HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-17, Page 6M TVAuburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—CmvmroM»on« S2E-7SBS Clinton News-Record, Thursday,August 17, 1907 AUBURN —Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Ed Davies were her sister, Mrs. Norman Tay­ lor, and her daughter, Mrs, Ian Flick, of Belmont and Mr. and Mrs. George Russel of Port Stanley,, * * * Mr, and Mrs. William J, Craig spent Sunday- with their son, Robert Craig, Mrs, Craig and family, * * * Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Weston of Toronto are visiting this week With her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Rollinson. * * * Mr. and Mrs, Joe Haggitt of Leamington spent the' weekend With his brother, Thomas Hag- • gift, Mrs. Haggitt and family. * * * Miss Norma McDougall of Goderich was guest of honor, prior to her marriage, at a shower of gifts at the home of Mrs, Kenneth McDougall, She was assisted by Mrs. Ralph D, . Munro and/Mrs. Gordon Gross. Twenty-five friends and relat­ ives were present from Lon- don, Goderich, Londesboro, Seaforth and Blyth. Contests and games were enjoyed. Mrs. Munro read.an address of good wishes and many gifts were pre­ sented. Miss McDougall thanked her friends for the gifts and lunch was served. * , * * ■ A former Auburn boy has been honored in Alberta by having a school named after him. Mr, Nelson Robison taught school for 35 consecutive years ' at Blackfoot, Alberta, 25 of them as the principal. Former students and resi­ dents were invited back for the ribbon cutting ceremony and to honor their teacher. Mr., Robison was born in the Aub­ urn district and was a brother of the late W. T. Robison. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Robison have recently returned from a world cruise and, at the end of Sept­ ember plan to go to Alaska, boarding the S.S, Prince George in Vancouver and travelling up the inside passage. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Robin Laurie, nee Carole Brown >were honor­ ed with a reception in the Aub­ urn Community Memorial Hall. Music for dancing* was 'supplied by the Twilites of Zurich. An address of congratulations was rsead by Edward Daer and a purse of money was presented l&t John'Elliott.- - • « . > -- * * * Murray Rollinson of Goderich is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson. f ♦ * * Mrs. Charles Straughan vis­ ited last week with her niece, Mrs. Harold Nicholson, Mr. Nicholson and Gary atSeaforth. * * * .......................................................'Ill ■■I—■■ Clinton Memorial Shop Mrs. Bert Taylor returned last Saturday from Guelph where she hasbeen visiting with her nephew, DonaldStonehouse, Mrs. Stonehouse and family and also visiting' with her sister, Mrs. M, H. Martin, who is a patjent in Guelph General hos­ pital.* ♦ * Mrs. Heinz Rutkowski, Syl- via, Angelica, Heinz and Susie visited last week in Kitchener with her sister, Mrs, Lothar Shedler, Mr. Shedler, Linda and Michael. * * * Miss Mary Sanderson accep­ ted a position on the staff of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Goderich and be­ gan her duties this week. * * ♦ Mrs. Keith Rodgers, R. R. 2 Auburn,is assisting on the staff of the Auburn branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com­ merce. * * * Friends are pleased to learn that Mrs. Oliver Anderson re­ turned home last Thursday after two weeks in St. Joseph’s hos­ pital, ' London, after surgery. * ♦ * Mr, and Mrs. Harry Arthur and family are enjoying their vacation at Bogie’s beach, * * * Hosted At Shower z AUBURN - BouquetsAUBURN - Bouquets of gladioli, a flowered covered • arch, and pink and white stream­ er covered chairs madea pretty setting in the Sunday school room of Knox Presbyterian Church when friends gathered to honor Miss Margaret Haines prior to her marriage. The guests , were -welcomed by Misses Sheron Collins, Mary Sanderson and Joyce Leather­ land. A musical contest was given by Mrs. Wayne Millian with the pianist, Mrs. Barrie Millian. The winner was Mrs. William J. Craig. All guest wrote some item for her first shopping list and this was presented to her. Miss Sheron Collins pinned a corsage on Miss Haines and Miss Mary Sanderson pinned one on Mrs. Haines and they were escorted to the decorated chairs. Mrs. Robert J. Phil­ lips had made the pretty rose corsages. An address of coh* gratulations was read by Miss , Margaret Sanderson. The many gifts were presented and Mar­ garet thanked her friends for their gifts. She invited all to see her gifts and trousseau on - Wednesday, August 23, from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs. Wes Bradnock was chairman for the program. T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Phone 482-7211 Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP — 482-6642 Mr. and Mrs, William Seers, Gail, Faye and Carol and Mrs. Seers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' James Blake of Goderich, left early Sunday morning for Mont* real where they will visit Expo 67.