HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-10, Page 3BEAUTIFUL BREEZY . . . ... By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD R. J. "BERT” CRAIG Cliwton NewsTtocerd, ^.ursdlay, August 10, 1007 3 ■ - ---------------------------—. i11"1".. PERSONAL items • CHCRCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER—iPhone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Attys. qll accepted by the Bayfield correspondent, PERSONALS I Mrs,' Walter Erickson Sr,, Irho has been visiting her son Ind family, Mr, and Mrs. E, W. Erickson and Andy, for the past Iwo months? left for her home In Watrous, Saskatchewan on Monday. | . # ❖ I Mr, and Mrs. John Elliott, pusan and Jimmy, Kitchener, and Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Fryer, Stratford, were week­end guests of Mrs. W. R. El­ liott. Mr, and Mrs, R.‘ 0. Blundell and Mrs, John Nutter of Tor­ onto, were weekend guests of Miss Mabel Hodgins and Miss Margaret Macdonald at "Stone- haven”, x $ # # Weekend guests with Mr, and Mrs. John R, Cook were Mr. and Mrs, George Archer of Det­ roit, Joining them on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, Walter Lea- per of Ingersoll and Mr. and Mrs, Charles R, Cook of Clin­ ton, Mr. and Mrs^WiHiam Elliott and family, Toronto, are vaca- kioning at their cottage onTuyll [Street & # # Mr. and Mrs. diaries E. ttiovey of Scarboro, visited Mr, and Mrs. J. E, Hovey on Sun­ day, $ * # Mr. and Mrs. George Aitken, London, spent several days last week at their cottage on How­ ard Street. $ * * Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carson were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Golletz of Grandview, Manitoba, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Golletz and Mr. and Mrs. Nick » Antonison of Preston. * * ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lar­ son and Karen, London,andCpl; and Mrs. Stanley Smith, Lee Ann and Lisa of CFB Clinton, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. R, J, Lar­ son. Cpl. Smith left for Ger­ many on Monday Mrs. Smith and children will join him later. On Sunday evening July 23, Rolamd Edgar, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Sturgeon was baptized by the Rev. E. J, B. Hqrrison in Trinity Anglican Church. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scotchmer were the baby’s god­ parents, Following the service, relatives and friends attended a christening party in Trinity Parish Hall. n5 Jill O’Neil Faller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Guy Faller, Loveland, Colorado, was bap. tized on Sunday afternoon, July 30, in Trinity Anglican Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. J. B. Harrison. Godmothers are Mrs, Faller’s sisters, Mrs. Paul Moss and Mrs. Fletcher McLaughlin and the godfather, Fred LeBeau. After the ceremony relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeBeau for a christening party. -X" R. J. Larson recently re­ turned from a three-week visit to Saskatchewan, where he vis­ ited his sister,, Mrs. Edna Knut­ son and relatives and friends in Naicon, Spalding .and Saska­ toon. ✓ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wopd- man and Mfss Marlbeth Wood­man pf Ingersoll visited with Mr, and Mrs, John R. Cook and family on Monday, $ * $ Miss Mayy Elizabeth Ervine of Stratfprd joined her parents Mr, and Mrs. S. Ervine for the weekend. ?i< >;< $ Mrs. Elvin Dqttot is visiting Mrs. E, A. Featherston at her home on Louisa Street, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Farr re­ turned to Stratford on Sunday, after spending the month of July at their cottage on Howard Street. Funeral service was held bn Saturday, August 5 for Robert James (Bert) Craig with Rev. M, R, Roberts in charge at Knox United Church, Auburn. Mr. Craig passed away in Clin­ ton Public Hospital after a short • illness, Born in Morris Township, he was the son of the Jate William Craig £nd Elizabeth Ledger­ wood, On June 27? 