HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-08-03, Page 8a CMnton New^Record, Thursday, August 3, IKK
Of Interest
Baskets of white chrysanthe.
mums and yellow shasta daisies
and candelabra decorated St, George’irAngTican Church, GocL
erich,on July 22, 1967 far the
marriage of 'Carole Kathleen
Brown, daughtef“6f Mr, arid
Mrs. Clifford Brown, Goderich;
and Robin James Lawrie, son
of Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrie
of Blyth, Rev, G. G, Rusnell
performed the double-ring cer-
emony, The wedding music was
played by the church organist
Lorne Dottexuan
The bride, given in marriage
•by hey father, wore a floor
length gown of white peau de
sole with chantilly lace empire
bodice and scalloped chantilly
lace edging the bodice and el
bow-length sleeves, and it had
a controlled A-line skirt. Her
chapel train fell from the shoul
ders and this was edged with
clipped scalloped chantilly lace,
Her shoulder length veil of
French illusion was held in
place by a matching fabric rose
head-piece. She carried awhite
Bible crested with a mauve or
chid, stephanotis and ribbon,
and wore her grandmothers love
knot gold brooch.
The maid of honor was Miss
Shirley Brown, sister of the
................11 ■ ■■■■■"
brlde,and the bridesmaids were
Mrs, John Galbraith of the Bah.
amas and Miss Agnes Lawrie of
Blyth, sister of the groom.
The,flower girl was Dorothy
Fleming of Milverton, cousin
>of. the groom. All attendants
were gowned in' floor-length
empire dresses of lime green
brocade styled in similar lines
to top bride’s gown and each
carried a yellow talisman rose.
Each wore a wedding ring band
lime green headdress. The
groom was dressed in a black
dinner suit and the attendants,
wore white dinner jackets. The
best man was John Lawrie of
Kitchener, brother of the groom
and the ushers were William
Brown, Goderich, brother of
the bride and John Galbraith of
the Bahamas. The ring-bearer,
Philip Brown, Goderich, bro?
ther of the bride, was dressed
in a white suit,
Following a ride around town
in a horse-drawn two seated
buggy, the bridal party received
the guests1 in the Parish hall
where a reception took place.
They were assisted by the
bride’s mother who chose a
lime-green sheath dress and '
white lace coat, white hat and
matching accessories and wore
a corsage of yellow talisman LAWRIE
Photo by Harvey McDowell
Higher Interest Rates
roses. The groom’s mother also
assisted, wearing a dress of
apricot boucle, white hat and
white accessories and a rose
corsage. The hall was attrac.
tively decorated with pink and
white sweet peas and a four
tiered wedding cake decorated
in pink and white.
— FOR 1 or 2 YEARS
For a wedding trip to the
Bahamas, the bride donned a
pink lace over white peau de
soie tent dress, white hat and f *
accessories and a mauve orchid
corsage. On their return they
will reside in Blyth. Guests
were present from Detroit, Mil-
ver ton, London, the Bahamas,
Dresdan, Monkton, Stratford,
Kitchener, Blyth, Goderich and
Auburn. Prior to her marriage
the bride was honored with
showers by the nurses in Wing,
ham hospital, at the home of
Mrs. Frank Burke, in Auburn
and at the home of Mrs. John
Elliott at Blyth.
In Kitchener on July ltj, Jean
Loraine Booth, daughter of Mrs,
Donna Booth and the late Tho
mas Booth, exchanged vows in
a double ring ceremony with
Keith Koetsier, son qf Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Koetsier of
Listowel. Rev, E. Prosser of
Faith United Missionary
Church, Kitchener, officiated,
The br|de>who was given in
marriage by her brother Paul
Booth of Clinton,chose a for
mal gpwn in French lagoda
crepe styled with an empire
bodice and sheath skirt. A cape
of lagoda, with an embroidered
alencon lace,edge, draped oyer
the shoulder to the empire back.
