HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-03, Page 12uuwwj ixcmwwfl, raunsaay. August J, iuov Doug Andrews, Clinton recreation director, holds a framed pic­ ture of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth n which will be hung in a place of honor at the new Clinton Community Centre. The picture was the gift of R. E. McKinley. MP for Huron. Big Turnout At Swim Meet Here A full program of swimming events held the interest'of Clin­ ton and area youngsters for the - entire day on Saturday. Clinton Lions Pool was filled with the sound of kids laughing and splashing their way to victory in the various classes for boys and girls of all ages. < Recreational „ director Doug Andrews noted prior to the meet that the drownproof contest could be a lengthy affair. Turn­ ed out that; six youngsters spent three hours each bobbing on the surface of the water like so many human corks. They were Doug Cameron, Bob Cooper, Linda East, Paul Bartllff, Jim Engel and Vicki Garrow. Other results, were: Age six and tender, penny hunt, Susan Chambers, Kelly Colquhoun and Jane Symons (tied),RobbieRob- inson; boys’ freestyle, Rusty Robinson, class champion, Bruins I THEATRE—-CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 SAT., MON “SPINOUT' Aug. 5-7 H THURS., FRI. —. Aug. 3-4 WALT DISNEY'S MONKEYS, GO HOME At 9.00 and 11.00 p.m. MAURICE CHEVALIER Dean Jones - Yvette Mimieux In Color Plus the Color Featurette "Tattooed Police Horse" Cartoon Win Thriller The Bruins won the Clinton town championship in Kin base- ball last Friday evening pull­ ing out a sensational firfish for an tie, and a 14—13 total run win. Just about everyone came • away from * the park shaking their head in disbelief. It was a Frank Merriwell finish that seemed more like a fiction plot for a book, than reality. 1 It all started with toe Indians up by 4 runs and- within one pitch of victory with 2 out and none on, in the last inning. Bruin- David Bartliff kept his team alive with a single, then Neil Colquhoun singled, Brian Langille doubled, Danny Col- quhoun doubled, Paul Anstett singled and Don MacDonald doubled. When toe dust cleared 5 runs were in and the champ­ ionship had dramatically chang­ ed hands. Fawcett, Stirling, and Cook stood out in a losing cause as' they accounted for 7 of their teams 8 runs. The whole team showed the true sports spirit by walking, w what must have -been a long trek - to toe vic­ tors bench and shaking hands. The keen competition and good sportsmanship highlighted the whole season and any one of the four teams, Bruins, In. dians, Dodgers, and Giants, could have taken toe champion­ ship in the playoff. Personal* Mr.. and Mrs, Stewart Schoenhals, Saskatoon, Sask, iiave returned home after vis. Hing relatives and friends in Clinton and district for the past month, L ’I ’ Mr. and ]Mrs. Ken Cummings and baby g:hter are spend- ing vacation with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank / Cummings and family, 129 Mary / Street. / BROWNIE’S ELVIS PRESLEY At 9.00 and 11.00 p.m. SHELLEY FABARES and DEBORAH WALLEY Color Cartoon son; girls’ freestyle, Susan Chambers, class girls’ cham­ pion, Jane Symons, ConnieHor- banuik; boys’ freestyle, Neil Colquhoun, Jeff Grigg, Robbie Robinson. Age nine and 10 years: girls’ back stroke, Brenda Edgar, class girls champton, Kathy Engel;1 boys’ back stroke, Jim Amsing, boys’ champion in the class, David Bartliff, Bill En­ gel; girls’ freestyle, Debbie Colquhoun, Brenda Smith, Brenda Edgar; boys’ freestyle, Jim Amsing, Paul Garrow, Vic­ tor Falconer. Age 11 and 12 years: relay winners, Holly Deline, Frank Cameron, Robert Andrews, Mary Cameron; girls’ breast stroke, Holly Deline,, girls’ champion, Mary Jean Cameron, Bonnie R.obinson; boys’ breast stroke, Frank Cameron, boys’ champion,'Cal Fremlin, Brian Langille; girls’ back stroke, Holly Deline, Mary Jean Cam­ eron, Bonnie Robinson; boys’ back stroke, Cal Fremlin, Rob­ ert Andrews, Frank Cameron; girls’ freestyle, Holly Deline, Mary' Jean Cameron, • Bonnie Robinson; boys’ freestyle, Frank Cameron, Robert An- ’ drews, Brian Langille. Age 13 and 14 years: relay, Paul Bartliff, Barbara Symons, Pete Cameron, CathyKromrey; girls’ butterfly, Grace Strong, girls’ champion, Vicki Barrow, Barbara Symons; boys’ butter­ fly, Paul Bartliff, boys’ cham­ pion, Andrew Amsing, Peter Cameron; girls’ breaststroke, Grace Strong, Vicki Garrow, Barbara Symons; boys’ breast stroke, Paul Bartliff and Peter Cameron, tied for boys’cham­ pion with Bartliff having the winning time in this event, An­ drew Amsing; girls’ back stroke, Grace