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Clinton News-Record, 1967-08-03, Page 5
From My Window Ah Well - Just Another Day Today, finds me bone-weary dog-tired, out-on-my-feet. From the Instant my hus band’s violent bellow wafted across the bed to encourage me to rise up and meet my house-wifely obligations, I knew this day would be that rare mixture of snarls, yawns and keep-awake-pinches which al ways ends in a horrible quar rel with somebody near and dear - usually my husband. Just how I got so tired is really nobody^s business but my own, but because Fye noth- ing else upon which to ex pound this week, I’ll relate my tale which women will recog nize as ordinary devoted sacrifical . living > normal for every wife and mother. I guess it really began a couple of weeks ago when our youngest child was sick. The poor little guy was thor oughly miserable and his only desire was to be held, rocked and loved, Besides getting nauseated in a swaying rock er, my husband complained that fathers were useless when It came to soothing fevered brows' - especially those brows which are fevered between midnight and 5:30 in the morning, I really don’t object to trud ging wearily between our bed room and the nursery for five • nights in a row. What did irri- tate me was tlie regular early, morning call to duty which never varied" more than five minutes in either direction of 7 a.m. And they say women are the weaker sex! The weekend arrived with a picnic supper on the agenda Those of you who read this garble faithfully’ know my the- '• 5CUnton News-Record, Thursday, Auguet 3, WtAugust Food Price Outlook Continued strong beef prices and lower lettuce and tomato prices are forecast for Aug- ust by the Canada Department of Agriculture, Here are th? details of their food outlook * for the month; EGGS; Egg prices have strengthened from a weak pos ition and further small increas es are like!y as supplies de crease seasonally. TURKEY: The 1967 heavy turkey crop has started to mar ket and will be equal to last year, Price outlook is slightly weaker than a year ago. Broil er turkey marketings will be reduced, but storage stocksare larger. CHICKEN: Broiler chicken marketings will be up both sea sonally and from last year. Little price change is expected from current level. PORK: Supplies continue plentiful and no immediate changes in prices are expected. BEEF; Under heavy seas onal demand prices will contine strong at current levels. STONE FRUIT; Peaches and plums are expected to show smaller crops than last year, with firm prices. APPLES: Early varieties will be available with general crop prospects equal to or better than a year ago. VEGETABLES; Lettuce and tpmato prices are expected to ease from present high levels as local supplies become more plentiful, Clinton Wl CORONERS ANNOUNCED Hon, Charles S. MacNaugh- ton,MPP for Huron,announced this week that three additional cor oner s have been appointed by the attorney general’s depart ment to serve the county of Huron. They are Dr. Raymond W, Flowers, Clinton, Dr. Paul 1*. Brady, R. R. 2 Seaforth andDr.. G, F. Mills, Goderich, Already serving as coroners for the county are Dr. J. C, Goddard, Hensail; Dr. N. C, Jackson, Goderich; Dr. E, A, McMaster, Grand Bend, Dr. W, A, Crawford, Wingham,and Dr. J. C. McKimJ Lucknow. , Mr. MacNaughton Indicated that the additional appointments will ensure sufficient coronets are available in the county to allow for vacations, illness or an unusual number of inquests in one particular area, pry about picnics. As far as Pm concerned picnic ar e “fun” times for dad and the kids and “run” times for mom, . No magic wand packs the lunch. No good fairy does the setting up chores at the pic nic site. And no mysterious nose twitching will clean up the mess afterwards, It’s always mom . , who gets the kick in the pants With the family feeling smug because they’ve gotten mom out of her kitchen for at least one meal, And still the law allows the marriage ceremony to pledge women to obedience! Now, for several nights in a row, my gallant provider has been working late. Pm grate ful. The kids are grateful. The grocer’s grateful. But that’s not enough. Someone has to stay up to throw some bread into the toaster or pour hot water on the instant coffee. The same man who is an impervious giant at work all day is a de manding weakling in the pri vacy of his home. This morning, the baby is well. There is really nothing to prevent me from’ resting in bed until 7:30 or 8 o’clock — except my husband’s mid-Vic- torian notion that he has a wife to find his socks for him and wave goodbye to him. I know my husband feels sure he has me on the ropes. Boy, I Holds Meeting Members of ClintonWomen’s Institute held their July meet ing ‘ in the Clinton park with Mrs. W, Col clough in charge of opening exercises. During the business portion of -the outing, it was announced that the group was to be re sponsible for the hospital cart during the month of August, Sports committee Mrs. J, Grigg, Mrs. C. Nelson and Mrs, A. Crich conducted a good as sortment of games and contests with everyone taking part. There was also a pantry pennj sale. Keep i;our tape measure neat by winding it on an empty adhe sive tape spool and using the cover as a cap. 9th ANNUAL WESTERN ONTARIO ANTIQUE SHOW Stratford Coliseum MONDAY, AUGUST 7th TO HEARING AID SERVICE CENTRE Thursday, August 10 CAMPBELLS VISIT YOUR There wil .be no extension beyond this date. Terms are still 10% off for booking, plus an extra 5% off for cash. Due To Customer Response On SILO UNLOADERS AND BUNK FEEDERS HEY LOOK I ■ summer, enjoy Carling Cinci Lager Beer. It goes down a little easier, satisfies a whole lot more! Applicants with Grade XII standing or equiva lent are invited to contact the Director, Centralia School of Agriculture and Home Economics Centralia, Ontario. THE BOOKING HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO AUGUST 12th FARM SERVICE CENTRE FOB COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES — INSTALLATION — SERVICE 17 Rattenbury Clinton Phone 482*9561 NOTICE to PARENTS CONCERN a • f, .b-vi •>■*» -‘-V ' I brwPlease take note that Brar)ch>:140(.