A train with alencon lace ap
pliques draped from little bows
at the waist. Her headpiece of
lace and pearls held her tier
ed silk illusion veil. She car
ried a cascade of yellow sweet
heart roses, white mums and
trailing stephanotis,
The maid of honors Miss
Sharon Thompson, Kitchener,
and the bridesmaids Misses
Brenda Shanahan, London, cou
sin of the bride^ and Ericka
Koetsier, Stratford, sister
of the groom, wore similar
styled, gowns to that of the
bride. They wore sheath gowns
of sue blue crepe with match
ing daisies trimming the em
pire waists. A train fell from
the back waist. Their head
pieces were matching daisy
bands. They each carried a
cascade of yellow and white
Frank Buruma of CllhtonWs
groomsman, Two brothers of,
the groom, John and Murray
Koetsier of Listowel, ushered
the guests.
James Storms, the organist,
accompanied the soloist, Rev.
John Kurtz in the Lord’s Pray
er and O Perfect Love.
Receiving guests at the Wai-.
per Hotel, the bride’s mother
chose a yellow chiffon over taf
feta long sleeve dress, black;
accessories and a yellow and
White corsage. The groom^s
mother chose a turquoise lace-
over-crepe dress and white ac
cessories. She also wore a
yellow and white corsage.
The bride chose a white crepe
Wrap-around sheath with blue
accessories and a mauve prehid
corsage for travelling.
Upon returning from a trip
through toa north-western
States and the Western pro
vinces of Canada, the couple will
reside on the groom’s farm at
R. R, 3 Clinton.
Previous to the wedding, the
bride was honored with a shower
by the Suddaby School Staff,
Kitchener, where the bride has
taught for the past three years;
a shower by the members of
Faith United Missionary church
and a third shower by friends
and neighbors of Goderich
Township and vicinity.
(Photo by R. J. Nephew)
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Suzanne Dale Hosted
At Kinburn Shower
A bridal shower was held
last Wednesday evening, July
26 at the Foresters’ Hall, Kin
burn, for Miss Suzanne Dale,,
prior to her marriage to Gre
gory Brandon.
About 70 neighbors and
friends gathered to express
their best wishes and to pre
sent Miss Dale with many use
ful gifts. The bride-to-be, her
mother Mrs. Stewart Dale, her
grandmother, Mrs. H. Arm
strong, and Mrs. Charles Bran
don were escorted to decorated
A short program of contests
was conducted by Mrs. Elgin
Nott. Mrs. David Livingston
sang two solos and ac .umpanied
herself on the guitar. Mrs. Bill
Flynn played a number of piano
An address • composed by
Gayle Wright was read by Joan
Hopper, cousin of the bride.
, , Lunch was served by Mrs.
Oliver Wright, Mrs. Jack dar
ter, Mrs. Earl Nott and Mrs.
Elmer Dale.
the south end of Clinton
On' Saturday July 8 the mar;
riage of Irene Pfrimmer,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Rus
sell E. Pfrimmer of R. R. 4
Goderich, and John Barry Mil
lian, son of Mrs. Charles Mer
rill and the late Charles Mil
lian of R, R. 1 Clinton, was
solemnized in Benmiller United
Church. Rev. Leonard Warr of-
• ficlated at the double-ring cer«
The bride entered the church
on the arm of her father.
A deep scoop neckline, elbow
length sleeves, and a semi
empire bodice appliqu6d in
Alencon lace and encrusted with
seed pearls and crystal drops
gave a truly elegant look to
the wedding gown. The front
- of^the formal skirt was appli-
qued in flor ettes of Alencon lace
giving accent to the A-line sty.
ling. i Back interest was cen-
tered on the intricate grouping
of pleats at the natural waist,
cascading to a cathedral length
waterfall train. A floral clus
ter held her bouffant elbow-
length silk illusion veil. She
carried a crescent of mauve
orchids surrounded by white
sweetheart roses.
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Jim Pfrimmer of Goderich, and
Pat Millian of Goderich
t, u and, Mr£.-Wayne Millian. ofR.R.
