HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-17, Page 12Clinton Newsdtecord, Thursday, August IT, 1967 CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST SMILE Dear Ann Landers: My fav­ orite sister js one of the kind, ©st, dearest people in the world. She has a heart as big as •gilj outside apd there isn’i a mean bone in her body, The problem is that she ip so ir­ responsible that she drives me ( and everyone else who adores her) straight up the wall. Example: “Crazy Eleanor” (as she is lovingly known to her intimates) just gof around to sending out her Christmas cards. Ours arrived yester­ day. cjoee examination, re* vealed that the -greetings were for 1965. She scribbled across the top- ”Kol?ody is Perfect.” Eleanor never R.S^VfP/^, She just shows up — Oy sAe doesn’t show up. Np one has ever received a thank-you note from her, Jf she sends gift it is any whey e from six months to a year late. Yet when people are ip trouble. Crazy Eleanor is the first one on the scene. When my husband had a heart attack she didn’t leave my side for 36 hours. When her neighbor’s child was seriously injured in a car accident, <shp took oyer their household for 10 days. What can be dope about a person like this?-YULETIDE IN AUGUST Dear August: Nothing, Just love her for her good, ness and don’t expect her to conform to the social amenities because she is too disorganized and un- disciplined, We all know a Crapy Eleanor whose . scatter- brain antics we abhor but whose good qualities heav­ ily outweigh the bad, so accept her as ' she is warts and all, STATE FARM ••Contact me for savings on car insurance. Riding with "the world’s largest car insurance company means you’ll get the world’s best car insurance value. Let’s talk!’* Pear Ann Lenders: Please say a word to mothers of girls. Here are two examples tliat make me wonder what this world is coming to: Last week pur 14-year-old daughter ran into a school chum at the fair, (She brought Mary Alice home and asked if it was all right if ‘she had dinner with us and spent the night. I didn’t like the Idea but they begged me so I said O.K. I have never seen the girl before and her parents don’t know me from a load of goats. I waited all even­ ing for her mpther to phone me but she never did. Finally I called hey. Last year our 17-year-oJd gon wept steady with Linda who was 15. She used to sleep oyer at our house two nights >a week, Linda’s mother never once telephoped to see if her daughter was here.- She could have been any place. My hus. band and I never left the kids alone in the house so we are sure nothing wrong went on. Bpt how did her parents know ■THAT? Please tell American mothers it is dangerous to let their young girls run loose. Thank you very much - GLAD MY TWO YOUNGEST ARE BOYS Dear Glad: I agree, some mothers allow their daughters entirely too much freedom, but you are pretty permissive yourself lady. Allowing your 17- year-old son’s steady to sleep at your home twice a week is not my idea of how to raise teen-agers. Girls or boys. pear Ann Landers: Recently our daughter-in-law gave birth to her first child. The little boy was a >blue baby and had trouble breathing, Several people brought gifts to the hos- pital and sent gifts to the house. The day they brought the baby home he died. Should the young couple re­ turn the gifts? Please advise us as they want to do the right thing but they don’t know what it is. - SAD GRANDMA Dear Grandma: The gifts need not be returned. They should be put away, out of sight, Apd let’s hope the young popple has ahealthy, normal clilld soon, Obituary MRS. ELL,A MASON AW* f .4 I WANT ADS AR£ Inexpensive & Productive ! BELL LINES INSURANCEk... THOMAS E. ETUE 5 ONTARIO ST. — CLINTON PHONE 482-9781 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office, Toronto, Ont. BACK CARE DELUXE MATTRESS (illustrated below) Attractive blue rayon damask Micro-Quilt* cover! Quilted to toam over firm Adjusto-Rest- coils assure restful sleep. Crush-proof border won't sag! Reg. price: ’89“ slEES£$6495 Matching Box Spring extra BACK CARE MATTRESS Same as Back Care Deluxe except for the quilting. Woven stripe cover cushioned with foam for comfort. Jiffy join tufting or smooth top available. Reg. price: *79“ Clinton Boys Tops At St. Marys Track Meet It was the first time ever that Clinton kids have partici- , pated in the Lake Huron Zone Track- and Field meet, but last Tuesday recreation director Doug Andrews packed five, lads in his car and drove them to St. Marys where they swept three events^ ‘‘We were way down in over­ all points,” Doug remarked on Friday, ‘‘because we didn’t have enough entries. Next year, we’ll take a bus load to wherever it is.” The athletes who entered the competitions were Doug Cam­ eron, Bob Cooper, Steve Mc­ Donald, Verne McMichael and Rick Zablocki, all 15 years of age and under. Others tak­ ing part were from