1928 he was married to Chrlstena (Ena) Mc- Nall and took up residence in Detroit, He later moved to Grand Bend for 12 years and in 1940 .accepted the position of mechanic at the Huron County Garage and had been employed there until his recent illness in May. Mr. Craig was very active in community affairs, being on Vil­ lage Council for 20 years and chairman of the Auburn Com­ munity Hall Hoard for several TRANS CANADA HP I IC Ms S» Friday, August 11 8:00 P.M. Clinton Community Park 'fc Mr, and Mrs, Ed Rowse, Cathy, Vicki. Jill and Dale, Welland, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith Jimmy, who has spent the past month with his grandparents returned home with his parents. >1? ❖ ❖ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quig­ ley of London and Mr. andMrs. Cliff Upttigrove of New Ham- burg were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, L. B. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ashton, London, were at their summer home for the weekend. m m Miss Hermaine Bauchardand friends of Erie, Pennsylvania, visited Mrs. William Metcalf on Tuesday. ❖ Don Couttes of London, is spending the next fortnight at his cottage. Mr. and Mrs.RichardFraser of Windsor, are spending this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser. ❖ m # Mr. and Mrs. BernardMyers and Mrs. William Lumley, Lpn- don, were recent guests of Mrs. S. H. Bryant. 4 re Justice Maurice King of Strata ford was at his lakeshore cot­ tage for the weekend. m Mrs. George Kallio of Det­ roit, and her grandson, Mark, were at their cottage for the weekend. ❖ m m Carl McAuley, Whitby, joined his wife and family at their cottage for the weekend. * * ❖ Mr, and Mrs. Martin An­ drews, London, are. holidaying at their lakeshore road cottage. ❖ ED's NOTE ADMISSION: $1.00 ADULTS — 50c CHILDREN . * * Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fisher, St. Agatha,spent the weekend at their cottage. Due to tight publishing sche­ dules and space restrictions the foregoing personal items were held over from last week. To ensure that items of interest are published in the issue in which they are current, readers, are requested to have them in‘» the hands of their local corres- pon’dent no later than 10 a.m. Tuesday prior to publication. istrict Community Centre APPEAL for FUNDS FINAL THREE WEEK BLITZ Thursday, July 2 7-Saturday, Aug. 19 PERSONALS Mrs. Pearl Sharpe and daughter, have returned to Bur­ lington, after spending a week with Mrs, George Hopson. * * *• Ken Ferguson, who has been a patient in Clinton Hospital, returned to his home on Sat­returned to urday. * Richard Appel, Kitchener and Miss Shirley' Coleman, New Dundee visited Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner on Sunday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and family, Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fryer of Strat­ ford, spent Sunday and Mon­ day with Mrs, W. R. Elliott. ' * * * Mrs. Fred Erb and family of Birmingham Michigan are spending the month of August at their lakeside cottage. * *.. * J. B. Carson Sr, and Miss Lula Carson, London were at "Glencairn”, their summer home for the holiday weekend. * * * , Mr„ and Mrs. Gilbert Knight ' and their .daughter, Mrs. Art Latimer and family, Toronto, were at their summer home for the weekend. * * Waterloo; Mr, and Mrs. T, Sims and family, London; Mr. and Mrs, V, Milic and family of Toronto; Mrs, T. Hadwen and family, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. J.J, Huser and fatally, Birmingham, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. C. Cox, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Curry and family; and Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Sparks and family, Detroit. * Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hughes London, were weekend,guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Oddleif- * * /( son. * * Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Rivers and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rivers and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Rivers and family all of London, ’and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Palmer, Galt, joined their father, G. -N. Rivers and Mrs. Rivers on Sunday to cel- ebrateihis birthday.