Strong, Valerie Garrow, Vickie Garrow;' boys’ back stroke, Peter Cameron; Garry Edgar, Paul Bart­ liff; girls’ freestyle, Grace Strong, Vickie Garrow, Barbara Symons; boys’ freestyle, Peter Cameron, Paul Bartliff, Andrew Amsing. Age 15 years and over: relay, Doug Cameron, Cathy Grigg, Vicki Garrow and Bob Cooper; Rolfe Cooke, Pat Ball, Rowena Corey and Peter Cameron; boys’ butterfly, Chuck Andrews class champion, Frank Cam- Here Is the winning Bruins team which came from behind in the final of a two game series to take the Clinton town champion, ship in Kin baseball last Friday. Front row left to right; Neil Colquhoun, Mike Riley, Danny Campbell, Don MacDonald, and David Bartllff. Back row: Coach Don Hall, Captain Brian Langside, Paul Anstett, Bob Falconer, Danny Colquhoun and league chairman Bert Clifford. Award Omission BRICK BRICK OVERLAY August 12 th A small spot may be removed from painted walls or woodwork by rubbing with a large pencil eraser. 9.00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon (mmj mJ," TUES., WED. — Aug. 8-9 INSIDE DAISY This is the start of the boys’ 13—14 year olds breast stroke at Saturday’s swim meet Two swimmers, Paul Bartliff and Frank Cameron tied tor first place in the event, ' ANGELBRICK^/ERLAY A PRODUCT OF ANGELSTONE LTD., PRESTON; ONT, Authorized Dealer: Special In-store Demonstrations vill be held on: •if Color a selection to meet the demand. model year cleanup on NEW *66 Demonstrators BISCAYNE BELAIR IMPALA At 9.00 and 11.00 p.m. (Adult' Entertainment) Natalie Wood Christopher Plummer Robert Redford Cartoon Also, we are into the MODELS. .< I eron; boys’ breast stroke, Bob Cooper, Doug Cameron, Andrew Amsing; ■ boys’ back stroke, Chuck Andrews, DougCameron, Andrew Amsing; boys’ free, style, Chuck Andrews, Rolfe Cooke, Doug Cameron; girls’ three-length open, Holly Deline, Grace Strong, Mary Jean Cam­ eron; boys’ five-length open, Doug Cameron, Peter Cameron, Andrew Amsing. W/l Y- • HHISI SUNDAY MIDNITE—Aug 6 Color Double Feature "GOLIATH AND THE VAMPIRE" In Color — Plus Eighteen in The Sun" Catherine Spaak Color Cartoon Age seven and eight years: girls’ back stroke, Susan Cham­ bers (seconds) Bev. Cantelon, Connie HorbanUik; boys’ back stroke, Neil Colquhoun, class boys’ champ ion ? Robbie Robin- BEAUTIFIES ANY INTERIOR SURFACE FOUR EXCITING COLOURS GOLDEN WHEAT • LAURENTIAN BLUE CHOCOLATE .RIPPLE BURGUNDY BLAZE SEAFORTH 527-0910 CLINTON 482-9514 Compare costs and The News-Record inadvert, ently omitted the name of Lloyd Scotchmen who was one of the Bayfield Lions to receive a 20-year award recently. We regret this oversight since Mr. Scotchmer was one of the or­ ganizers of the Bayfield branch of the Lions. ■ .■Bl SAVINGS ACCOUNTS DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS LOANS benefits before you decide Friday, August 4—Open until 8 p.m. Saturday, August 5—Closed Monday^ August 7—Civic Holiday—Closed CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED 491*3467 —* 70 Ontario Street .Reckoned to be among the most exciting events during Saturday’s swim meet were the mixed relay races. Shown here is the winning team of 13—14 year olds: BarbaraSym.ons, Kathy Kromry, Paul Bartliff and Peter Cameron. BADGER FARM EQUIPMENT For a complete line of Silo Unloaders and Distributors, Barn Cleaners, Conveyors, Feeding Systems, Forage Boxes and Blowers. Also Veterinary Supplies, Zero Milking Systems.and Barn Whitewashing. Call HURON FARM SERVICE RR 2, Seaforth Phone 482-7109 on Hwy, 8, 2 miles west of Seaforth (John Segeren Farm) SALES & SERVICE STEVE KEMBER “VALLEY OF THE DOLLS” By Jacqueline Susann No. 1 best seller for 28 consecutive weeks Paper Bound — $1.25 “THE BRUCE BECKONS4’ “PIONEER TRAVEL” “INCREDIBLE WAR OF 1812” $2.25 $2.25 $2.50 “BIRTH OF WESTERN CANADA” $2.95 “CANADA’S PAST & PRESENT” $2.25 “Dictionary of Canadian English For Beginners, Intermediate and ’Seniors . $4*50 — $5*50 — $7,75 Websters Dictionaries — $2*00 to $7*95 McEWANS Coming Next —- For 1 Week 'THE BLUE MAX" (Adult Entertainment) GEORGE PEPPARD Sales have been good. Our stock of Used Cars is getting down. We must have GET THE BEST POSSIBLE TRADE HERE TODAY I CHEVROLET CHEVELLE CHEVY 11 You have a choice of models including Sedans and Two- Door Hardfops. A nice selecton of colors and extra equipment. SEE US TODAY. The market U good for your trade-in. Now is the time to deal. Your Friendly' Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Envoy Dealer Ontario Street — CLINTON — Phone 481-9331 Fot the' summer months bur service department closes Saturday at noon — - Thank You