Walkerton, Hanover, Palmerston, Hensail, Exeter, Howick Township and St. Marys. Events in which the Clinton boys placed were: Standing broad jump, Steve McDonald, first, Bob Cooper second, Verne McMichael, thitd; long jump, Cooper, first, Rick Zablocki second, McMichael third; triple ■jump, Cooper second, McDonald third; 100 - yard dash, Cooper first, McDonald second; 220- yard dash, Doug Cameron third, high jump, Zablocki third. MRS, Ella May Mason, 80, of 31 Rattenbury Street, Clinton, passed away at Clinton Public Hospital. Born March 12, 1885, she ' was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. McBrien of Hullett township. Mrs. Mason was married to Thomas E.,_, Mason on September 11, 1906. Mr. Maspn was a merchant at Summerhill for many years. A member of Ontario Street United Church, Mrs, Mason lived ip Windsor for 16 years and in Hullet township for 66 years. She is survived by a son, G. R. Mason of Windsor; daughters Mrs. Ralph Totten (Marion) of Windsor and Mrs. ‘ George Yeats (Madeline) of Clinton; brothers, W. A. McBrien of Saskatoon, Garnet McBrien, of Detroit, andS, McBrien of Sea­ forth; sisters, Mrs. Mel Crich (Amy) Clinton, and Mrs. H. M. Ford (Mary) Goderich; also two, grandchildren, Gwen and Gra­ ham Yeats. Funeral services were held on August 10, with Rev. Grant Mills in charge at the Ball Funeral Home. Burial took place in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Clayton Ellis, Charles Merrill, Allan Neal, Clark Ball, Clarence Ball, and Ivan Hoggart. Relatives were present from • Detroit, Mount Clements, Mich­ igan, Toronto, Windsor, Essex, . Hamilton, Wingham and Mild- may. Two Ontario youths, Cadet Frederick N. Bell, 18, of 100 King Strpet, Clinton, v(left), and Cadet <papt. Donald L. Crowther, 17, of 660 Ross Street, Peterborough'(right), are greeted by Cadet Sgt, James Vaz at Kingston, Jamaica, where they made a brief stop en route to Trinidad, Sixty-three army cadets will bp in the Caribbean jintH August 16 as part of an exchange between i, Barbados, Grenada andcadets from Canada with Jamaica, Trinidad. Campbells Meet In Reunion At Seaforth The eighth Campbell Reunion was held in Seaforth at the * Lions Park on Sunday July 30. There were about 100 in at­ tendance. Sports conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rogerson, resulted as follows: and under, Sandra - 8 Donna Reid; 8 Brian Nesbitt; Girls, 5 Smith; 6 boys, 6 - girls, 9 - 11, Marsha McNall; boys, 9 - 11, Murray Hous- ton; girls, 12 - 14, Cathy Mc- Ewing, Kick the slipper, men, Wat­ son Reid; ladies, Isobel Roger­ son; grandmothers spot race, Mrs. Les Reid; grandfather with biggest feet, Les Reid; shoe relay, Cathy McEwings team; sack race, Marlene McNall’s team. Diaper Relay, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McEwing’s team; clothes- pin race, Ann Holts; oldest lady present, Mrs. Jean Me. Kinley; oldest man present, Nel- • son Reid; youngest person pre. sent, Darlene Gulutzen. BACK-TO-SCHOOL TIMEX WATCHES From $7.95 up Person coming longest dis. tance was Jacques Dugas who is ' an exchange student • from Montreal visiting atMcBeath’s. Largest family present, Mr. and Mrs. Don McNall and fam­ ily; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. George Watt; grandmother with most grand, children present, Mrs. Rosina Campbell. New slate of officers for 1968 is; president, Don McNall; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Watson Reid; sports commit­ tee,' Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wey, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hack­ well; Lunch committee, Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinley, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scotchmer. It was decided to hold the pic­ nic in Seaforth again next year. Holmesville by W.W. Haysom your telephone manager You could call itbis little yarn “'Handwriting on the wail,* It seems that a subscriber’s voice was becoming very familia to the Information Operator. The same woman kept calling fairly often, asking flor a differing number each time. Sensini that she was being recognized, the lady apologized and explainet to the Operator. “I’m sorry to keep calling you so often, but the: just papered my room and covered up all my numbers!” The lady had the right idea, to eave time and avoid number errors it’s a good idea to jot down frequently called . numbers. But w think a Personal Directory for such nwnbdfc is much handle! . . „ and much less‘■likely to be wall-papered ! If you Would Jik> a Personal Directory for your frequently called numbers, jus give us a call at 524-8301 and we’-ll be happy to send you one free of charge. SlE^ 55495 Matching Box Spring extra BROWNIE’S DRIVE- THEATRE —CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 SAT., MON., TUES. August 19-21-22 Double Feature, See the Perils & Adventures of Automobile Racing NORWOOD