* * * MT. -and Mrs. Donald Plunkett, Mrs. Reg Schulta, Mrs, Noy­ man Vincent and Mary Lou, Mrs, Jim Bolger, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Gordon Chamney, Mrs, 'Wayne Miljian, Mta. Al* vin Leatherland, Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett and Miss; Joyce LeafherJand visited in Acton with Edgar Leatherland on Sun­ day. The ladies also attended ■ a trousseau tea in honor of Mr, Leatherland’s bride to be, Miss Sally Wilson, at the home of her parents in Acton. * * * <• Misses Lorraine Chamndy, Wanda and Sherry Plaetzer, Trudy Machan and Yvonne Bean spent last week at the United Church Summer School camp near Goderich, Masters Murray and Gary Bolger of Clinton visited with Eldon and Doug Chamney last week. GUILD MEETS AUBURN’ - St. Mark’s Ang- . lican Church guild met for their August meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark. The president, Mrs. Orval McPhee, presided for die bus­ iness part. The financial state, ment was presented by the trea­ surer, Mrs. Andrew Kirk- connell. The roll call was an­ swered by naming the minis­ ter who married you. The travelling apron received a pen- • ny for each letter in St Barth­ olemew, Correspondence and business were discussed and the meeting closed. As.Mrs. Clark had planned this family night, the children * and the men joined in a very interesting evening of slides shown by Mr. Clark, They in­ cluded local scenes and those of Ottawa and England. Lunch was served by Mrs. Clark, as­ sisted by her daughter, Mrs. James Latimer. Mission Society Meets ’ 5 AUBURN — The August meet­ ing of the Knox Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Society was held in the Sunday school room of the church with the president, Mrs. Wilfred Sand­ erson,in charge. 'Mrs. Sanderson welcomed the members. Plans were made to pack the bale and the secre­ tary will write to Toronto to see if Miss Ida White, mission­ ary from India, could be our guest speaker in October. Mrs. Donald Haines gave a paper on the Highlights of the missionary work in India. The . Mission Study ’’The Church as a Group” was taken by Mrs. A. Leatherland,assistedbyMrs. Frank Raithby. The offering was received by Mary Lou Vin­ cent and dedicated by Mrs. ’ Daer. The roll . call was answered by a Bible verse be­ ginning with N, continuing the theme of the year. STEVE SALES & SERVICE It’s Butler’s new economy Model—299-E. You get Butler qualities—but nt a new low price. No frills—no special features—just safe, long-lasting storage anyone can afford. Check us today for all the details. For Complete Automation Equipment And Supplies For Beef — Dairy Poultry —- Hogs BARN BUILDING — HOME RENOVATIONS — CEMENT WORK — SPRAY PAINTING — GENERAL CONSTRUCTION KJ®W7g BATCH-DRY IN THE BIN AS FAST AS YOU HARVEST Now, you can actually keep pace with a 2-rwn combine-with a single drying bin and heater- thanks to Butler Stor-N-Dry's new 1,500,000-BTU in-bin batch drying heater. You get full safety controls, constant ignition and an exclusive dual burner ar­ rangement that makes layer drying practical in the same in­ stallation. You save money, too, because the storage space is in­ cluded as a bonus—not an extra as with portable batch dryers.. Come in today for a free estimate <*» the system that’s best for you. We offer a complete plan­ ning and construction service. Plus tow-cost, flexible financing. For the past couple of weeks TV viewers have been seeing previews of programs they are going to see when the fall sea­ son gets underway the week qf September 4th. NBC will begin their new shows a week la,ter, However, the other day they dropped a bomb by announcing they would ‘ sneak preview eight programs which were considered by all networks for past and future seasons. When GARRISON’S GORIL­ LAS” starts on