich. Phone 524-651L IStfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 6 HOLSTEIN heifers, first calf. Roy Scotchmer, phone 565-2636. 35p 30 GOOD “PIGS, 9 weeks old. Fred McCool, RR 1 LOndesboro, phone. 523-4220. 35b WANTED IMMEDIATE CASH for good standing timber and‘bush lots. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig. 29tfb WANTED—LAND in Stanley or Tuckersmith Townships. Reply, giving full particulars to Box 341, Clinton News-Record. 34,35,36p WANTED—DEALER to handle quality line of hog and poultry equipment, dairy and beef equipment. Apply Box 340, Clinton News-Record. 34,35p SERVICES OVER 30 YEARS dependable service at low cost. John Bach, Seaforth, Phone 527-0120. Your IH dealer. 32tfb HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MALE MALE ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvolrne motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned, Gordon Grigg, Phone 482-9411. 39tfb All-Yeat-Around Job. Fringe Benefits include Sickness & Accident Insurance, Medical Plan, Paid Holidays, etc. I Write or call collect to J. Colyer Stratford 27\-0360 or 271-9177 Imperial Furniture Mfg. Co. Limited Stratford, Ontario . Auction Saks ' EVERY PRIOAY EVENING 35b Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS! CASH JOE COREY, Salm Manager ‘HMWMmiiiw iii»Mi»»ntmiiiii<ii[ii>iiiiiiiiinirinnini«iiiTTrim—-———A! AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathiwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. 7tfb BUY BARGAINS in Farm Re­ search by the ton or by the bag from your Purina dealer. Sea for yourself tiro outstand­ ing results to bo gained. Clin­ ton Farm Centro, 482-9333. 30tfb MARLATT BROS Will i®y %e per lb. on 500 lbs. and over for dead or disabled cows and horses. Please plronc piwiptly Phono Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE LICENSE 390C65 7tfbi. COMING EVENTS Thursday, Aug. 31 BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game for $25,00, the first letter "L” and first letter "T” applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 ^hare-the-weaith garq.es, jack­ pot applies on those 3 games $58.00 in 58 numbers. 2 door prizes, for $2,00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for $1.00. tfb Friday, Sept, 1—Cash Bingo in Seaforth Legion Hall, 8:15 p.m, 15 regular games; ~ specials; $75.00 jackpot Sponsors, Branch 156, Canadian Legion. Free Dancing to the Setters, with Go-Go Girls, at the Mitchell Fair, Friday, Sept. 1, Admission to grounds 75c. 35b CELEBRATE Labor Day — September 4, at Seaforth Cen­ tennial party, 2 p.m. Monster parade with 50 floats, five bands; 3 p.m., games, sports, bingo, bands and old fashioned get-to-gether; 5-8 p.m,, beef & pork barbecue; 8 p.m., military display and opening Seaforth Centennial project; 9 p.m., pro­ gram and dance. 34,35b Tuesday, Sept. 5 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $57.00 in 57 numbers, 6 door prizes, 8:30 p.m. tfb Wed., Sept. 6—Huronic Re­ bekah Lodge meeting at Lodge rooms, Princess St., 6:30 p.m. Pot luck supper. 35b DANCE to Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians at Seaforth Arena, September 18. Tickets $5.00 each, reserved seats $1.00 per couple extra, Order your tickets now at Clin­ ton News-Record office. Phone 482-3443. 35-6b Sat., Sept. 30—Annual Penny Sale, sponsors Women's Auxil­ iary to Clinton Public Hospital. „ • 35b Try this recipe for Peach Chutney, recommend Home Economists at Macdonald Inst* itute, Guelph. Simple to make, this spicy condiment will add variety to the main dinner course. 6 cups peeled, chopped peaches, 4 cups peeled, chopped apples, 2 cups raisins, 4 cups brown sugar, 1 1/2 cups cider or malt vinegar, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon allspice, 2 teaspoons salt, 1/8 teaspoon black pepper. Combine all the ingredients and cook slowly for about one hour; stir frequentlyuntilthick. Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal. Yield: Approximately six cups. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rad­ ford, Gregg and Tracey, of El­ mira, New York, visited re­ cently at the home of their par­ ents on Princess Street and at the home of former’s brother and sister-in-law, Frank and toorfefeh/Radford, R. R. 3 Clin- Mrs Jenkins shows best Gladiolas 3 $25 to go. Royal 35b Trend Mrs. Elva Jenkins showed the best gladiolas in the Clinton - flower show last week. The flower was grown from a col­ lection of bulbs by her brother, Cliff Procter. The name of this species of glad is “Land Mark” and is the most beaut­ iful shade of orange-white to be seen. Judges look for a straight spike with well, formed blooms properly sit­ uated on the stock. Don’t wait until the sow fin­ ishes farrowing' to let piglets nurse, advises Dr. P. G. Oliver, ’’ Veterinary Services Branch, Ontario Department of Agricul­ ture and Food. Scours is a' giant piglet killer. It takes a week to ten days before pig. lets start developing their own antibodies against disease. Col­ ostrum milk contains disease- ' fighting gamma globulin; the sooner a piglet gets it, the more his body will use It. After the first day, the piglet’s body won’t be able to absorb . these gamma globulinsat all. Be sure the pigs nurse,immed. lately. _ ||