•t ft * • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scot, chmer of Sarnia, spent last . week with his parents, Mr. and • Mrs. A. F. Scotchmer, Miss Diane Vogt and Jim McLeod, Toronto, were their guests over the weekend.+ * Mr, and Mrs. Harold Simp­ son and family, London, are vacationing at the Barber-cot­ tage for the next two weeks. :i- ■ '* ♦ ■' t- !• . : • Miss Babara Tites ofBridge. water, Nova Scotia, is visit­ ing Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey. * * * * Mr. A. W. Hayman of Lon­ don and Bayfield, had the mis­ fortune to fall while at his sum­ mer home, and is now a pat­ ient in Clinton Hospital. * * * ■ Mrs. G. D. Scotchmer enter­ tained at her home, on the Bronson Line, onSaturday even­ ing, in honor of bride-elect, Miss Rosemary Wild*. The miscellaneous shower party was attended by thirty, friends and relatives, ana Miss Wild was the recipent of many love­ ly gifts. Asssisting the hostess was her daughter, Marlene? and Mrs. William Scotchmer. * * New arrivals at the Jowett cottage area are: Dr.- and Mrs. Z. Adamezewski and children, * * Dr, Jean iversity of her sister, tard, who Woodhome Motel * * ’ * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker Toronto," visited his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Parker, for the weekend. * * * Little Miss Tracey Marshall, London?, is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston. * * * James A. Cameron enjoyed a delightful 82nd birthday party on August 1, at his home "The Open Gate”. His son, J. Evans Cameron and family, his sons- in-law, Hugh McPherson and family, Toronto; Robert Mac~ Vean and family; and Roy El­ liott and family, made up the group of 21 persons present. * * * Mr? and Mrs. Bob Goodacre and son, Ricky, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Metcalf, Carol and Ricky, all of Petrolia, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Russ Kerr.* * * The News-Record has long been known as the "Home Paper with the News” and the Bay- field correspondent recently had a rush order for a copy from an uncle in California. The uncle Montague Everitt and his wife had just sold their home and moved into a retire­ ment home set in the grounds of a large hotel in Santa Bar­ bara. On the first morning there they went into the "couples dining room” and were intro­ duced to the two ladies at the next table, the Misses Marks - born in Bayfield! * * Mustard of the Un. Miami, has joined Miss Isabel Mus- is staying at the years. He was a member of Knox United Church; of Dprie Lodge A.F, and A.M. 233 Park- hill which he joined in 1935, and chapter 78, r.a.m.g.r.c., also of Parkhill. A Masonic service was held on Friday evening in charge of the Parkhill Lodge with mem­ bers, also present from Car- low, Blyth ,and Exeter. Surviving besides hjs wife is one daughter, Mrs, Leopard (Betty) Archambault, and four grandchildren, Douglas, Bren­ da, Rickey and Marilyn Archam­ bault, nil of RR 1 Auburn, and two brothers, Earl of Sarnia and Bernard of Blyth, Burial took place in Union cemetery, Blyth. Pallbearers were; William Moss, Clifton McDonald, James Giousher, Alvin Plunkett, Peter Eisenbach of Grand Bend and Gordon Me- Clinchey. Flowerbearers were his four grandchildren. Over 50 employees of Huron County, members of the Road Commis­ sion, County Council and War­ den Donald McKenzie formed a guard of honor, Relatives were present from Welland, St. Catharines, Tor­ onto, Detroit, Oakville, Sarnia, Port Huron, Grand Bend, Balti­ more, London and the surround­ ing district. William G. Stiles of‘the Arth­ ur Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Slug Oamage Slug damage lias become, a serious problem this year due to the wet weather experienced in some areas of the province. Slugs are one of the most destructive pests in home gar­ dens, especially the flower gar­ den. They feed on the leaves of plants, and to a lesser ex­ tent on the fruit of tomatoes, on bean pods, and potato tubers. Leaf feeding is by far the most important form of injury. Be­ cause they feed at night, many people do not know what has caused the plant injury. Among the plants which are very sus­ ceptible to slug injury are: pet­ unia, zinnia, salvia, lily-of-the- valley, bean, lettuce and cab­ bage. Effective