ABC, NBC will play a comedy J’L’IL ABNER’’ and a Western spoof ’’SHERIFF WHO”. On September 8th when ABC . Will introduce a complete even­ ing of new programs, NBC will present a full line-up of one- shot programs including THE HARDY BOYS, THE GHOST­ BREAKERS, POLICE STORY and THREE FOR DANGER. Two other shows, WEEK­ END and CAMPO 44, will be shown on Saturday night when JACKIE GLEASON Returns for the new season. Will the majority of viewers preview the one-time shows they’ll never see again, or will they start the season with the •••« ♦* shows that will be on weekly? .it will he. interesting to w •what the ratings, say, if they are taken that week. •i # * BONANZA has pulled Itself bapk into the gating, rac.e^^a.e* .cording to„ the latest National Nielsen which was taken in July and just released. Two specials, THE MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT and the ALL STAR BASEBALL SAME’ topped the list, with BONANZA in third spot. GOMER PYLE was in 4th ppSition, With ANDY GRIFFITH and THE SAINT tied for 5th. Number 7 was GREEN ACRES, With FAMILY AFFAIR, SAT­ URDAY NIGHT AT THE MOV- ies and lawrence welk foi. lowing. THE BEVERLY HILL­ BILLIES was number JI, with dean martin and peyton PLACE tied for 12th position. Flower Show Opens Friday BIG FLOWER SHOW The Executive of the Clinton Horticultural Society met Mon. day evening. The Big annual Flower Show will be held Fri­ day August 24, in the council • chambers at Town Hall. Eaton’s of Canada has don. ated a silver vase to the ex. hibitor with the most points; Simpson-Sears for the reserve champion exhibitor a yellow thermal blanket. We welcome new exhibitors. Do plan to exhibit or attend and make this Centennial show a huge success. See complete prize list for Flower Show in this edition- * JANE PARKER THIS BOY NEEDS GUIDANCE Drivers age 16 to 24 were involved in 74,500 accidents on Ontario roads last year—an jm crease of 12 percent over 1965. Fatal acci­ dents claimed 660 lives in this group-an increase of 10 percent since 1965. Yet statistics show that drivers who graduate from approved high school driver training courses have fewer accidents . . , .<r fewer traffic violations. * This year, about 275 Ontario high schools will have driver instruction courses approved by the Ontario Qepartment of Education and the Ontario Department of Transport. These courses are under the control of the local school board and principal and do not interfere with regular school classes. If there is a driver-train- [ ing program in your ’ school this fallwelcome J it If not, learn how your ! • school can get started ! on this lifesaving pro- ' gram by completing and ; mailing this coupon.I I I To: Djrector of Safety Education, Highway Safety Branch, Ontario Department of Transport, Queen’s Park, Toronto 2, Ontario, * From: NAME..,,....................................................................... ................. ADDRESS:............ ?............................................ Please sand me information about high school driver-training courses, CO OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH REG. PRICE each 49c - SAVE 13c APPLE PIE 2 ^85/ JANE PARKER SPANISH 'A REG. PRICE each 39c - SAVE 28c 3- JANE PARKER DAILY DATED • BREAD WHITE SLICED REG. PRICE loaf 25c - SAVE 10c 324-oz g loaves / -- -------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY CANADA'S FINEST "RED BRAND" STEER BEEF RIB ROAST BLADE STEAK ?= GROUND CHUCK" I E A !I CANADA GRADE A>W W ■ EVISCERATED 89ak ALORAPI Z XXL BRAND me eifwi Hit CHOKE 16-OZPIE $ MINCED J 39FOR BOILING STEW OR FRICASSEE 5 TO 6 LB. AVERAGE VAC PAC CIDF ALLGOOD SMOKED 0M M A 4allZK SLICED KiNDLESS S E W BACON 2.iB- pkgofl2 large size lube 29/ ^^•19-fl-oz tins 49/ 28-fl-ozlins ^U-fl-ozlins^j ' 14-fl-oz tins 29/ HOT DOG ROLL! TOOTHPASTE PRUNE PLUMS - s ? - AsP TOMATOES BARTLETT PEARS BEANS with PORK TEA BAGS PEEK FREAN BISCUITS TAI I tT TIC Cl IE NACELLE ROYALEI VILE I II33UE FEATURE PRICE! ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 19th, 1967. JANE PARKER .SAVE 6c MACLEAN’S SAVE .Mo A&P CHOICE QUALITY SAVE 16c Berryland Farm Choice Quality. Halves AYLMER CANADIAN STYLE A&P SPECIAL BLEND SAVE 6c pkg of 60 SAVE 10c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Bradford Marsh, New Crop, Sweet, Tender CARROTS 3-LB CELLO BAG ^Ec No. 1 0 J GRADE NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P! 81 West St., Goderich, Ont.