‘Royal*CanadianLLegion; Clinton, will not assume or be responsible for the safety of children or persons using the Legion parkirig'areas as a playground or for similar activity. GEORGE WONCH Legion Property Committee Branch 140, Clinton BELTONE Phone for FREE Home Appointment Service to all makes of Hearing Aids. E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE A new technical school at Centralia, similar to those presently in operation in Ridgetown and Kemptville, will commence training sessions in September, 1967. The two-year courses provided will lead to diplomas in Agriculture or Home Economics. Living accommodations on campus. ©ONTARIO PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY Lieutenant Walter J. Wylie, whose wife is the former Lana Langdon of Clinton, has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal with combat “V” for valour. Presently stationed in Washington DC. Lt. Wylie w}ll be instructing the Naval Reserve Officer . Training Corps students at the University of Mississippi, in the fall. has he a wrong number. As soon as he’s out tire door it’s to the typewriter for me. I may not ever win on the home front, but at least I’ll have the satisfaction of nagging through this column. GUIDER MEETS CHIEF GUIDE SATURDAY, AUGUST 12th 11:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICESMAP ■„¥ ■**■»** offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Coverage At Cost! INDIVIDUAL and GROUP RATES AVAILABLE— Inquire to-day from: Robert McMillon, RR 2, Seaforth Peter Roy, Clinton Gordon Richardson, RR I ( Brucefield Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 82 Albert St., Clinton Phone 482-9751 (continued from page I) er timidly approached offering a raincoat. However, Lady Bad. en-Powell shook her . fist at the sky, saying emphatically, “no, no, no!” The rain stop ped. Wearing the uniform of the World Guide Organization, her piercing eyes held a merry twinkle as she circulated among “her girls.” She accomplished . the seemingly impossible by shaking hands with every guide leader at each of the six sub camp sites. At an evening campfire cere mony, Lady Baden-Powell ad dressed the 2,000 assembled Guides and Guiders after the flags of the 12 nations repre sented at the camp were re- tired. , She talked about, the influ ence of Guides in the world today amid forces of good and evil. She compared the situa tion to a. blindfolded Statue of Justice, the scales held aloft. To. one side of the scale,- went ■' '^good and to the otherf’dvii?U “There is a rising tide of evil, but also a rising tide of good and you don’t hear about it. Our movement is throwing its good into spreading tlie best ideals and we come into the world picture because we trans, cend all barriers of all nations, races and faiths,” she said. “I spell the word evil with a “D” in front of it and I spell the word good with only one “O”, she added. After her speech, Lady Baden-Powell lit candles for about a dozen Guides, who in turn lit others until the entire area was literally ablaze with flame, symbolic of tlie spread of the Guide movement through, out the world. Ceremonies were completed with the singing of Taps accom panied by a lone bugle. McGee Pontiac-Buick Ltd., Is On An L.S.D. KICK (Let's Sell Demonstrators) Better than new cars ■— $ave Hundreds of Dollars IS: 1967 PONTIAC FIREBIRD H.O. Only 2,500 miles. Beautiful Verdoro green metallic with white cordova top, white rally stripes and whitewalls. Equipped as follows: 285 h.p. 326 V-8 with duals and 4 barrel carb, push-button radio, rear antenna, tear speaker, trunk mat, front and rear flloor mats, power steering, power brakes, rally guage cluster, hood mounted tachometer. Rally II wheels, full tinted glass, clock, performance suspension, 4-speed floor shift with console, deluxe seat belts, visor vanity mirrors, remote control outside mirror, door guards, exhaust splitters, and custom trim. Ser. 223377U132492.-New price $4,618.35. LSD. Price $3995 IE: a 1967 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Twcrdocr -hardrciprSharp eborl^'Blac’k wifh dark red inferior. Only 1,500 miles. Features world famous 283 cu. in. V*8 motor, automatic, power steering, power brakes, tinted windshield, push-button radio, rear speaker, front mats, .whitewalls; discs, and .all the'GM safety features. Ser. 7648771161026. New price $4,138.80. L.S.D. LS D. Price $3495 Cash in on these GREAT values—The time is NOW Phone for a demonstration drive Top trade-in allowances I.A.C. Terms to Suit McGEE Pontiac-Buick-Cadillac GODERICH Est. 1929