control of slugs may be obtained by ready prepared slug baits, or pellets contain­ ing metaldehyde; these are sold under various trade names. Scatter the bait on the ground, or place in piles under sus­ ceptible plants. HARVEY MCCARTNEY Rev/ Canon Raul of Bayfield Officiated at the funeral ser­ vice on Sunday, August 6 for Harvey McCartney, 82, R.R. ,2 Clinton who passed away in- Clinton Public Hospital last Thursday, August 3. Beattie Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Robin Thompson, Leslie Pear­ son, Walter Forbes, William Rueger, James Lobb and Terry Pearson. Born Npvember2|,1884,ason of Fletcher and Angelina Mo~ Cartney, Mr. McCartney lived all his life in Goderich Town­ ship where for many years he was assessor. He married the former Jessie Murphy in June 1925 and was a member of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Clin­ ton. He is survived by his wife; two daughters, Mrs, Peter , (Aileen) Schulha, Edmonton, Al­ berta,and Mrs. William (June) Johnston, Islington; two bro. thers, Lome of Goderich and Ernest of Dodsland, Saskatche­ wan; two sisters, Evelina Mc­ Cartney and Mrs. Arnold (May Etta) Anderson, both ofDetroit; and two grandsons. FEATURING THE CLOUD “9” ROOM SMORGASBORD SUNDAYS 5 - 7 P.M. Reservations PH.: 482-3421 HOTEL CLINTON PARK THEATRE GODERICH ON THE SQUARE 1 •s RECEPTION For Mr. & Mrs. Bev Hill (Nee Shirley Musfa/d) SAT., AUG. 12, 1967 At Bayfield Pavilion “The Bluewater Playboys” Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business .................-.......... ■ - -■/ THURS., FRL, SAT. — AUGUST 10-11-12 A Happy Treat of Fun and 1 Musical Fantasy! 'Disney’s We Seven Dwarfs Technicolor® ®W«lt Ol«n«y Production* tVMi>lo*sod by Buena VUU OUUlbertiM C-, !•«. Show Times for. Snow White—7.30 and 9.35 — PLUS — "’The Hound Tta Thought He Was A Racoon” Showing at 8.50 Only SAT. MATINEE at 2:30 — Children 35c GODERICH MONDAY a TUESDAY — August 14-15 Children Under 12 In Cars free SUNSET. Onivt-IM THEATWi doublc WED., THURS.. ERL. SAT.—Aug. 16 to 19 JI $225,000.00 and Second Feature This Centre. The debentures will be called in late August, and if this amount is not reduced * METRO- (Adulit Entertainment) i 4 Coming Next for One Week THXAS ACROSS RIVER Plus—“Wild Wild Winter" MAIN FEATURE STARTS AT DUSK Sunset Drive-lri Thftairfc Has Tho Largos! Stetson In Huron County .. » O19£H»Am«rlcan IhhKnattorMtl pIcturoB in PANAVISION* and METROCOLOR Show Times: 7.30 and 9,15 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2.30 — Children 35c THURS., FRL. SAT. — AUGUST 10-11-12 ueBIKINI-BUNNIES 14 meBUSTIN’OUTK r—- tMM.AMtWMI.MAU~--"1 | DEBORAH; "JjJg ’F WALLEY-.KIRK *COLORSCOPE l....................................................p- ... 8JHOLMIS- VILLS CLINTON ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS This Building is the talk and-envy of Western Ontario amongst ah who have seen it, whether they be sportsmen or not, but. it has to be paid for. The following facts and figures may promote some further donations before debenture time Aug. 19. 1967. COST OF COMMUNITY CENTRE GRANTS PENDING - $60,000.00 DONATIONS TO DATE 40,000.00 - - - 5100,000.00 BALANCE FOR DEBENTURE ISSUE - - 5125,000.00 is the balance required al this time to complete payment of the new Community it will ipeah 5 mills on our taxes. For every $14*000.00 raised before Aug. 19, 1967, the debt will be reduced by mill So—all y/ho haven’t made a donation yet, may still do sb in time th help this worthy cause. Those who donated previously, but have "a bit mere” on hand now may still h6lp reduce our debenture debt* To facilitate this for all concerned. donations may be left at the following businesses: THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES BANK OF MONTREAL J, W. COUNTER BUILDERS’ SUPPLY CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION K. W. COLQUHOUN Insurance & Real Estate BEATTIE FURNITURE HOTEL CLINTON THE NEWS^RECORD OFFICE FRANKIE ANNETTE BUDDY AVALON-FUNICELLO-HACKETF 25thHOlX /A11 v in METROCOLOR (Aclult Entertainment) Show Times: 7.30 MONDAY thru SATURDAY — Aug..14-19 and Second Feature ANDREA I MONDAY thru THURSDAY GIMMICK NIGHTS presents