HIDE-ABED* SOFA Decorator-dDsignetl with solid walnut show­ wood, complete with fulPsize Slumber Klhg* Mattress. ZEPEL treated tweed fabric: ini colours Of mods, pepper, russet, marine, brick, pine, teak. SLEEP-SALE PRICE: • >269“ Matching chair $9dM THURSDAY - FRIDAY August 17-18 'Not With My Wife, You Don’t' (Adult Entertainment) TONY CURTIS George C. Scott - Virna Lisi Shows at 8.30 and 10.30 Color ' Cartoon T««d« Mark “QUALITY YOU CAN TRUST" H From JII BALL & MUTCH LTD. I ----- CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE _- TEL.J 482-9S05 CLINTON ■ 1 ■■■• I 111—1f .....: 1—-- - • ■ ■ . - •- - - •X GARLAND QUILT TOP CONTINENTAL BED Satin floral Micro-Quilt cover—exclusive Adjusto- Rest coils complete with matching box spring and legs—Size 3/3 only. Reg. price: $144°° SLEEP-SALE PRICE:*1/ Choice o( headboards extra ANNETTE FUNICELLO FABIAN ' Showing at 10.15 In Color Secret Agent Fireball” Richard Harrison Showing at 8.30 Color Cartoon WED., THURS., FRi. August 23-24-25 Walt Disney's Lt. Crusoe U5.N.' Dick Van Dyke, Nancy Kwan Showing at 8.30 and 10.30 Color Plus Color Featurette 'Run Apaloosa Run' Cartoon ✓ u v«— « • • It’s easier for your friends and associates to contact yot when your printed business cards and letterheads or persona stationery 'give your complete name and address. That include your complete telephone “address”—not just your telephone number, .but your area code as well. More and more busy me and women are finding it valuable to have their area code printed on letterheads and business cards. It makes it so mud easier for business associates to reach them quickly by tel( phone when necessary. Even if all your correspondence i personal and you don’t use printed stationery, it’s sitill a goo idea to let your friends know your area code along With you phone number. Aud io know .the complete telephone “address’ of your distant friends. Of course, using the area code is < must if you are able to dial your own long distance calls an< you are phoning to a place outside your own. area1. Where on* of our Operators must place the call for you, giving 'her th trrea code helps her to speed your call along its way. * • « Now here’s a unique experience in telephoning—callin ■porpoise4o^porpoise! I heard recently of a porpoisedo-porpiois long distance telephone call which combined communication technology with marine biology. Participants in the convert ition were “Speedy,” a trained porpoise at Marineland of th Pacific and “Splash,” his counterpart at Marineland of Florid other over the 2,500 miles of telephone lines that separate The . two porpoises spueaked, chirped and Whistled to one a them. -Each appeared to listen intently to the other With on occasional interruptions. Fortunately, a porpoise is a mammi so no one should accuse me of telling a fish story. History (continued from page 8) both responsible for the care of the cemetery on the hill. The dates on the present stone go back to 1853 and no doubt earlier markers havebeenlost. Early pioneer names on the stone are such familiar ones in our township such as Wise, Cook, Deeves, Johnson, Cole, Sheppard, Trewartha, Jenkins, Connell, Lobb, Miller and ■ others. Even though Holmesville’s old board sidewalks have dis­ appeared and its picturesque little footbridge over the little stream that wanders through the village have gone, we are still grateful for those who struggled to make it such an interesting place in which to live. FREE BOOK COVERS > RIGHT NOW! School 4-door, V-8, automatic, radio, whitewall tires, discs. Only 17,000 miles. Lie. E92651. 1964 PONTIAC Four-door, 6, automatic, radio, whitewall tires, discs, etc. Lie. E88-119. 1961 CHEVROLET Four-door, 6, automatic, 47,000 miles. E86-976. OK USED TRUCKS I W1.1 / “Ops’n Pops”, Papermate pens $1.79 each McEWANS 1963 CHEVY II Four-door> 6, 300 series. Lie. Lie. E88-807. CARAVELLE WATCHES SHEAFFER PENS ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. ALBERT ST.—CLINTON—PHONE 482-9525 Supplies Lunch Pail with thermos bottle and plastic baggies $3.98 3-Ring Binder with new indestructible 2i/2” ring ’ ' $3.49 $1.49 ' cover, 1” ring Campus “Back to School Kit’* binder, pencil case, Tung-lok covers, student planner Special price $2.75 “Stylist” convertible pen by Sheaffer Reg. value $3.93 Special price 2.98 Storm bag, for school, travel and home, zippered, 18” x 16” - $1.25 each Pencil Pouches, plastic and leather 49c to $1.25 each BAG your BARGAIN OK USED CARS 1966 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 1957 FORD '4-TON EXPRESS Lie. C83504. DEMONSTRATORS AND NEW CARS TOO 1965 DODGE </rTON EXPRESS Long box. Lie. C83191. — EASY GMAC TERMS — Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly Chovralot, OMamoMto * Invoy D—for. Ontario Street — CUNTON — Rhone 482-9321 * -FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT CLOSES SATURDAY AT NOON — THANK YOU /