5 Goderich -were-bridesmaids.
They were gowned in floor
length cage dresses of pepper
mint sheer organza over taf.
feta with bell sleeves and scoop
necklines. They carried cres
cent bouquets of white fugi
mums. Miss Brenda Stewart
of Windsor was flower girl,,
and wore a white floor-length
gown similar in design to those
of the bridesmaids; she car
ried a crescent of white fugi
Best man was Wayne Millian
of R. R. 5 Goderich, and Jim
Pfrimmer of Goderich and
Clare Millian of R. R. 5 God
erich were ushers,
To receive her guests in toe
church parlour Mrs. Pfrimmer
chose a powder blue lace rose
point ensemble of sheath de
sign with three-quarter length
coat, matching accessories
land a corsage of white sweet
heart roses. She was asslstoc
by the groom’s mother, in s
pink lace ensemble of sheati
design, three-quarter lengtl
coat, matching accessories, ant
a corsage of white seeethear
roses. 1
For travelling the bridi
changed to a two-piece aqua
marine cord ensemble wltl
white accessories and a cor
sage of white sweetheart roses
After the wedding trip to th<
south-eastern United States
the couple will live at R. R. I
Prior to her marriage th
bride was the recipient of man
lovely gifts, having been entei
tained at showers given by Mri
Wayne Millian and Pat Millie
of R. R. 5 Goderich, by Mr:
Elwyn Pfrimmer of R. R.
Goderich, by Mrs. Jim Pfrin
mer of Goderich, and by Mr
George Hooper of Ridgetow
Mrs. Russell Pfrimmer ente:
tained at a Trousseau Teafor
her daughter on July 4,» pou
mg tea were Mrd, Rai]
Stewart,./- Ridgetownjp.iMMr
George Millian, Auburn,ai
Mrs. Mel Greer, Lucknow-
Never look directly at the st
even while wearing sun glassi
advises The Canadian Nation
Institute for the Blind. Infra-r<
rays can penetrate those daj
lenses and damage the retii
of the eye.
If fertilizer, plant spray <
insecticide gets into your eye
flood therh with water imme
iately for approximately 15 mi
utes. Hold your face under tl
tap or pour cool water from
bottle. Do not use an eye cu]
Wednesday, August 16th
This modern, streamlined mill is
site adjacent to No. 4 highway at
nearing completion on a
It has been designed to manufacture bulk ancT pMTeffid feeds
to the highest quality, texture and formulation specifications
AUGUST 16th, 7:30 P M
Still Coming In
L. R. Maloney, chairman of
the Bayfield Community Centre
Finance Committee, states that
since the last report, he has
received the following donar-
tions: Elmer Parker,$50; Mrs.
Agnes Parker. $50: Sun Oil
Company, $25; E. R, Ab.er-
hart, $100; R. E. McKinley
M.P., $50; Bartliff’s Bakery,
$10; K. C. Cook, $10; Bay-
field Hockey Club, $5.
A further $280.61 has been
raised by a raffle for a pony
and pony rides.- The pony was
purchased from H. Peck who
donated half the cost.
A letter from the Department
of National Revenue, Taxation
Division, has been received by
the Bayfield Community Centre
Finance Chairman, stating that
receipts may be issued for tax
deduction purposes, provided
that the corporation of the vil
lage of Bayfield authorizes the
issuing of such receipts.
Receipts will be issued* in
the name of “Bayfield Commu
nity Cehtre Committee on be
half of the Village of Bayfield,’*
It is observed fromthe letter
that a claim for donations to
the above fund should be quoted
as “Donations to a Canadian
Municipality by virtue of sub-
paragTaph(iii) of Section 27 (1)
(a) of the Income Tax Act,”
, Official receipt books ate now
being printed,
If you were born in
You should apply now for your
By applying now you will receive your first payment
in January 1968, when persons who have reached the age of 67
become eligible for Old Age Security.
feed service
Try dipping a small, clean
watercolor brush in cake frost
ing to letter cookies and cakes
if you'do not have a cake decora
Wedding Pictures
Phone 48^7(166
If you were born in 1901
'You should make application for your
Old Age Security pension six months before your 67th birthday.
Ah Old Age Security application form may be obtained at your
local Post Office, or by writing to the Regional Director of Old Age'
Security in the capital City of your province. With it you will receive
a pamphlet giving full information about Old Age Security*
As soon aS your Old Age Security pension is approved, you will be sent
information about the Guaranteed Income Suppleiherit and aii application
form. You may be entitled to a supplement which, together with your Old Age
Secutity pension, will guarantee you a fnOnthly income of at least S105\00»